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(3.92 MB 3225x2156 x360_theorangebox.jpg)

(7.52 MB 1899x2460 x360_theorangebox.png)

8chan Mosaic: Orange Box Edition Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 06:00:27 Id: f01828 No. 967656
IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER MOSAIC This time for the all-time classic Orange Box as it was sold for the Xbox 360 (since I couldn't find the PC box cover). >How does this work? It's simple. The chosen mosaic image will be split into sections (see the second image for how these images will be split) and it's your job as the contributor to pick one of these slides to edit yourself, make sure to announce which slide you pick in the thread so no duplicates happen - draw over it or add your own spin to the slide or work in collaboration with the slide adjacent to yours. It's up to you what you ultimately decide to do. When you're finished with that, post the slide you edited ITT with the name/spot specified. >Do I need to be a drawfag for this? Absolutely not. What you do kind of need to be is creative/imaginative. Don't simply photoshop a dick onto someone's face, use photoshop creatively in some way which fits in with the mosaic and doesn't stand out. You'll see in some mosaic examples how there is always one or two slides with just a random mish-mash of memes pasted on to it, resulting in ZERO lulz. Do something fresh and new with your slide. This does not necessitate being a good artist, let alone a good artist with your mouse. Please await the slides to be posted below.
(528.58 KB 382x539 A1.png)

(473.22 KB 381x539 A2.png)

(431.29 KB 381x539 A3.png)

(511.96 KB 382x539 A4.png)

(547.64 KB 382x539 B1.png)

(545.80 KB 381x539 B2.png)

(549.32 KB 381x539 B3.png)

(549.56 KB 382x539 B4.png)

(516.98 KB 382x539 C1.png)

(525.29 KB 381x539 C2.png)

(537.56 KB 381x539 C3.png)

(517.00 KB 382x539 C4.png)

(348.83 KB 382x539 D1.png)

(298.15 KB 381x539 D2.png)

(342.18 KB 381x539 D3.png)

(353.85 KB 382x539 D4.png)

>>967656 >the 360 version
>(since I couldn't find the PC box cover) Here.
(458.69 KB 381x539 B3.png)

B3 (forgot to claim)
>>967656 Claiming 2A
claiming D4
Claiming A4
(428.08 KB 382x539 A4.png)

>>968028 A4 delivery.
Bumping because people might not know that we have a mosaic thread.
>>970130 Fuck, no kidding. I keep seeing this thread and mean to make a tile once I get home and then I forgor
>>967656 >>970137 I keep wanting to do ANYTHING on the site but for the past year every single day I have had to leave early and come back late. Objectively speaking out of 365 days I have had 20 where I could shitpost freely.
>>967658 claming b1
(447.17 KB 382x539 B1huse.png)

(121.64 KB 382x539 C2.png)

C2 is mine.
>>970402 >>970417 Simple and effective. Nice.
(2.38 KB 382x539 D4.png)

D4 in low res.
>>970402 Top tier
>>970402 You didn't change anyth-
(442.90 KB 381x539 a2_edited.png)

>>967656 I managed to make an edit
>>970402 If Half-Life were made today by anyone else, Gordon would probably be a snarky smartass just like House is.
(433.96 KB 382x539 B4.png)

Here's B4
(98.83 KB 381x539 B2.png)

B2, Disney style.
Claiming A3
(454.49 KB 381x539 a.png)

>>970618 aw :(
Claiming d3.
(77.66 KB 640x829 tmp.jpg)

It is nice to see this coming along and the deliveries get delivered. Here is a guide to what's left. Red squares have been delivered, green is claimed.
>>970653 Just keep going meng, I'll pick another!
>>970675 Claiming C1!!!
(346.79 KB 382x539 D1.png)

Claiming and Delivering D1
(485.38 KB 382x539 C1Kart.png)

C1 Delivery
(471.14 KB 382x539 A1.png)

Decided to do A1
(13.33 KB 381x539 D2.png)

D2 in comic sans.
>>970653 updated hope no one minds the /vb/ mascot >>970676 thx anon and sorry :)
(441.36 KB 382x539 A4.png)

>>970908 updated A4 with the bee and a friend
(464.90 KB 381x539 a3_1.png)

>>970908 Fixed her DISGUSTING long neck
>>970908 >>970993 Thank you for allowing my "Cringe Box" joke to live >>970774 >Gex 666 Fuck yeah
(6.31 KB 111x113 g.png)

>>970774 Btw here's "G" in the XBOX font and with the same texture as the other letters if you want to use it
>>971108 I was actually screwing around the other day working on a tile and found an Xbox font generator online, but gave up since I couldn't come up with a better idea. How did you get the texture mapped to the shape? (speaking as a complete novice to image editing)
>>971141 >How did you get the texture mapped to the shape? (speaking as a complete novice to image editing) I'm also an amateur myself I just zoomed on one of the letters, cropped a square-ish block off of an X, then created a Pattern in photoshop by clicking Edit->Define Pattern. Then I selected the entire letter using the magic wand tool on a transparent background and filled the letter with the Pattern Stamp Tool. I was lucky in that the letter was full of regular-looking artifacts, so I managed to make an alright pattern on my first try, but ideally you would want to duplicate the image and fuck around with it until all the edges of the square pattern match the ones on the opposite side.
>>971156 >then created a Pattern in photoshop by clicking Edit->Define Pattern Ah, neat. That'll come in handy.
Still available: C3, C4. Claimed but still not delivered: D3.
>>971235 Claiming C4.
Has there been a gondola yet?
>>971659 It doesn't look like it. C3 is still available if you want to add one in.
>>971748 I guess I'll claim C3 then. It it might take a day to deliver though I don't have a lot of time today. How many are left to be delivered?
>>971824 > How many are left to be delivered? It looks like we are only waiting on deliveries of C3, C4, and D3. I would not be opposed to someone improving D2 or D4 since the same anon did four tiles and these two only have one gimmick to them.
>>971837 Because they were featureless in the first place. Then again, this cover was really not ideal for this, half of it is text. It's best if you start with a very detailed cover, so that you can mess and subvert things, rather than just adding LOL RANDUMB shit on top of nothing.
>>971912 I have to agree. Your only options for a featuress tile like that is to either remake it with some new art style, or to mess with the text to make it spell something else. So far so good on the mosaic as a whole though.
(259.58 KB 381x539 C3 gondola.png)

Honestly not sure about this but there wasn't much to work with in this square. If anyone wants to add to it go ahead.
>>972341 If I had a decent enough image and the skill to edit it so that it blends into the depths of the gradient, I'd add a little spurdo devil watching the little guys from below.
(332.21 KB 381x539 d3complete.png)

d3 delivery.
All delivered except C4.
>>972421 Delivering C4. :^)
>>972402 > Tea Mistress Nice.
>>972367 > I'd add a little spurdo devil watching the little guys from below. Fug that's a good idea. I'll try to do that later.
>>972444 (checked) Not as nice as those trips!
(266.64 KB 381x539 C3 2.png)

(264.69 KB 381x539 C3 3.png)

>>972341 Improved version.
(9.42 KB 225x225 Benissimo.jpg)

(142.70 KB 382x539 C4.png)

Since the C4 anon failed to deliver, here's my silly take.
(154.91 KB 382x539 C4 DK64.png)

>>972997 Wait, nevermind that, had a better idea.
>>972999 (check'd) Putting the mosaic together now
>>973017 The right side of D1 was cut off and we lost the Golf Life joke. Try again.
(5.07 MB 1525x2155 Gex 666 he Cringe Soy.png)

>>973018 Erm, nobody saw that. HERE'S THE CORRECT ONE!
>>973019 YESSS
>>973021 The bee seems to be looking forward to it. I gotta say I love the wordplay in this one.
(14.74 KB 204x350 4 gondolas.png)

(15.65 KB 204x350 4 gondolas climbing.png)

(7.14 KB 82x61 voodoo spurdo.png)

>>972510 Clean bits and bobs for posterity.
(1.14 MB 250x250 slow chuckle.gif)

>>973019 >>970701 I didn't get it out of context. Great stuff
(4.80 KB 139x193 vi.webp)

>>973021 >>973023 It's not just ANY bee. It's Vi, from the highly acclaimed video game inspired by the Paper Mario Series known as Bug Fables! She's a grade-a slutty whore!
>>973126 >She's a grade-a slutty whore Oh yeah?
(18.08 KB 640x480 Oekaki)

>>973128 Here's live footage of her daily train running session
>>973140 That could be any bee though.
>>973140 >no black Phew, she's still pure
>>973148 Ok, i see no reason to dispute this claim now.
>>973140 I like how the POV is from said "train". Are you waiting in line?
>>973150 Yes. It's my only chance to lose the v-card.
(64.29 KB 109x67 pain.webm)

>>973019 Mork shoulda pinned this to make sure everyone saw it.
(156.92 KB 900x757 clipboard.jpg)

(28.12 KB 768x432 Custers Revengeance.png)

>>973019 Custers Beefucking Grand Adventure
(797.33 KB 350x195 spurdoe_pilot.gif)

>>973026 fukken saved, cheers!
>>973019 Does anyone volunteer to post this on social media and see if anyone gives a shit? Or is there a booru where we are collecting them all?
>>973860 I've been collecting them. I'm not sure if they've ever been posted on Ourobooru.
>>973886 Didn't ourobooru die?
>>973019 >>973148 I intended to show Vi (the bee) to be sort of floating away because of the XBONX DEAD ripples but this is pretty funny
>>973889 https://ourobooru.booru.org/ Fuck the mods with their stupid scaremongering thread. Made /v/ stop using the booru.
>>973966 That's my exact point, though.
>>973966 >>973919 >Last 8-booru update: 2021-08-17 17:51:06 >Last Ourobooru update: 2024-05-15 17:30:42 It's fiiiiine
Repost your favorite mosaics anons!
(3.95 MB 1530x2156 GNAA SHIET.png)

>>974068 Sam and Max's one will always hold a special place in my heart >>974493 This was made by the zzziggers, can't fool me
(138.90 KB 500x375 1498406070.gif)

>>974493 >posting zzzigger OC knowing full well they will shit themselves with rage if they so much as think we are trying to "steal" their OC
>>974612 Nobody said post 8chan mosaics specifically. Even cuckchan made mosaics before the first exodus.
>>974615 The issue is those retards absolutely do get fucking pissy if their "OC donut steel" shows up on this site specifically.
>>974611 >>974612 >>974615 >>974617 I use both, I give no shits
>>974617 >The issue is those retards absolutely do get fucking pissy if their "OC donut steel" shows up on this site specifically. That's an extra fun reason to steal it and do donuts
(3.76 MB 3921x6169 bayonetta.jpg)

>>974631 It's fine, I'm just messing with you

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