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Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 03:28:36 Id: 6cd8d6 No. 968667
I got a PS5 and I have a good collection of PS4 games and I'm going to get more. What are the essential PS5 games I need to get? JRPGs, shooters, anime games, you name it. What ones do I need in my collection? Planning on getting Stellar Blade and I have digital Spiderman 2 and I have Helldivers 2, but other than that I have no idea.
>>968667 >What are the essential PS5 games I need to get? Literally nothing!!! You wasted $600 Freedom Bucks on a system with literally ZERO games.
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>>968675 WOW! Yes there are very few games, but there aren't any games at all coming out anymore unless you consider the Switch which is all children's games. It's a problem with the industry. I got it so my nephew could play Helldivers 2. And by the way I love the console because my grandma gave away my Playstation 4 while I was in jail. LOL. But anyway, I have about 30 PS4 games that I can play on it. I also bought an Xbox Series X recently, but it sucks and it only has Halo because Xbox sucks. I like to keep it just to have hardware, but I might sell it to buy some PS4/PS5 games. My nephew likes Xbox because it's what he's used to, but he really needs to get away from Xbox. He plays Insurgency: Sandstorm and that's a faggot game. Some people are just born "dudebros" and I'm trying to snap him out of it. Dudebroism is how we got into the political mess we're in. I hope Microsoft kills off most of the games industry and themselves.
>>968667 >>968678 >He bought a nogaems5 Why even bother when you can get a PS4 for cheap or just save up for a PC?
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>>968678 >Yes there are very few games No, there's zero games. And the games that do exist, are inferior in every way to games that came out before. >but there aren't any games at all coming out anymore Get a refund on that PS5, and spend that money either building a gaming PC or buying a game console that came out before 2013. There are tens of thousands of games that exist out there, released over the past 40 years, that are worth playing. >I got it so my nephew could play Helldivers 2. You wasted your money. You could have gotten literally any other console and handed him a copy of EDF or God Eater or even fucking Borderlands. Neogaf has an entire thrad dedicated to talking about games belonging to this "genre": https://archive.ph/Vahz3 And if the kid bitches, tell him his choices are either playing what you have or nothing at all. >And by the way I love the console because my grandma gave away my Playstation 4 while I was in jail. Nigger > I also bought an Xbox Series X Double nigger! >I might sell it to buy some PS4/PS5 games. There are less than 10 games worth getting a PS4 to play. And the PS5 literally has nothing in it's library worth playing. >My nephew likes Xbox because it's what he's used to, but he really needs to get away from Xbox. He's not the only one who needs to get off the teet of modern gaming.
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>>968678 >I love the console because my grandma gave away my Playstation 4 while I was in jail. LOL. Then you won't have any moral issues jailbreaking the console
>>968678 >And by the way I love the console because my grandma gave away my Playstation 4 while I was in jail Post skin color, timestamped.
>>968675 >>968682 >>968683 I have a PC, but it's a low end from 2018 with a 1660ti and without an SSD, and I use it to play Helldivers 2 on lowest specs, but to be honest with you I don't feel like paying $1500 for a current gaming PC and building it is worth it. Within 6 or 7 years I'll have to rebuild another mid-spec gaming PC and it will cost just the same. It doesn't matter to me. I play on PC right now, but it's an old PC, and it sucks. PC is for faggots who swallowed the kool-aid. Sorry. Mouse and keyboard is nice for FPS games, but with everything else you need a PS5 or Xbox controller. That's why PC will always be second-place. The hardware is too expensive and it's not developed for. By the way, I'm the Messiah, I'm sure you've seen me.
>>968687 > PC is for faggots who swallowed the kool-aid > I'm the Messiah >>968688 <Random Jewtube music link What schizoshit am I seeing posted?
>Play Station >Games >>968689 It's probably a cuckchanner, those faggots have made the whole site /soc/ for a while now, but it's probably a general behavioral thing for all of them in general, with most of them doing in the same in the sharty, which tells me that we as a society have lost a fundamental sense of shame wherein we keep up true anonymity for one reason or another, and now people are just willing to give their posts a face out of nowhere. Also /x/ cuckchan is full of schizos, this is the 387th person I've seen claim to be "the messiah" in the past 5 years.
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>OP dropping his spaghetti Serves him right, he trusted sony
What the actual fuck?
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I can't believe I had to dust off this old image for this thread.
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I also own a nogaems5 but that's because I have a legit mental illness Bipolar and during a manic episode spent all my money save don vidya I would not recommend anyone get a PS5, they are shit. Get a relatively modern PC and a Switch instead.
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>>968700 He has a legit mental illness from ICD-11 called compulsive buying disorder falling for the nogaems5 scam. Playing Nigger Man 2 is like playing BLACKED.COM, is he from /interracial/?
>>968700 >switch Buy a Vita instead nigger.
>>968727 Or just get a steam deck and emulate both.
>>968700 >PC and a Switch smartest x2 combo
>>968731 A vita with all the accessories maybe some extra cables. Though I mean a carrying case, SD card, SD2Vita. Maybe a tempered glass screen protector most likely at worse will cost you 190-300 depending on where you buy it from I imported mine from Japan. Though this isn't feasible anymore and i would not recommend doing it. Plus it's not region locked, unlike the Switch you don't need to pay for online and the ENTIRE library is for free whenever you want. Plus you can emulate up to snes. PsP emulation is functional too. Steam deck is fine but kinda costly depending on your country but either or is up to you.
>>968738 Or you can spend a bit more and emulate both, dont be cheap.
Fantastic bait m8
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No one's so niggercattle, /v/'s been baited. Expecting games from the nogaems5 that literally has nothing worth playing, Blacked Man 2, Helldivers after the PSN thread on their stunt about requiring a PSN account going forward because of ///toxic gamers\\\, Stellar Blade after the Operation Hard AG thread about submitting consumer protection complaints it released censored despite Sony's claims it would be uncensored and how it had a dedicated graphic for advertising this fact, "PC is for faggots who swallowed the kool-aid," "I'm the Messiah" schizoshit.
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>What are the essential PS5 games I need to get?
Posting in a nigger thread. What a ride! >owns a nogames5 >had his grams sell his nogames4 while in jail >nephew is a xbone normalfag >expects anyone to take a nog seriously
What is going on in this thread?
>>969140 shit bait
>>969141 >Melanin Mongler
>>968687 > I'm the Messiah, I'm sure you've seen me > PC will always be second-place. The hardware is too expensive and it's not developed for Is this bait?
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>>969254 There's a cool channel I found that does these 8-bit covers, but gets them running on actual hardware. He was selling cartridge albums awhile ago but I think he sold out of them.
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>>968696 >PS5 at the end of it's lifecycle. On the PS6, devs will have to start making games which will release at the PS6's end of life, six months before the console's launch. >PS7 will just be a 60fps upgrade for PS6 games, with developers just skipping it to work on PS8 games. >The only developer who can afford to make games for the PS8 are Microsoft and Rockstar.
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>>969282 >The 6th console isn't even a console, it's just a bag of shit with the name "Playstation 6" on it
>>969283 That's already the 5th console. By the 6th you don't own your bag of shit, you sign up for Shit-As-A-Service with a Season Pass to the septic system of Sony Interactive Entertainment.
the goodest goy
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>>969282 >PS7 will just be a 60fps upgrade for PS6 games The last time sub-60fps was acceptable was a couple of decades ago. Pic related, a fucking gorgeous game running at 60fps on 1998 hardware. Any developer still shitting out 30fps games has no excuse.
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>>970382 Soulcalibur still amazes me on how fucking good it looks. This fucking game came out in 1998 Same year as Tekken 3, Half Life and MGS In terms of looks, it's a generational leap above all of those games.
>>970387 The Dreamcast WAS a next generation console. But even it struggled to run Half-Life, which had some very large maps.
>>970446 SoulCalibur was originally an Arcade title though. I remember that Soulcalibur suffered from frame drops on the console version, though that version has 3D models in the background unlike the Arcade version. Pretty sure it's just optimization too, Gearbox got fucked hard by Valve which was fucking ass communicating or providing access to tools and support. This isn't just Randy being a sour bitch either, Ritual Entertainment and Troika said exactly the same.
>>970449 >SoulCalibur was originally an Arcade title though. On a board that was basically a souped up PS1. https://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=535
>>970457 That makes it even more impressive. How the fuck did they achieve such a thing? It's shit like that that made me want to own a console and that's completely gone now.
>>970457 >>970468 Wait, nevermind I guess Namco must have updated the cabinets, the 1998 Arcade release looks way worse than the Dreamcast release. But I do remember seeing an Arcade version with the Dreamcast version around 2001 or so.
>>970470 Perhaps a bootleg, a console crammed into a cabinet?
>>970487 Shit, maybe I never played it myself since I hogged all the Pinball, Race and Shooter cabinets. I'm 100% it was Soulcalibur with the Dreamcast visuals though.
>>970492 It's possible they did because loads of arcade companies had the habit of releasing the arcade version first, then porting the game to consoles, then porting that version back to the arcades. This happened with Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive.
>>970533 I just can't find any official machine that played the Dreamcast version. I was sure it was the Dreamcast version, but I could be wrong.
What the hell even happened here?
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>>970569 Read the thread and find out you fucking dingus!
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>>968700 Switch is unnecessary thanks to emulation at this point unless you're a smashfag in which case you would already have one. Splatoon would also have been worth it but 3 is a terrible place to start the series and 2 is dead. Zero reason for anyone who doesn't already own a current gen console to get one. Get a steam deck if you want a handheld.
>For years I thought it was a Sony executive that said that the PS4 was rocket science level stuff >Search it up again >It was actually Marc Whitten (pic related) referring to the fucking Kinect during the Xbone reveal Holy fucking shit these kikes >Archived 11 years ago Holy fucking shit AHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAH https://archive.is/989kg Dead brand, finally, RIP Micro$shaft Xbawks, I won't miss you!
>>970715 >Get a steam deck if you want a handheld. I think a fuckhuge $400+ handheld is hard to justify, outside of a niche of people who travel a lot and would have that as their main gaming system. Most just need something small and cheap to pass the time at the doctor's waiting room or whatever. And so I'd suggest instead a gamepad with a phone holder, or one of those chink handhelds, or a modded PSP or Vita. And then emulate the shit out of 8-bit, 16-bit consoles.
>>970715 >get something that costs more than the Switch, is much heavier and larger, is ergonomically unusual, and can't play every Switch game if you want a handheld What? Lmao
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>>970754 >is ergonomically unusual
>>970754 Well, it IS better than the Switch, in the sense that it can run a lot more games (most PC games + emulate many other systems), as well as tons of other kinds of software.
>>970770 Yeah, but most PC games are either better played with an actual mouse and keyboard, or are otherwise ports from console which are better played using a controller. Playing an RTS or an FPS on a Deck sounds like shit for example. Those touchpads are fucking gay and very obtrusive >>970758 >discussion is about handhelds >uses the home console mode with the shittiest possible layout You're not wrong that it's also pretty shit ergonomically, at least in that mode. Still not on the level of the Deck though.
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>>970773 What seems to be the issue here?
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>>970773 Forgot to add (again) That you can play most console ports to PC there, most of which Switch cannot play. I'm just waiting for a Steam Deck 2 just to replay MGR and Resident Evil Remake wherever the fuck I want.
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>>970773 Detached and docked is very ergonomic for me since my arms can move. I'm old and get joint pains holding other controllers too long.
>>970773 >Those touchpads are fucking gay and very obtrusive
>>970887 He's right, not retarded. Touchpads are shit for games that need precision.
>>970893 No it checks out. I did all the high concept mathematics in my lab. I cross-referenced empirical evidence and studies published by professionals who are well respected. He's a retard. The touchpads double as programmable keyboards. Should you fail to see the benefit of that; I remind you casuals to just use the waggle controls instead.
>>970923 >touchpads as programmable keyboards I think I lost braincells reading this.

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