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Vidya Gaems

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Summer Gamefest Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 14:06:20 Id: c51af4 No. 969115
>22 days for impact
>22 days for impact <2 + 2 = 4 <2 * 2 = 4 <22 + 4 = 26 <1998 + 26 = 2024 <There's been three full games released <Which means that three IS "officially" four Do you guys know what this means? It's time for my meds.
>>969123 When half life
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>>969123 >>969124 >>969127 There are two games known to be in development at Valve >Neon Prime, some kind of competitive online shooter >a project codenamed "HLX" that seems to be something in the Half-Life universe running on HLA's technical foundation They filed a trademark for Neon Prime not too long ago, but HLX is only known about through datamining and it's entirely possible it could get cancelled at any moment as has happened with several Half-Life games in the past. But right now they're focused on trying to CS2 in a better state, so don't expect any games soon.
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>>969136 >Soon I don't expect games from Valve ever >.mp4 Man, I think I replayed the GBA port of Yoshis island like 10 times, great fucking game, the soundtrack is pure nostalgia.
>>969136 An addendum on this: reportedly Neon Prime has been renamed again, now "Deadlock", and is in closed alpha, possibly to be announced in the coming weeks.
>>969136 Isn't Neon Prime just Ricochet 2?
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>>969138 What's wrong with character creators.
>>969278 Pay attention
>>969281 If you want to highlight the tranny propaganda, show screenshots of the tranny propaganda. Otherwise your image doesn't tell me anything.
>>969286 The samey shit UI anon They all have the same awful minimalist boxy UI
>>969275 still makes me laugh
>>969272 No, gameplay wise it sounds like a mix of Dota and TF2. I personally have zero interest because I don't care about multiplayer games.
>>969359 Still kinda surprising that they're still making video games. Although I'm not interested in it myself.
>>969372 Damn, Paz is a bombshell!
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>>969372 >>969410 What is she doing in the middle of the desert?
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>>969636 That's fucking hilarious.
Other than Slipknot supposedly doing stuff there, I don't think it will be anything other than slop
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>>973952 Love me some super shilled has beens! Is Ramstein going to be there too in between all the ads with trannies in it?

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