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Sony reportedly working on new (actual) handheld, can play PS4 games Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 14:18:16 Id: 76d426 No. 969732
https://archive.is/0pWee The leaks are coming from known Sony leakers, including one who revealed that Death Stranding and Horizon were both coming to PC. The leaker compared it to the Steam Deck. The OP is a brief because the article itself of sparse, not much was talked about other than its existence and very rough specs.
>can play PS4 games So, it doesn't play any game then.
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>>969734 Yes yes, witty remark with 50 epic reaction image replies. The PS4 isn't as barren as the PS5 at least, and if you count multiplats it would have a decent library. What I'm wondering is why somebody may purchase it over the Steam Deck? Price and size have to be a major factor, because while the PS4 does have some good exclusives it does not have remotely the same library as PC. Of course it could also coast along on brand recognition. Even the Vita sold over ten million units despite being expensive and poorly marketed. Mostly I'm happy handheld gaming seems to be coming back. All we've had for years was the Switch. Smartphone gaming was a mistake.
The only good part is that it means you might get a cheaper portable PC provided the homebrew community can break it open, otherwise it's shit.
Also, Sony should absolutely not fuck around and just call it "PlayStation Portable 2", assuming it's a proper standalone handheld. These cute product names are stupid and entirely the products of overpaid marketing departments. Learn from the mistakes of the Vita and Wii U.
>>969735 Steam wins by default, especially if soyny limit it to the sony/psn store/products. >spoiler I wish mobile phone gaming was never a thing. So many terrible trends started there and now infest the rest of vidya. >>969737 >Learn from the mistakes Thanks for the laugh anon.
>>969737 >Camera always on checking your reaction >Handheld has built-in pulse sensor to see if you are getting agitated >Nigger faggot appears in-game >Getting pissed off >Red alert rings at Sonyfornia <Account banned, device locked <They dispatch the fag police to your location <Anon now in faggot prison for re-education and reprocessing
>>969732 They'll abandon it like they did the Vita. I have no hope for a P3P
>>969779 >I have no hope for a P3P What? Is the concept of roleplaying as a girl too much of a stretch?
>>969735 >Smartphone gaming was a mistake. I mean, the big reason why the Switch is doing so well is because of mobilefaggotry and how used to it people are.
>>969786 Are you retarded? You think it's smartphone gaming that acclimated people to the concept of a portable Nintendo gaming system, not the heritage of portable Nintendo gaming systems going back to the 1980s with the Game Boy?
It's going to be a DRM machine with a required wifi connection and will be a completely useless brick in 10 years once they disallow you from owning any games.
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>>969732 >Plays Sony's bloated AAA PS4 productions >Doesn't have it's own unique library filled to the brim with top-notch AA productions. What the fuck is even the point? Just to take a big steaming shit all over anybody who bought a Playstation Portal? If nobody wants to buy your shitty console, making your shitty console portable isn't going to help. That's not why people are buying the Switch or SteamDeck. They're buying the Switch because they like Nintendo games, and they're going PC because they're tired of walled garden ecosystem bullshit with nothing to show for it except for over-priced AAA slop that barely functions. Steam Deck isn't even selling that well, because Valve hasn't really pushed it outside of the Steam ecosystem. The only reason they've gotten Microsoft to sit up and take notice is because Proton and Linux are a very real (even if remote) threat to Microsoft's OS dominance. Microsoft doesn't give a single shit about games. The entire Xbox division was a rounding error on their balance sheet up until the Activision acquisition - which they're now starting to consolidate and liquidate because they over-spent. That's not something Sony has to worry about. What's their angle even supposed to be here?
>>969802 For it to have sold as well as it did? Even more than even the Gameboys and the DSs? Yes, absolutely Muh heritage only means something to the older folk
>>969735 You're missing his point. If I want ps4 games I can play a fucking ps4. Soyny's recent plays are the best forecast of Soyny's future plays. Their recent play was the nogaems5. This is modern Soyny. It won't have any games, it'll be another joke like the nogaems5. ><969809 Their angle is aping into what worked for others without understanding why it worked. You understand why it worked, Soyny does not, Soyny's decision-makers are suits who don't play games or fat LGBTQ dykes who got a degree in bullshit other fat LGBTQ dykes from Californian commies for political vomit and PowerPoint slideshows. They think for other portables "line go up? Stonks!" and that's that, when as said it'll be a DRM machine with a required wifi connection and will be a completely useless brick in 10 years once they disallow you from owning any games.
>>969811 This is the first time the home system IS the portable system you dumb fucking gorilla nigger
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>>969886 >This is the first time the home system IS the portable system
>>969889 To be fair, the Turbo express was a portable version of a 3-year-old console, and the Nomad was portable 7-year-old tech. While they're cool, that's not the same as the entire generation for a console being portable.
>>969735 >if you count multiplats it would have a decent library. "If you count multiplats" does all the work here. PS4 is Bloodbornestation because its other exclusives are shit. >What I'm wondering is why somebody may purchase it over the Steam Deck? Because they're retarded niggercattle who pre-order to consume product day one. >>969822 You struck the left < key typing >>969809. You underestimate the shit memory, pure cuckoldry, and baseless zeal of consoomer cattle who'll suck Sony's corpo dick because PlayStation is tattooed on the shaft. They're not white, they don't think, they just buy. >>969778 >Camera always on checking your reaction >Handheld has built-in pulse sensor to see if you are getting agitated >Nigger faggot appears in-game >Getting pissed off >Red alert rings at Sonyfornia >Account banned, device locked >They dispatch the fag police to your location >Anon now in faggot prison for re-education and reprocessing Sony already rootkits people in the name of DRM. These companies snitch on you through data-sharing agreements with corpos and governments, their own EULAs confess whoring userdata to third parties or their partners, except in the boring dystopia you don't go to faggot prison, you get blacklisted and must solve more captchas, pages time out more, shit loads for longer, corpo and social media rules get used more against you. Less rainbow faggot prison, more Chinese credit score.
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>>969943 >PS4 is Bloodbornestation because its other exclusives are shit Well there was Gravity Rush 2 and then Sony fired everyone who worked on it.
>>969737 What are you talking about? The Vita's problems went far farther than just names. It was outright sabotage by Sony NA. Being the PSP2 would have likely only gotten it a few more million sales if that. (Granted that's still a good amount, but still far from what was needed to make it a success). >>969735 >all we've had for years was the Switch I don't want Sony to come back to the handheld market in their current state, and the Steam Deck is shit. The best thing it did was force competitors like the Aya Neo lower its prices and make better consoles as a result of its existence. >smartphone gaming was a mistake <this bullshit again Smartphone gaming is cancer, but it has little to do with why handheld gaming fucked itself up.
>>969960 >the Steam Deck is shit u wot M8? Where do you find the chutzpah to try to claim that? It's a handheld that lets me "play"(read) Euphoria, nothing will ever top that.
>>969957 <Also, this. And two of the game you're listing are on the Vita. So the PS4 has four games worth playing: >Bloodborne >Gravity Daze 2 >Kyoei Toshi >Shadow of the Beast
>>969972 >>969974 A post so nice you had to make it twice
>>969975 I saw somewhere that apparently there was a PS3/Vita port of Kyoei Toshi, so I deleted my post just to make sure if that was true. Turns out there was a hint of a Vita port being in production, but it was cancelled at some point.
>>969735 >What I'm wondering is why somebody may purchase it over the Steam Deck? These people want any excuse to ferociously embrace Sony cock. They could make it PSVR/PSVR2 capable for it to compete against the Legion Go and Rog Ally (which can do VR).
ZOMG PROTOTYPE PICS LEAKED Oh wait it's just the AYN Odin 2 Mini.
>>970185 Too bad that crap runs android, I'd be half tempted if it was an ARM Linux handheld
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>>970251 But anon. Android is Linux
>shut down a large number of studios, creating irreparable damage to several genres/franchises, and heavily reducing the output of your own first-party offerings >attempt to self-sabotage your two big projects this year, thus lowering the trust of customers >antagonize your entire Japanese market for political reasons (and recently putting in charge of SIE, Hulst, who was said to be in favor of this decision years ago) >lost your grip over third-parties which would rather publish their games on Nintendo and PC instead of staying exclusive on Playstation >said Japanese developers probably still have to write publishing reports fully in English, which mean all the small teams would prefer developing their games for Nintendo and Steam in terms of access >try to build a new console on the side when Nintendo itself understood there were little advantages to have separated dedicated systems these days while the hybrid format proved to be successful I also don't know why people still put any faith on leakers after the whole Switch Pro debacle
>>970309 If Android is Linux then why can't Linux run my gacha sluts?
>>970336 It can? Android emulation has been a thing for forever.
>>970336 Look up Waydroid.
>>970337 If Android is Linux then why does Linux need an emulator to run Android games?
>>970338 Most modern gatchas don't work with WAydroid, though. >inb4 why "play" a gatcha in the first place? The point is that Waydroid is not perfect, and that for some of these gatchas making them function on Linux is a rabbit-hole in of itself. https://wenkdth.org/posts/blue-archive-linux-emulation/ >inb4 but why go through all of that trouble when you could play an actual good game Again, that's not the point.
>>970346 but why go through all of that trouble when you could emulate it in windows without all the extra condensed autism
>Linux arguing Goddamn it. Android is based on a heavily modified Linux kernel but isn't really Linux. More specifically, it's based on the LTS branch of the kernel which isn't all that common on desktop. It also just doesn't work like how most Linux distros work so it's traditionally not considered one by the community. The situation is kind of like how Half-Life isn't exactly on the Quake engine.
>>970348 Noted. >>969735 I kinda wish there was some games that took advantage of the Steam Deck's unique interface, although Valve wants people to just treat it like a console instead.
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>>969732 So the Switch 2 will eat this for lunch since it will play PS4 pro games, will be portable and all the Sony secondaries like Square are jumping ship to it?
>>970405 I hope so since Sony really needs management changes and that's probably not gonna happen for another decade.
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>>970348 >OS uses the Linux kernel >It isn't "real" Linux
>>970458 Anon, I've addressed the issue here ( >>970336 ) >>970337 >>970338 And no, Waydroid doesn't work, shit just crashes.
>>970458 I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Android, is in fact, GNU/Linux/Android, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux plus Android. Android is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU/Linux system made useful by the GNU/Linux corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU/Linux system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU/Linux which is widely used today is often called “Android,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU/Linux system, developed by the GNU/Linux Project. There really is an Android, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Android is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Android is normally used in combination with the GNU/Linux operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux with Android added, or GNU/Linux/Android. All the so-called “Android” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux/Android.
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>>970499 oh, effort
>>970521 Copypasta, newfag.
>>970525 i know, i have tried to use it myself but failed, middlefag
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I honestly hope Sony does decide to launch a PS4 handheld. It would be hilarious to see them hasten their own deaths like this.
>>969734 >He doesn't want to play Bloodborne on the go
>>970716 >9 glorious inches of Bloodborne
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>>970716 >>971502 Sony should just make a console called Bloodborne that just plays Bloodborne. They Could invite Footman to come back and finish the chalice dungeons and the covenants, possibly expand Painhurts Castle and proto-Undead Settlement too. Maybe add a new weapon and armor every year as mini updates.

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