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Vidya robots Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 19:55:27 Id: ead442 No. 969812
>Robots, machines and other related things. Hello metalheads, what are some bots you like in games? Games about robots or just characters. I know BT is cheating, yes.
(2.57 MB 1800x2200 android_ass.png)

>>969815 No androids?
>>969819 >not assdroids Disasspointment
(216.81 KB 709x1445 säteilytonttu.jpg)

>>969819 Those are gynoids, you uncultured swine. It would be very homosexual to enthuse about mandroid ass.
>>970072 The game calls 2B an android.
>>970073 The game is DUMB and GAY.
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>the thread is immediately turning into arguments about clang Of course. Well if we're on the topic, have you ever seen what Blizzard did to one of their robot heroes? Pic 1 is what she looked like in concepts and what they hinted at for years. Pic 2 is what she actually looked like when released.
>>970078 >Michael Cera as an android.png
>>970078 Disgusting. >>969812 I always loved X1Alpha for that ending credits dance/silly animation stuff they did. Gave it a lot of personality in my mind, even if it was just a random animation reel.
>>970078 Whoever was the niggerbrained normalfag manager that pushed for that decision I hope he dies of ball cancer.
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>>970087 I liked the credits so much I made a gif out of it. It's a damn shame how obscure Future Cop is, most who do know it only know it because the multiplayer was an inspiration for DOTA. >Gave it a lot of personality in my mind, even if it was just a random animation reel. X1-Alpha has personality in the game as well, like when it stages that arrest as a fishing catch.
>>970091 >like when it stages that arrest as a fishing catch You are right, I somehow forgot about those. I need to play it again. My most recent playtime of it wasn't in the campaign since I was just spanking the Sky Captain in that side mode that I forget the name of. That reminds me some dude was remaking the game on unreal. It looked pretty cool, but I last checked on it years ago. I wonder if he kept at it.
I wish I had some actual robots but all I got is "robots" that are just humans with a robotic voice.
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(2.75 MB 1200x675 robutt.webm)

Oh wait I do have this.
>>970098 Sauces?
>>970100 First one I cant remember the name of. Second one is Wildstar. You can't play it anymore.
>>970102 Starchaser is the first one.
>>970096 >just humans with a robotic voice. Not even 2b's voice is very monotone.
>>969812 >Future Cop Man, those were the days. Just imagine where this series could have gone even with just PS2 Era graphics.
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>>970125 >one of my pics got deleted Why, jew mann?

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>>969812 GLaDOS
>>973467 >futa Kill self.
>>973467 Pretty hot
>>969815 That Connor is adorable. 10/10 would take as my adopted son. I would have liked D:BH more if they went this route, but you'd have to rework parts of the story. Kara and Alice's chapters in particular would need heavy rewriting. Or just remove it outright nobody likes them. >>970078 It's so strange. It's not like they fucked up from the start, they had a great design then ruined it for no reason. That face is uncanny.
>>973467 GLaDOS is not for being the dicker but rather for being dicked.
>>973495 I liked that artist's work, she drew a lot of GLaDOS. I have no idea where she went after the Tumblr purge, nor did I save any of her art.
>>973499 It's been a while. So many artists have disappeared after the purge, and later throughout the years on twitter. Sad!
>>973472 It was originally made as a request for someone with a futa character >>973478 thx >>973495 I'm a fan of dommy GLaDOS, but I get this appeal too
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>>970078 Nah, hologram faces are patrician.
>>970100 Yeah as stated. Starchaser: The Legend of Orin" - 1985 You can actually watch the entire thing on YouTube it seems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2hpDVMl7bY
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>>974188 You are wrong, and a faggot.
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(44.10 KB 256x512 !UT2004-TheCorrupt-Xan.jpg)

>>974195 That was a fun watch. Was partial to Syzygy when UT2K3 came out, and who can forget the last match with Xan in UT99. There's also DeviantArt: The video game in Shogo https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wqHcKjzjJpk&t=919
>>969812 Never EVER
>>970091 I knew it from my dad, we used to co-op it with him, I'm currently replaying it with a friend. >most who do know it only know it because the multiplayer was an inspiration for DOTA. First time I heard this. From what I know, DotA's basic concept came from Aeon of Strife which was a Starcraft map.
Peak Robot coming through.
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>>974380 >Not posting the best one
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>>974391 lol Shame Daisuke killed the franchise!
>>974380 R-ratbat?
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>>974439 I miss her too.
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>>974380 I SEE YOU
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>>974450 from the thumbnail I expected a planified Guy Fieri my disappointment is immeasurable
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(14.35 MB 960x540 Sand Land Epi Mech 3.webm)

For the Future Cop anon. Also contributing something a little recent.
>>970078 E-Wetting display-face'd robots when? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qF52pUyze80
>>970078 Where did you learn to fly?
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>>980996 I'm so used to those animations I keep thinking it lacks something in the chest area.
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>>981023 Personally I find her design to look silly with two massive milk jugs out the front.
>>981331 I like the compromise of them being hidden away most of the time behind a pair of highly pressurized steel plates, but her original design sure beats even the demon skin.
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>>981473 >highly pressurized steel plates <chest opens up <pair of large jiggly silicone sacks come flying out at maximum velocity
(2.16 MB 1484x2139 Mazinger Z 2022 ch4 - p84.jpg)

(2.34 MB 1480x2135 Mazinger Z 2022 ch4 - p85.jpg)

>>981488 Was Mazinger Z the only franchise to have breast missiles?
>>981493 Not even close.
>>981493 >>981497 I was thinking about them violently ousted from inside her chest, not literally ejecting out like a projectile.
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If we are counting human-looking women who are only said to be robots in the instruction manual and are only popular because they run around in underwear, the one who can transform into a starfighter has picked up a lot of fanart. I went looking to see if the early concept art had been posted online, didn't find it. The game was pretty good too. It was two games in one, a Zelda-like exploration and upgrade game with vertical shooter missions.
>>981497 Forgot about Symphogear and should have expected Cutie Honey since it's also a Go Nagai work. >>981575 Just giving it another offensive capability. KOS-MOS and T-ELOS' D and U Teneritas is a good mix of both.
>>981639 2012/13 really are the last normal year for this hobby, uh... Fuck.
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>>981639 >Want to get a cheap 3DS >Everything is fucking scalped by collection autists Fuck me
Does a French Revolution mech count?
>>981488 I like things to be under lethal pressure.
>>983318 It's been probably been nearly a decade since I've seen this She's like 15 feet tall in real life, too!
>>983323 We were all so young, so innocent...
>>969812 So is this the new mecha thread?
My favorite vidya robot.
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>>984395 Roll is fine, but David needs to fuck off with his "robots are the new niggers" shit.
>>985077 Wouldn't anyone who believed that tripe change their tune to robots bad due to "AI stealing work from artists"?
Reminds men that the newest not-Souls game has a robot loli enemy that doesn't appear near enough.
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>>970087 >>970091 X1 Alpha my beloved

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