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Arcade Nostalgia Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 01:50:57 Id: 3ec55b No. 969958
I'll just be dumping some old nostalgic photos of arcades or malls with arcades in them. Might also post a few nostalgic magazine ads that relate to video games. Feel free to post your own stuff, just remember the thread rules 1. No niggers Or at least, no niggers as the focus of the photo 2. Must be at least kind of old 3. No items 4. Fox only 5. Final destination
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>>969958 I went to Dave & Buster's for my nephew birthday, and Modern Arcades are just kind of underwhelming when they don't have the classics. 4-player Halo Fireteam Raven was pretty much the most novel part of the experience, and that games 6 years old. The Injustice Arcade machine was retarded because it's an arcade port of the Mobile game, instead of just fucking regular Injustice. We went from Mortal Kombat being a huge milestone of the Arcade to this. Would have loved if there was some classics like a Gauntlet Arcade machine there. The most Classic thing was House of the Dead 4 since that has to be in every arcade known to man it seems, I think a Time Crisis machine was still there too. The rest of the stuff outside of Pac-Man Variations wasn't noteworthy.
>>969966 Modern arcades (the chain ones, at least) are all the same. They got rid of actual games and replaced em with arcade cabinet versions of literal mobile games. Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, shit like that.

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>>969966 >and Modern Arcades are just kind of underwhelming when they don't have the classics The closest thing there is to a "classic" arcade game you'll likely see at these modern places is the Terminator Salvation (The 2009 game). Or one of those "multicade" machines. As far as I care, unless an arcade has a DDR machine (No, PIU does not count), it's shit and not worth visiting.
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This place looks like the Tunnel of Love from that one L4D2 campaign
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>>969981 What album would you guys take if you could get a high score on Scramble?
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Could you beat these high scores? >10 free tokens Holy shit they are truly too generous.
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Also sorry that some of these pics are such low resolution, unfortunately I don't think they exist in better condition >now with headphones Anyone remember arcades with headphones? Were they built in to the machine or could you plug in ones?
>>969986 >Anyone remember arcades with headphones? Were they built in to the machine or could you plug in ones? Only Neo Geo cabs, that I've seen, but I haven't seen a Neo Geo cabinet since like 1996.
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>>969987 Did the Neo Geo home console have a headphone port?
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>>969990 Yep. It's the only easy way to get stereo out of the bastards, but impedance matching is an annoying issue.
>>969986 >Anyone remember arcades with headphones? Were they built in to the machine or could you plug in ones? A lot of the music games you see coming out of Japan (Today) have headphone ports.
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>>969998 I saw a few of those at the Round1 that I went to a few years ago. People had their own membership cards for those. Weebs. Post a few lan party pics before I stop for today
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That's all from me (for now)
Terminator 2 had a bit of that old arcade nostalgia, plus it also made me remember how nice and clean malls used to be. 1991.
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I miss it.
I went to an arcade in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday. Decent place, but about half of the machines had LCDs instead of CRTs, and the few remaining CRTs were on their last legs. The sticks were janky, but eh. The biggest crime was Addams Family Pinball being a dollar per play, and the bubble level for the table showed it had been tilted hard to fuck players. Every other cab was fifty cents, be it Missile Command or Marvel vs Capcom 2. They don't use tokens, which is a bit of a shame. I used to collect arcade tokens. Definitely more fun if you bring a group, because if you're going to play arcade games alone, just use MAME.
>>970157 Shame that the arcade didn't have free plays set on all machines. A lot of retro arcades I've seen these days (the good ones at least) have you pay upfront and then all machines are free to play until you decide to leave
>>970158 This one is set up like a proper arcade. Racing games all along the wall, light gun games dotted around the floor, pinball machines on opposite corners, ticket games on opposite walls and in the center. No pretentious horseshit. Even the carpet is correct.

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