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Witcher 3 Mod Tools Out Now Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 12:13:36 Id: 5f36f1 No. 970530
Didn't it come out like ten years ago? I'm surprised if it's only getting modding tools now.
>>970532 Basic tools these are similar to the developer ones.
>>970535 Oh, so it's less of a modding package and more like an SDK? That's very exciting then, I hope they do that for CP2077 so I can turn it into a game I want to play.
>>970544 Ye, plus workshop support
>>970535 >>970530 So does this mean some madlad can make the combat CUHRAYZEE or someshit?
>>970554 With an SDK you could make a total conversion if you really wanted, though I don't know how advanced these tools actually are.
>>970554 Yes Though Witcher 2 also got the RedKit and not much came from it. Might be a bigger interest now since Witcher 3 was a mainstream success.
>>970603 And as far as I know, The Witcher 3 actually has a modding scene. Some really impressive ones, too, they were among the first to seriously use AI voice cloning.
>>970603 Yeah, Witcher 2 is why I remain skeptical since while Witcher 3 is much more popular, modders didn't do too much with Witcher 2.
Witcher 3 is a game with a confused identity. On the one hand you have an open-ended RPG full of content where you play as a professional monster hunter, on the other hand you have AAA slob where you play Geralts tard wrangler and watch him on a wild goose chase. I really wish we had more of the former and less of the latter.
Oh come on I just finished this game recently, and I really don't want to get sucked back into it so soon. I was tempted to dig up this thread >>790791 and post a wall of autism review, but I haven't put all of my thoughts into words yet. I'll certainly be watching if anything good comes out of this, maybe replay it once I get nostalgic for it, but I've got too many other bucket list games to clear out first.
Is it possible to create actual branching paths this time? Like having Triss instead of Yen help you remove Avallach's curse at Kaer Morhen or the Redanians fighting off the Wild Hunt with Novigrad or Oxenfurt as the stage for the final battle? >>970725 >on the other hand you have AAA slob where you play Geralts tard wrangler and watch him on a wild goose chase. The level scaling definitely didn't help, the exp from fighting any high level monster was negligible and the gear is scaled to your level which made exploring almost pointless besides for potion and oil recipes then there's Skellige requiring 1k gold before being able to travel there.
>>970783 > the gear is scaled to your level which made exploring almost pointless Equipment found in the world felt like an afterthought. Most effort clearly went into the crafted armor and swords. They were much better than almost anything you could find, had more detailed models, and special effects. I only used looted equipment in the early stages of the game before looking for witcher equipment schematics becomes an option.
Call me when someone makes a total conversion mod where you can play a Witcher with big tits.
Call it the titcher.

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