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Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic Thinking and Planning Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 07:34:40 Id: f8376f No. 970865
https://quanticfoundry.com/2024/05/21/strategy-decline/ >For this analysis, we used the data from 1.57 million gamers who participated in the Gamer Motivation Profile between June 2015 and April 2024. Respondents from China were excluded because gamers in China have a very different gaming motivation profile (likely due to the historically more isolated development of their gaming industry). >When we looked for long-term trends across the 12 motivations, we found that many motivations were stable or experienced minor deviations over the past 9 years. Strategy was the clear exception; it had substantially declined over the past 9 years and the magnitude of this change was more than twice the size of the next largest change. >Using the starting norm (i.e., the 50th-%tile) as the basis for comparison, the average Strategy score has declined to 33rd-%tile as of April 2024. Or put more plainly, 67% of gamers today care less about strategic thinking and planning when playing games than the average gamer back in June 2015.
>>970865 I wonder if there is a correlation with the general population, and not just the gamer audience. I could see how even small things in day to day life, could impact people's preference for long term thinking. Perhaps an example of this, is how 20-30 years ago, if you wanted to see a movie or cartoon on TV, you had to get the TV guide, see that it's next Tuesday at 6PM, so you have to plan your schedule to be free at that time, otherwise you miss the show. Sure you could also have rented/bought the DVD but that also takes time to go to the DVD store and maybe they didn't have that movie. Perhaps it was a weekly show, so there was no DVD or even a torrent, maybe you didn't even have internet. Nowadays with on-demand content, you no longer have to plan for that, you could just open Netflix or even a pirate site and watch the movie/show whenever you want, you no longer need to plan your schedule.
>>970867 Counterpoint: I'm in my 30s, had no access to OTA (much less cable or satellite) TV or internet at home until I was 12 and I have been god-fucking awful at strategy games my entire life.
I think this has more to do with the lack of good strategy games. Only big one in recent years is total war and that one was mainly historical autists and warhammer autists.
This ties in to my recognition of the decline of the RPG genre as a whole. It's all action based now, or most of it is, with fewer turn-based games coming out. Nothing requires properly leveling and building your party anymore, it's just boring not-quite-cuhrayzee action combat.
The elephant in the room is that more humanoids with IQs below 100 have been getting into video games, and are neurologically incapable of strategic planning and delaying of gratification.
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>No archive https://archive.is/nMaaO This probably tracks with average IQ declines, >>970890 is true.
>>970890 The elephant in the room is that more humanoids with IQs below 100 now exist.
https://www.wnd.com/2024/01/report-college-students-average-iq-plunged/ https://archive.is/AyxQP >Modern day “people” according to the study: — ‘College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they're about average. A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, just slightly above the population average of 100.’ Victorian people as they were: — ‘The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ amongst Western nations, starting in the 19th century, suggests that these trends might be related to declining IQ. This is because high-IQ people are more productive and more creative. We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations, using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study. Simple reaction time measures correlate substantially with measures of general intelligence (g) and are considered elementary measures of cognition. In this study we used the data on the secular slowing of simple reaction time described in a meta-analysis of 14 age-matched studies from Western countries conducted between 1889 and 2004 to estimate the decline in g that may have resulted from the presence of dysgenic fertility. Using psychometric meta-analysis we computed the true correlation between simple reaction time and g, yielding a decline of − 1.16 IQ points per decade or − 13.35 IQ points since Victorian times. These findings strongly indicate that with respect to g the Victorians were substantially cleverer than modern Western populations.’
>>970898 College was for the intellectual elite, now being elite is racist and sexist and college is just another business.
>opt in internet survey anyone can take Wow! This is worthless!
>>970865 >>970889 >This ties in to my recognition of the decline of the RPG genre as a whole. It's all action based now, or most of it is If you are making games for the widest possible audience, this is what happens. Everything slowly devolves into some increasing flashy cinematic title or becomes more and more action game focused because that is what the average retard can handle without trying or thinking too hard. >>970888 (nice) >Only big one in recent years is total war and that one was mainly historical autists and warhammer autists And even then the historical part has been suffering a massive decline in quality and the warhammer shit is just designed to milk fags for every penny they have.
>>970865 Did they count phone normies as gamers?
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>>970865 >it contains a survey >you can enter nigger into it >you can make yourself nigger years old Okay, this is a funny.
>>970898 Lifestyles are generally more sedentary now with refridgeration, centralised grocery and convenience stores rather than short shelf-life and specialist stores (grocer, butcher, fishmonger, baker etc) that each needed to be visited to get groceries in Victorian times. Also jobs are more sit/stand for an extended time and not particularly burdening. This would also reduce physical ability and reaction time, moreso than any perceived depletion in intelligence.
>>970865 >women and nonwhites take up "gaming" >less strategy and thought in general Who could have possibly seen this coming.
>>970865 Because there's Jack fucking shit of new RTS being made >Inb4 Vicky 2/HoI4 Get those glorified /pol/ sims out of my sight
>>970966 It goes beyond the lack of RTS. The lowest common denominator now flocks to jewtube, types in "best X for Y game" and gets a (usually) horribly inaccurate guide with 300k views from some soy infused talking head. It then proceeds to (poorly) copy paste the build in game and then plays horribly because it cannot process the finer details of build making/character building/planning. There's no singular factor at play here, rather it's a vast multitude of small and large contributors being at play: women/niggers, social media, smart phones, suits in gaming studios, increased cost of AAA development pushing for safer products, hell even fucking Power Point at fault here. Anything and everything which does the thinking for a person through the course of its day has ramifications that suffuse through that person putting their brain to good use. The mind is a muscle, and whenever I'm forced to interact with normalcattle, I'm sharply reminded of the sad fact that the world wide obesity pandemic isn't limited to body fat.
>>970966 >le "colonialism is bad" face Die, leftypol.
>>970975 B-but think of all the heckin' wholesome natives!
>>970966 >This schizo furfag again You almost make me want to praise NuDoom just to set you off. Almost.
>>970979 >>This schizo furfag again Literally who?
>>970980 It's the same retard bitching ad nauseum about Nudoom and how it panders to /pol/, he's doing it on other websites as well, some anon here caught on about it being a schizophrenic furfag.
>>970865 >Video Games went mainstream and a million normalfag retard casuals were catered to by hack game companies and the overall result was a massive dumbing down in game design >This "analysis" is and will be skewed in taking into account mobileshit games into account Wow, what fucking information does it give that all of us hasn't known for the last 15 fucking years?
>Could it be due to the fact that for the past 9 years the total amount of gamers drastically increased, and specifically there is a huge increase in the casual and hypercasual audience, thus reducing the percentage but not the total amount? <The % of gamers identifying as casual has remained stable over time (~10%) in our sampling largely because most casual/hypercasual gamers (especially on mobile) don’t identify as gamers, are less likely to take something called a “Gamer Motivation Profile”, and are underrepresented in our sample. So our data has always centered on core PC/Console gamers. About 70% of the sample identifies as core, 20% as hardcore, both stable over time. So the observed finding is largely based on assessing core/hardcore-leaning gamers.
I assume this has a lot to do with ADHD/Gen Z culture's proliferation. Strategy as a whole requires significant amounts of thinking, accounting for threats, execution, planning, resource management. That's already a lot more than many other game genres, and also requires time investment (both in the game due to their strategic nature, and often just to get better at it to a high degree). The strategy genre is a lot less flashy than a fighting game or a fast-paced metroidvania for example, and requires significant explanation or understanding to understand the complex aspects compared to simpler genres. Plus a lot of the strategy genre (e.g. RTS and TBS) has suffered in those years in terms of lack of quality games over the last decade, the other genres haven't had nearly as rough a time. >>970889 >RPGs <strategy Most RPGs don't have much strategy tbh. I imagine this survey applies much more to strategy genres like RTS and TBS rather than SRPGs and TRPGs (for example Fire Emblem 3 Houses is one of the most popular SRPGs ever and that came out in 2019, and Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the most popular games of last year period, though I dunno if I'd call that a "strategy/tactics RPG" per se).
>>970975 The fuck? That shit is just a glorified cookie clicker that YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR LIKE A WHORE FOR THE 999999 DLCS THE PARADOX JEWS THROW AT YOU And that's not even counting all the mods where a good chunk just don't fucking work because You need the release from 10 years ago, or overtuned garbage because the creator think in his galaxy brain that X faction was better than Y because his ass says so. >>970978 The anglos fucking failed even at massacring the natives, btw. >>970979 My brother in christ, ain't your boyfriend/Boogeyman. >>970982 >It's the same retard bitching ad nauseum about Nudoom and how it panders to /pol/ Lmao >>970972 I can confirm that, is mostly just FOTM garbage and that's it, or just movie games. >the world wide obesity pandemic isn't limited to body fat. I want to say "murica isn't the World", but... There was a obesity pandemic?
>videogames become casualized and advertise themselves to a more casual (see: retarded) customer base >"gamers" are less interested in complex thinking Gee, what a fucking surprise.
>>970963 Does a sedentary lifestyle truly reduce reaction timing? I am getting scared now
>>970888 There have been good rts releases like age of empires 4, it's just that learning to play strategy games is like learning hand-eye coordination with a controller and m+kb. Spending 50-100 hours losing to be competent at a game is a tough sell when there are other games they're good at, especially if you learn bad habits to fight other bad players. For non-rts there's into the breach and a handful of other games. A funny fact about total war is the auto-resolve difficulty should be set to normal or hard because autoresolving will otherwise always give a better outcome than fighting it out, and new players never get time to learn the minute details of combat until the autoresolve says "close defeat" against a 3x larger army and you fight it out. >>971042 Yes, your brain slows down a bit. Once I got fit it's more like you have better room for reaction time improvement rather than vegetative decline though.
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>>971054 >good rts releases like age of empires 4
>>971065 Your post history doesn't exactly lend credence to your disdain. The only point of criticism I've heard before is that it isn't a carbon copy of how aoe2 managed factions.
>>970888 There are still decent strategic games coming out and doing well, it's just that there was a very specific RTS formula that used to reliably print money and is now almost entirely dead. Against the Storm and Manor Lords were both pretty successful for their budget but both are weird hybrids sitting on the border of multiple genres.
>>971030 >paying for games, never mind DLC Skill issue. >cookie clicker Guaranteed you have no idea what you're talking about.
>>971074 >3 posts >your post history nigger, lick my taint AoE4 is mediocre
>>971090 All the good RTS games coming out are all super niche, and usually RTTs. The sole exception is Total War, which still isn't everything it had the potential to be due to laziness and terrible management, like most Sega properties.
>>971099 >All the good RTS games coming out are all super niche, and usually RTTs. Right, the days when you could just shit out a reskin of AoE/WC/C&C and turn a profit are over, and people are doing less generic things instead.
>>971101 >Right, the days when you could just shit out a reskin of AoE/WC/C&C and turn a profit are over Not true with enough marketing, look at AoE4 My favorite RTS game this year was a Terminator licensed game made by the ruskie Syrian Warfare devs, that's how fucked the genre is. At least there's fun to be had if you know where to look.
>AoE4 >good Even if you accept this premise, its literally just one RTS. The genre has been floundering for a while before this point. Indie RTSes just cannot compete with older RTSes in terms of quality.
>>971168 A lot of newer RTS games are also just hot ass made "for a more accessible audience" aka the devs got stomped in previous RTS games for their low apm and multitasking ability.
>>971168 >Indie RTSes just cannot compete with older RTSes in terms of quality. No, mostly due to a lack of budget, but they're still unique and fun and a mainstream audience.
Significantly more children under 10 and browns play video games than in the past. It just makes sense they'd drag the IQ score down.
>>971193 Pretty much every boy under 10 played video games going back to the Atari or even older Pong consoles. They were the target audience through the whole 20th century, and really even later, though in the 90s marketing started doing the thing where they market to kids by saying its grown up. See Sonic, more "mature" than Mario, but only if you're under ten years old.
Statistically gamers are around 35 and homeowners now. 20 something in the 90s. Most boys weren't gamers back then, it was "nerdy" and "uncool." Marketing to kids regardless hooked in lifetime consumers who bought longer.
>>970865 I blame this mostly on the current chaotic environment we live in at the moment. You can't have strategic planning in your video games when all other real-life examples of it are failing. Strategy games (on the multiplayer side) unfortunately go against the now overwhelmingly casual nature of modern gaming. Much like arena shooters, all your mistakes are solely your own, and can't be blamed on meta mechanics or RNG or your teammates. Your match can be lost within the first 3 minutes of an hour-long game because you chose a weak strategy or made too many mistakes. When this happens in the campaign, your forced to savescum until you either find the right combination of units to counter the AI or just turtle until you amass a giant deathball of units and brute force the AI with sheer numbers.
>>971703 The Tekken 8 director, Katsuhiro Harada, said last month younger players prefer team-based shooters because when they lose they can blame being matched with a lousy team.
>>971711 And I think he's making excuses for why no one wants Tekken anymore.
>>971505 >Most boys weren't gamers back then, it was "nerdy" and "uncool." I mean I don't know about every society, but in mainstream American culture, while being way too into it would make you a nerd, basically every boy played all the hits. Practically every boy played Pac-Man, Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, etc.. There was a vague idea that video games were for nerds, but if you played them not "too much," (which could be quite a lot,) then it was fine. Of course, there's a big difference between having a Sega and playing Sonic 2, and having a Turbografx CD and playing all their anime games, one is more nerdy than the other, but general video games? That was practically every boy.
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>>971967 I see the future, and you're not in it!
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>>971899 Next time you're in public, ask random men who were 90s kids to explain the first level of any Sonic the Hedgehog game. I guarantee most won't know what a Sonic even is.
>>971977 Anon, the most recent sonic movie grossed over 400 million dollars. People know what Sonic is.
>>971988 Of those who do know Sonic many would from the movies but they're not from the 90s and Statista reports only 8% of Americans go to the movies often. Most people don't know what Sonic is.
>>971703 zoomer gamers are more used to savescumming since they grew up with autosaves and emulators >>971742 nah tekken8 sold 2 mil in a month >>971996 zoomers would though since they're so online
>>971968 this moonman reminds me of codcomedytj skits
>>971977 They'd probably find it hard to describe since every first level in Sonic is generic green hills. But ask anyone who was a kid circa 1993 if they played at least one (probably Sonic 2), then yeah I'm willing to bet its a high percentage. And that percentage goes up a lot more if you just ask about vidya in general, which is where the goalposts originally were.
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>>972737 Gamers give too much credit to normalfag gaming knowledge. All normalfags know is McDonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie.
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>>972738 Those aren't normalfags, those are Jeopardy contestants, meaning they survived a highly competitive audition process of trivia questions where they destroyed the field, which says a lot.
>>972741 Filthy casuals, then.
>>972738 Too bad thats fake.
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>>972744 This isn't. 45 million carts flew off the shelves. It's the second most bought game on Nintendo Switch and 14th most bought game for anything, ever. Every contestant got it wrong.
>>972750 I bet they got that one, that meme's fucking everywhere.
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What was the best adaptation of a game show into a video game? I'm keen on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire myself.
>>970975 Die, jew.
>>972755 I don't understand the appeal. You can pause game shows and participate fine, you don't get much out of moving televised broadcasts to a gaming platform when the game part functions without it.
>>971999 >>972749 >tekken8 sold 2 mil in a month >45 million carts flew off the shelves. It's the second most bought game on Nintendo Switch and 14th most bought game for anything, ever. Those are fake sales numbers. Plain and simple.
>>972760 Just searched them, they're from the publishers Guess it depends if you trust the publishers
>>972776 Casual
>>972776 I find playing on easy more stressful than playing on normal-hard. Because if I'm not in the mood to play on standard difficulty it means I'm not really in the mood to play games at all at that point. Even on easy a game takes more conscious effort than watching a movie. Or watching a longplay or someones challenge run.
>>972784 If you're so worried about your game's story that you are not giving it challenging gameplay, then consider just making a cartoon. It's like a game but the gameplay is so easy that it only consists of hitting the "play" button. Gameplay is challenge. If you don't have challenge, you don't have a game. If the obstacles you're overcoming aren't meaningful, then they aren't obstacles, they aren't gameplay, they're just busywork. It turns out you just don't like video games. Go check out some movies. They'll blow your fucking mind. WAY better stories exist in movies than in the games you like (which are practically trying to be movies anyway, and not really using the unique features of the game format to tell stories unique to this medium), and there is much less challenge in most movies. >>972738 These are women. Obviously we were talking about boys. Everyone knows girls didn't play video games before 2007. And still don't, really. But they didn't pretend before 2007. In fact, I'd argue this is a key reason many boys would stop playing video games as much. Younger boys would pretty much all play vidya. As puberty hit and their priorities change, they'd start spending more time on other things in attempts to get girls, and probably also not bragging about their vidya as much, since girls didn't like it. But before they were old enough to care about girls, they almost all played it. >>972741 Some weird SEA Monkey country. Third worlders don't count.
>>972833 The Consumer Technology Association found most households didn't own a gaming console before 2021. In ones that did, some never play them. In ones that do, sometimes it's Bill, not his brother Will. This was 2021. The "pretty much all play vidya" in 1993 is revisionist history.
>>972841 This assumes rate of console ownership has been purely upward trajectory until 2021, and I doubt that. I've also seen studies saying something like 50% of households (in the US, one of only two countries that matters for this discussion, the other being Japan) had an NES by like 1990. Is your study counting third world shitholes or something? I'm talking about regular American boys. They played video games at massive rates since the late '80s. You know little boys (practically) all played Super Mario Bros.. Maybe not the Mexican ones or whatever, but the regular ones did.
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>>972776 >gamers want easier games, and thats a good thing(tm) >>972784 >I like easy games >>972856 >political non-sequitor This is some good bait. Good job on all the (you)s. Now go back.
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Why is someone having a meltdown ITT
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>>972865 Both of you are having a meltdown.
>>972784 >>972856 That's... that's quite the escalation between posts anon. What the fuck. >>972858 >Dark Souls or Elden Ring, which actually aren't very popular games because they're too hard >Souls >aren't popular What. >they're too hard They are so very not "too hard". They're just unforgiving. And I mean unforgiving by modern standards. They're practically casualized by 3rd and 4th gen standards.
The troll is the same troll who made the Minecraft threads about how indies are killing gaming He just spams shitty bait to fish for (You)s
>>972841 >consumer technology association Literally never heard of them, but those numbers don't really make much sense. There were 50 million PS2s sold in North America. 60 Million DSes. 40-50 million Wiis, Gameboys, etc. While there's probably some overlap among the owners, its than likely that at least 60 million households in America had some kind of video game console (be it home console or handheld), and more than likely it was 70+ million or more. That also doesn't include PC as a gaming platform. That's more than half the households in America by modern day.
>>973008 Pew Research found game console ownership hasn't changed much from 2010 to 2015, at a third of households who earn less than $30,000 annually and 54% of adults from households earning $75,000 or more a year. 54% of adults who have some college experience owned a game console at that time, 37% of college graduates, 35% of high school graduates, and 21% of people with less than a high school diploma. The comment after your link is wrong, it made up 50% of households owned a NES in 1990 when a search says 30% and the source uses later numbers than 1990, January 1st 1990 would be 20% to 30% when Nintendo was around 90% of the market.
>>973027 That makes sense, that period of time was a terrible time for vidya consoles. The new generation of vidya then was a flop.
NES saved the gaming industry from flopping after the video game crash of 1983, but other systems around and before NES all flopped in sales.
Have 4X games solved the problem yet where the winner is already basically decided during the midgame but you still have to drag out the game for several more hours to actually end the game?
>>973114 It's called calling gg and then leaving the game.
>>973131 Well some games have campaigns where you carryover things inbetween scenarios so you need to actually complete the current scenario
>>973131 Git gud fag lmao, learn to carry
>>972776 >>972784 That is why you will always be a failure. The world and the industry will go on just fine without you or your idiotic ideas.
>>972776 >>972784 >I like not playing games I'd suggest killing yourself, but you'd probably consider the minimal effort to comprehend the post to be too difficult for your shriveled pea brain.
>>970890 the other elephant in the room is >phone games
>people don't want to play games that are about memorizing autistic build orders People would rather play games where the skills and way you interact with them are transferable across the entire genre, shocker.
>>973473 Chess sucks ass for this yes.
>>973473 And get bored after day 1? You are delusional.

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