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Multiversus General Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:25:53 Id: 782626 No. 973401
WB's FTP smash clone just came out and it's pretty fun. going from beta in 2022 to full game in 2024, multiversus features a colorful cast of characters from fin and jake to jason vorhees. This game can pick characters from any WB property and that's what makes people keep coming back despite the greedy business practices. the fighting feels rock solid though there are some people who feel like they slowed the game down after the beta. WB have also decided to not allow mods after in the height of this game's popularity. Now if you try to mod the game, I'm hearing reports that they'll BAN you for even simple cosmetic mods which i bullshit. you will NEVER get to mod in a cute/sexy/revealing one piece for wonder woman or harley quinn now. I know that disappoints alot of people including myself. FUCK WB. but at the end of the day, the game's still fun. Will it last? well if the stuff about the mods is true, i don't think it will.
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>>973401 Nothing intresting imo
>>973402 are people modding this? where the hell do you get these? WB shut down the gamebananna section for the beta. will you get banned?
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>>973405 People are just fucking around with the game files. This is the actual model
Why did they turn Velma white?
>>973407 has anyone tested that they'll get banned for playing the game with modded skins?
>>973409 I dunno
>>973401 Wait this game is just now coming out?
>>973415 yeah, it came out officially 2 days ago on steam.
Banana Guard has no right to be such a far reaching character, this is why spears are usually forgotten in video games, the poke is too OP.
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How p2w is it?
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>>973425 Very. I mean you get a rotation of characters but you'll have to grind hardcore if you want to buy more than what they give you, or you can just bust out your credit card. It has all the tropes of a GAAS game we hate and then some, hunker down and prepare your asshole if you want to play.
>>973401 The Orlando Magic Piccolo skin went so fucking hard, shame they'll sanitize it to hell and back. Compared to its original run though I don't see this version making much of a splash, especially since they somehow made the game even floatier and really put the brakes on the speed of most characters. It's a shame cause aesthetically speaking it manages to unify in art style a lot of different franchises and pays good homage to all of them, I especially like how Jason and Marvin the Martian look I was so mad when Smash 4 onward decided to just make every character look exactly like their OG version rather than making them grounded in a single art style but other than that this will be forgotten much faster than the first run.
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Game feels like you're playing under water with how slow it is. Buggy out the ass. PTW out the ass. Honestly, there's nothing of value you even if you're Smash hater.
>>973401 >Thinking they'll let you mod the game cosmetically when they're in the red after fucking up with Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad. Wew
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>>973401 >it's pretty fun >a colorful cast of characters >what makes people keep coming back >the fighting feels rock solid This is a shill thread!
>WB crossover fighter >can't play as a character portrayed by WB's most famous golden age actor >even though his image is entirely public domain Meh.
>>973431 >rotation of characters Imagine buying something and then accepting being told "No, you're not allowed to access the thing you buy until we give it to you again."
>>973475 >Imagine buying something The game is "free" to play.
>>973453 It’s weird that they would shill on an imageboard whose users would never pay a scent for anything in the game. Maybe the dev team gets more funding the more players multiversus has regardless of that?
>>973666 Sometimes you get psychos who do it for free. We attract a huge amount of shills despite our small userbase because so many people are still mad we exist.
>>973463 Reagan is problematic, along with OZ, Sopranos, Jim Crow negros, only the goyslop that hipsters enjoy.
>>973676 >>973666 I just made it cuz I like the genuinely like the game. also nice trips
>>973755 Even reddit doesn’t like it anymore.
>>973475 That's how Free to Play Mafia works.
I don't think Multiversus is absolutely terrible, but I also don't think it's anything special. Just kind of a generic and oversimplified but functional Smash clone. I guess you can dive right in if you're a hardcore fan of Cartoon Network and WB movies.
Meh, remember FusionFall, Punch Time Explosion or Lego Dimensions past games did better. >>973676 Especially the Steven Universe spammer Obvious samefagging >>973402 >>973407 >>973435 >>973401 Beat it, SU is dead in the water.
>>973900 No matter the amount of gifs spammed around tumblr and twitter or hipsters recording themselves jacking off their non-existent dicks to whenever a rock dyke bitchslaps the other, Steven Jewniverse was a mistake and it should've been shitcanned from the game. And it seems the current Warner jew CEO is aware of that but he won't put it to sleep.
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>>973900 >Fusionfall Oh man, what a trip down memory lane! I was reading Bleedmans fanfiction religiously back then. I think I installed it, played it for like 1 hour and uninstalled it was that bad. You were better off with something like AdventureQuest or MechQuest.
>>974101 I played it briefly. Fell in love with the art style and the grown up characters but couldn't suffer through thr shitty MMO gameplay. >tfw no Buttercup gf
>>973900 I'm the OP. I'm not him. take your pills.
Deleted the game, will go into my email and block WB later. I enjoyed it for 4(?) days but this game lost the novelty real quick. The fact that this game plays WORSE than Smash N64 is really what made me lose interest, after I unlocked Marvin with free currency and played a few matches as him I was done. Sorry, no matter who is added later into the game I won't download it again. Last, I want to apologize for falling for shills ruses and participating in a mediocre game, I will try to do better next time.
>>974237 Yeah like I said, the game is nothing special. Semi-functional for what it is... a live service Smash game with MTX.
>>974237 no wonder why no one uses this place anymore, everyone here is a crybaby
>>974272 >guy give criticism to fix the game >CRYBABY you sure show'em OP
>>973900 >I'm same fagging I get that two of those posts are mine. But... still I think you are going over and under. I've not even played this
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>>974140 More like: >tfw no references to Mandy causing 911 >>974237 No Venture Bros? Like 5 characters can easily fill the roster but they jammed Rigor and Mortis plus those shitty CalArts cartoons for the fagdolescents that won't play the game because they're busy policing wrong thinkers through their socials.
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Would've been funnier if the live action characters still looked realistic
>>974682 >No venture bros >No mortal kombat. >Lebron Nigger to tie into a movie that flopped last year >Generic furry creature to appeal to the chinese So many missed opportunities.
>>974684 I legitimately thought they threw in a glowing nig from one of their forgotten cartoons. >>974693 Not even the old guy from Smiling Friends in which they parodied Super Smash by having him as a playable character.
piece of shit game
Holy Fucking Shit These devs had one job, to be fucking soulful and they already fucked up. Someone Tell Me Why Shaggy Eats Meat He's a fucking vegetarian, that change was made long ago by the original VA because he was vegetarian and wanted to promote a cartoon character who eats vegetables. But Shaggy's sandwich and victory emote has him eating fucking meat of all things. Also the game is ass but I am enjoying 2v2 with a friend so that bumps it up to being slightly decent(?)
>>976340 >He's a fucking vegetarian Anon, that's not really considered "canon" outside of that one in-universe interview show. Almost every other piece of Scooby Doo media, since Casey retired the role, has Shaggy eating meat.
>>976340 This is the first time i've heard about this shit, while i'm not a major scooby doo fan I remember in the 90s movies he ate meat.
>>976340 Fucking bullshit, and 5 minutes of Googling proves you wrong. This is from episode 15 of the first season of Scooby Doo from 1969. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=UFMvFYRd7rY Shaggy makes a Bologna and Meatloaf sandwich, and if you keep on insisting that it's vegan, you will have to prove me that in 1969 he specifically choose soy Bologna, and soy MEATloaf. https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Jaw-stretcher_special
>>976343 >>976346 >>976365 https://screenrant.com/scooby-doo-shaggy-vegetarian-casey-kasem-true-story/ Well this is fucking embarrassing, I did watch a lot of What's New Scooby Doo and in that version Shaggy was vegetarian. Clearly Multiversus is using the original Shaggy, when a show has been rebooted so many times they just sort of start to blend together and you get information wrong.
>>976371 >What's New Scooby Doo That explains a bit, I didn't watch much of that version.
>>974693 >No mortal kombat. Implying that nuMortal Kombat isn't already WB's crossover game.
>>976371 >What's New Oh I loved that show when I was a kid and I didn't notice that, I should rewatch it again to check that detail. >when a show has been rebooted so many times they just sort of start to blend together and you get information wrong. So it's like when people were saying Velma was initialy meant to be lesbian in the original series while in reality that came from the live action movie. Nevertheless according to that article the Vegetarian Shaggy gets picked up by Guess Who and The Movie, so that trait was reused later.
>>976340 >Vegetarian Shaggy Another missed opportunity to have the Shaggy from Venture Bros as a skin, but that'd another direct attack to those so called punks from tumblr, after censoring Velma's final smash in which she summons a patty wagon and arrest her rivals including the talentless Negron James.
>>976371 That show you're talking about is arguably a reboot, and it's from over 30 years after the show began. So it's debatable to say it's the "original" Shaggy. But sure, I'll count it. If I recall, the only real reboots of Scooby-Doo are Mystery Inc (though I've seen people say it's a prequel, but then that would invalidate A Pup Named Scooby Doo) and Velma. Mystery Inc is awesome, and obviously Velma is the worst thing ever made. And oh yeah the live action movies are their own continuity. But the rest is pretty much all one continuity. Also, since the reason they made Shaggy vegetarian was because Shaggy's original VA got mad he was forced to star in a Burger King commercial, that would let me count it as canon even though it's all these years after the series began. It's the original VA. He counts.
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>>976538 >though I've seen people say it's a prequel Timeline wise it's placed after the first few series of Scooby Doo, including 13 Ghosts, as I assumed the exhibits at the museum were the ones they captured in high-school, but re-contextualized to all take place in the same region. Then again, if memory serves right, the series end with a universal reset so it does become a reboot that leads to nowhere.
>>976545 Man, that was a good show.
>>976545 From what I know, Scooby-Doo has been rebooted several times, with this being the summary of the "Main" continuities: >Classic Scooby This is basically all of the Scooby-Doo material from when the series first started in '69 that runs all the way up to 13 Ghosts in '85. This continuity also includes the TV movies (Boo Brothers, Ghoul School, and The Reluctant Werewolf) and the first four D2V films (Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, Alien Invaders, Cyber Chase), with Cyber Chase effectively being the "finale" of that version of the gang. The only recent material that still "exists" here is the 2019 D2V Curse of the 13th Ghost (Taking place after the shows, but before the other movies) and the 2019 series Scooby Doo And Guess Who. >A Pup Named Scooby This continuity started with A Pup Named Scooby-Doo in '88, carried over into What's New, Scooby-Doo? in 2002, and also reflected the D2V films from Legend of the Vampire (2003) to Samurai Sword (2009). References to the original series are minimal and this universe is mostly it's own thing. >Mystery Inc. This it the third "main" continuity of the Scooby series that's centered entirely around the Mystery Incorporated series, and the D2V films from Abracadabra-Doo (2010) up to the present. This universe references a lot of the characters and events of the other series, but they are not the same gang. In fact, Mystery Inc. ends on the note of the Scooby gang travelling across parallel worlds. >Live-Action This continuity exists on a similar note to Mystery Inc., where similar events of all the previous series did happen (As of 2004) but it's not the "same gang". Outside of the two theatrical films (Scooby Doo, 2: Monsters Unleashed, and the two TV movies (The Mystery Begins, Curse of the Lake Monster), the only other "canon" material here is the 2009 video game First Frights and it's 2010 sequel Spooky Swamp. >Other This is where practically all of the material not listed exists as they don't really mesh well elsewhere. This includes the one-off series (Get A Clue, Be Cool, and Velma), the other films (Goes Hollywood, Daphne & Velma, Scoob), the comics (Apocalypse), the games, etc. All this material can effectively be written off as "non-canon" or side stories that can be "canon" to one of the afformentioned continuities so long as it doesn't contradict them.
>>976763 I fucking love it when IPs have been around for so long their depth requires a small level of autism to make any sense of it. At what point does someone look back and think "okay this is too much content for a 'simple' series about [x] let's start something new"?
>>976763 >>976996 >all this alt version and divergent continuity stuff. this is almost the same reason I had so much trouble watching Tenchi Muyo!
I always thought the 'stoner shaggy' jokes were forced, almost as much as lezbo Velma.
>>976763 But the D2V films have been going continuously since Zombie Island. Also, they did Return to Zombie Island, which is definitely the same continuity. I don't buy that all the D2V films aren't the same continuity. I also don't buy that A Pup Named Scooby Doo is separate, since it was the actual final bunch of seasons of the original series. They changed names often but episodes were coming out in an unbroken chain until Pup got cancelled. But as you mention, the various animated films continued things. Where my Scoob lore runs out is when the TV series came back in the 2000s. Haven't watched those ones. What would really make them reboots though? Outside of big obvious things, I usually think it's better to assume it's all one big continuity unless specified otherwise. And the odd contradiction here or there doesn't mean it's a reboot. That's just to be expected over time. But live action is separate partially because they're remakes of Zombie Island and Witch's Ghost, and Velma is obviously not canon because it openly hates the rest of the series and exists to contradict it. I don't know enough about the rest of the 21st century series to know why they wouldn't be canon, but I'd like to know. Of course I do accept that sometimes universes can be similar but technically separate. But I also dont think spinoff comics and such should count unless they're special cases. They can be good and all, but unless they're referenced in the main medium, or at least have something like being written by a main writer from the main medium, then I would take them all with a grain of salt.
>Multiversus Trailer teases hints at multiple characters being added later >One of those characters is Dexter >He gets added as a boss in his mech and not a playable character STRIKE 2 MULTIVERSUS, STRIKE 2 Come on, give me one more and I'm done with you forever!
>>978753 I would have loved a CN character that wasn’t just 2010’s zoomer toons. Dexter, Samurai Jack, or Courage would have been great.
>>976996 >At what point does someone look back and think "okay this is too much content for a 'simple' series about [x] let's start something new"? But anon...that's exactly what they've been doing for the past several decades. All these series are self-contained outside of some cameo references, that's why Scooby-Doo's endured so long
>Iron Giant COMPLETELY REMOVED from play because he could attack infinitely Sounds like a skill issue to me.
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The real question is why the fuck does anyone like Scooby Doo? Scooby Doo is the most corny, lame, piece of shit relic cartoon from the dark ages of cartooning that I can't see how it survived this long. I think the main reason it lasted so long is entirely because of corporate astroturfing. If you've ever watched an episode of Scooby Doo you can see how utterly bland and boring it is and the only way a trash product like this could stay in the public consciousness for so long is if a big company is keeping it alive on purpose. You can't seriously be telling me that "big funny dog says rooby rax raggy" is a strong enough premise to keep a franchise alive for half a fucking century. I look at this cartoon and realize this is why everyone was stoned in the 1960's, it was the only way to make their shitty media entertaining.
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>>974693 >>No venture bros You get Harley Quinn :^)
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>>979237 >Spoiler You know what I meant smartass, a series that wasn't reliant on the original IP (in this case Scoob due to the timeline shenanigans of Mystery Inc) that way multiverse autism doesn't start flaring up. And that question was asked rhetorically because I know a lot of the reasons why. I watched Matrix Resurrections recently (don't, I can tell it crutches way too hard on nostalgia pandering without having seen prior Matrix films) and it practically admits sequels like itself aren't being done with authorial intent, but for monetary profit the fact that hollywood would so readily admit to it might be pleading guilty to a lesser crime in this instance but that's another unrelated problem entirely. It has its place when it's all planned by one author (closest example I can think of would be Discworld but that's not "multiversal", just a huge gathering of stories in a shared world), but every franchise surviving too long is more prone to remakes, reboots, timeline splits, etc. Although the more I think about it, that's just asking for more wasted IPs like all the Scooby clones of the 70s. Maybe the solution is to... stop creating fictional media for a while since we have so much of it right now? Nah. >>979451 Scooby suffers from the Seinfeld effect, it was new innovative top tier content at the time, but compared to today when so many tried to copy it, so many reference it as the best of the time, a bunch of shit it started got normalized, etc, etc; it doesn't look as good as the hype leads some to believe. >to keep a franchise alive for half a fucking century. That's Warner's fault for rebooting it every half a generation so that new waves of children get addicted to it, because they have no other good family cartoon IPs I guess. I like it here and there but I'm not gonna binge any of the series or deep dive and pursue the lore anytime soon.
>>979454 >>979463 >Single image meme replies Go back to cuckchan
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>>979689 Kill yourself tourist.
>>973401 NO SCHILLINGER NO BUY That's right I'm regurgating what the 3 guys who give a shit about Panel de Pon have been posting during the autism of Super Smash.

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