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Summer of Love 2024: Steve Jobs died for this. Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 22:50:15 Id: 470a76 No. 974559
LIVE NOW Apple WWDC 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXeOiIDNNek IT'S TIME FOR THE SUMMER OF LOVE ARE YOU READY TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU LOVE BURN TO FLAMES? This thread will be pinned for when events are live, but will be cycled until around the 14th or so when the Nintendo Direct is over and done with. There is a possibility of this thread being extended due to sudden event pop ups and what not, however the 14-16th should be a good ending point. CYCLE ENDS TOMORROW Will restream as requested here: https://8chan.tv/view/6dbc0998-9fc7-4e1d-b9ee-896ec089d04c/ Schedule: Ubisoft Forward 2024 June 10 at 11:30 p.m. PT / 2:30 p.m. ET twitch.tv/ubisoft
Edited last time by Mark on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 16:49:27.
Its impressive how they made that look worse than those janky ps1 3D games
>>978087 Artist looks like doubledeck.
(8.10 MB 1280x720 p0xfin.mp4)

It took Call of Duty 20 years to figure out how to run in more than one direction.
>>978084 Shadow Tactics and Desperados 3 were actually really good, but their last game looked like such pozzed shit I just didn't bother with it. Neither did anyone else apparently, they announced their closure only like 2 weeks after launch.
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>>978085 The title screen went by so fast I didn't catch it.
Oh boy, car combat game?
Fumes looks cool I'll play it
>>978100 Auto Assault was 20 years ago. And no one played it.
>>978092 I can't see anything but Broly in the second pic. Imageboards have destroyed my mind.
>>978098 SBI consulted on that one by the way
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>>978102 I thought more of Vigilante 8, but it's even older.
No More Room in Hell 2 This time without Xbox shitty music
Nevermind It's some shit extraction shooter
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>the WORLD PREMIER logo caught me fuck It's called Sulfur.
>>978105 Smells like Borderlands, but with cars
Extraction shooter with spoops apparently
>>978099 Look up their statements, according to them the pozz was always there but only when they publicly displayed it did they go broke. >>978105 They were going the Metal Max angle with this one, I hope its fun
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>>978110 Exactly what Borderlands was meant to be, actually.
>Killing Floor 3 >Tripkike Fuck you
>>978106 Vigilante 8 and Twisted Metal, I did play. Fumes looked more like Auto Assault since the guns are on turrets instead of forward facing
(917.64 KB 2200x1314 Borderlands '07.jpg)

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>>978115 For more context
Those gun animations look like absolute ass
>Killing Floor 3 Oh no, Tripwire were turbo jews in KF2, I'm not playing KF3.
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Microtransactions Floor
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Has there been any Lies of P news so far this weekend?
Remember when Killing Floor had grindhouse horror aesthetics?
>>978123 15 bucks for a glock and a shield, IIRC. Ridiculous.
Oh dear, this soyboy just said the B word.
>>978118 Fuck, that takes me back. Lillith looked better then, too, instead of whatever she became in the final game.
Look at that UI. Badass.
Those gun animations look like absolute ass, holy shit, worse than 1, or even the UT2004 mod.
>>978125 No? I remember when it looked like a generic Source game
Wasn't Killing Floor 2 a scam or something?
I never want to see this again.
>>978131 Killing Floor was never on Source retard >>978133 Yep, micro transaction in Early Access while the game was still barely finished.
(141.42 KB 768x1024 badass.jpg)

>Not Actual Gameplay LOL
(1.29 MB 1277x728 NICE UI FAGGOTS.PNG)

>>978135 They never even brought in the wacky sci-fi weapons to get the CoD Zombie crowd.
>>978140 They did, they are teririble
>>978139 Post that one picture mocking future UI's
(1.56 MB 1438x808 PCG2024-41x.png)

Nice PS2.5 game
>>978136 To this day, I still don't understand Randy Bitchford's obsession with the word "Badass". He used it so much it's lost all meaning.
Oh god what is this
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>Even the fucking flowers are niggers
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>>978147 It kind of reminds me of Musk's weird fixation on the letter X
>those roses with dick sucking lips
>>978149 >dick sucking lips
>>978149 IMAGINE
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>The people who make games now listen to shit pop music Not surprising
>sports games >singing Pixar nigger shit Why do I watch this shit instead of playing good vidya
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this has to be a parody
>>978019 I think he chimped out when "Roller Mobster" was edited onto clips of the Europoor rapefugee invasion by /pol/ too.
>>978158 Gonna finish AC7 after this
Nigger. Nigger. Nigger.
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What is this?
quirky... >PC Gamepass Oh lord please take me away
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Thats why God left us
>>978144 My thoughts exactly >ELIMINATE THE THREAT
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They should've used Source engine it looks better than this garbage
I hate niggers
>nigger game >sideways pistol ADS holy fucking topkek
Was that nigger talking about wasps real or did I have a stroke?
>>978176 >Modern devs >Using Hammer AHAHAHHAHAHAAH no
Look mom, I made XIII again.
>>978180 I had a stroke too
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>>978182 At least it looked better than the "remake". Not saying much, but still.
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Killing Floor 3 is going to be a disaster Even the paypiggies are going to hate it
>>978180 I wish it was a stroke, it was some pretty blatant race hatred. >WASPs are evil bastards Niggers need to go
I like the music
Extract my brain.
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wow that looks awful
>>978185 Yes, agreed. I mean if that is the standard then I can understand indie devs taking their chances at trying to fill a void.
>>978191 A day in the life of an Amazon Warehouse worker
>deck Might as well remake Battleforge atl east it had potential for being fun
(652.54 KB 320x240 Kane dance.gif)

This sucks, fuckoff
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Nobody can stop me.
Been busy today, did I miss anything?
(3.36 MB 640x360 scream f1.webm)

>>978199 NO ANON DON'T DO IT!!!
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>RTS where you can see the opponent's tech tree
>>978200 I wish i had missed some of this stuff
>>978199 That's just because of the dick-sucking rose, you can't fool me
(24.80 KB 474x474 Egg.jpg)

>>978200 You missed pain
>>978204 Well it also has a negress loli. Don't forget that!
They managed to make starcraft but much worse
>>978206 You can't just get horny at absolutely every loli you see.
>>978205 Sounds like I made a good decision running some errands instead of watching this.
Nigga on the right looks like a skinwalker, what the dick man.
>>978210 FUCK YOU YES I CAN!
Bitch RTS hasn't been worse fuck off
There was absolutely a better time to be a PC and RTS player. Nigger.
(296.79 KB 1920x1080 Terminator Defiance inventory.jpg)

Some fucking russians on pocket money make better RTS games than these welfare funded pieces of shit.
>>978218 THAT'S THE JOKE
>>978216 They actually said that? Thank God I'm busy and not watching this crap.
Edited last time by Mark on 06/09/2024 (Sun) 21:00:52.
Oh, this Persona clone looked cool
>western "anime" >pixelshit >survival craftan >cards I'm over it
Every trailer I've seen of this make looks radically different.
>>978223 Amerime is back
(9.87 MB 640x360 chen honkwarrior.webm)

>Space Station 14
>>978230 Isn't this huge news or some shit ?
More amerime
Is this a trailer or a music video?
Got it memorised?
>>978234 are these games or "experiences"?
>>978230 >cross-platform Jizz
looks ok
>>978230 I thought the original project for this died like a decade ago.
>demo sign-ups gigacancer
>>978240 FLCL was a mistake
>>978240 I'm waiting for the the Snoot mod.
I'm so sick of these art directions
(100.12 KB 750x1000 Disdain for plebs.jpg)

I'm so sick of pixelshit Holy fuck learn how to draw you fucking hacks
>>978239 <a decade >last modification: June 27, 2015 Jesus you're right
>>978246 I msis spritework
>>978244 20 years ago, PC gamers gloated about superior graphics and input methods Today, PC "gamers" gloat about their games running on salvaged refuse hardware and being controller "compatible" (required)
>>978248 I do too.
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No More Room in Hell 2 Better be actually atmospheric, shame Tornbanner is publishing it.
Oh boy more zombieshit.
>>978253 No More Room in Hell is actually great
>>978251 Woah, look at that abdomen. Nice.
>horrorcore Does he mean something other than horror?
>Hollywood cinematic experience End me
>>978258 It's not
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>>978255 VERY full of eggs.
Another extraction shooter, this time by American cocksucking Finns.
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>Deck builder battle royale
I just saw the words "deck builder battle royale" and I almost puked.
>>978249 I gloat about being able to play 300 Doom .wads actually
(43.36 KB 288x302 fug.png)

Games for streamers.
>>978265 We need a deck builder battle royale survival crafting rogue-lite.
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>>978262 What do you mean by that?
>and I thought the worst thing that happens when jogging was "jogging" How about getting stabbed by a nigger?
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>>978270 Don't give these faggots any ideas
so many Millenial devs are trying to bring back that late-2000s "indie scene" shit, it's sad to see, but worse to endure (again)
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Why is there a woman?
Puke inducing aesthetics
>>978276 Why hello there
>>978277 There were lesbians in the trailer, and you didn't expect a woman to talk about this game?
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>>978281 Blonde is a tranny
>Kiki's Delivery Service meets the bikes from Akira Fucking kill yourself
>>978274 And it'll have retro NES graphics that couldn't actually be rendered on an actual NES and the game will be 50 gigabytes and have a blue and pink lighting engine that looks like a fucking rave.
>>978282 greenhair's a nigger >>978284 I reaaaaalllyyyy don't like how much anime (and its ripoffs) is being pushed onto normalniggers, I give it less than 10 years before all anime is subverted DEI horseshit. This is basically pointing the finger for "investors".
That hair jesus fuck, these fags need to be bullied to death.
>>978285 and BLOOM
>>978285 Don't forget the black transwoman with vitiligo out of nowhere
>>978291 Stop all the downloadin'
>>978284 >>978287 >Hello fellow anime lovers, how do you do?
Cute loli witch alert
>>978287 Well when a industry collapses they have to parasite another one, but their amerime are so fucking different from actual anime,even if Japan own industrry were to change more it would still be easy to see
This game has been indev since forever, what the fuck.
>You exceeded the hourly use rate of your bypass. Everytime goddamn That GI Joe game looks rough as shit
>another 2D pixel art beat 'em up based on an old IP Weird that happened twice in the span of a couple days. Was the new TMNT game really that successful to incite other companies to copy it?
>>978295 And it'll piss off Nip anime fans. Hopefully they'll go full Edo and tell Yankee to go home.
>>978295 it was pretty fucking easy to see when our hobbies' industries changed, but so what? That didn't stop it. Never will until we cut ourselves off from kike currency and financial policies.
>shota cat
Could you all stop sperging please?
Didn't they show this yesterday
>thirst person shooter
>>978302 No, I am fucking angry and you will learn just how much!
>Crush House We've SEEN THIS!
>Divorced dads
This is unironically a cash grab for DEI funds, can't make this shit up.
(64.79 KB 1400x700 OH FUCK.jpg)

God this is painful
>>978308 it's that tumblr lesbian 3D artstyle.
>>978309 Yep, this is what welfare funded games give s you
>knock off Animal Crossing If it aint got Isabelle then I don't give a fuck.
>space trucking VERY comfy
>Space Trucking game mite b cool
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I am so sorry, that was a nightmare. I caught most of them.
Fuck this, I got work in the morning.
>>978314 not with a sleeper berth that small, I doubt there are many space truckstops to shit and shower at, and you can't just throw a plastic baggie of shit out the window in space 0/10
>>978312 I know, I just think this one is too obvious. Not intended to make any actual profit from sales, just to collect those funds and run away with the money.
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I missed the title for the last one, but thankfully the titles are in the top right corner.
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Missed the gameplay of the first two. Very sorry.
Isn't this game dying due to stupid dev moves?
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I intentionally didn't get the house game because it's been shown several times already.
Thank you, anon.
>>978321 You do more than enough anon, I appreciate it
This negress again
>>978327 Most generous!
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>>978328 Seconded. I don't even have to subject myself to the stream. It's very appreciated
The story behind this one is crazy. Negresses in charge, DEI funds, lies, outright work laws violations...
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83 YES!!!
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Missed the goddamn title of the first game.
>Mullet Madjack Heard great things about the game. Played the demo, it was fun.
>>978337 I need to play that
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>>978337 Agreed. Still a bit confused about why it's showing up all over the place in these awards, since it released in May or something, but its a game worth playing, so that makes it 1 in a million.
>>978337 >>978339 I swear, there's a game on Itch.io that plays just like it, just without the anime and 80s references
>>978333 I'm not going to lie, sometimes I just ignore the stream and look at what's been posted.
>building an ecosystem yeah, wars on nature work great, ask China how that went.
Just end it already geez
That 83 trailer was terrible, don't know why they thought that alright releasing.
>Solarpunk Lol, lmao even.
>Sustainable Solar Punk City Builder Tell us there's a checklist for your DEI games in the first sentence
>literal DEI game
This dude looks like a psychopath
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>>978343 I accidental posted Mullet Madjack again,
(2.37 MB 429x592 MAX TERRY.webm)

None of these cucks understand a single thing about energy generation and consumption.
>>978342 You're making the smart choice, anon.
>>978352 The woman looks like a psycho too
Are these two people cult leaders?
>>978355 obviously, they make videogames for welfare money and spread agitprop. They make problems, not solve them.
Where was the game.
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Here's one I forgot to post.
Bitch at least don't use a bra and show us your tits
Press S to spit on grave of laid off devs.
>>978362 That was rough, I hope they actually release a decent trailer outside this trash show.
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BIG walking chicken house
I'm falling asleep
>>978368 Is this a Baba Yaga game?!
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oh boy, more shilling!
>>978371 My favourite!
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Why does every PC have to be full of garish LEDs with a transparent case now?
>>978368 >>978371 I'M GOING TO PUT A BABA IN THAT YAGA
>>978371 I wonder what kind of eggs the house lays haha
>>978375 Muh "PC Gamer"
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>>978375 Normalfags are fucking retarded and like shiny things
>>978371 Oh shit that's nice!
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>>978377 Cottages
>>978382 >another survival crafting dogshit >that's nice! c'mon
end it please...
>>978383 CARLOS
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>Another soybeard
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>>978383 >The tank with the heavy shield is a Black woman >Reddit humor
Stolen console.
I'm scared.
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As I've said every time this game has been shown, it looks very clever.
So is the 3D parts just GUI or is it actually part of the gameplay?
Chinese furfag game
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>>978393 Playing that would make me feel sick
>survival crafting >roguelike >cards GenZ is really fucking terrified of "game over", huh?
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>>978394 Actual gameplay. >>978398 That's the other thing I've often thought, it looks hard to play.
(411.36 KB 240x138 Life is short.gif)

>Chinese Room
>>978398 That's part of why I was asking if the real game is just what's going on on the screen and the 3D background is just animation slaved to your actions on screen.
>>978154 >Dick sucking tulips
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>>978393 They've shown this about 3 times now and I still can't work out how the two layers link up.
>She lives in California No shit
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Look at this monster lady. It looks like she's traumatized over being abandoned by her family. Awful.
Escape Chile.
>>978404 >survival crafting
>>978408 Couldn't be me.
(258.97 KB 1920x1080 mpv-shot0005.jpg)

>Boyfriend dungeon
>>978413 Coq here
Nigger steals.
(320.70 KB 498x379 Ronald.gif)

>How will you survive in Fortuna? I won't
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Isn't Qud the game where a dev inserted his gf as an immortal NPC?
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That one didn't look so bad and it didn't have deck-builder shit
>>978408 >>978411 The hate must STOP

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>>978375 Yeah, I'm way over that nowadays. The first PC I built, I got this stupid ass case. Which had RGB on top, and this thing was just a pain in the ass to clean because of there being dust in all of those little notches at the front, and those things on top. My current case is just a normal flat box, with not stupid lad's, My mother board comes with RGB shit and I just turned it off. It makes no sense to have that stuff when you are trying to play a game, since the LED gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever
>>978419 So how much money do you get nowadays for making byzantines gay?
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Why won't it end? Just fucking end already!!!
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That actually looks cool
Stop showing alpha footages you fucking retards
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>>978428 fox sexo
>>978432 Here you go, anon. Pre-alpha footage.
>>978433 Game could be cool but it's WAY overdoing it on the choppy faux-CRT look.
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Seriously, why the fuck is every other game a survival crafting piece of shit? Who buys these games? Where's the good one they're all aping? I DEMAND ANSWERS >more Amerime AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>This is Dead Cells dev new game Sad
Finally End it
Let me be free
>>978439 Blame Notch.
>>978428 Seikiu for praying game
>cult members are black What did they meant by this
(137.22 KB 294x429 foxo.png)

Anything worth caring about? >>978375 LEDs are cheap, sheet glass is cheap, steel is expensive once you start shipping it, and aluminium is expensive to make into shapes.
>>978444 No, Minecraft isn't the same as these other cookie-cutter, third-person, "floor tile, wall tile" games that all seem to have started with, what, ARK? Is there an endless deluge of games that looked at ARK and thought, "perfect!"?
Is it over?
>>978449 Oh. Fortnite probably.
(894.88 KB 720x720 Coom baby.mp4)

>It's over Thank fucking God
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Can I die now?
>>978453 >4th image Don't think it don't say it
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Some of these last few were interesting.
So is Valve ever going to announce Deadlock?
This did not deserve 2 hours and 10 minutes of my time.
SO many video games!
>>978458 Just like every year
these shows leave such a bad taste in my mouth I don't even want to play any vidya afterward. Games are gay. I'll just drink and stare at the wall instead, at least that is less soul-destroying
>>978439 They're tiny indie games so they only need to sell like 1000 copies to break even.
I do not envy the few good developers of good games out there right now. All their work being diluted and hidden by an infinite sea of piss.
>>978461 I just play good games and love games again
>>978463 This is what corporate welfare is supposed to do, saturation so that you only pay attention to the next AAA piece of fucking shit.
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>>978455 Think about this instead
>>978464 >good games prove it
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>>978449 Ark copied Rust.
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As they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.
>>978474 I wouldn't even be mad about this, but you goddamned well know that someone was working on the concept for a Hexen/Heretic sequel and Bethesda said NOPE FUCK YOU MAKE IT DOOM.
>>978474 >Game industry is so fucked I am actually agreeing with DSP The absolute state of this hobby man
>>978139 Still can't believe this shit.
>>978481 It's going to be a fucking disaster, bet on it.
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>perfect dark escaped dev hell God damn it. Still going through this shit and getting caught up. Anything of value get shown recently?
>>978488 -NuDoom: The Prequelening looks ok but it's the furthest thing from Doom it could be -COD Black Ops: The 90s has a new movement system wigh gun fun that looks fun -Gears of War new game is a prequel with no women -4 or so ok indie games That's about it
>>978231 >WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS SHIT?! SS13 sequel/port/remake/whatever. It has some neat ideas but for now is a radioactive garbage fire because it's completely run by and infested with troons and community drama and in-fighting. >>978232 >Isn't this huge news or some shit ? No.
>>978501 At least they're dedicated to keeping it open source so people can just fork it and fix it if necessary. Not gonna be a quick process though.
>>978488 I see Joanna got her jaw replaced with a cinderblock.
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>>978488 That has to be a bad angle, right?
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>>978510 Yeah, that's just a terrible camera angle and lighting that's making her face look like that. ...Her jawline is actually much broader. Bitches in games are starting to look like Captain Quirk, while bitches writing the games look more like Sludge Vohaul.
>>978510 Her chin doesn't look quite as awful in this thumbnail, but the real question is if they don't want their female character modes to look like shit, why do they keep editing the trailers to have shots that make their models look like shit. Same thing with the Silent Hill 2 remake trailer, it's possible to make that Angela model look not as bad, but they put the close up of those bushy ass eyebrows front and center. so no shit people are gonna make a fuss when it's put right in our face.
>>978521 Okay that looks better for Joanna. Because that first shot literally just doesn't fucking look like her. Also big eyebrows are hot
>>978521 >if they don't want their female character modes to look like shit, why do they keep editing the trailers to have shots that make their models look like shit. What do you mean? They do. The Western game industry is obsessed with making female characters look like men or just plain hideous. Being attracted to human females is a crime.
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>>978521 >>978514 >>978488 >>978510 >Sludge Vohaul. it all looks bad. even the boss in the MG3 remake looks like a man. to be fair I don't think she ever looked great in any version. but this is a downgrade for sure
>>978526 >>978521 It's been explained in the past companies sabotage attractive women in games to spare the feelings of trannies.
>>978529 I think that reveal was years old, I want to say around the time of The Last of Us II's release. Maybe even earlier than that. It resurfaced around the time the character models in Pokemon GO were altered into those androgynous blobs.
>>978417 Yes. I see that he made the UI not complete and utter fucking garbage, though. Is he pretending it's "complete" now?
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>>978526 >>978531 I guess part of me would rather believe this was all incompetence, then the truth being that they do it on purpose. I mean, they've been doing this shit consistently, and it's obviously not increasing any of their revenue. Yet the cancer is so prevalent they'll just keep bleeding money for the sake of appeasing this retardation. Then a mediocre game like Stellar Blade comes out, makes the protag the kind of attractive woman we used to have in abundance in every game back in the PS2/OG Xbox era, and everyone praises it. It's the lack of any common sense their side has that confuses me. All of their choices are illogical.
>>978500 (checked) I like how they just gave up on trying a new story in Gears since everything they made was shit. I wonder if their nostalgia cash in will work out for them. >nudoom 2016 was eh but still playable. Eternal made me hate it, so I don't really care anymore what they do. >black ops movement Yeah I was mildly surprised to see the movement there. Not that I'm really all that interested in playing CoD though. >>978521 >why do they keep editing the trailers to have shots that make their models look like shit Good trailer making is a lost art form for triple gay. I remember some older vidya industry fags lamenting the state of it in a podcast I watched years ago.
>>978570 It's always online, 70 dollars, needs Blizznet always on and its 300 fucking GB, besides all the niggers and women, plus DLC and microtransactions. Just found the movement interesting for COD since it's basic bitch for babies. Also, they're turning Killing Floor into a Hero Shooter with Killing Floor 3, and Perfect Dark looks like an ok Doos Sex lite.
>>978503 >At least they're dedicated to keeping it open source so people can just fork it and fix it if necessary. Lol, lmao even. The code might be open-source but the launcher/hub (ie. public access to servers) is firmly under the control of the troon brigade running the main project and there was an internet catfight a bit ago because someone from the project tried to make their own launcher. It's fucked and going to stay that way.
>>978598 >Killing Floor into a Hero Shooter with Killing Floor 3 I had my issues with 2, but if that is true then this makes it look a million times better now. >Perfect Dark looks like an ok Doos Sex lite Not a fan of her redesign though.
>>978540 I know we've been harping about ugly women in vidya, but I kind of forgot one little important thing that was in the Perfect Dark demo. Carrington is the enemy. In both Perfect Dark and Perfect Dark Zero, Joanna works for Carrington and the Carrington Institute. Though in Zero, she doesn't join until more than halfway into the game. It's not clear who she's with here if not Carrington, but if Carrington's the villain in this game for some reason, I won't be too surprised, since Carrington is White.
>>978488 East German Olympic athlete tier.
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>>978637 Carrington is described as a "wanted international criminal" in this so it's implied to be a full reboot with completely different continuity and character relationships. In the OG Carrington was an incredibly rich man who could basically fund his own private spy force, of which Johanna was his best agent. I will say, going by the little snippits from the trailer, I think you're sent after Carrington at the start but he tells Johanna that she's working for evil people or something and she starts working for him. That being said, he doesn't sound scottish either which is a massive fail.
>>978521 >>978524 Still has a massive man-jaw.
>>978598 Better or not, KF2 is still a massive pile of shit.
Ubisoft live in about five and a half hours. There's also Apple, but I don't imagine their event will be about vidya. So, was that State of Play back in May really Sony's big "E3" showcase? They spent half of it covering some GaaS nobody wants.
>>978600 > there was an internet catfight a bit ago because someone from the project tried to make their own launcher. Lemme guess, someone threatened to sue and as always people cuck out rather than stand their ground because bloodsucking lawyer kikes and their legal fees are a good enough boogeyman whether or not there's actual ground. Unless they didn't do anything but loudly screech and this dev was such a weak fucking sister he gave up. I sound mad because I am that this is always the two outcomes and I'm at the point of blaming the faggots rather than being sympathetic
>>978723 >such a weak fucking sister I have never heard this expression. Are you calquing it from another language?
>>978722 <Ubisoft live in about five and a half hours hoping to some games that'll be decent. I've checked some of the SGF '24 and it seems to be just a few games that were actually decent.
>>978731 i think he meant sissy
>>978642 Joanna didn't have a British accent in Zero, either, and it retconned the first game since the first game established that Joanna was a rookie and the game itself was her first real missions in the field. All she had before that were her 'Perfect' simulation training. But I'm willing to overlook retcons this time, since each game is decades apart and made by completely different people (how many people from 90s Rare were left by the mid-2000s, anyway?) I'm not dismissing the possibility that Joanna works for someone else at the start of the game, then turns and joins Carrington's side, since that's exactly what she did in Zero. *Jesus Christ. It's been nearly 20 years since I played Zero, and I still remember most of that letdown of a game.** What I'm not overlooking, aside from the fact that it's the current Tomb Raider devs working on this, is the silly CAR stance with her pistol and the scripted takedown moves. That shit didn't impress me in Human Revolution or Doom 2016, it doesn't impress me here.
Steam Next Fest starts today (presumably when store updates in an hour or two).
>>978744 Someone should make a seperate thread for that, maybe I'll do it. Unsure.
STEAM NEXT FEST >>978777 >>978777 >>978777 >>978777 >>978777 >>978777 STEAM NEXT FEST
>>974559 Completely forgot about that Apple thing. Did anyone even watch it?
>>978780 I’m watching it right now, nothing special’s going on which is surprising since I thought they would be shilling a lot more games shilling considering how Linux of all things has surpassed OSX on Steam
Oh boy, here we go.
>they're doubling down on Game Tool Kit
Thank god, Linux gaming is safe for another year.
10 minutes till Ubishit.
>>978805 Can't wait for Quirky Marvel Female Star Wars and Nigger Samurai.
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>>978818 >ubishit But I don't wanna.
>>978819 I'll be postan, don't worry.
>>978820 Nah I'll suffer for a bit. How long is this show anyway?
>>978822 Probably too long, I'd guess 90-120 minutes.
>>978823 Sounds about what I expect. Also this star wars outlaws gameplay is really boring so far.
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They spent entirely too much time on that. Outlaws looks fine. Better than Starfield if you want a space game. Definitely has that AAA stink about it.
I'm in.
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They're still going with this huh I like the battle droid with a jacket.
>>978828 >tfw no Dash Rendar
>>978830 I want to fug him
Does anyone even still play skull and bones? I thought that was dead on arrival.
So how bad is it?
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>>978835 They've only shown three games so far, so it's hard to say.
>>978835 It's Ubisoft.
This guy is so obviously reading off a script, nobody talks like this.
Niggers galore. I hate streamers.
>Ubisoft has made twitch chat emote only. The cowards.
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Didn't mean to reply to myself.
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>>978848 Why is he purple? Lavender even?
Wasn't the Sands of Time remake being done by an Indian studio originally? What happened with that
More streamers. More niggers.
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>story pack came hasn't come out and they already bring out DLC?
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Not posting Rocksmith, that's just an ad for a music learning service. Also didn't this game come out last year?
Bold move to show The Crew here.
Can somebody talk over for me for a second? I need to use the toilet
>>978856 I can't even load the stream properly. Sorry.
>>978831 Everything from the 80s and 90s EU doesn't exist, Anon. Except when Dave Filoni brings it back, in which case, he made it first.
>>978854 I did my best.
>>978854 >DLC for a game no one played >Even when they gave it to people for free
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"A Ubisoft Original" is the new mark of the Beast.
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>nobody took over from me I probably didn't miss much at least.
>>978864 You didn't.
>>978864 I think you only missed Monopoly.
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I'm not even going to bother posting gameplay of Shadows, you all know what Ass Creed is like.
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>>978864 >I probably didn't miss much at least. You say that like there is something to miss from a Ubisoft show.
>>978866 Wasn't there an Anno game too, I'm only half paying attention to this.
>>978870 There was. Anno 177 Pax Romana.
>>978870 Oh yeah that's right. It didn't actually show anything just a Greco-Roman guy talking to goats.
petto the doggo xddddddd puppers lmao!!!!! xddd
>Yasuke using a club Truly a samurai
All this does is make me want to play another Nioh 1 or Sekiro.
really ? hip-hop beats ? lmao
I really hate ubishit. It can't be said enough.
>>978876 But you can't be an assassin nor a creed in either of those, can you?
>>978877 In the grim darkness of Current Year +10 there is only nigger music.
>>978879 Amusingly Wolf ended up acting more like a ronin most of the time instead of a stereotypical ninja.
They're betting everything on this game, how long have they been showing it now?
>>978882 Longer than all of their other stuff combined I think.
>>978876 I miss Tenchu now.
>>978882 15 minutes >>978883 Not quite, Outlaws had a 20-minute feature.
>>978885 Yeah Outlaws went way too long.
>>978885 >Outlaws had a 20-minute feature. Did it? I must have zoned out.
>>978887 >Outlaws is so forgettable you forgot you even watched it Sounds about right
Wait, is that it?
>>978889 Thank god.
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Are Ubisoft supposed to be the baddies?
>it's over
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And now it's over. Most of the showcase was dedicated to literally two games. I don't know what the point of this was.
Oh fuck it's not actually over.
>>978731 >I have never heard this expression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpf2FSDMgvk
>>978894 When will Ubisoft finally go under?
>>978898 Random countries still throwing money at them? If so then probably not anytime soon.
>>978898 Soon, nobody wants to buy them and their stock value is lower than Koei Tecmo.
>>978898 When the canadian government stops funding them.
>>978898 Maybe if Trudeau finally loses an election. Though he's won like 3 times in a row.
>>979015 He will lose this one. His approval ratings are at an all-time low.
>>979049 Nobody likes Biden either, but the upcoming American election is still an unpredictable coinflip due to how nobody likes either side. If Trudeau's opponent has any easily hateable qualities it's over.
>>979049 He won the third time largely by default because our Conservacucks got vote-split by the new PPC (the only right-wing party worth a damn). Don't take that to mean PPC has momentum though their leader Maxime Bernier is an ESL frog and voters are superficial as fuck, caring more about appearance than policy (which is why Trudeau won in the first place, he makes women wet). Already the Conservacucks are putting up a pressure-relief valve in the form of Pierre Poilievre who just wants to cook the frog slower but will probably win due to being eloquent and "comparatively reasonable". >>979051 Not to mention the high probability of riggery and taking measures to crush dissent harder than Jan 6 arrests.
>>979074 >he makes women wet How the fuck does he manage that? Do more women have cuck fantasies than I thought, or does that blackface act of his really turn women on?
>>979085 Women love strong dictators
>>979085 He's pretty and young-looking in a field of older politicians and has a nice-sounding voice. As I said, superficial and women.

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>>979092 >Women love strong dictators
So is it all over now? Is there anything left? Nintendo hasn't gone yet but they always go by their own rules and just announce something the day before it happens. All we know is it won't be the 11th now.
>>978249 Piracy and emulation is the only good thing about PC.

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