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Game of the Month #9 (June Edition): No One Can Stop Mr. Domino! (PS1) Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 10:45:24 Id: 4c8b46 No. 974706
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!, a quirky action-puzzle game from a time where developers would throw anything at the wall and see what stuck. Help the titular Mr. Domino make a mess out of a series of fun levels, make a huge chain of blocks and see them all fall in a spectacular fashion. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/psx-iso/no-one-can-stop-mr-domino-europe/ >How does it play? Mr. Domino is, as the game suggests, unstoppable. He will not yield or even slow down, at best you can go from a jog to a full on run. Place domino pieces over the course, which loops on itself, then hit one of your previously placed pieces to start a chain reaction! All levels have both context-sensitive buttons you need to press by letting a domino piece fall on them or some other criteria to award bonus points. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: https://poal.me/9n6r8r If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: https://rentry.co/p58zse2f OP Copypasta: https://rentry.co/akaqy3oq
Edited last time by Zoom on 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:52:10.
I would also like to offer my apologies for not putting the thread up on June 1st. I have been extremely busy as of late and will likely be for the next few months. To make up for it, we'll delay the final day of the GotM to the 16th.
>>974707 No worries, thank you for all the hard work you've been doing,
The title of this game is so funny HE MUST BE STOPPED SOMEBODY STOP HIM
(1.41 MB 810x1112 dom.png)

Top score so far: 4028
>>974706 I think I played a demo of this if there was one. Also that cover art was instantly familiar, or maybe just the domino character. Either way, I remembered it the moment I saw it which is impressive considering I haven't heard of it since it came out. >>974723 >SOMEBODY STOP HIM The man is an unstoppable force of nature.
Can someone do this but with Mr. Domino. I think there's potential here.
(144.78 KB 237x352 no_one_can_stop_mr_domino.png)

>>974731 >the ending No one could stop Mr. Domino so he stopped himself Seriously though, a fun but short game. I have to give them credit with how it really captured the spirit of fugging around with dominoes when I was a kid. Watching the chain go at the end of the level and seeing all the silly shit following it was pretty satisfying. The level with the family was pretty funny too. >>974744 Get a drawfag on dubsman.
(1.33 MB 1091x608 Shang thumbs up.png)

>>974834 -9,000,000 social credit score
>>974834 Nice.
>>974843 YOU'RE NICE
>>974834 Won't someone please stop him???
>>974854 No one can stop him.
>Mr.Domino getting some love Nice. I thought I was the only person in the world that owned this game. Lets play Sheep next.
>>974942 Put it in the polls
>>974726 Where gamers go
>>974726 I don't get it.
(58.67 KB 316x312 sheepit.jpg)

>>974942 Had to.
>>975860 I chuckled
>>974794 It's definitely one of those games that captured that PSX aesthetic.
>>976320 >PSX aesthetic check out "Gunmetal Gothic" https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ar35vLSZ8ZA
>>977035 That's a faux-retro game, though. Mr. Domino is an actual PS1 game. I've yet to find a fake PS1 game that actually fits the bill. Many can pull the basic look off, but they're all obviously not actual PS1 games. Often the character models have too many tris, or the levels are too big and detailed. They're all fucking horror games, too.
(2.01 KB 134x102 Toaka heppy.PNG)

Trying to run the game right now, but the cutscenes are giving me seizures, does anyone know how to fix it? Though I am also using the en version
>>975860 10/10
>>974706 Damn it OP! You just unleashed a Domino Effect!
Domino is fucking stupid. I hate domino. Fuck domino. Sometimes it's a game where you put bricks with dots next to bricks with the same number of dots on a table and, I dunno, try to get 21 dots or something but other times domino is some stupid art thing where you make stupid giant pictures out of billions of colored bricks and you spend weeks placing the bricks and then you push the first brick and the picture of jesus in a flower field made out of standing bricks turns into a picture of jesus in a flower field made out of fallen bricks, like why, what's the point ?? Make up your fucking mind.
>>980319 Ok, but those are the IRL (in real life) dominos. What about video game dominos?
>>980322 I have nothing against video game domino.
Has anyone stopped Mr. Domino?
>>980386 No. The only way is not to start him.
>>980400 Once he drops, he can't stop.
(203.27 KB 828x997 dukedomino.jpg)

>>980420 The menace has finally been stopped, peace has been restored.
>>980420 That's not Mr. Domino. That's an imposter. Mr. Domino cannot be stopped.
I, for one, don't want Mr. Domino to stop.

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