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Anyone else play this masterpiece? Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:28:32 Id: 0b6049 No. 974745
This game is amazing I wasn't into LOTR before playing this, anyone else try this? If so what are your thoughts?
Never played mind telling what it's about?
>>974754 Survival crafting game set in the LOTR universe where dwarves return to reclaim Moria. It's like $25 right now.
>>974756 Sounds cozy.
>>974745 >EGS exclusive >Survival Game This is either the next God Hand or a shit game, gimmie the deets OP.
>>974759 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ETmqtscIWc It's coming to Steam and Xbox this fall. It's already on PS5 where I played it. It's GOAT. Really underrated gem I had more fun in this than in Baulder's Gate 3 or with Dragon's Dogma 2. Great action adventure game with survival crafting included to make it really fun. A nice cozy fantasy escape.
why would I want to play a dwarfy moria game where I can't even dig too deep?
>>974760 >direct jewtube link Here. Back on topic, besides the LotR/Dwarf shit, what sets this apart from all the other survival games?
>>974798 Good question I have no idea this is the only survival crafting game I've ever played. No I did not play Minecraft.
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Shill thread.
>>974868 I'm not shilling I genuinely love this game it's the most fun I've had since Halo 3.
>>974868 This is a fairly smart joke for season 12 Simpsons.
>>974798 Looks like an extremely generic unity asset flip survival craft game with an undeveloped combat system tacked onto it, except with LotR IP slapped on top. I'm willing to bet something like Valheim does the exact same thing but better and with more content.
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>>974868 >Anon talking about a game he finds interesting is now shilling
>>974876 He's not shilling but his thread is shit.
Corporations don't shill small sites, not worth it
>>974877 Thank you.
>>974881 You could have done a write up on how it compares to other games in the same genre. Included game footage of high points or interesting features. Showed off something you built yourself. Mentioned where people could even get the game. Instead you just said "I like this thing" with a jpeg. If you want people to talk about the things you're interested in you need to put effort in yourself. If you took 20 minutes to prepare a quality OP you could have had a thread that spurred on hundreds of posts over the span of weeks. Instead you just have people calling you a shill. Use your brain to think about what information you would want as someone who knows absolutely nothing about a game to be capable of talking about and engaging with it. This board does not have anywhere near enough users for you to organically find random people that have also played your niche epic games exclusive to carry your thread for you.
>>974883 I haven't played other games in this genre as I've mentioned so I don't know what to compare it to. I don't know how to get recordings from my PS5 to be able to upload them here. I did mention where they could get the game. It's on PS5 Epic Games Store and coming to Steam and Xbox soon. You're right I probably should have put a bit more effort in the post but I literally could not think of anything else to type out. If you don't like the thread don't post in it that simple.
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I rather some anon talk about a game in earnest then some bullshit template or ragebait thread. How about giving the anons recs of games of a similar genre or talking about the genre in general?
>>974884 The only thing that comes to my mind is the feeling of being a kid again as cliche as it sounds. When I saw this game I instantly wanted to play it no IGN review or e-celeb review urged me to play it. I just saw a game I was personally interested in and wanted it and had a blast. Reminds me of when I played Ocarina of Time.
>>974885 >earnest Not exactly "earnest" when there's no effort behind it. If anything the lack of effort shows a lack of sincerity in your opinions. The first post right after it was just a sentence fragment about its genre and then said its current price. I don't blame anons for saying this was shilling.
>>974888 I'm willing to cut him some slack as we all made bad threads when we first started.
I'm mega autistic for Tolkien so I would normally use this as an excuse to talk about the series, though I've never played the game and have no interest in the genre. But OP doesn't know the series, so I can't even ask about that. Like is this game set in the Fourth Age? He makes it sound like it is.This has gotta be one of the only "official" works set in the Fourth Age. Unless its about the failed quest mentioned in Fellowship of the Ring, and you lose at the end of the game. But they would never have you lose. Maybe they just fuck the lore and change history.
Fuck it since were on the topic of LOTR, what are some of your favourite games or mods from the series? I'm personally a fan of lotor Total War Warhammer 3 mods.
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>op is just two sentences >no links, no info at all >only info anon gives is when he describes the game as 'goat' and 'action adventure survival crafting' >the only explanation for it being good is how it makes him feel Op is either the worst shill, an actual idiot, or both. >>974884 >If you don't like the thread don't post in it that simple. Think before you post.
>>974885 >Anyone else play [x] game >zero effort one liner op >not template >>974897 I've been looking through old 8chan archives recently, and yeah most of the threads from 2015-2016 wouldn't fly here today, they were on the same level of simplicity. It's sad that nobody knows how to make quality threads because of years of cuckchan brainrot. Maybe if he posted on /vb/ instead? >we all made bad threads when we first started. That's not true, I lurked for years before I posted and I've never made a bad thread in my life t. never made a thread >>974916 >the only explanation for it being good is how it makes him feel Not everyone's a good critic, but literally anything other than that would've at least been seen as an attempt to be productive and have good faith discussion.
>>974912 This is another good point. If your individual thread premise doesn't have enough content to make a quality OP, you can simply generalize it to encompass the entire franchise of LotR games which people have more experience with.
>>974745 >masterpiece The game is alright at best and it was made by idiot californians who thought their game would survive on the epic game store.
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>>974912 I've enjoyed pic related since I was a kid. It's basically a Diablo 2 styled action RPG, but I think the limitations of the GBA somewhat work in its favour. Instead of randomised levels they set levels, meaning there's actual level design and also they don't shower you with useless loot, instead item drops feel more significant, with magical equipment being quite rare. It has some surprisingly good original music for a licenced game too. You can play as several members of the fellowship and it also lets you play as Eowyn for some reason.
The PS2 games of Two Towers and Return of the King were pretty good, as was The Hobbit game that came out around the same time, but frankly, I wish they just made a Lord of the Rings 2D platformer. The whole book is essentially about some people walking from A to B, with a few action setpieces in the middle. Through some jumps and little enemies in the walking sections, turn the action setpieces into boss fights, and bam, you got a game that would probably feel more like the book than any game we have so far. You could give all the characters different abilities, and then different levels are built for different characters based on who should be where at whatever point in the story, and let the player switch between those characters at any time. This would be a great generic NES game. Instead we get text adventures, a terrible SNES RPG, a bunch of shovelware like the OP, and a couple actually okay games here and there, but none of them really feel much like the series.
>>974963 > Eowyn for some reason. That's not a bad thing.
>>975082 It sort of flies in the face of the lesson she learns, which is that you shouldn't want to be a warrior, and that being a warrior isn't the only way to have a meaningful life, or be a hero. But then Bilbo learns the same lesson in The Hobbit, and they made a whole movie (Battle of the Five Armies) that flies in the face of that, so I suppose this is slightly less egregious.
>>975095 Ok but Aragorn does the same thing but gets to be king of everything for it Everything tolkienshit needs to be read with an asterisk *unless you're of royal blood because he was a brittard
>>975192 No, Aragorn and Eowyn are opposites. Aragorn never wanted to be a warrior, and did so reluctantly because it was required of him. Eowyn was needed for other roles that the story tries to teach her were just as important, but she feels the only important role is that of warrior. The story isn't saying that warriors are bad, it's saying that it's a role that you shouldn't want to have, it's a tragic but sometimes necessary fate. You shouldn't revel in it or yearn for it. And it's not the only way to be a hero. Sometimes the way to be a hero is to be meek and humble, and though sometimes warriors are needed, sometimes warriors are not needed, and trying to be one when you don't need to be only makes things worse. That's part of the problem with Thorin, as opposed to Bilbo. It's the whole point of the hobbits. Aragorn bows to them because he understands what they did and how important it is, even though it's not the big flashy warrior role.
>>974745 >two button glitchy combat >ai broken as fuck >painful voiceacting >linear beyond belief >what you would call retardedly grindy My thoughts are that you should kill yourself.

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