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Killdozer Day Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 20:52:00 Id: 9e83e9 No. 975491
Happy Killdozer day /v/! Which games let you use a bulldozer unreasonably as a weapon? Terminator Defiance the recent Terminator RTS game lets you use a Bulldozer as a weapons platform, including adding heavy armor to it!
(250.81 KB 618x506 Ramdozer Blast Corps.png)

>>975491 Blast Corps has the Ramdozer. Was an early N64 game, but had a simple premise and did it well: destroy obstacles within the allotted time limit. Developed by Rare, so expect things to get fun.
(962.28 KB 720x404 LegoKilldozer.mp4)

>>975491 The more I learn and see of that Terminator game the more I wanna play it
RIP in pece nvr forgeti ;_;7
>>975491 Twisted Metal and Brigador. >>975496 They really should not have fucked around with that guy so much to the point where he snapped. They deserved all that property damage and more.
>>975495 You can two everything on the map like a fucking prospector, it's fucking great!
>>975498 >two *tow
>>975491 Speaking of wrong-thinkers exposing how retarded the authorities are, which game lets you carry Albert Dryden's revolver?
I might be misremembering, but I think one of the tanks in Brigador is based on the Killdozer. Regardless, you can bulldoze property and enemies with your tanks and get rewarded for it.
>>975528 Yeah I mentioned that one. >>975528 >>975498 I always liked Gates of Hell for letting me tow shit around. It is a nice utility option to have.
>>975537 Meant the second reply to >>975497 >>975495 They need more Lego games that just let you go around with Red Faction Guerilla levels of destruction.
Not just Killdozer day, it's also the twenty year anniversary >>975496 A real legend. I just realized, his face looks a lot like mine, if I was 20 years older.
Only game I remember playing with a bulldozer was LISA.

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