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Let's play a game Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 02:21:31 Id: c64ef1 No. 975565
Someone posts a mundane or prosaic activity and then anon has to come up with a way to make an engaging video game around it. I'll start: >operating a soundboard during concerts
So like a Game Jam thread? >operating a soundboard during concerts Rhythm-based DJ sim where you have to figure out based on audience members' appearances and reactions to different tracks what kind of music to play and what kind of effects to use. Could even make it into a whole nightclub simulator at that point. If you want something a little more outlandish you could make a horror game where you have to time certain sound effects like beats dropping and screams to gunshots and assassinations to hide suspicion like a Hitman helper kind of game. Here's a few mundane ideas to toy with: >Meal prepping for the week >Vacuuming different rooms of the house >Picking your nose
>>975567 >Meal prepping for the week You could play as someone working for an agency that busy and/or lazy people hire to plan their meals out for them. Each person has different nutritional needs (for example, some people may be low on vitamin D), personal tastes, and personal goals that affect how you plan for them. But they'll quit paying for your services if you feed them the same thing every day, don't give them enough food, feed them too much food they dislike, or feed them too much of something that negatively affects their health. You would have to keep an eye on how many calories you're feeding them as well. Some may need to lose weight, some may be trying to bulk up, and others may just be trying to maintain their weight. Some may be vegetarians and others may have to abstain from certain foods on certain days for religious reasons (like meat on Fridays). You wouldn't pay for the food yourself. Instead, each person would have a different budget that you have to work within.
>>975565 I would imagine this would be sort of like FNaF, where you have to watch the different band members and adjust sliders and knobs based on how they move around on the stage, how close they are to microphones or speakers, and then dial down or up the volume for a given source to prevent feedback or keep something audible. Maybe someone will drop a mic or accidentally unplug themselves and you'll have to react quickly to prevent deafening the audience. The entire game, could even have deceptively low volume to make feedback actually shock the player. Put a good soundtrack on it, and add in some randomness for things that can go wrong, different venues, genres and difficulty levels, and there you go. Maybe even throw in some currency and customization for upgrades.
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A pleasant walk down a river No walking sims >>975567 >Vacuuming different rooms of the house Something line a singleplayer dots and boxes, but you also have to deal with obstacles and hazards like household pets and children undoing your progress. For an added mechanic, the vacuum could be cordless as to add a timer element to each level.
>>975567 >Meal prepping for the week >Picking your nose Combine these two. Make the Booger Man-Cooking Mama crossover game we've always wanted.
>Vacuuming different rooms of the house Simple, you vaccum over an area to change its status from "dirty" to "clean." Hazards can dirty the rooms again after you've been through them. Kids watching TV drop cheerios on the rug and you have to wait until they are gone (or turn off the TV to make them go away) to clean up after them. Your cat sheds all over the place. Or maybe you are the cat, and you have to avoid being eaten by the robo-vacuum. Similar concept, different game. >Picking your nose Pick your nose without killing yourself! If your finger is still in your nose when something surprises you, you are so shocked that you shove you finger through your brain and out your eyeball.
>>975617 >cordless vacuum Now I'm thinking of a Snake or Tron clone where the vacuum is cordmore and the game is over if you suck the cord. You could add simple string physics to it for spicier gameplay.

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