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Coop Games Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 10:55:21 Id: 8fc188 No. 978686
Rat shilling Rat killing game, one loved by its studio unlike MTX-tide. Discuss coop games
>>978686 >Discuss coop games How about you start the disucssion OP? What co-op game have you been playing/enjoying? Was it with a friend/friends or random people?
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>Ctrl+F Sven Coop >0 Result
Are you a newfriend? This is an unusually out of character thread for 8/v/.
>>978700 How so? And also who gives a fuck about the meta topic you wanna discuss. Name a fucking coop game or get banned for being offtopic I will start, donkey kong country 1 2 and 3
>>978688 sorry anon I am not good at starting convos. Still loving the shit out of vermintide 2 because of the combat system, unlike Darktide's who is impaired by their shitty servers. Tried Helldivers 2 but runs like crap, has peashooters for weapons effect and sound wise. Killing floor 2 is kinda nice but inferior. I'll maybe try alien swarm reactive drop. Also waiting for DRG new season >>978700 am new around here indeed, I was waiting for someone to discuss about coop but it doesn't seem to be the case. Apologies
>>978693 sell me on that game, seems clunky if you don't have friends that are already into it. Also what do you think of Biotic Factor ? Seems like a clone or hommage to Half Life
>>978704 Good to see you have replied, I was worried you were a (1) and Done OP. As for Helldivers 2, if you go against the bugs, depends on what type of bug you are shooting at, if it's the tiny ones, then they easily get killed even by the pistol, but then you have the armored ones, which either need armored penetrating rounds, stratagems or shooting at the weak spots, between the armor. I never felt the weapons were artificially weak, but then again, I have never went over level 6 as far difficulty. As for me, when it comes to co-op games I mostly play games with a friend of mine, but it's one third gaming, one third talking, and one third game theory/mechanics discussion. I remember looking at a lot of textures in Resident Evil 6, commenting on the lighting, level of detail, if they were good or bad. How that texture looks too flat and so on. The last game we played was Enshrouded, as I had heard a lot of good things about it, and we did enjoy Valheim a lot(we played that last year, I do recommend it) but it was too boring of a game. We discussed a lot, and most of the problems were at a foundational level. The fact that buildings didn't have any weight or structural integrity unlike Valheim, made building boring, the fact that nobody attacks you also makes building pointless, it's worse than Minecraft. The fact that anything you do outside of your home-base resets after 24 hours, makes everything pointless. It doesn't matter that you just cut down the poisonous mushroom, it will just grow back like nothing happened. The NPCs you bring are so lifeless and pointless, even the Pals in Palword, who were just factories, had more personality to them, and I did care for their wellbeing because I wanted well maintained machines, but with the Enshrouded NPCs? I just could not be bothered to care about them. Or crafting is also infuriating, because you keep going from NPC to NPC to see what they offer as crafting, and sometimes you need one NPC to craft something for you, to then go to another NPC to use that to craft something else. I know the devs won't read my post, and I am still very pissed from that game(spent as much time playing it, as with the entirety of RE 6 and we did the 3 campaigns in RE6 but quit this game) so here is a fix for the NPCs. Make them the factories, you place an NPC, but he requires certain pieces of furniture in order to craft more stuff, like the blacksmith needs a forge, and give them some very simple animations, like the blacksmith hammers at his workbench. Now I don't have to cycle through a dozen factories AND NPCs to craft stuff, but only the NPCs and I also gave them some personality. FUCK ENSHROUDED! Anyway, right now we are playing State of Decay 2, and while the co-op experience is an afterthought we are having more fun.
>>978706 >I mostly play games with a friend of mine, but it's one third gaming, one third talking, and one third game theory/mechanics discussion. Sounds nice, I tend to do that with a few ppl for darktide. Valheim grind turned me off, the game atmosphere is soothing but the animal breeding and farming systems are alpha level. And the ressources needed to a better gear turned me off. I like troll hide because it forces you to kite the fuckers but copper and all that nah. Enshrouded sounds dreadful haha. Try playing coop against AI with Company of Heroes 2 it's very fun
>>978707 >but copper and all that nah Did you actually get filtered by the cooper mining? That was fine, iron is much worse, even if they had a good idea with putting it into dungeons so they combine mining and combat. Then you have a weird system in the mountains where you have to use a Y-bone to find the silver and dig a hole to find the vein/ then mine. Though, I think the best sytem was in the next biome, the Plain, where you did not actually mine, but simply enact Total Goblin Death, as most of them drop the Black Metal needed for crafting. I had a joke with my friend, that while cutting trees is much more fun in Valheim than in Minecraft, mining is more fun in Minecraft than in Valheim. Also to compare with something like Enshrouded, when you cut a tree in that game, the 3D model simply sinks into the ground, you have to manually pick up the wooden bits to add to your inventory, and if sometimes you can't clearly see the models, you just mindlessly press the "E" key on your keyboard while moving around to gather as much as possible. Complete jank. >that posting style of yours Since you are new here, I will commit a cardinal sin and actually spoonfeed you. Your posting style of using double enter after almost every single sent4ence is unnatural and usually associated with Reddit. Try to form actual paragraphs and if they are longer than 5 lines on a wide-screen monitor then sure you can use a white line to separate them. It's the difference between my previous post and something like this: As for me, when it comes to co-op games I mostly play games with a friend of mine, but it's one third gaming, one third talking, and one third game theory/mechanics discussion. I remember looking at a lot of textures in Resident Evil 6, commenting on the lighting, level of detail, if they were good or bad. How that texture looks too flat and so on. The last game we played was Enshrouded, as I had heard a lot of good things about it, and we did enjoy Valheim a lot(we played that last year, I do recommend it) but it was too boring of a game. We discussed a lot, and most of the problems were at a foundational level. The fact that buildings didn't have any weight or structural integrity unlike Valheim, made building boring, the fact that nobody attacks you also makes building pointless, it's worse than Minecraft. The fact that anything you do outside of your home-base resets after 24 hours, makes everything pointless. Etc.. Please stop posting like this as it will derail conversations, and people will ignore whatever point you might have. This is a slower board so you can take your time to form your thoughts, no need to respond as soon as you get a reply. It's ok to make a one sentence or even a few words reply, but try to avoid pressing the Enter key twice, unless you have some big paragraphs to separate.
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>>978709 christ that montain ressource farming really sounds like them. I also won't forgive the vanilla game from preventing me to TP ores. Goblin genocide sounds like a fun time. For my posting I don't really care if it's reddit or not tbh. I find it clearer to read and if people don't like it that's not a big loss. I know I am not a redditor so am at peace with myself. I also tend to use them to separate topics and questions.
>>978711 >I also won't forgive the vanilla game from preventing me to TP ores. That was actually a good thing as it forced you to make supply lines with the cart/boat from your mining operation to your home base. When playing with other people, one would carry the ores in a cart, while the other would make a path for the cart using the hoe(especially in the mountain and swamp) and the others would defend the convoy from attacks. This surprisingly organic system was very enjoyable and would have been lost if you could simply teleport with your resources to base. The only bad thing is that there isn't enough content on the ocean to make the trip back and forth more engaging. Adding some pirate ships to intersect you and try to plunder your ores would have been a nice addition.
>>978712 >cart/boat it goes at snail pace and a cart in the forest should be used for torture. Guess it's not for me.
>>978713 >it goes at snail pace You build roads for it to go faster.
>>978716 holy... That ain't a bad idea... Reminds me of Death Stranding, that game was so cool
>tfw torn between shitposting loudly in a newfag's thread and being on-topic Here's Kuri Kuri mix. You each play one half of the screen and have to go through a level solving puzzles such as opening a door or making a path for the other player. It gets hard fast because it's on a timer and you will easily get into fistfights with the other player for taking a little bit too long to pull a switch to open the end gate, causing you to run out of time and lose the game.
>>978707 Valheim is fucking dreadful, I started playing it co-op and my friend quit once the iron grind hit him. I continued because I'm an autistic sperg and I quit once I got a taste of Mistlands, way too much even for me. >the hours long bronze grind >the hours long iron grind >the hours long silver grind >the hours long black iron grind >the hours long black core grind 95% of the game is grinding, it's fucking unbelievable. Combat and bosses are nothing to write home about and don't carry this game. Sailing and the water tide system is the coolest thing about this game but it loses its charm after having to do it so often. Somehow this shit has very positive reviews on Steam. These people cannot possibly be serious. >>978711 >preventing me to TP ores It's not even that big of a deal since boats can carry assloads of ore. The big deal is how much metal you need to get in the first place.
>>978719 >Valheim is fucking dreadful Try Enshrouded and you will realize how bad things can actually be. >>the hours long silver grind Not as bad as swamp, I think we only needed the silver from just 2 mountain biomes, I guess it also helped that we never directly mined the silver. What we would do is that we would dig around the silver so that it would hand in midair and then it would instantly collapse as it had no anchor. That was a very nice usage of the physics. The only problem was actually finding it >>the hours long black iron grind We never actually needed to grind black metal, we had more than we would ever need by the time we found all the totem poles to summon the boss, just by killing all goblins we would find. We were also a bit tired by the time we reached Mystlands, I can't even remember what we needed to grind. Honestly what I would have done for the mountain and Mystalnd is to put the mining inside the dungeons like in the Swamp. For the Mountain, you would still use the wish bone, to detect the underground dungeon entrance, and dig for it, then enter the randomly generated mine, and for Mystalnds just put it in the insect dungeon. >Sailing and the water tide system is the coolest I disagree, I think cutting trees was the coolest shit in thee game. >The big deal is how much metal you need to get in the first place. That is something I agree with, especially with how much more of the new ore you need to craft the next tier of equipment. For instance a bronze sword requires 8 bronze, then an iron sword requires 20 iron, then a silver one requires 40 silver. At least after that they calmed down a bit, as the Black Metal one only requires 20 Black Metal and the Mystlands one requires 10 Refined eitr and 15 Iron. Oh yeah, a lot of late tier equipment still requires Iron(but not silver), and it doesn't help that the Swamp is the worst biome in the game, the equivalent of a sewer level.
>>978718 That screenshot reminds me of Rayman M for some reason.
>>978719 More whining >let's add weapon skills that take ages to level up to punish players from trying new weapon types >let's make vertical combat suck ASS and prevent you from hitting anything and let's make Mistlands extremely vertical >let's make enemies not be able to move inside buildings at all yet make a bunch of setpieces where it's all enemies in buildings >let's add parrying like in dark souls but remove any punishment from missing early, it'll just be a regular block if you miss >let's add enemies with stars that look normal from a distance but once you're close enough to actually see the stars they 1 shot you >let's add fall damage from falling 1 foot >>978724 Iron is the worst because of how many different tiers of equipment use it. Another fucking atrocious grind is the non-metal light armors, you need very unreasonable amounts of materials for those. >I think cutting trees was the coolest shit in thee game. yeah it was pretty cool
Hello I am here to join in bitching >>978719 >>978728 >95% of the game is grinding, it's fucking unbelievable This is a problem for so many survival-crafting games. A million different resources that need to be collected in mass quantities to of use. It's not real gameplay, it's busywork. As much as I dislike the direction Minecraft went, crafting works so well in that game because it's so simple.
>>978733 don't know why but my friends loved the shit out of 7 days to die. Never saw such stiffed animations
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what if you wanted to have fun with infinite crits but Fatshark said : flying skulls on every map. At this point just put blood tornados
>>979207 extremely fun run. The secret is taking sister of the thorns because you can spread poison with crits and bleed everyone like a fucking pig

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