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NuDoom: The Dark Ages Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:04:19 Id: 27ab34 No. 979111
Rather than have this discussion in the DOOM/Retro FPS: thread, We can talk about NuDoom here. I understand that attempting to talk about NuDoom in a positive light is probably going to be a fruitless effort here, but this Interview with Hugo Martin has piqued my interest at the very least. https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fps/doom-the-dark-ages-is-introducing-big-changes-to-combat-because-id-software-came-to-one-core-realization-every-projectile-mattered-in-the-original-doom/ Since it honestly sounds like they're finally learning some of the right lessons from classic Doom to a degree. The interview states there will be a much greater focus on dodging enemy projectiles, and far larger enemy counts. They're ditching the verticality, and hopefully have far less platforming crap, and focusing allot more on the horizontal gameplay having been inspired by the original game. Turning the Razor wind form Turok 2 into a Shield with more utility seems like a decent idea. I wasn't at all a fan of how NuDoom Eternal felt like it wanted you to be ADHD with switching to every weapon, but if they are intentionally trying to distance themselves from repeating that gameplay style and trying to have this game stand on it's own, then maybe this game will be more enjoyable. And hopefully if it's set in the past, there won't be any stupid ass Funko pop nerd shit. It's setting is going along with the dumb trying too hard to be cool lore they created, and it's probably closer to Quake's setting than it is Doom, but eh, it's to be expected at this point. All I'm saying is if they are going for Wider open areas, not closed off arenas, and higher enemy counts instead of having few total enemies that keep spawning in one at a time. Then maybe this game will be decent.
Oh more Doomsiders.
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holy fuck, ground game. I wasn't too keen on the aerial game in Doom Eternal, but I do like the sounds of them replaying classic Doom and not falling for the -fastmonsters trap. Hoping they don't do that forced weapons shit again (Ooh, gotta use the Microwave mod to kill spirits, ooh, gotta use the auto shotty on the stone imps) Also hoping they don't do that dogass "chainsaw every 30 seconds for ammo minigame." I came to shoot shit and scavenge shit off the map, not do fucking chores on a cooldown. I'm no stranger to ammo scarcity and punching out a few chaingunners for 10 rounds and half my blood leaking out. Speaking of punching, gee, I sure hope that shield means you have a consistent melee option (doesn't even need to stagger, I just want ammoless damage), and not yet another fucking gimmick. Pissed me the fuck off that Fagslayer's punch does jack squat, besides 2 staggers and violently moving the DESIGNATED MAP ELEMENTS unless you have MOBA AOE ABILITY 1 off cooldown or you're doing a Health Cutscene.
>>979132 fuck, now i'm getting even madder thinking about herdnigger counterpoints like "git gud" or "uh, you wanna abuse melee, just play 2016," when these are clearly issues on the designer's end to make the most finely tuned "You have to play the game my way, save for basic fundamentals" bullshit possible. SORRY FOR EXPECTING A GUY WHO CAN PUNCH GIANT METAL BLOCKS 100 YARDS TO BE ABLE TO DEAL AT LEAST 1 DAMAGE TO A FUCKING TRASH MOB
>>979111 >Turning the Razor wind form Turok 2 into a Shield What are you talking about? It's LITERALLY just the data disc from Tron. Should refer to this game as "Troon"? [/spoiler]I'll show myself the door.[/spoiler]
>>979132 Your melee options seem to be the Shield, your Boot, and a fail, so that's an improvement.
>>979132 >>979135 All the bullshit in eternal comes down to one faggot at Bethesda trying to push his "Muh Doom dance" vision on the players
>>979132 If we are going to call it a dance, then at least it seems they realized part of what made the "Dance" in Classic Doom was avoiding projectiles, and hopefully considering they're talking about high enemy counts, that'll mean that enemies will be placed around the level, instead of needing to spawn in once you activate a combat encounter. If they can realize the importance of Ammo and Health placement around a level, instead of turning enemies into Pinata for all your resources, then maybe they'll finally get how to make an actual Doom game.
Are the demons still hot?
>>979182 The demons were never hot
>>979238 The archvile literally burns you to death. Quoting Bobby Prince: "Anyone getting in [the Archvile's] way is blasted with fire and disintegrated."
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>will inspire all-new demon lewds sexcellent
I am not the biggest fan of nudoom but the skull being grounded up so that you can shoot the splinters off is fucking awesome.
The only good thing that may come out of this is hopefully we start getting more medieval type shooters ala Hexen/Heretic, Arthurian Legends or even that Coven that just released a demo on Steam. Other than that, this shit will be the same shit as '16 and Eternal, only slower and filled with more "le heckin' rip and tear" cringe the series has become since this faggot took the reigns.
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>>979296 >ala Hello my friend. What you are writing as "ala" is actually "à la", a French expression meaning "to the [manner/style of]"; itself probably a truncated form of "à la mode".
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>>979293 it so strange that it always the hackiest ideas that people seem to love the most like that 'cake is a lie' or companion cube bullshit
nuDoom remains all sizzle no steak >still slow When will they learn kek
>>979323 Who the fuck still says kek?
>>979328 >he isn't cookin le rizzin current year slang that's not bussin fr fr ong nocap
>>979328 me, kek
>>979328 Retards, ironic zoomers, and unironic cuckchanners. iirc it took off back during Trump's campaign and was used a lot by kekistani fags. Or it's just Orcs shitposting.
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>>979328 >>979336 >he doesn't say kek in 2024 kek
>>979336 Get out.
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>>979328 >>979332 >>979336 Stay mad faggots
>>979328 The Hispa refugees seem to say it a lot.
Pray tell, where does the term originate?
>>979360 That's a topic of debate but I believe it came from World of Warcraft. Orcs and human players can't talk to each other, the words look as if they're another language. Saying "lol" as an Orc would translate to "kek" to a human player.
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>>979360 >>979361 >He doesn't know about the #1 Turkish snack cake.

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>>979345 >>979349 >>980369 Kek is nice but I feel it is overused. Not enough variety in anons posting diet. We should all try to work in lel, lul, and wew more often and even the occasional rare zuz.
>>980408 Lulz used to be hip a long time ago in a board four away.
>nuDoom thread <there is more discussion of forty keks than nuDoom just like a clockwork
>>980422 Well I mostly made the thread, so any possible discussion of the game wouldn't need to be in the Doom/Retro FPS thread, and it could be quarantined here. But given /v/ doesn't seem to like nuDoom much in general, there isn't much to talk about, since nobody is particularly hyped about it. There really isn't much to say beyond I guess it'll be nice if this one is better than Eternal, since 2016 was decent enough, and Eternal while not awful is still designed in an annoying "play the game how I want you to play it" kind of way. Based on the gameplay footage, this new game looks like it's intentionally not trying to be like Eternal again, so it's up in the air if it'll might be the better one out of these 3 nuDoom games. The last two games had odd design choices because they were being held back by the PS4/Xbone, but now maybe with more power, that can work in this game's favor.
>>980422 Here's your NuDoom discussion
>>980425 It looks better than NuDoom and Eternal, if theres more enemies and actual meaningful exploration this time it might be fun, but it ain't Doom. None od this shit is.
>>980425 doom was a thing for nerds and geeks and normies (those who heard about computers) only understood that its some sort of murder simulator thingy now its just slop for normies nothing about the tech is new, there is no level editor, you don't even know who worked on the damn thing its not even standing out among other fps-es looks like some generic unreal bullshit there is literally nothing to be excited about I cannot find anything to discuss about the damn thing yea skulls are ammo they had one corny but decent idea.. whatever
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>>980469 Failed normalfags like you need to rope themselves
>>980470 don't let my melancholy disturb your cock sucking activities
>>980469 >doom was a thing for nerds and geeks >normies only understood that its some sort of murder simulator thingy What are you on about? You're acting like Doom used to be some underground game instead of one of the most Iconic game franchises of all time, and a game that was ported to nearly ever console known to man. Outside of Wolf 3D laying the groundwork for it, Doom practically invented the FPS genre, and until CoD and Halo's rise in popularity it was the template for the majority of FPS games. Sure, the long period between Doom 3 and 2016 made the series less prominent for a long while, but most franchises would have killed to have Dooms success in the 90's. And you're making it sound as if normalfags nowadays know anything more about Doom now then they did back in the 90's If you played video games no matter the era then you knew about Doom even if you had no intentions of playing it, but if someone doesn't play video games then yeah, what are they gonna know about a hobby that doesn't interest them? Sure the franchise has notably changed it's style due to NuDoom's direction, but the surface level appeal of Doom is exactly the same now as it was in the 90's. "Cool Armor dude killing demons" That's not a hard concept to sell to people.
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>>980533 It got a fucking movie for christ's sake. This is like saying Resident Evil wasn't that well known by normal gamers until recently years.
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I have a strong suspicion that DOOM:DA started off as a Hexen/Heretic remake, and some shithead middle manager at Bethesda said "NOPE, Make it DOOM". - and so here we fucking are. I wonder if anyone who made those games still works at Raven, but regardless - they're tied down to making CODshit forever. As dev times continue to get longer and require more resources, that shit franchise will only ever continue to eat development houses. At least with ID and Bethesda, there was a chance they could have split off a few veterans as consultants to get one cranked out while giving DOOM a rest.
>>980540 Sorry, but there was never a chance that this new game was ever Heretic or Quake or anything else. The past being of a Medieval aesthetic was getting hinted at since 2016, and was reinforced in Eternal. Regardless of when they decided they were going to make a prequel, it was probably always going to look something like this. They botched Wolfenstein, they screwed up Quake Champions ever getting any real momentum by having it in Early Access for years and making it PC only. Rage 2 existed, I guess. That Commander Keen mobile game stopped existing as soon as it was announced. Doom is the only thing left from ID's IPs that still has value to publishers. Digging out Heretic was never on the table.
>>980433 What is Doom?
>>980533 You see people act like this with a lot of titles. I saw people doing the same with Baldur's Gate after 3 despite the first two being absolutely massive when they came out. I want to live in the idealistic world anon seems to inhabit where Doom, the game that largely popularized PC gaming in America, was unknown outside of nerd circles. >>980540 Probably not? This game has been in development for years and Microsoft only acquired the rights to Hexen/Heretic recently. >>980544 >They botched Wolfenstein Id hasn't worked on Wolfenstein in over 15 years, Machine Games are its current developers. Quake Champions was a huge missed step though, I'll agree there.
>>980564 >Id hasn't worked on Wolfenstein in over 15 years, Machine Games are its current developers I'm aware of that, I'm just stating that when it comes to the IP's that ID owned, that are now owned by Microsoft, I don't see anything but Doom making a comback any time soon. At most, we might get Quake 3 remastered by Nightdive, since they've done Quake 1 & 2 already.
>anons forgetting both Heretic and Hexen were developed by Raven and only id published >meaning (((Activision))) was the rights holder (((Bethesda))) never had any fingers on the IP of those games because they never left Raven Software, which is why Heretic II was published by (((Activision))) after they bought Raven and its IPs in 1997.
>>980838 I tried looking it up a little, but I'm still confused on how the rights to Heretic/Hexen work. id published the first 3, Activision Published Heretic 2. So if I got this right Raven owned the rights to the IP, but then they were bought by Activision, so then due to that Activision owned the rights? Have I got this right? One would assume id partly owned the rights due to how publishing deals always have the devs fork over the rights, but I guess this was back when id were still cool, so they were kind enough to not try and take the IP from Raven.
>>980555 Don't hurt me plenty Don't hurt me plenty No moooore
>>980838 >>980848 It doesn't matter, both are owned Microsoft now
>>981764 It'll be nice if something substantial actually comes from the Activision acquisition. There is no reason now for Wolfenstein 2009, or Hectic 2 to not be officially available anymore in some form, but it's also easy to believe they'll continue to be ignored. The best chance one could hope for is that they end up with Nightdive for a remaster at some point, since they're the only ones where such things would be up to their ally, but not exactly something you could predict when it would happen.
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>>980538 >It got a fucking movie for christ's sake. there was a second movie, nobody watched it
>>981823 I deliberately didn't mention that one since, there is something that smells very Uwe Boll Tax Write-Off about the whole thing.
>>981823 i watched it. hated all the "I recognize that" cameos they threw out all willy nilly. "Wow, Sgt BJ Blazkowitz, dead! Wow, Doctor Carmack, dead! Wow, Bertruger from Doom 3, definitely the evil mastermind! Wow, he ''is"' the ULTRA-NIGHTMARE, motherfucker!" it's kind of a silly movie, but like, boring as shit demons, which is what you don't want out of life. it's Alien but shit all just shambler zombies/posessed and like, imps are the endgame guys.
I am never gonna touch NuDoom. Not even with a rented dick pirated copy. It looks like a piece of shit game to me with piss poor particle effects and especially sound effects which plagues modern games these days, no idea if this newer reddit doom will force the players to do the same bullshit like in Eternal where you need to constantly switch weapons all the time not because of damage efficiency but for the fact that monsters are weak to certain weapons. Fuck in OG Doom you could even kill a hellknight with a chaingun if needed but apparently you can't do anything of that in Eternal. I rather stay with GZDoom infested trains shithole and play some weapon and monster mods instead of ever considering playing reddit doom. The only good thing about reddit doom is that there is no shitty 2 weapon limit which plagues all of the fucking modern rootan tootan shootan game nowadays which pisses me off to no end so I am forced to play boomer shooters and the like where they don't have this retarded muh realism limit fucking hell why is modern triple ayy lamo games still so fucking cancerous as fuck. Sure there must be a single damn studio out there who can make some decent single player FPS games or whatever.
>>986587 >boomer shooters
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>>979312 Of course now the French prefer to say Allah instead.

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