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==Black Myth: Wukong dev claims Sweet Baby Inc. tried to extort 7 million dollars from them== Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 19:22:24 Id: 3e257f No. 980704
>Chinese media: 'Black Myth: Wukong' refused to be extorted $7 million by SweetBaby. >English: >The reason why the team behind "Black Myth: Wukong" has been subjected to persistent sexist attacks and slander since their first promotional video is because they have consistently refused political correctness guidance and rejected the extortionate guidance fees of millions of dollars demanded by these political correctness teams. >Actually, such teams are quite common in Europe and America. They interfere with works like "Assassin's Creed" "Dying Light 2 Stay Human" and "God of War" by pushing for politically correct female protagonists. These changes are the direct result of the interference and guidance of such teams. >Game science teams refuse to communicate with these groups and reject their interference. Most importantly, they refuse to pay the exorbitant $7 million in guidance fees. This is the direct reason why they are being attacked and slandered. Some justifications are based on the team's lack of diversity or representation, which doesn't align with the political correctness standards. >A typical example is an article by a major IGN writer criticizing "Hogwarts Legacy" and refusing to evaluate or promote it due to its alleged lack of political correctness. SAUCE: https://archive.ph/YszIB
>>980704 >unironically believing the chinese in anything i mean, i can believe that, but comign from west taiwan, ill take it with a grain of salt. also, get back to your containment thread
>>980704 Pretty much what I already knew. The "Hire us or bad things will happen" approach to making money is nothing new.
>>980705 Considering SBI I unfortunately have to side with the chinks for once.
>>980707 The sheer amount of money they demand is news as far as I know. It also raises a lot of suspicion on the IGN hit piece against the game.
Having looked at it, I have to ask what the source on this is? Most of the stuff around SBI is culture warring or them acting unprofessional, the kind of stuff people who aren't online don't care about. This is one of the first things I think even normalfags would consider pretty bad. But after reading the translation you've linked, the article looks like pure conjecture. Did a dev come forward? Is it an opinion piece? I can't tell what their source is. It sounds plausible, consulting companies are fucking parasites, but I'm not seeing any proof of the claims.
>>980716 Source is some random nobody on weibo with a botted follower count.
>>980716 That's my problem with this story. There's no real proof besides one guy going "dude trust me." I could see them doing something like this, but it isn't good enough to just say that.
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>Chinese media It's some guy on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
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My question is, how do you make an action Journey to the West adaption woke? Unless.
>>980724 Did Amy Hennig even write Legacy of Kain? Is it a Milli Vanilli situation where she's taken credit for the work of others? I don't like to think that but every game she's worked on since has had stereotypical Hollywood dialogue. Even outside of dialogue, Forspoken is just badly written. Your cuff turning against you has no thematic foreshadowing for instance. Atomic Heart did basically the same thing, right down to a worn item giving you powers, but the whole game Nora warns you not to trust it. I don't recall anything like that in Foreskin.
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>>980726 Looking at the credits, her role was as a "Story Concept" when making Forspoken, which could have just been her saying "yeah, here is a draft for a story where a girl gets isekaied and gets a magic amulet that talks", basically just an "Idea Guy" level of input. Her other roles were for the first few Uncharted games, and while I haven't played them I did hear that the story was good, and the games going more "woke" coincides with her stepping down from the series. https://www.mobygames.com/person/53703/amy-hennig/
>>980726 She did not write Forespoken. Forspoken was written by tv writers and it shows. Hennig was involved very EARLY on and likely came up with some world ideas that were never used. She didn't touch the actual script.
>>980738 >Forspoken was written by tv writers and it shows. Wasn't it specifically the guy who wrote the Kim Possible movie (NOT A Sitch in Time/So The Drama, the recent live-action reboot).
>>981844 Are you the autistic furry?
>game is literally named black myth >wukong is actually a black monkey god
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>>980704 >Chinese media Stopped reading there.
>>981858 Shame Ninja Theory already has the trademark.
>>980704 It is better to have chinks than jews.
>>981858 His skin is pink.
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>>981858 It has been foretold.
I'm kinda torn on this. One the one hand, I don't like all these chinese and korean games coming out lately, on the other hand the usual suspects don't like them either.

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