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Arcade games Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:07:24 Id: 82905f No. 981044
>favorite game? >favorite genre? >favorite developer? >any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? >any arcade games from the past 10-15 years you enjoyed? >do you actually go for high scores when you play? >have you ever 1cc a game? I've been getting back into these sorts of games lately and trying to beat them with as few credits as possible, but it hasn't happened yet. As fun as they are, they get boring if you use credits to give yourself unlimited lives. It takes all the tension out of the gameplay, sort of like when you turn off permadeath in Fire Emblem.
>>981044 >but it hasn't happened yet Ignore this. It's from an earlier draft of the OP I forgot to delete. No bully.
>A tie between Skies of Arcadia and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess >RPGs >Grasshopper Manufacture (I get excited at what new idea they're releasing even if the game isn't my cup of tea) >House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn >House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn again. >No, I never do. It puts too much pressure for me to perform if I have a goal of beating a high score in mind and makes me too hard on myself if I make mistakes, which only negatively impacts my performance more. >House of the Dead 2 In that order.
>>981051 I answered the first three incorrectly because I wanted to share my actual favorite games ever. >Metal Slug 4 >Rail Shooters >Sega The other answers were serious.
>>981044 >Tekken Tag Tournament (only because KoF DM99 was console only) >Fightan >SNK >Used to, but the last arcade here closed years ago >Only once, and it was Tekken 4
>>981044 >As fun as they are, they get boring if you use credits to give yourself unlimited lives. It takes all the tension out of the gameplay, sort of like when you turn off permadeath in Fire Emblem. This took me an embarrassing time to learn. My first experience with arcade games was the Metal Slug Anthology on Wii and I just did not get the appeal. The game throws a bunch of crap on the screen, you die in one hit, and then hit continue every three seconds. It was not until years later that it finally clicked for me when I intentionally set myself a limit on how many coins I would put into the machine. It also helps that MAME actually emulates coins unlike the Anthology which gives you unlimited continues. All of the sudden every death mattered and I was actually paying attention to the bullet patterns and avoiding hits. I would say that limited coins are the only good way to play Arcade games. This is how they were designed; the player had a limited budget and it was all about seeing how far you could make it with what you had. >do you actually go for high scores when you play? Not really, I usually try to progress as far as I can into the game, with 1cc being the elusive end goal. Scores do still matter though because games will reward skillful players with extra lives. So you could say that I am going for highscores indirectly as a side effect.
>>981051 >Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Seriously? I mean, it's a good game, but everything before you get the master sword is a slog to get through.
>>981181 >he doesn't like the hobo phase For shame anon.
>had a Sinden lightgun for some time now >was using it on my TV with a pc to use on the couch like in the old days >thought it was pretty shit, bad ergonomics for home use and 2-handed grip, and huge lag, to the point that the obligatory white borders were merely a nuisance >decide to use it on my laptop >lag is non-existant Is it me, or do lightguns hate 4K screens? Or maybe I should've spent my money on a Gun4IR G-Con-2 instead?
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>>981044 Any cabinet you could sit in tops my list. I remember riding in a G-Loc machine once on a trip to Las Vegas. Would love to try a Tesla pod at some point. >>any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? Lucky and Wild. What other game has you drive and shoot at the same time?
>>981044 >the original pay to win
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>>981209 >bribing your game overs to go away >not just accepting them and starting over again and again until you can 1cc the game
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>>981264 How do you explain SmashTV?
>favorite game? Cotton 2 >favorite genre? Shmups >favorite developer? That's a good question, I guess Amusement Vision for their work on Super Monkey Ball. >any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? Planet Harriers, admittedly I've never played it but I want to give it a try eventually >any arcade games from the past 10-15 years you enjoyed? Cotton Rock 'n Roll >do you actually go for high scores when you play? Not really, unless I've already cleared the game >have you ever 1cc a game? Just a handful, it's mainly entry level stuff like Fantasy Zone and Space Harrier. I'm aiming at clearing the entire Cotton series one day.

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