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Nintendo Direct: LIVE NOW Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 14:26:34 Id: be545e No. 981242
Nintendo will host a Nintendo Direct on June 18 at 7:00 a.m. PT / 10:00 a.m. ET. There will be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch. Here are the links to the stream as I will NOT be able to restream it at the current time. Please understand. USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX3BkD5PVUM EUR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HorTUKvj0K8 JPN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFlgSkZPycw
Edited last time by Mark on 06/18/2024 (Tue) 14:43:57.
They sure waited a while until after everybody else was done. This Direct has been unusually tight, almost nothing has leaked about it except the date. Do you think this is the big one? The official next console reveal? All the leaks suggest it's meant to be launched next year and I can't think of when else they'll announce it but E3 season.
>>981247 > almost nothing has leaked Acktually, there have been leaks in the past few hours. Ace Attorney, new Amiibo, and some PC games ported to Switch namely. If the next console was getting announced I think that's what every leak would be about front and center, industry clout chasers leakers wouldn't be able to stop themselves from that one. >All the leaks suggest it's meant to be launched next year and I can't think of when else they'll announce it but E3 season. Tokyo Game Show? Nintendo hasn't been doing major announcements in line with the industry in recent years anyway, the NS was announced on a random Thursday in October. <announce console <launches 3-5 months later This is what happened with Switch, it was announced 20th October 2016 and launched 3rd March 2017 just 19 weeks later. Don't expect a console reveal until Q4 imo.
>>981242 Predicting at least 95% games with niggers and DEI bs
>>981248 >>981247 The new console will probably be revealed in late October with a release in either March or April
>>981248 That's still almost nothing.
>>981247 >Do you think this is the big one? The official next console reveal? <There will be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch.
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I sorta expect a 30 sec reminder that the Switch port of Ace Combat 7 is coming out next month (July 11th) but another surprise port in a similar fashion of Nier Automata or Portal Collection would be nice. Hopefully the Yakuza games for instance, even something like Dead Souls would greatly benefit to be released elsewhere. Summer is already quite packed on Switch, optimistically looking forward to Gundam Breaker 4 being a buffed up sequel of GB3.
>>981260 I'm kinda surprised DMC4:SE isn't on the Switch yet considering how they pushed the DMC HD collection
>>981242 Wonder if these are gonna be the last Nintendo Directs for the Switch, considering next year's if when they'll unveil the successor. And the stupid leaks are too good to be true.
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>>981261 While I think Capcom could make it work if they truly put in the efforts. I think probably just don't want to optimize DMC4SE enough that LDK mode can run on the switch without dropping the framerate. Since Classic DMC was always meant to be a stable 60fps. Anything below that is an obvious objective downgrade. I can see them saving DMC4SE for the next Nintendo console, rather than needing to put in more effort than they want for a Switch version.
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Watch for a Golden Sun HD2D that completely ruins the look of everything with bloom
>>981270 I'm thinking something more similar to Links Awakening Switch than the 2DHD stuff
>>981271 Yeah, but that would require new art assets instead of lazily slapping bloom on everything.
>>981242 I just want more mii games, there's a charm to them I enjoy. If there's a Tomodachi Life port/sequel with the Miitopia character creator then I'll be happy because I'll be able to shift gears on my Tomodach/v/ Life mod.
>>981267 >I think probably just don't want to optimize DMC4SE enough that LDK mode can run on the switch without dropping the framerate. Since Classic DMC was always meant to be a stable 60fps. Anon, DMC4 was pegged at 60 FPS when it launched on the 360/PS3 16 years ago.
>>981276 >DMC4 was pegged hot
>>981276 To be fair, the Switch is only 200% more powerful than the WiiU, which is basically almost as weak as a PS3. While DMC4 had PS3/360 hardware in mind, it also wasn't able to run something like LDK mode like the PS4 or Xboner can. For context: The PS4 is about 10 times faster than the Switch's X1 chip, even in docked mode you would basically have to expect a lesser experience on the Switch VS something like the PS4 and Xboner.
>>981283 >While DMC4 had PS3/360 hardware in mind, it also wasn't able to run something like LDK mode LDK, and "Turbo" mode, was an exclusive for the PC version that released six months later. And as far as I can tell, the biggest "difference" is that the PC version recommended 1 GB of RAM instead of the 512 MB that the 360/PS3 version were limited to. For reference, the Switch has 4 GB of RAM. Even then, assuming that LDK, and Turbo mode, did "require" a system just that much more powerful than what the 360/PS3 were capable of, does that really make the concept of the Switch playing LDK at 60 fps that "unbelievable"? Because this is the specs requested for DMC4:SE: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Devil_May_Cry_4:_Special_Edition#System_requirements And here's the technical specs of the Nintendo Switch: https://infogalactic.com/info/Nintendo_Switch#Technical_specifications And here's some Ledditors comparing to the Switch to actual PC hardware: https://archive.ph/xJwfm Based on these details, what do you think?
>>981298 I think that the Switch can handle the games perfectly fine, although not to the same spec as the PS4 and Xboner, which is probably why they haven't released the game on the existing Switch. I could be wrong and capcom probably just ported DMC1-3 for the Smash Bros hype, although at the same time this is the same team that refuses to port DMC5:SE to PC despite REmake 2 still getting updated and ported to fucking iPhones to this day.
>>981301 >I think that the Switch can handle the games perfectly fine, although not to the same spec as the PS4 and Xboner I know and can understand that. However my issue after a while is that people then use that difference as an excuse for putting zero effort into projects, or to ridicule people for expecting companies give people what they want.
>>981301 SE is just Raytraced puddles and PC visuals Only thing that the base game PC visuals lacm is the raytraced puddles as Vergil is DLC.
>>981252 Oh yeah, great idea. "Hey, DON'T buy a Switch for your kids for Christmas!" They definitely want to tank their holiday sales, moron.
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>>981301 >I think that the Switch can handle the games perfectly fine
>>981313 They did it with the OG Switch and 3DS.
>>981316 Did they? Well, the WiiU wasn't selling anyway. I'm surprised the 3DS was that way.
>>981276 >Anon, DMC4 was pegged at 60 FPS when it launched on the 360/PS3 16 years ago. This I'm well aware of DMC4 Vanilla can run on a toster, but Capcom still needs to give a shit if a game is going to be properly optimized. DMC4SE on PC was given to a 3rd party studio instead of being developed in house, it has PC Port issues that the original version on PC never had. I made it clear that I think Capcom just doesn't want to bother with going through that work, and their job will be easier with whatever Nintendo newer hardware is. >>981315 If they gave a shit and did their jobs properly, any game could have a switch version. The fact Doom 2016, and Doom Eternal have Switch versions that while they have Compromises still shows that nobody else has an excuse for Shitty half-assed switch ports. Snake Eater was on the 3DS, it's always possible to make this stuff work if they put in the effort. The DMC4SE actually does have slightly better graphics in some areas, you'd never know unless they were pointed out to you, like the Ice on Frost enemies does have upgraded visual effects, but if Capcom so desired to port DMC4 to Switch they could just revert back to the 360/PS3 quality graphics and hardly anyone would even notice. I think Capcom just doesn't see the value in Re-releasing DMC4 just yet. If the New Nintnedo console can Run DMC5 then they can put out DMC4 as well, and make even more profit. >>981308 >Only thing that the base game PC visuals lacm is the raytraced puddles as Vergil is DLC. It's a bit more then that. DMC5SE has LDK mode Turbo mode. DMC PC players were absolutely livid at Capcom when these didn't get brought to PC, for one thing They were able to mod in Turbo mode to DMC5 PC on Day one, so there was no excuse. but what was even wose was LDK not being on PC because that mode only existed at all because of the DMC4 PC port. To not give it to DMC5 PC players was stabbing them in the back, and the Fans made their own Modded LDK mode entirely out of spite.
>>981319 >it's always possible to make this stuff work if they put in the effort. But Anon, if they put work into making the game function on a device that's less powerful, then we won't get...actually, what even is the excuse for why games "must" perform and look like shit these days when games have looked fine and performed fine since the start of the HD era?
Since this around the time of year that E3 used to be held, is it reasonable to assume that this direct will have some major announcements or will it just be another one of those literally nothing directs?
>>981317 The 3DS"s launch was a disaster (though the price had a lot more to do with it than the launch date imo). The Switch's launch was decent, but that was largely because of BotW more than anything else (its strongest sales showed more in the years after its first year though).
>>981250 Oops it's all remakes
>>981355 Nintendo is releasing a new system next year. Likely first quarter (like the Switch was early March). They specifically pushed the release out of this year to have a strong launch lineup. They already confirmed like a month ago or more the Switch 2 will NOT be at this event but will be revealed later (smart money is on a soft mini reveal in October and then a big blowup in January just like the Switch) so literally the only thing that will be at this is the dregs of whatever is left to be released on the Switch in it's last months of life. I've heard rumors of Ace Attorney doing something (maybe Investigations collection or something?). So there will probably be mostly 3rd party stuff here more than first party. Maybe, as other anons have said, a couple of remakes.
>>981301 >I think that the Switch can handle the games perfectly fine, It fucking chugs on most games.
>>981394 Define chugs. I don't PC game so much as to be spoiled by 60FPS. Then again, the genre I focus on doesn't exactly benefit from anything higher than 30.
>>981394 >It fucking chugs on most games. So does the PS5. I'm not joking. <Pic related in unplayable unless "Safe boot" the system and rebuild the database. Can also find issues with CoD, Warframe, Alan Wake 2, F1, Overwatch, R6 Seige, Rocket League, Spider-Man...it's such a widely known issue that there's even been guides detailing what to do about games having poor performances since the DAY system launched: https://archive.ph/7IdP0 What does that tell you?
>>981396 Are you new to gaming? Console games used to be 60FPs until 7th gen. Having your games not be buggy messes used to be the norm in the day. >Define chugs The Switch is very underpowered and most of it's games have frame rate issues or other technical issues as it's hardware, it can't even keep 30FPS stable in many games. >>981400 What a fucking mess.
>>981406 They should go back to making proper handheld games for their handheld system.
>>981416 If Nintendo wasn't so retarded about keeping it's specs super low end. The Switch could have moderate mobile hardware from 2020, and run most games stable. 16GBs of RAM is dirt cheap for mobile, and so is a half decent Nvidia mobile chip.
>>981417 >The Switch could have moderate mobile hardware from 2020, and run most games stable. Anon, developers are incapapble of making games that don't brick a console with the latest tech on the market. What makes you think the situation wouldn't be any different here?
>>981417 Switch 2 is basically fixing every one of Switch's hardware problems, anon. The specs are an open secret at this point.
>>981417 That's kind of the problem they could have either dropped out of the console market and made a great handheld or they could have dropped out of the handheld market and made good console. Instead they chose to make a retardoggo jack of all trades that's a master of none. Conceivably they could have also just continue to make both handhelds and consoles but they got a bad case of that particular corporate autism that seems to be a Nip specialty. Who the fuck knows what the "Switch 2" will be though. Maybe they'll do something completely different again.
>>981433 >Who the fuck knows what the "Switch 2" will be though. Again, the Switch 2's specs are in the wild and have been for a while. It's a switch as strong as a PS4 pro. It outclasses the series s. And considering most games are scaling BACK graphics these days due to ballooning costs it will likely be highly successful.
>>981417 The thing is in that the last couple of generations, the weakest hardware sold more, PSX was somewhat weaker than the N64 and it won that generation, PS2 was also weaker than the Xbox and Gamecube, Wii sold more than the PS3 and 360, DS outsold the PSP, same with 3DS, and the Switch is on track of taking down the PS2. Now it's not a rule, as the WiiU was a failure, and there were plenty of factors that made the PSX outsell the N64, like the CD drive and Nintendo burning bridges with 3rd parties, or that the Vita was sabotaged by Sony(though even if it had not been, I still think the 3DS would still have sold more), but having a weaker and thus cheaper hardware does seem to correlate with more sales, and I do think that price is a factor when decideing what platform to buy. The 3DS was a flop when it got released, but they slashed 100 dollars from the price tag, released Mon Hun and it sold like hot cakes. >>981433 >Instead they chose to make a retardoggo jack of all trades that's a master of none >Maybe they'll do something completely different again. In a way the Switch has been Nintendo's end game goal at least since the Gamecube days. The GC had a handle to easily carry it from one room to another, it was small and compact to not only fir in the Japanese living room, but to also easily carry it, and it almost had an LCD screen attachment https://yt.drgnz.club/watch?v=RH5D2nQ7GZg&t=1314s Then there was also the fact that you could connect the GBA to the Gamecube, and idea I think they tried to expand with the WiiU, but that was a failure. The Wii's motion controller and the DS touchscreen also ended up in the Switch, honestly the only thing they might try with the Switch 2 is to either incorporate the Dual screen from the DS line, and considering phones have started releasing fold-able screens it's not too far fetched, but I think it would be too expensive, maybe they will do that for a Switch 3 or try another go at the WiiU.
>>981439 Specs are one thing but form factor and gimmicks are another. I hope they make it like GC + GBA controllers but modern.
My wildcard hope for this Nintendo Direct: Something Zelda 2 related. Either a remake or a spiritual successor would be fine with me.
>>981458 Or a sequel, forgot to mention that.
Roughly an hour and a half to go anons. Are you ready for the grand finale of the summer showcase season?
>>981481 >Are you ready for the grand finale of the summer showcase season? I was ready for it to end before it began.
>>981458 My personal bet is a brand new franchise that'll get only an announcement here and some random online trailers, dropped with no fanfare, and never get another another entry again. A new Zelda 2 style game would be awesome though, since it's quite unique as a 2D adventure game. >>981481 Finale? I guess it's the finale, sure doesn't feel like anything has built up to it though.
I have zero expectations, personally. Nintendo is going to be saving most of their actually good stuff for their next console. >>981458 There's a rumor suggesting there may be a 2D Zelda shown.
>>981489 >I have zero expectations, personally. Nintendo is going to be saving most of their actually good stuff for their next console. I agree, I think Prime 4 MIGHT be a BOTW situation, although I don't see it releasing only on the Switch.
>>981487 >sure doesn't feel like anything has built up to it though The other shows were a week ago and didn't show off much that was interesting so the summer showcase hype train has definitely stalled. >>981489 >There's a rumor suggesting there may be a 2D Zelda shown. I don't believe it, but I will be shitty if it's an Oracles remake in the diorama style of the Link's Awakening remake. >>981490 I think you're right, if MP4 does come out on the Switch it will be a BOTW situation where it's also on the successor too.
rockman ports
Japanese stream just went off, so I changed the OP to live
Why did they start the JP stream first lol
US Stream live now.
>new Mario and Luigi RPG NOICE
Is this a remake or new game? I never really played mario games aside of the classics
>>981503 New game, comes out rather soon too
>>981503 First new title in the series since Paper Jam in 2015.
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Just to remind everybody, the JP and EN streams often show different games. I'll be posting the English first for the English titles. Also the quality is going to be terrible, my stream won't go above
*go above 320p
>>981507 Yup. thank you anon
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>Fantasian port FUCK YEAH
This game was actually exclusive to iOS for some reason. Happy to see it finally released on an actual console
I totally forgot Fantasian was a thing
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Metal slug ? Also a Lotr game?
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I'm hoping for a new Mario Party or Zelda Windwaker / Twilight Princess. Let's see if I'm right.
hallow knight clone?
That Mio game has potential, hope it's good.
>Space Jam 2 game wew lad
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Oh my god, I am so sorry about the quality. I can't make it go higher. Oh look, another Hollow Knight clone.
Some new farming game with art from the Fairy tail creator, why is the presentation so different beetwen streams
King Kong HD
Donkey Kong Returns is coming to Switch
>>981526 Weird how Fairy Tail is involved in this Direct twice now, even if it's only the artist for the second game.
early 2025
This is the third time they've released DKCR.
Fire Emblem time
>>981528 HELL YEAH!!
OH shit DQ remake they were doing
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First game is Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Oh, I was wrong. Dragon Quest time.
>there's finally news about HD-2D DQ3 It's been years.
Huh, shit. that's pretty soon.
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>surprise HD-2D remake of DQ1+2 Neat
Marvel vs capcom
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For any who may be unaware, Dragon Quest III was the game that defined the series and is often considered one of the most iconic NES RPGs by Japanese gamers. It's kind of like 7 for Final Fantasy or Morrowind for Elder Scrolls.
>MvC Fighting Collection WHAT?
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>>981543 Forgot this one.
Man, the Japanese stream is really kicking the US ones ass
>funko pop
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>funko pops
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>Funkopop game
>>981544 I hope a port for pc to fix whatever the fuck they censor/change
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>Darkest Dungeon 2 People completely forgot that game existed.
>Funky Soyjaks are gonna have fun with that one
>>981553 Did you know it was released in 2021?
>>981553 things that get released on the Epic store really just go into a black hole.
>NISA n-no thanks
>phantom brave remake in 3D disgusting
>now people get to see how bad nuPerfect Dark is compared to the original
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First one is Luigi's Mansion 2 HD.
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Once again I want to apologize for how awful the quality is on these images. >a fan to blow enemies
Oh, new Mario Party
Thought we might see a new Mario Party.
>>981520 Mario Party!
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Why don't they expand Mario Party to other Nintendo Characters and settings?
>>981567 A NIGGER
>zelda remake >3d
>You can now play as Zelda in the Legend of Zelda lmao
nvm its even worse
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So the leaks about a new "2D" Zelda game is true >>981571 >>981572 Not actually the first time, there was the CDI game
>>981573 I don't have a problem with playing with Zelda itself, but she saving Link instead is letter per letter the type of stuff DEI says the developers to do by "changing stereotypes of woman needing to be saved"
This is a pretty neat gameplay style, I'm not gonna lie.
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>new Zelda in the style of the Link's Awakening remake Has potential. I'm surprised there are a decent number of heavy hitters in this stream considering how close we are to Switch 2.
>>981574 What? That would imply Nintendo are getting grant money from somebody, that makes no sense for one of the richest companies in Japan.
>>981578 Nintendo does ESG reports since 2015 anon,it makes perfect sense
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Is Just Dance the only franchise Ubisoft has that's still making money?
>>981578 They get grant money from the japanese government, along with most japanese entertainment, to make japs look docile kawaii uguu femboy nation who wants a military.
>>981579 >>981574 God fucking damn it I am so sick of this schizoposting, people like you would have complained the reveal in Metroid
>>981583 Schizo implies i have no base anon
>>981580 Thought they killed this shit off years ago. Does it even have a significant enough audience for them to keep making more?
Oh, Japan is getting Edgeworth remakes
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>another cat game
>>981587 Neato. Let's see if it gets on the US stream.
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>a Sony franchise on Nintendo wew >>981583 It's cliché but I'm partial to "TF2 would be called woke if released today" >>981588 Stray released a few years ago, actually, it arguably started the cat game trend.
>>981589 Yup, just came on.
>Investigate >Interrogate >Impregnate
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You're really making use of that LotR IP, Embracer.
>Danganronpa Fire Emblem wut
romancing saga 2 full remake
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Is LotR worth reading?
Man, this has been a great Direct, especially if you are a JRPG fan.
Oh god, it's metroid
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>>981596 The premise is also the most shonen thing I've ever heard. >>981600 YES >>981601 EN or JP?
oh cool, a new Halo game
>>981606 Been watcinh the EN stream.
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It's good to be back
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me pictured
>>981600 Of course it is.
Finally something worth emulating
I was thinking of giving this stream an 8/10, but Prime 4 bumped that up to a 9.
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Darn, I was hoping for Twilight Princess re-release.
>>981616 Yeah, I can agree with that.
What makes it better than most of west stream is less talk and cinematic and more gameplay
Can I allow myself to be hyped? cause I feel pretty good about M4
>>981600 It's different to the films, but great regardless. I won't spoil anything but if you've only engaged with the movies and games you'll probably be quite taken aback by how different the tone is, Tom Bombadil is removed from almost every adaptation because he's such a weird character.
MP4 almost assuredly a dual release and I bet it's Switch 2 launch game like BotW was.
>>981612 I want to nurse him back to health
>>981622 >M4 in 2025 I'm guessing the later half? Maybe even a Christmas release for the new console?
>>981620 It's the same studio as the other games.
idk it was a long wait, but I'm satisfied with the new Mario Party + Turok.
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Notice they didn't explicitly say Prime 4 was coming to the Switch 1. Anyway, I'm hyped as fuck. That was a great show. I had low expectations and expected nothing since the Switch 2 is around the corner but goddamn there was some good eating in that buffet. I got my new 2D Zelda game, starring Zelda, and unfortunately it's in the diorama art style I hate. But I will take it. Good lord, Nintendo did good this time.
>all those kusoges Shit as always
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Tubes
I hope Mario and Luigi will be good.
>>981624 Nah it could easily be March.
>>981624 February/March Not going to be on Christmas, that would cannibalize Switch sales.
>>981636 I presume he meant next Christmas.
>>981590 Since the horizon devs wanted their character to be in smash, this is a blatant attempt to get a foot in the door for the next smash.
>>981616 For me, it's 10/10. The exclusives top everyone else's streams combined. Very few niggers too.
>>981641 That's right, characters in Smash have to had been on Nintendo platforms at some point don't they? Also the reason you'll never see Heavy in Smash.
>>981645 I don't think they have to. Fairly sure neither Cloud, Joker or Sephiroth have ever been on a nintendo console before Smash.
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>>981646 >Fairly sure neither Cloud, Joker or Sephiroth have ever been on a nintendo console before Smash. Persona Q for Joker; FF Explorers, Theatrhythm, KH: CoM, and KH: Re:coded for Cloud; and just Theatrhythm for Sephiroth.
>>981641 I think they're just desperate (overwatch devs were like this too). Aloy is one of the most AstroTurf'd protagonists I've seen in a game. Sony is desperate to make her a thing.
Looks like Sylux from Metroid Prime Hunters. I still remember the hand cramps I got playing it
>>981655 Sylux was in Prime 3's special ending. Federation Force's as well apparently.
>>981655 >>981657 While I like how they are continuing from the end of 3, I wanted them to continue Dread with the ending of Fusion because Samus should be a wanted person since she destroyed the metriod research facility and the X while disobeying the orders of the federation.
>>981556 >>981626 >>981561 The addition of Turok really doesn't make too much sense to me, All 3 Turok remasters are on Switch, so while having the OG N64 version isn't bad, it's kind of redundant. I guess if people just want to try Turok 1 out, then they could get interested in the other games and the remaster of 1, so it's not exactly a negative in any way, just something a bit odd.
>>981655 If one game needs a remake, it's definitely Hunters
>>981658 Wasn't the research facility a secret? To convict Samus of destroying it would be to acknowledge its existence, leading to the Federation getting in trouble for making bio-weapons.
>>981687 The metroid breeding part was, the the rest of the station wasn't. They could easily convict her of that.
wow, I felt nothing
>>981658 >>981687 Wasn't the whole "Samus is outlaw now" a translation fuckup and originally just "Federation's glows will hate Samus now"
>>981595 They don't smoke, it's bullshit.
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>>981623 Show no mercy. Kill space pirates. Remove space pirates. Commit war crimes on space pirates. Space pirate genocide best day of my life.
>>981691 Sure, if there isn't an investigation. Studying the wreckage of the station could reveal their dirty little secret. It would be easier for the Federation to just clean up the mess and let her off the hook to save their own ass. >>981694 Yeah, the Federation having factions is lost in the English translation of Fusion. A separate team of the Federation was in charge of the shady bio-weapon stuff.
>>981559 new installment. actually
>>981623 Agreed.
>>981574 If that's what they're going for then this is a massive fuckup. Zelda is completely helpless in the game. Her only combat move is throwing shit. She relies entirely on summoned monsters and summoned gadgets to do the fighting for her. If they really wanted to do DEI shit they should have made it rapier and bow Zelda. This one is basically a damsel who has a magic wand that does all the work for her.
>>981573 >>981574 >>981578 >>981722 Why couldn't they just make a game about Zelda being her alter ego? Or is the idea of a titty ninja something that would cause Miyamoto's pacemaker to explode? Also, after finally watching the gameplay, this is basically just Lost Kingdoms with puzzle solving elements.
>>981730 Anon don't you see? Zelda carries the triforce of WISDOM. How does she beat her enemies she uses WISDOM to overpower them. Getting around obstacles she relies on her WISDOM to solve problems. You wanted something intresting? Too bad you have to use your WISDOM to beat this game anon!
>>981731 i do thin that the mechanic is rife for out of bounds
>>981578 >oy vey they're already rich >they surely wouldn't want even MORE fiat currency <ignore literally every single American company that does this You're too retarded to be legitimately this retarded. You have to be a shill or troll.
>>981730 Sheik doesn't have tits.
>>981731 >How does she beat her enemies she uses WISDOM to overpower them. Getting around obstacles she relies on her WISDOM to solve problems. You wanted something intresting? Too bad you have to use your WISDOM to beat this game anon! But she's a fucking ninja, a spy. Intelligence is required for that. If you're worried about "Muh violence" then have her doing other sneaky ninja stuff around the kingdom. Hell, you could even have a game that just doesn't include Link and has her going on her own adventure that's completely disconnected from the shenanigans that happen in Hyrule. She is a princess after all, so diplomatic missions are part of her responsibilities. Or would that require them to actually write an interesting story with interesting characters beyond using Ganon for the 30th time. I guess that's the reason why all the people associated with the Zelda games on the Game Boy were never allowed to touch the series ever again. Because they actually added something.
>>981734 Don't ruin my dreams dude. >>981735 don't forget this mistake that makes miyamoto scream at night.
>>981736 Sheik is FLAT
>>981736 Isn't that the least bad Zelda CD-i game, minus the live action cut-scenes?
>>98165 Therefore the engineer most likely would be brought into Smash considering you could stumble across with a dwarf wearing his outfit in the Switch version of Paladins, even a much more specific appearance than Cloud in Kingdom Hearts, although it's kind of bullshit they couldn't bring the original FF cast that interacted with Super Mario's basketball game and the Sports Mix game.
Where on the continuum do you guys think Samus will look in Prime 4? I'm guess somehow further towards 3 then they already went.
>>981754 They all look fine to me, but (((they))) always try to make women uglier in the new versions.
>>981754 >>981755 She looks the best in corruption since she looks more like an anime girl
>>981754 I don't like any of her post-Fusion designs. I preferred Samus being a jacked, 200 pound, 6'3" brunette.
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>>981755 Prime 1 Samus reminds me of The Boss
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>>981766 That's not what Samus wearing under the power suit in SM though
>>981754 Zero Suit Samus is very much a set design at this point, so doubt it'll change compared to how we've seen it. >>981772 I like her Prime 1 look, because she's got that Sony Blade "I can look good when I want to, but right now I'm gonna kick your ass energy" I like that she looks more realistic, I don't dislike Zero Suit Samus, but Prime 1 just looks the most practical. Zero Suit Samus' Hair looks like it's in danger of getting in front of her eyes, and in a helmet that'd be really dumb thing to let happen.
>>981507 I just hope the final boss is someone else rather than having Bowser capturing Peach as a plot twist, pretty much what ruined Mario & Luigi on the first place. >>981528 A third remake, really? >>981568 Because you'd end up getting a Super Smash spinoff :^)
>>981809 3 versions, 2 remakes. Not like Nintendo hasn't done that before. If there's no Funky Mode, I'm not playing it.
I don't pay attention to leakers but did any of them get anything right from last night? >>981651 By the time Sephiroth was announced FFVII had been released on the Switch in its entirety.
>>981809 >A third remake, really? Basically just a touched up port.
>>981260 >Uma Musume game coming to Steam and Switch Really cool. I hope Blue Archive is up next.
>>981932 The word "coping" should never be used outside of a psychological concept. Fucking kill yourself.
>>981933 Now you seethe.
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>>981932 >>981939 Lie down for a minute there...
>>981573 Cute art so far, at least.
>>981939 "cringe"
>>982004 I would like the game more if Zelda actually could hit them tables and chairs and stuff. Wish her attacks weren't just summons.
They actually made Zelda into a girl?? What a "what if" world we live in.
>>982044 What's next, making a Metroid game where you play as a girl?
>>982050 I wouldn't mind a Metroid where you play as a loli.
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>>982183 >morphballing has her run around inside a hamster ball
>>981772 The Boss was always kinda manjawed, but at least back then it wasn't done out ideological opposition to 'conventional attractiveness'. >>981755 Her face got progressively ironic less oblivion-tier as can be seen in pic 1. To be fair they were working with. She looks like someone's mom in the remake.
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>>981242 Did they finally HIRE THAT MAN?
>>982050 >>982183 But should it be a prequel, or an apparent prequel with the twist the MC isn't Samus but a space pirate clone of her?
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Wish they made Zelda actually fight instead of just make random shit to fight for you or throw rocks at things. A serious Zelda from OoT or TP would have been cool. I'm sure it will be an okay game, but this is just wasted potential.
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>>981737 Canon breast binding, she tugs on a bandage and those puppies are popping out.
>>982287 The potential to have her play exactly like link? What would be the point then?
>>982403 Anon, I'm sure you can think of other games where people with swords fight differently than Link
>>982470 In a top down zelda style game? Not really.
20 years ago this would have been cool, but today you can tell they’ve only done it to appease the sweet baby gajin.
>>982629 >posts a pile of shovelware and bomberman Most of those games don't even involve swords. AI tier post.
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(Japanese) Direct was pretty good, I'm especially interested in getting on Switch >Phantom Brave sequel >Kamaitachi no Yoru Triple >Butto Bird >Metal Slug Attack Reloaded >Dragon Quest 2D-HD trilogy >Gyakuten Kenji 1 & 2 >Metroid Prime 4 Beyond Stray is another new "impossible" Switch port revealed in the JP stream, seems like a decent gift for a family relative. >>981261 >>981267 Capcom and the other big Japanese third-parties (namely Bamco, Squeenix and Sega) have been rather inconsistent in supporting the Switch, and my personal theory is that they don't like the idea that Nintendo is perfectly able to not depend on third-parties in order to be successful whereas the same cannot be said for Playstation. Would be honestly cool to have Dead Rising 1-2-Off the Record, Vanquish, and Ryu ga Gotoku games on Switch for instance, but that seems to be a bit of a pipedream. >>981921 >>Uma Musume game coming to Steam and Switch It's technically a spinoff filled with mini-games, not the stat raising simulator (sadly). That said it's cool that the Switch gets offline ports of mobile games such as Battle Cats (Futari de Nyanko Daisensou) and Metal Slug Attack Reloaded. >>982599 >female protagonist in a Japanese game is bad now I'm glad I haven't been influenced by this american internet culture to the point of being freaked out at anything, regardless of the context.
>>982629 I remember Titan Souls being somewhat of a meme here on 8chan when it released but I can't remotely remember why. People would post webms of sprite swaps they did.
>>982636 >Stray is another new "impossible" Switch port revealed in the JP stream, seems like a decent gift for a family relative. Stray is an extremely linear borderline walking sim, it's the exact kind of game you could perform technical wizardly to make run on the Switch. Remember that the Switch is a little more powerful than the PS3, and that could run MGSV and Titanfall. >I'm glad I haven't been influenced by this american internet culture to the point of being freaked out at anything, regardless of the context. Some other anons were also frustrated by the immediate "WOKE SJW SBI DEI" reaction, I saw one say if Metroid came out today anons would sperg.
>>982646 They use that as a trap to get away with more bullshit. It's unfortunate that we now need to be more on guard for their bullshit. SJWs have turned everything, including the internet and vidya games, into a low trust society.
>>982646 >>982649 Part of the problem with the dedicated Zelda game is that the entire concept feels too "safe" and trying to appeal to "both sides" in a market research type of manner. Because you have on the one hand that the political activists are demanding that Zelda finally get her own game, but then Nintendo needs to kneecap what Zelda is actually capable of (Going so far as to give her an NPC companion in order to "Save the day") so as to not anger the dedicated customers who are hyper-aware of the current goings-on in society. It's just a repeat of the Princess Peach game from last month in execution, where they ALSO needed to give her an NPC companion in order to save the day. And I don't mean an NPC companion who effectively serves as the go-between for the player and the game's world. Best example of this being Link's companions (Navi/Midna/Fi). I mean that Zelda/Peach cannot actually save the day without being given special powers by this NPC. The closest games that I can think of that actually does this is Sonic and the Black Knight and Lost Kingdoms. However the former opens with the context that Sonic can wipe the floor with the game's enemies all by himself and Calibur effectively exists just as a gimmick and plot device, and the latter has the princess just then and there in the game's opening finding out that her family are the only ones who have the right and power to fight the darkness thanks to a magic stone that's been passed down from generation to generation. Meanwhile 'Zelda: EoW and Peach Showtime OPEN with the fact that Peach/Zelda are imprisonned and need an NPC to save them before' they can even do shit. Compare this to Super Princess Peach/Wand of Gamelon/Zelda's Adventure, where they go into danger of their own accord to save the day. That's also ignoring what I pointed out earlier: >>981730 That Zelda can be a well-rounded character if they wanted her to be: >>981735 She's a princess, so of course she's going to be receiving the best education in order to accomplish her political duties (Because queens and princesses actually DID DO SHIT and had responsibilities, they didn't just hidaway in a tower eating Bon-bons the entire time). Being a member of the Triforce, she's naturally adept with magic that her education as a princess would only enhance. And her caretaker comes form a secret society of ninjas. Unless they wanted to go down the path of Zelda's alter ego being Tetra instead of Shiek, then she's a fucking pirate and the point still stands. They could have actually done something unique, making a game about Zelda having to rely upon her own wits and abilities. But what we're getting instead is just another stereotype, that should anger these political activists if they were actually consistent with the beliefs, and only serves as another step towards destabilizing society by showing that Zelda is a "strong independent womyn who don't need no man".
>>982665 With Princess Peach Showtime, it seems like Nintendo just actually made the game for girls. It has practically no gameplay, because girls don't actually like games. You just walk around with practically no challenge. It doesn't look appealing to me, but I understand the logic, and it sounds like it makes sense.
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>>982646 >Stray is an extremely linear borderline walking sim, it's the exact kind of game you could perform technical wizardly to make run on the Switch. Remember that the Switch is a little more powerful than the PS3, and that could run MGSV and Titanfall. I did have a feeling the gameplay is obviously nothing to write home about, but it looks relatively simple and the cat concept is something a relative of mine would enjoy now that a Switch port is being made. I sorta recall some people referred Stray as some tech marvel impossible to be replicated on lower-powered machines (aka the Nintendo hybrid console) due of particle effects and reflections being somehow too advanced, which sounds silly and technologically inept. Real "impossible" Switch ports for me would be titles such as Nier Automata, Earth Defense Force 4.1, Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Come and Dying Light but they were essentially made by a team of people who also cared enough to have their games looking and running well on the console. The Switch 2 should have the extra power that make porting smoother for third-parties without relying too much on tricks. >Some other anons were also frustrated by the immediate "WOKE SJW SBI DEI" reaction, I saw one say if Metroid came out today anons would sperg. Yeah it seems to be a big depression, after being exposed too long to what English Internet & Twitter may be usually spewing, if the concept of a female protagonist in a Japanese game from a Japanese company triggers a reaction as something bad. Now if someone were to tell that the English translation is going to be garbage (which ultimately affects the TL in my own language), I can believe it even if the problem is decades-old and not exclusive to Nintendo games. I don't browse political stuff at all so the sole thing that can actually annoy me on the Internet are localizers trying to push excuses and false ideas on the Japanese language, since I take the matter of linguistics rather seriously.
>>982636 >black protagonist in a Japanese game is bad now Anon, come on.
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>>982050 >loli
>>982844 I don’t get your post anon, are you sure you replied to the right thread?
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>>982844 >we will never get a game where you play as loli samus in a little zero suit one piece >we will never learn acrobatics and marksmanship on the surface of Zebes before Mother Brain goes rogue >we will never see Samus go from survivor to OP uberfraulein >we will never watch her go through puberty as her Chozo DNA causes her to grow soft down instead of pubic hair >it will never be cute and funny
>>982923 Fuck that, I want loli Samus in a little 3 foot tall power suit.
>>982923 I want Chiyo Death Simulator
>>982923 I don't want to see samus' backstory be butchered.
>>982975 Other M already did that.
>>982907 He clicked the wrong comment, is all. >>982948 Pic related.
>>982979 Man, i always enjoy seeing lolified versions of tough female characters, not even for the lewds, i just find it adorable.
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>>982980 This guy gets it.
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>>983019 Yeah, its a shame theres not that many examples.
>>983024 What game are they from?
>>983049 New Vegas, they are 2 of your companions.
>>983051 They aren’t recognizable outside of the potato engine.
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>>983057 Understandable, but the names and outfits should give them away, or do you not recognize these characters?
>>983059 No, I never finished New Vegas.
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>>983066 Yes, New Vegas, and?
>>983111 No anon, you dumbass, those are jill valentine and ada wong from resident evil.
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>>981518 >Metal Slug A new tower defense game, they just don't know what do with the franchise. nice sprites though. >>981590 >TF2 would be called woke if released today The only reason why the game is rated M, is because of its gore and that's basically it :^)
>>981590 >TF2 would be called woke if released today Why, the demo? That’s one black guy out of six straight white males.
>>983123 i think you confused him and then misunderstood him, he though that "or do you not recognize these characters?" meant the fallout characters, not the resident evil characters
>>983132 >new tower defense game It's is actually a remake of a mobile game from ages ago, they probably were like "yep guess we can just reuse all these assets." It was actually pretty alright but that's not a high bar for mobage

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