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Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:25:45 Id: 3636ac No. 981325
As we all known, LRG are a scummy company who does artificial scarcity, snitches ROM archives and dumps of their exclusives and are pro cancel culture, now they are raping Clock Tower with another Scam. And from what i understand, the people behind MikeZ's cancellation are working on this too, but also, looking at some of the trailer and gampelya graphics, looks like they just stole the Deluxe romhack.
yes limited run games suck but I don't see the need for this to be its own thread honestly on a side note did you know LRG is hysterically scummy, your OP doesn't include remotely the worst shit they've done. most people don't like them for dumb culture war shit but they've sold physical game boxes with no actual game despite advertising physical media, refused to give out refunds, permanently banning people from their store if they did chargebacks over it that's probably not legal but the FTC would never get involved over dumb niche shit like collector copies of indie games
>>981328 >on a side note did you know LRG is hysterically scummy, your OP doesn't include remotely the worst shit they've done. most people don't like them for dumb culture war shit but they've sold physical game boxes with no actual game despite advertising physical media, refused to give out refunds, permanently banning people from their store if they did chargebacks over it Can you give us some examples.
Why are they stealing?
TrannyHunter being attached to the proejct as a shilling eceleb is already enough gor me to blacklist it.
>>981325 > artificial scarcity I fucking hate this trend with physical shit and then they wonder why physical is dying. When you can't buy the fucking shit, then no wonder people will just download it.
>>981420 >When you can't buy the fucking shit, then no wonder people will just download it. That's kind of the point. If you physically own the game/movie/book, it makes it all that much harder for the elites to take it away. So their attempt to transitioning everything over to digital is a method to control the populace.
>>981421 I hate it so fucking much.
>>981420 I mostly flash my own roms for the only physical media that matters, gameboy color/advance catridges. Anything else I'd just rather use a flashcart or sd card than bother.
>>981431 You should archive your games always.
>>981436 Nigger where do you think I got the rom to flash onto cartridges.
>>981328 You forgot the one time they were selling burned CD-Rs instead of pressed CD-ROMs. > Limited Run Games has come under fire from disgruntled customers over two recent re-releases for the 3DO, with customers alleging that the company is using cheap CDs for its pressings and that the discs don't work on 3DO hardware. > > Two LRG re-releases, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and D, are finding their way into the hands of players, but these re-releases appear to be contained on cheaper rewriteable CDs rather than genuine pressed discs. > > Posting on X (formerly Twitter), retro gaming enthusiast Todd Gill accused Limited Run of shipping its 3DO games on CD-R media, something with which a Reddit poster agrees, stating that LRG "decided to distribute burned copies instead of having a real game pressed". https://archive.is/QdFRq https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/limited-run-games-3do-releases-controversy
>>981742 Damn, that's amateur hour shit. You'd be better off just using your own CD printer at that point.
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>>981478 I was more reminding the thread that you should always archive your games. >>981742
>>981742 If Plumbers Don't Wear Ties fall into obscurity, their problem, besides it's not even worth archiving considering it's literally an interactive movie before Metal Gear Solid and Half Life 2

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