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Dragon Age: The Veilguard/Bioware Thread Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 02:32:14 Id: 403eac No. 981786
I wanna talk about the new Dragon Age. It's uh... it looks rough. It's been 10 years since Inquisition but Bioware has finally revealed the next game. Featuring... prosthetics, SEA elves, black elves, & a cartoony Fortnite hero shooter looking aesthetic. Yay...
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>>981786 And for those who haven't seen it, here's the trailer. This is what they're using to sell you on this. Keep in mind, Dragon Age used to be considered dark fantasy.
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>>981788 It's been 10 years and the ending still stings to this day. I get SW fans and the Last Jedi over how a property can fuck over the player.
>>981814 Even the sjws from places like NiggerERA hate ME3's shit ending.
>>981788 The reason ME3 botched the ending so hard was because normalgroids had to feel like they got a full ending no matter how they played. Steam achievement stats prove that normies don't do side content. If they tied the good ending to content from previous games or side quests in ME3 most normiecattle would skip it and all get a bad ending. Most people didn't really care about their choices impacting the ending. Even back then people only cared that the ending felt cinematic. It's not even a question of bad writing just laziness and mass appeal. If you need more proof of this look to the CoDifaction of combat as the games progressed. Also, Ashley is best girl. Fuck the aliens
The nigger above only spew shit from his mouth holy fuck, it's a bunch of shitty headcannon that is even painful to read, please shut the fuck up You disingenous buffoon
>>981822 I agree. Everyone knows Tali is best girl.
>>981786 It's like they saw that shitty DnD movie Honor Amongst Thieves and thought to themselves they could make a shittier version for Dragon AIDS
>>981832 Accurate assumption. The trailer doesn't portray the dire situation of the story. Instead it's painted like a comedic heist movie with quirky diverse characters.
>>981821 Fuck the aliens is right.
>>981847 The asari creep me out, i wanna lewd Tali instead.
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>>981847 >including that ass ugly Shrek Asari from Andromeda
>>981821 First, you're wrong about how they fucked up the ending. The original ending was thrown out (Mass Effect devices builds up Dark Matter which destroys the universe so the reapers were created to destroy civilisations using ME devices) and it got re-written after part 2 turned it into a dude-bro shooter instead of an RPG thanks to the asian fuckface that didn't even know he could level up his characters. You're right about Ashley being best girl.
>Tali and Ashley enjoyers I really am stuck here. >>981788 Didn't they also use ideas from Star Control 2?

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>>981847 Why do people simp over the Asari they look fucking weird? This is a series where you have Quarians, Turians, and the Geth, don't go for tentacle heads.
>>981866 >they look fucking weird? I don't know what you're talking about. Everything about them except the head tentacles are human.
>>981786 Dragon age only had 1 mediocre game and that was the first one. DA was never good
>>981872 Says the faggot who probably likes BG3. How about get that dragon dildo out of your ass
>>981874 I literally didn't bother, like many of here actually did with that pozzed shit. Origins is the only good game. 2 onward is just a bad rpg riddled with faggotry and awful writing.
I always find it funny how /v/ seems split between people who are very gay and people who aggressively do not like gays. True Diversity
And on that note >>981866 >best boy.jpg >Legion >not Garrus
>>981882 I don't care who you fuck. If you like your asshole gaped or gape someone else's isn't a character trait and is only put in place to pander and as a sign of the mediocrity and banality plaguing the industry.
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>>981882 Also i'm pretty tired of pretending this people are anything but hiper sexual degenerates comprising a negligible, fringe part of society.
>>981884 Nintendo is shit Vols, do yar thang!
>>981882 /v/ is divided into two mindsets >A libertarian free-market type "leave me alone with my video games" mindset Which is good as it allows one to call out shitty practices without falling into the same traps as commies. Those people won't care if there are gays as long as it isn't forced down their throat. They are open minded enough to see the shitty pandering in games but also to realize that it's the motives of the people making the games that are the problems. You will rarely see anons cry out against otome games with gay shit because they realize that they are made for someone else, and that there isn't malicious intent in it. >The authoritarian gay-ass boot licking Which is bad because they are commies with a different coat of paint who don't really mind the fact that games are becoming propaganda tools, they are just angry that the propaganda isn't showing the bullshit they want to be propagated. They don't actually care about video games and are here by accident, they're just opposed to SJWs because they don't agree on what the propaganda is saying, not on the fact that propaganda exists. That's the difference. One side doesn't want video games to be used as tools of political shit-flinging no matter who holds the tool, another side is just angry that the tool isn't in their hand. >>981883 Garrus is geniuently one of my favourite characters in western RPGs. Obviously he isn't super deep or anything, but I always found him extremelly charming.
>>981889 Lolbert shit never works because, much like Gommunism, inevitably someone more ambitious gets to hog all the power for himself out of leniancy.
>>981890 I was talking about the mindset towards games and art in general, you don't have to be an actual free market libertarian to have a libertarian mindset towards games, it's just reminiscent of the mindset that free market libertarians have. And by that logic nothing really works. Also communism doesn't work for many more reasons than just "someone gets to hog all the power". It's a shit theory through and through. I don't think we should be arguing this because we're getting off-topic though.
>>981859 I kind of wish the reapers were just unexplained. Cool eldrtich machine monsters that we fight. Sovereign made them look exactly like that, he kept saying how their motives are impossible to understand for mortal races and that they simply exist. Then it turns out he was just lying. Both in the version you are talking about and in what we got. It's kind of lame.
>>981864 It's honestly a shame I couldn't kill both of the virmire survivors earlier than me3. They're almost as bad if not as bad as Jacob. At least Jacob doesn't backstab you after you canonically save his ass 4 times (Ashley) and 3 times with Kaiden in the trilogy. They're completely useless and do not deserve to become spectres. I hate them with a burning passion
>>981895 Were either appointed Spectres before or after the Reaper invasion of Earth? It seems like the case where someone got a promotion out of nowhere with Liara having a whole DLC dedicated to being the shadow broker.
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>>981883 don't you shittalk my robro I'm a sucker for cute robots so I posted Legion, but Garrus is definitely up there. Not even sexual or anything, for me that would be Tali, he's just a cool character. Though I am kind of shocked Bioware didn't include him as MaleShep lover given how much controversy there was around Mass Effect having same-sex romances.
>>981890 Do you know anything about Libertarianism? If you're going to shit on something at least know what the fuck it's about. >>981883 Garrus is a bro.
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>>981866 Exotic twig space elves. >>981882 Even gay people can have standards & not want the Californian standard of fags shoved into their entertainment.
>>981864 Also the main plot point of Mass Effect 1 was lifted from SC2 >>981902 >Were either appointed Spectres before or after the Reaper invasion of Earth? It seems like the case where someone got a promotion out of nowhere I don't see why it matters if they were promoted before or after the reaper invasion, but yes they got promoted after the Udina incident if you encourage either of them to accept the invitation to become a spectre. I don't see how anyone can justify either of them becoming spectres after having their heads caved in
>>981919 >Even gay people can have standards & not want the Californian standard of fags shoved into their entertainment. The worst thing that happened to gays is the idea that gays are somehow a political movement and not a sexual preference.
>>981786 >>981787 The trailer that was shown was unrecognizable to me until the title was shown. It was really that bad. Then add in the fact it was chasing trends that even most normalfags were fucking tired of by now, and that they even managed to piss off the cultists that still thought Inquisition was good. Triple gAAAy is comically inept at this point.
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>>981925 I could see it happening if it was something like an emergency appointment as an anti-Reaper officer that Garrus and Tali (if you got her exiled from her fleet) had. >webm I recall one of the aliens had the same situation as the Krogan and I assume the Syreen was probably the basis for the Asari.
>>981919 >>981927 I know a lot of gay people who genuinely want pride banned out of sheer hatred for the rainbow crew being insufferable.
>>981978 Pride isn't a community of gay people, it's a political cult grifting off of gay people.
>>981978 >>981979 Both true.
Dragon Age always sucked. The setting was just a shitty generic dnd campaign, and took itself too seriously to be the fun kind of generic dnd campaign. The characters were faggots, and the gameplay was boring.
>>981927 The worst thing that happened to society is that homosexuality is a sexual preference and not a mental disorder.
>>982047 The setting is fine with a lot less bloat from DnD settings. Becoming more lighthearted is exactly what people hated about the writing for 2 & Inquisition.
>>982047 >The characters were faggots Sten was great. The only character I disliked and wasn't allowed to kill at some point was Oghren and I can forgive that.
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>>982047 origins was good, fuck you
>>982109 >>982120 >>982126 Irrelevant, anything with elves, dwarves, and orcs in it is bog standard garbage and only has value in bring parodied. Even without that, the plot is generic shit.
>>982132 >anything with elves, dwarves, and orcs in it is bog standard garbage and only has value in bring parodied. GRRM, is that you? I thought you were working on Elden Ring DLC? Finish your books, you fat faggot, and stop being butthurt people like Tolkien more than your "realistic fantasy" of rape, incest, and dysentery.
>>982137 He's just a shitposter, I suggest you cease further engagement with him. >inb4 not an argument He hasn't provided any argument either, he just chose the most contrarian position possible to farm as many (You)s as he can. >but what if he actually believes it First of all, read his other post ITT, second of all, if he were honest he could have elaborated his position and act in good faith.
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>>981893 >I kind of wish the reapers were just unexplained. Cool eldrtich machine monsters that we fight. Sovereign made them look exactly like that, he kept saying how their motives are impossible to understand for mortal races and that they simply exist. This. It's for this reason I don't like Karpyshyn's original idea for the Dark Energy ending either. While, yes, it's not as absolutely fucking retarded as the piece of shit Mac Walters and Casey Hudson came up with while being crunched by EA, it still has a lot of fundamental problems that would have made me find it unsatisfying as well. For one thing it was a green aesop, and I HATE green aesops. For another it leaned heavily into the "Humans are special" narrative, which I never cared for either. But, yes, most of all just like the awful ending we got it does something ME never needed to do: explain the Reapers. The Reapers from the get-go are heavily associated with eldritch themes that only get more pronounced as the player learns more and more about the madness and insanity they cause. Just like with other eldritch stories the fear and majesty is specifically in the unknowable. In addition, Mass Effect was never about the Reapers, but rather about the people and races and what they would do when faced with such a disaster. How would they change? How would you help them or not? Both Karpyshyn and Walters missed what actually mattered with Mass Effect and thought the most important thing was creating and providing a solution to a mystery box.
>>981883 Garrus and Wrex are my favourite team to bring along, fuck the bitches (except tali, tali a good girl).
>>982143 Wrex is good but overrated. I prefer Jack over him
>>982137 You say that as if ‘modern fantasy’ isn’t a mockery of Tolkien and every source he was inspired by. As though it is not on par with capeshit. Apparently, thinking you should make your own shit instead of ever-increasingly shitier rip-offs of other people’s stuff is being contrarian.
>>982138 People don’t argue on the internet to change minds, partially because that is impossible, they argue to argue. I’ve seen it countless times. Comment threads continuing for months with the most elaborate arguments you can think of, and neither side budges an inch. If you think anons are any better in this regard you need to lurk more. I think it keeps happening because people who are drawn to ‘debating’ in the first place always have fundamentally different axioms from one another which make any debate fruit. Perhaps everyone does.
<<982152 I love how, not only, did you not even deny that you are a shitposter, but also said that you argue shitpost for the sake of arguing shitposting. Debating is not to convince your opponent, but the audience, and since you do not care about anything, other than to argue shitpost, any further interaction is meaningless and I am sure most anons will agree with my assessment.
>>982140 I like the dark matter idea over anything with the magic space child. That was straight out of David Cage's playbook.
>>982168 >I like the dark matter idea over anything with the magic space child. That was straight out of David Cage's playbook. A cup of piss might be better than a cup of shit, but it's still a cup of piss.
>>982180 What's so bad about the horror of entropy further fueled by usage of mass effect relays? It goes hand in hand with the eldritch horror of the Reapers & what their mass galactic genocide.
>>982181 As I explained in my post: it's a shitty green aesop where humans are the magic chosen ones who are the most special in the galaxy and the Reapers are just hippie janitors. It's still bad. It's just not as bad.
>>982184 Humanity aren't the chosen ones in this scenario though. They're just leading the charge to fix this shit because Shepherd's human. In case you didn't notice, we're humans. Writing stories about humans is kinda a normal thing. Comparing Reapers to janitors is also stupid. That's like saying any predator is dumb because they control prey populations.
>>982185 No the dark energy plot specifically had the Reapers looking for the specific race with all the perfect qualities to make into a Reaper and that would be the one that would stop the big crunch and it was humans. At the end of his original plot, the choice would be to make Earth's population into a Reaper or to not do that and hope species working together could come up with something in the future.
>>982186 Still way way way better than 3 color coded choices of the same ending.
>>982188 As we keep circling back to, yes it is. I never once claimed dark energy was a worse ending than the slop we got that didn't even have a plot conflict that made sense. I said dark energy was still a bad ending. It's just not as bad. Would I have preferred it over what we got? Sure. But that's only in the context that I have this far worse thing to look at. If I had gotten to the end of ME3 in 2012 and it had been the dark energy plot, I still would have been disappointed. That's my point, ME didn't need a "though provoking" sci-fi ending. It needed an LotTR movie ending. You beat the bad guy. Everyone's happy. Lot of epilogues showing you the result of what you did. The soul of what people liked with ME was the characters and world building and races and stuff. In the end, the Reapers were just this massively powerful thing everyone had to cope with. They are not the kind of villain force that needs character building or motivation.
>>982189 I really don't see how it's thought provoking for humans to beat the space squids by not succumbing to them.
>>982190 As I said, dark energy plot was a green aesop. Very transparently. "What if we took the BS about cars ruining the planet and made it into the GALAXY." The decision at the end was basically if you'd be willing to make a massive choice killing lots of people to ensure the survival of more or if you were unwilling to do that in the hopes of finding a nebulous solution later. It's worth noting the DE plot was obviously pretty half baked, too, because it doesn't really make sense when you break it down. How is this one species on this one planet in this one galaxy supposed to prevent the universe-spanning big crunch? Why does mass effect stuff destroy the galaxy? It just does. The simple fact is no one at Bioware was all that good at making a big plot like that. Going with a simple story where the Reapers are simply unknowable horrors is way easier to write and would have played significantly more to the strength of their writers.
>>982191 Because humanity is bringing the galaxy together. Because science. These aren't hard questions to answer. You can have the Reapers still be unknowable while still wanting to prevent the collapse of reality by destroying any civilizations that advanced enough to cause the dark matter problem in the first place. I'm sorry the idea of hope sounds bad to you. Even though that's literally the same kind of overcoming evil that LotR is about. Which makes your complaint to how ME should be more like that more confusing.
>>982194 What...the fuck are you even talking about, anon? I think hope sounds bad? Where did you even get that? In my idea you'd still beat the reapers. I'm not sure why you're fighting so hard for "space inconvenient truth." Making the Reapers' origin be: "We have to stop space global warming because of the space cars" is not a good story.
>>982202 Because you're saying the Dark Matter story idea is bad for humanity overcoming the Reapers & bringing people together to find another solution. It is not a metaphor for "cars bad" like you keep saying. That's retarded. You're using your retarded theory to justify calling the dark matter story bad.
>>982206 Anon it's literally "space pollution is causing the end of the universe." It's not subtle. I have no problem with a human protagonist and humans leading the charge on galactic cooperation. I do have a problem with humans being the genetic chosen ones who's special bodies are the only ones who can stop the end of the universe. The dark energy plot is simply not good. Any plot explaining the Reapers isn't good. The most positive thing I can say about it is it's better than what we got, but since that bar is in the ground it's not hard to clear.
>>982188 No one is disagreeing with this anon, the argument is about the opportunity cost of having Reapers as simply eldritch entities. A plot about dark energy could potentialy be good, and there is nothing inherently wrong about it, but it would be better if the reapers were just unexplained.
>>982210 It's humanity using technology they don't understand that's gonna destroy the universe. It's not that deep. >>982216 But one does not ruin the other. We could've had the dark matter plot without the Reapers being diminished in their unknowable horror. Just knowing they were built doesn't mean they're any less mysterious. The problem is the star child & theoretically he wouldn't exist if the dark matter plot was stuck with.
>>982210 >Any plot explaining the Reapers isn't good. This. The moment you show the monster, is the moment it stops being threatening and becomes just an obstacle for the protagonists to overcome. Fear of the unknown is one of the most primal human instincts, and you'd think that anybody looking to write horror or threatening antagonists would realize this. The audience CRAVES more lore on the main enemies - but as soon as you give it to them, you defang the threat. You have to resist that urge and keep the threat inscrutable - so that every victory against it is a pyrrhic victory at best - and only ever a means of temporarily buying yourself a bit of breathing room.
>>982145 I like jack too honestly, seeing her turn to a decent human being was very pleasing.
>>982120 Why Sten? That's one of the worst characters bioware made. To me, it looked like some writer there was really proud of his qunary lore, but there was absolutely no place for it in the game and no relation to any of the ongoing plot lines. It would've been sensible to keep it out, at most put small bits into in-universe books or offhand "news from the other provinces" like TES, but DA clearly lacked a competent lead to tardwrangle so we got this walking exposition terminal whose only purpose is tell you all about his super special people in every dialogue.
Since this is a bioware thread, what's your favorite squadmate and why? Also, what's your least favorite game and why?
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>>982363 No contest.
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>>982363 Easy.
>>982363 >favorite squadmate <HK-47 Obvious. <Morrigan Useful class and at least a little character. Not good, but still not as bland as the rest of the cast. <Garrus Is a bro and acts professional. >least favorite game DA2 sucked so much it's unbelievable.
>>982363 There's a reason I take Wrex and Grunt into the Armax Arena in the Citadel DLC. They're the only ones to actually survive Shepard vs Shepard fight.
>>982363 HK-47 is great but Garrus was my first video game crush.
>>982420 >I don't like organics! Except for daddy, tee-hee What a dork lmao. >>981889 >>981907 >>982143 >>982378 Garrus is excellent. A cool alien bro, he's not a particularly complex character but he's executed excellently. >>982420 Did you want to do calibrations with him?
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>>982047 >>982126 Origins is mediocre. It was the last non-shit Bioware game, but it's still only a 7/10. The setting was bland, the companions were bland with the exceptions of Morrigan, Shale and maybe Sten, and the story felt like an afterthought because 95% of the game has nothing to do with your actual goal. We've got to stop the blight, but first we have to single-handedly solve every other problem in Ferelden. And then we just stop the blight in one battle like it's nothing. The whole game should have been the campaign against the darkspawn. >>982361 That's kind of a problem with Origins in general. They've got this whole world they've designed with all this interesting stuff in it, and then they set their game in the most dull part of that world. Generic fantasy Europe land. They were probably afraid normafags would be scared off if it was too weird.
>>982426 Dont talk shit about Revan's favourite son.
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>>982363 Garrus obviously, I'm just a sucker for Chaotic Good characters.
>>982363 As far as favorite I'd have to say HK-47 hands-down (like there was any other choice?) but I would also be remiss to not mention that Bastila is my favorite romance in any Bioware game. Simple and corny but the fact that you have dialogue options to tease her through the entire game is just fantastic. >least favorite game I'd have to say ME2 since I stayed the fuck away from ME3, Andomeda and every DA game past the first.
>>982378 >DA2 sucked so much it's unbelievable. My recent unpopular opinion is I actually think Inquisition is worse than 2.
>>982573 >this piece of shit is worse than this other piece of shit Say it isn't so!
>>982573 Inquisition does a lot better than 2 but it's also when Bioware really started laying it on thick with the woke shit. Full on outwardly gay bisexual characters. A literal tranny who contradicts the established behavior of Qunari culture with how Iron Bull accepts & encourages her. Expect it to be even worse in Veilguard.
>>982573 2 didn't full on break the lore or be sjw so I'll give it that.
>>982575 >Inquisition does a lot better than 2 Open world slop that takes over a hundred hours is worse than 20 hours with copy pasted dungeons. So much of DAI is just empty MMO shit. I also think, while DA2's party is pretty bad, Inquisition's is worse.
>>982578 >2 didn't was sjw It was the foundation for it
>>982578 Nigger you don't remember the whole Anders debacle where you couldn't reject him as male Hawke without losing rep with him? The devs and journos all started calling people homophobes for complaining about it. As for lore-breaking, I recall a few sidequests doing just that, but I haven't played the game in years so I might be misremembering. Although you could say the mage leader turning into a harvester is lore-breaking though.
>>982585 Heavily disagree. A tedious but unique open zone world system is better than the same repetitive zones for every mission. >>982624 The mage leader still going crazy even if you side with the mages is supposedly something to do with the shitty development. Something like they wanted to make an alternative scenario in that route but didn't have time.
>>982638 Oh I agree, but I was talking specifically about him turning into the final boss of one of Origin's DLC. IIRC, it was some unique dwarven mess that lead to it so it makes no sense the mage just turned into it, but since everything is reused in that game 1000 times why wouldn't they use the model. At the end of the day, the only good thing about DA2 was how much you could break the game with the rogue and 2H warrior pre-nerf. Only bad thing about the warrior was being trash at the final boss of Act 1, but after that you can gib every enemy until the end of the game.
>>982640 Something something it's blood magic I ain't gotta explain shit. But yeah it's just cheap asset reuse.
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>>982363 I really like garrus. My least favorite game would have to be ME1. ME1s story is a totally contrived and a poor setup for the rest of the trilogy. The whole reason why anyone discovered the existence of the reapers is because of Sovereign making itself known, and attempting to blow up an entire colony. The biggest issue to me is the writing around the citadel though. Why would the reapers need the keepers to activate the citadel? Why couldn't it just wirelessly activate the mass relay directly instead of through another medium? Convoluted much? Furthermore, why did the reapers design the citadel to be the heart of galactic civilization and not give it the ability to indoctrinate the people it's hosting? Another problem I find with the plot is that it's constant not so subtle foreshaddowing. There was no point to the talk with vigil because we already had that information and it gave us no hint on how to actually stop the reapers; instead of the prothean VI being a potential grand reveal it was a grand dud that only stalled us from chasing Saren. The world building is average at best. The interesting codex's is the primary reason of why it isn't even worse than that. There are far too many copy pasted environments in this game for the world building to be good from a graphical standpoint and the fact that we got totally irrelevant backwater hubworlds (besides the Citadel, the only hubworld actually worth it) just made this game a total disappointment. What else that was disappointing? That being a spectre doesn't even matter outside of the Citadel itself. What's the point of having spectre status if it barely counts for anything?
>>982446 That, or they got caught up in their own fantasies about the world at large and forgot to flesh out the one place that mattered. Ferelden still could have something interesting about it, there was potential with noble intrigues or chantry doing anything. Again, clear lack of strict tard wrangler to keep the writers focused. >>982670 Spectre stuff was an halfassed excuse for the player character to run around solving everyone's problems instead of having to follow orders like a regular soldier. I don't think they put any more thoughts into it than that.
>>982690 But wasn't it a significant step for humanity to have one? On the galactic political scale?
>>982691 Yeah sure. Hard to buy that story explanation when the role boils down to "free adventurer, but also important enough to talk to the king from the start". Way too much freedom, no accountability and no mention of financing makes no sense in-universe, but it fits a protagonist.
>>982575 Plus, the characters looked like they regularly bath in chicken grease.
>>982729 Yeah I can see that.
>>982729 What's wrong with that?
>>982585 >slop Please don’t use cuckchan lingo
>>982729 That's more frostbite making everything shiny.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljyhEztU-ug So I remembered there was another Dragon AIDS media adaptation from December 2022, this time a fucking Netflix series. Nobody gave a shit, but the warning signs were there.
>>981787 >Dragon Age used to be considered dark fantasy. It was never that dark, but a step away from the usual BioWare for sure. That trailer look like a shitty action flick from the late nineties. Fucking dammit.
>>983255 Just the Qunari lady alone is all wrong. Just the most obnoxious tumblr fanfic character. Qunari literally enslave & mutilate mages. This lady would not exist & be this happy. >>983264 Darkspawn in general are pretty fucking dark. They breed by raping kidnapped women & feeding them the their loved ones. Sometimes making them kill them themselves. Transforming the women in brood mothers. Then there's children who can straight up die or get possessed by demons. And more rape. The tone of the first game didn't hold back.
>>983266 Well, the Spider lady from Cloakwood, the Cult of Bhaal, the Drows, the Mind Flayers and the demons aren't exactly angels by comparison. I suppose Dragon Age made it a bit more visual, rather that 'just lore'.
>>983266 >They breed by raping kidnapped women & feeding them the their loved ones. I notice every game after the first one has never shown a brood mother again nor mentioned them to my knowledge. I feel like the people in charge now are mad things like that exist and want to ignore it forever.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=R0VnYLE0uyY On the bright side, it actually doesn't look like that in game. On the shitty side, it doesn't look like dark fantasy, you can't use Blood magic, it's more of an action focused hack and slash instead of an rpg, and you can't switch between squadmates to control them directly anymore. I truly doubt (since you can't even use blood magic) that any dialogue decisions are going to have any real impact on the story. I bet the fade is going to look like crap too
If you didn't fuck the sexy fade bitch first playthrough of dao, you're a faggot
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The unofficial Mass Effect sequel. Lead by none other than Drew Karpyshyn. God I hope it's going to be good https://www.exodusgame.com/en-US/prologue
>>983491 >Wizards of the coast ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣠⣤⣤⠴⠶⠛⠛⠉⣩⣷⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠶⠶⠛⠛⠛⢉⣋⠀⠀⢰⣷⡀⠀⣸⣿⠏⠙⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⢷⣤⡈⣿⣧⠀⣿⣿⡀⠀⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣏⠻⣿⡾⣽⡆⠘⢿⣿⣾⣿⠋⠀⠀⠀⢀⡀⠀⠸⣇⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⡄⠈⠙⠟⠃⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⠀⢀⣀⣼⠋⢧⠤⠖⠻⣆⠀⠀ ⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣍⠁⠀⠀⢀⣀⣤⣤⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣀⠠⠀⠂⠙⣦⠀ ⣧⠀⢀⣀⣠⣼⡟⢸⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⢿⣻⣟⣯⢿⡽⣯⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠘⣦ ⠙⣿⣿⣏⣡⠤⠔⠾⣿⣻⣽⣳⢯⡿⣽⢯⡷⣟⡾⣯⣿⣿⡷⣯⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠹ ⠀⣿⣽⣏⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣯⢿⣽⡿⣿⣯⣿⣽⣻⡽⣿⣻⣷⣿⣿⣷⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀ ⢠⣿⣳⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⢸⣿⣿⡿⠿⠿⠞⠛⠛⠋⠋⣀⣹⣷⣾⠻⣷⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣷⢯⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣋⣹⣿⣷⡄⠀⠠⠀⠀⢰⣿⣯⡹⢿⠀⢻⣧⠀⠀ ⢸⣯⢿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠸⣇⠹⡿⠩⢿⠇⠀⠠⢀⣴⣇⠈⢆⡐⢃⠆⠁⣿⡆⠀ ⢸⣿⣻⡇⠠⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⡆⡡⢁⠆⠠⠈⢀⣾⠛⣽⡆⢂⠉⢂⠌⢰⣿⣿⡀ ⢼⣷⣻⣿⣄⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠈⣷⡀⠃⠌⠐⠀⢸⣇⢣⣼⠇⠀⠈⢀⣠⣾⣿⡽⣷ ⣿⣳⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣇⠤⡄⢠⢀⢀⣉⡋⣁⣠⣤⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣽
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>>983500 That's not what is being said at all you fucking nigger.
>>983501 We won't know if it's good until it's out, regardless of what studio it came under also >buying games
>>983500 >Being realistic is niggerpilling >What is Dragons dogma 2 >What is Baldurs gate 3 >What is REmake 4 (and the previous demakes in the same style) >NuGuilty Gear etc, etc... AAA and big names are synonyms with disaster
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>>983503 >We won't know if it's good until it's out
>>983517 Difference being Drew hasn't turned out shit while making a game yet. I'm not counting Anthem either
>>983519 Is Drew handling the coding, concept art, modeling, music, promotion, distribution, and entirely self-funding the game? You don't make something of this scale in a vaccum. Most developers don't really want to make woke progressive propaganda games. They want to make something fun, and something that will be recognized by both critics and fans as a well crafted and well loved product. It's all the fucking strings attached in order to get the project done which inject the venom. And Wizards of the Coast is every bit as cancerous as Sony, Ubisoft, Disney, and Microsoft in these regards. They've repeatedly shown that they have no problems burning their company to the ground in the name of current year propoganda and then blame their customers. It's not that anybody doubts Drew. Maybe they do... but he's ultimately a minor player in this compared to the companies which are making development possible in the first place. Enjoy your Mexican Lesbian Wheelchair Orcs.
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>>983429 Probably. Like I've said, 2 is when the series took a dip into a more Joss Whedonesque tone. Mostly optionally with dialogue but characters like autistic blood magic elf & Isabela the pirate hooker do kinda stand out. Now you can forget about them showing darkspawn like that ever again. Hell they made the darkspawn themselves less scary each game. >>983480 It still looks wrong. Look at the new demon designs. Look at the female npcs. Look at Varric somehow becoming a raven haired brunette when he was a strawberry blonde.
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>>983503 >>983519 Are you retarded?
>>981786 I have hard money on that Qunari being a faggot who acts like a 30 year old Californian (in a 16 year old Californian's body)
>>983645 That's a lady.
>>981787 Initially I thought: "Is this Fable 4?" >Least menacing looking weapons outside of WoW God I fucking hate the 'effortlessly cocky' bullshit things like this pull (the dwarf faggot getting a drinking the middle of the fight) it telegraphs how little the writers give a shit about anything making sense or having a scrap of tension, >token nigger and chink pair as usual Reminds me of Jumanji >oh my fucking god the song Kill all of the people who made this abomination >The Veilguard Shittest name possible? The second one was crap the last one was an abortion, this just looks like WoW fucked Destiny. I'll pay it even less heed than Mass Effect Andromeda.
>>983646 of course it is, though she probably has a penis too
>>983547 And what matters the most in a choices matter game? The answer is the story and your choices having an impact on the game. >They've repeatedly shown that they have no problems burning their company to the ground in the name of current year propoganda and then blame their customers. Then don't buy the fucking game then lol. I'm certainly not going to, but I might play it. I'm also sure that a place such as 4chan will have an all white mod for humans in case it really does turn out to be good
>>983743 > The answer is the story and your choices having an impact on the game. Yes which is why we've had RGB endings and Bioware not allow us to do anything real meaningful since DA: Origins or ME2.
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I'm about 24 hours in kotor and while I can say I enjoy it more than ME1, I don't think it holds a candle to ME2 or the original star wars battlefront for that matter. Leveling up is a boring grind, the characters banter starts to slow down after a while, and the recycled alien speech really is starting to get annoying at this point. The main story and most of the side quests has pretty much been a bunch of fetch quests. If I had to describe the combat as anything, it feels like a clunkier version of dao. Now I have heard the obsidian did a better job with kotor 2 and I am going to beat kotor, I'm probably never playing kotor 1 again
Its been 13 years and I am still waiting for the dragon age origins sequel, what happened to dragon age bros, am I blind or something
>>985897 EA and the woke left ruined it
>>985887 Kotor 1 is extremely basic and really only succeeded because consoles hadn't had many games like that at that point. Kotor 2 is indeed much more thematically interesting but it's an incomplete mess. The restoration patch doesn't really fill the hole in it's entirety. It's better than vanilla, but it's still weird and fragmented. It's a shame the true restoration patch from Team Gizka fell apart and all that was left was a bunch of disparate shit that only worked so well.
>>985887 I could not get myself to finish KOTOR, I think I dropped it at some point on the Sith planet. It was just a boring game, the combat was slow and simplistic, and the characters were not interesting either. The Star Wars theme just wasn't able to carry it for me. I just watched the rest of the cutscenes on YouTube and that was it.
>>985887 >or the original star wars battlefront for that matter. >comparing a fucking RPG of all things to a thrid person shooter Anon, are you retarded. >>985910 Kotor is pretty basic, yes, but that is the point, its an entry point for RPGs, that was the entire point, it was meant for teens. And even then it manages to have one of the coolest stories of all of star wars, wich is pretty sad.
>>985918 >Anon, are you retarded No I'm not. I think it's more than fair to compare 2 games based on the same series. I base it on it being a more enjoyable game. KOTOR also has the most lazily slapped together level designs and skyboxes. I've never seen skyboxes as hideous as the ones in KOTOR. And that I believe has to do with laziness and not "muh system requierments" see >it was meant for teens. And so was battlefront classic.
>>985924 Anon, now im convinced youre being dense on porpouse. No, you cannot compare the two, atleast not in the way youre going about it, they are entirely different genres.
>>985926 Both are scifi and both are star wars. I can compare
>>985928 Sure, compare Kotor and F-Zero next because of the swoop bike minigame.
>>985928 NTA, it's ok to say that you find one game more entertaining than the other, but to say that one doesn't "hold a candle" to the other when they are different genres is kinda retarded. It's like saying that Super Mario Kart doesn't hold a candle to Super Mario World or Super Mario RPG, or in other words comparing apples to oranges even thought they are both fruit.
>>985929 I mean both are on rails
>>985917 I disagree. Your squad is basically the only thing interesting about the story (I honestly could care less about Mission though). That, and the cutscenes I suppose >>985931 >It's like saying that Super Mario Kart doesn't hold a candle to Super Mario World or Super Mario RPG, It's still true though. Mario Kart is just not as good of a game as those two games. And it's not because of the genre, it's because of the lack of effort in the game.
>say a type of car is shit and doesn't compare to a type of truck >a-apples and oranges you can't compare!
>>985954 Youre comparing a monster truck to a formula 1 and pretending they are the same because they are vehicles, thats why youre being called retarded.
>>985955 More like comparing a formula 1 car to a formula 2
>>985898 you realize jews have taken over video games, right, it was the jews who have ruined dragon age jews gotta control all the media, video games now make more money than cinema so go figure dipshit
>>985960 Hey you know, someone's buying it. You can't blame everything on jews when people are buying this garbage
>>985959 Not at all, again, youre missing the point that they are completely different genres, anon, you are being retarded.
>>985961 quote on quote people are nothing but animals to be guided by a strong hand, the strong hand is currently a jewish webbed claw that wants to erase the european from the face of the planet, its not their fault they love eating shit is what Im saying, its a pitiful sight
>>981786 People still care about Bioware games? Jesus.
>>985897 They made Dragon Age 2 & made it "funny" because Joss Whedon quips.
>>985971 >quote on quote What?
>>985971 The thing is, most people are content with consuming shit and will lash out at you for calling them out on it. Even if you could prove to them without a shadow of a doubt something is wrong with their position on things, they will defend their own position with every exception to the rule they can find or they'll hit you with pure propaganda "proving" their point. We should not share their pity, remorse, or fear
>>986046 Who's this cute slut?
>>986150 Saiba momoi. True bosnian patriot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxDs_-wcnNE
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>>986046 He probably meant "quote unquote" t. fellow ESL
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>>986150 She from a surprisingly popular Korean gatcha, Blue Archive. In the story she and her twin sister are gamers, but she has a tendency to rage quit. The memes surrounding her is that she screams nigger while playing games, though as the internet is extremely sanitized, they have to be a bit "creative" with this meme. And just to be clear, no I am not suggesting actually playing it, watch videos on jewtube if you want the story, as for the gameplay it's obviously not that good. Just go in the thread, read all the posts that discuss the raids(usually have a webm, a few pictures and walls of text) that tries to go in detail what it feels like to play it competitive, short answer it makes you act like a degenerate speedruner.
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>>986156 >>986159 I'm going to be honest with you, anons. I wasn't asking her name to look her up on youtube

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