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Sum Gays Dun Quik Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 03:47:56 Id: cd4890 No. 982115
LIVE THIS WEEK https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48 https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick I'm reusing the bingo card with some edits. It actually spent effort on it when I made it and I intend to get use out of it.
Edited last time by Mark on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 01:46:00.
More like Troons Without a Dick.
>>982153 F- try harder

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Let's relive some good and bad times

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Anyone got a compilation of joke donations that managed to slip through the censors?
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Only 2 days left before it starts.
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(4.84 MB 1280x720 Jak 3 - OOB.webm)

>>984378 Should I try Jak III? I've never played it, I loved the first game but I didn't like the faux GTA direction 2 went in. I've heard 3 has more of the open world platforming from 1.
>>984385 Jak 3 is very much the same formula as Jak 2, only the city is slightly changed, there is a new desert city, and there is a big desert wasteland where you drive dune buggies. And new actual levels of course. But it's definitely a sequel to Jak 2, not Jak & Daxter.
>>984378 HOW DO JACK RUNNERS GET AWAY WITH IT in a world of trannies how do they survive being such chads?
>>984439 Much as I love J&D and used to enjoy the community, they don't. Bonesaw got banned and Ricky got into drama with him years back, he made a goddamn twitlonger about how he felt "forced" to be an edgy memester during that run specifically and that it was all Bonesaw's fault. invidio.us/watch?v=HBn5iJPFKLc https://archive.ph/YT2xX I'm afraid to see what's happened since I stopped following that community.
>>982227 Funnily enough, ESA is just as trooned out as GDQ now. Literally indistinguishable.
>>984377 >>984378 >>984380 >comes in >drops the most legendary GDQ stream of all time >gets banned
>>984787 Tranny's hate fun
>>984788 Trannies hate everything
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12 hours until the autistic boipussi horror fest begins.
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>>984876 >boipussi
>>984880 >Other men's cum Not if you get there first.
>>984885 >get there first Not with a million rented dicks.
>>984885 Really, that’s where you draw the line?
So since we are coming up on the last few hours before it starts, what runs are everyone interested in?
>>984906 Is your hate for me really divine?
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>>985133 L-Lol
>>985133 Is the first one a tranny with good camera angles and lots of filters, or a girl for comparison? I'm confused.
Hey /v/, if you had to speedrun one game, what would it be? Hard Mode: No games that already have exhibitions this SGDQ IMPOSSIBLE MODE: You must be able to give commentary while speedrunning it, to a livestream audience without trooning out
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>>985290 a slav
>>985298 One of the games with an easily executed ACE/credits warps that lasts a few seconds.
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>>985298 I have an ingenious idea WHY DOES THIS EXIST
>>985298 Probably a Kirby game, I played so much of them as a kid that I basically would >get home from school >beat one as fast as I could >go to bed >repeat for like half a decade
>>985298 Probably classic Spelunky would be my best bet. I've played enough Terraria that I could speed run it but doing so goes 180 against how I normally play the game. I've also spent a huge amount of time with both Dragon Quest 8 and Final Fantasy 12 so I could likely do them especially if there was some some challenge aspect like DQ8 fists only or FF12 earliest Tournsol. Some shit like that.
A couple of Castlevania games are coming up soon including the arcade one.
Been a few years since I've looked at this. Now they have some crowd controlled game up during the setups, along with a Doritos® chip meter that puts a shitty overlay of Doritos® on the crowd camera when it's full. What the fuck.
>>985506 The donations always make me a bit sad because it's very clear people think they're donating to some kind of cancer treatment or research charity by saying things like "let's beat cancer". The PCF is an awareness organization, that's not what they do.
>Go to Twitch >get an advert >close immediately Even with noscript & Adblock these niggers are still pushing for this bullshit. Is there an alternate channel like on cytube we can use instead? I use YT forks so the complaint about the advert doesn't matter much anymore.
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>>985590 There's a python program called streamlink for GNU/Linux, check your distro repository. It skipped the ads in my experience. By defaul, it uses VLC as the media player but you can use others, check the manual. streamlink https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick 1080p60 will play the 1080p stream on VLC.
>>985598 I'm on Win10 but that link can be used in VLC still. Thanks m8.
>>985590 >>985615 Also check out https://github.com/2bc4/streamlink-ttvlol if you still get ads, it's a plugin that lets you proxy to a country where twitch doesn't serve ads.
>>985298 Trump met Vinny Vinesauce?
>>985566 Why do cancer awareness organizations even exist? I think everyone is pretty aware of cancer at this point.
>>985754 They exist to make money for the people who work there.
>>985754 It's basically WebMD. Have a cough? Must be cancer. Pain in your stomach? Cancer. They don't do anything except say it must be cancer, and that you should go see someone who can actually do something about it. When you do that for everything, you'll be right some of the time, and then whoever you were lucky enough to be correct on will say you were a genius, give you money, and tell everyone that you saved their life.

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