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WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO "LEVELS" IN VIDYA?! Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 11:52:15 Id: 3fcfa0 No. 982928
When was the last time you played a game that had levels in it? I'm playing the nunuTomb Raiders and not enjoying the open world shit at all. I miss the old days of just having a large level, kinda sandbox-y, but you finish it and move on to the next with a nice clean level break in between, like in the originals or the first reboot. Is open-world the new vidya dev meta? Are we ever gonna get back to comfy levels?
Plenty of games still have levels. More or less every RTS for one. Open world is overrated. It's nice when it fits for immersion or when it augments world simulation, but most of the time it just means the devs spend time creating a lot of 'nothing' in between critical locations. Levels makes changing setting/location/enviroment much easier and also allows the player to know when they've 'cleared the level'.
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Play anything other than AAA games
>>982928 I hate levels, I want to play endless survival sim damnit. The only levels I should see is what round I'm on >:-(
>>982938 Different maps are fine though, but they're maps, not levels :-)
After that one SVU episode, “level” became a dirty word.
>>982938 You will never escape the cycle of samsara if you enjoy survival crafting basebuilding sandbox games.
>>982928 Wo Long Gay Bowser had levels. So did the 2 Niohs.
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