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Best Final Fantasy 11 private server Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 12:57:37 Id: 55aa2f No. 983250
Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most. Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly. So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla. https://www.valhalla.group/home/doku.php?id=start
>>983250 Didn't we have an old FFXVI guild back on OG 8chan? What happened with that?
>>983292 i dont know. FF14, not many people play it anymore
>>983360 That's a shame
Where's the private server for FFXIV? I don't want to give Japanese war criminals money.
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At least I can look up others players skirts on the free version.
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>>983800 >bumping a thread after 12 hours >bumping at all on 8moe Anon you are aware this board is slow as fuck? It takes literal months of inactivity for a thread to prune.
>>983815 Quality over quantity, my nigger from another mother
>>983815 >does not let us larp >>983828 at some point quantity transforms into quality
>>983888 so did anyone try it yet?
>>984714 this really is the greatest game i have ever played
lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!

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