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Pitch a spin-off. Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 17:09:37 Id: cc950b No. 983838
I have a challenge for you anon. Not much of a challenge but I think it would be fun to think about. Take a series you love/like and try and pitch a spin-off to that series. Some rules: >Has to be a different genre to every other game in the series >Has to be something fans of that series would be interested. The guy you're pitching it to is some executive of a game studio. He is about 50% in it for the money and 50% actually wanting to make a good game. So you can't just pitch gacha shit to him, But you have to pitch something that might actually sell well. I will start! Warcraft:Origins! Horrible name. The game is a squad based role playing game very much in the vein of Dragon age:origins. I am honestly surprised blizzard hasn't done it already. Warcraft did have a TTRPG but never a computer role playing game. I think it would work perfectly, The setting allows you to have all sorts of adventures and the MMO already has a lot of the work done for you. You would just need to add companions and then make write a compelling storyline for the player to follow. It would also allow you to show how large the game world is supposed to be (Which the TTRPG was supposed to do but that isn't canon anymore). If you set the game in a time before Vanilla wow you could even appeal to WC3 nostalgics. Or just appeal to anyone who has gotten sick of warcrafts new lore. Fuck I think the zoomers who like post WoD lore are even getting tired of it. You might think that MMO players wouldn't be interested in a single player game but most people who play WoW nowadays aren't social in the slightest. Biggest problem I could think of is that you can't really add anything to the time line without stepping on some toes. Unless you want to pretend this is a separate timeline to the MMO which might actually be a massive relief for some people. I guess you could also do the opposite, Make a WoW style MMO for dragon age but I don't think that would be a good idea. I mean the setting supports but who would want to play it?
Elder Scrolls alternate reality. Action RPG, much heavier combat focus that other TES games. The Hero of Kvatch fails to fulfil the prophecy, and Daedra wreck havoc over Tamriel. You play as a warrior who's trying to fight back the Daedra, as well as figure out how to stop the invasion. This is Obsidian's own Elder Scrolls pitch that Bethesda rejected.
>>983849 >In an alternate timeline, we could have had a post apocalypse elder scrolls game made by Obsidian. Thanks for ruining my day, making me think about shit that will never happen.
>>983849 Huh, that sounds reall- >spoiler ▒▓▒░░░░█░░░░░░░░░███░░░▒░░░█▓▒█▒▓░░░▓███ ▒▒██████▓████████████▒▒▓▒░▒█████████████ █████████████▓███▓▓▓▓▒▓█░░▒█████████████ ████████████████████▓▓██▒▓██████████████ █████████████████████▓▓▓▓███████████████ ███████▓░██▓████████▓▓▓█████████▒███████ █████▒▒▒███████████▓▓▓▒▓█████░▓▓████████ ██████▒▒██████████▓▓▓▒▒░▒████▒▓█████████ ▓███████████████▓▒▓▓▒▒░░░▒█▓████████████ ░▒▓█▓██████████▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░████████████▓▒ ░░░░▒██▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░▓██▓▒░░░▒█▒░░░ ░░░░░░░░██▒░░░▒░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░▒██░░░███░░░▒▓ ▒░░░░░░░░▓██▓░▓▒░▒▓▒░▒▒░░░▓█▒░░░█▒░░░▒██ ███▓▓▒▒▒▒░▓▒░▒▒██▓█▒▒▓▒▓▒▓███░░█▒░░▒████ ███▒▒▓█▓█▒▓▓░░░▒░▒▓▒░░░▓███████░░▓▒█████ ░████▒░▓█▓░░░░░█▒▒▒░░░░░░░▒█▒██▒▒▒██████ ▓██▓██░░░█▓░░░▒░░█▓█▓▒▒░░░░█████▒██▒████ ▒░░░░░▒▒░░▒▒▒░░░░░░██▒▓▓▒▓▒████░▒███████ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▒████████▓▓▒███████ ░▓░░▒▓▓▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░██░░███▒░░██▒███████ █▓▓▓█▓░░░░▓████████████████████▒█▒██████ ██░█▓░▒▒▓▓█████████████████████░████████ █░░▒░░░░░▒▒░▒▒░░░▒░░░▒▓█▒▒▓▓▓███████████ █▓░▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒█▒█░█░▒███▓█████████ ██▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓██▓▒░▓▓░███░▒█████████ ░▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒░▓▓██▒▒▒█████████████████
A Fallout city builder, it would work for all the people that caught the settlement bulder autism from 4, pluse the people that liked fallout shelter and work as an actually, dedicated city builder, it would be fun.
Let's take an old spin-off idea of mine: "Duke Nukem and Pals in Yet Another Alien Invasion", making Duke part of a team with Commander Keen and a bunch of new guys that also fight aliens. Then change the genre to... a tile-based turn-based tactics game. * Duke Nukem: The toughest guy with the most HP and attack power. He is better than everyone else in every statistic. His strongest attacks expend ammunition. * Billy Blaze: A utility guy that can jump in a long straight line with his pogo stick, but has weak defense. * Dick Steele: Duke's competition from the East Coast. Another tough guy hero but slower. He is a friendly good guy, which annoys Duke. * Yu Suk Lo: A Chinese martial artist superhero. All of his attacks are short-range. * The Shadow Soldier: Member of a secret society that defended Fresno when Duke was saving Los Angeles. Sniper type. Best at hitting and running. He can radio for more ammunition for Duke and have it delivered. * Scorpion Medina: Parody of Spider Jerusalem. Wears a bathrobe and fights with dual pistols. Is always on drugs and may be too zonked out to fight. * Scorpion's Secretary: The straight woman to his nuttiness. She is slowest (wears heels) and is the worst fighter, but she improves Scorpion's stats by being near him. She would be the team's healer, and she can bash aliens over the head with her purse. Add a quickly written story where they fly up into space and crash back down more than once, picking up allies and kicking alien butt in multiple settings before they all raid the alien mothership together. Upon defeating the final bosses, they learn that the aliens banded together and invaded the Earth together just to see if they could beat Duke Nukem. Well, Duke just answered that question, with his pals. Focus on giving the player a fun experience. Make the aliens easy to beat but there are a lot of them and they send waves of reinforcements after you've beaten one round. Make the story fun and the settings somewhat silly. Even though we're bringing in new characters, keep a focus on Duke. He says he's the greatest, and he delivers.
Sonic Chao Adventure >It's a mobile game Chao Garden, but with adventure game elements a little bit like Chao Adventure from the Dreamcast VMU. Think that mixed with the Tiny Chao Garden from the GBA, or just the regular Chao Garden, since I'm sure that's very doable on mobile now. >BUT BIG TWIST! It's an AR/Fitness App, somewhat like Pokemon Go, Pikmin Bloom, etc. >The Chao Garden exists without the AR/Fitness stuff, and players can enjoy it on its own, but engaging with the AR/Fitness stuff allows for not just more gameplay, but more access to unlockables. >Of course, you can always just pay microtransactions for many of those unlockables, if you want to pay money to not play the game. We can also give them out at a low rate even without interaction with the AR mechanics or microtransactions, sort of like a free trial mode, only we don't call it that. >The AR/Fitness stuff essentially replaces the non-Chao parts of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. It's how you get items. There are many forms of items, not limited to: >Small Animals: These impact your Chao's stats, both positively and negatively, and also change their appearance. Give your Chao a bird and it may grow wings, increase its Fly stat, but lower its Swim stat, for example. All animals increase overall stats more than they decrease them, but there are tradeoffs. Some animals give bigger gains than others, and are just plain better. >Chaos Drives: These impact stats only positively, never negatively, but the gains aren't as much as can be found with animals. They're simpler but not as effective. They also do not change your Chao's appearance, which players may sometimes find favorable. >Fruit: Act similarly to Chaos Drives but can also impact other things like your Chao's behavior, including sometimes special effects, such as increasing lifespan, or encouraging your Chao to breed. >Chao Eggs: Hatch into new Chao. There can be special eggs which hatch special Chao. >Toys: Chao play with toys in the Chao Garden. Give a Chao a box of crayons and it may learn to draw, including graffiti on the walls, changing the look of your Garden. This system could be expanded from Sonic Adventure 2 to lead to bigger effects. Maybe when a Chao plays with a toy Car it increases its Speed stat. Maybe if you give a Chao a shovel (an item that existed in Sonic Adventure 2), it may actually slowly dig a tunnel that leads to a new area in the Garden. >Cosmetics: Players will want to dress up their Chao, as well as other characters that will appear in the game. Let them get cosmetic items. Of course, better ones are harder to get. >And of course all items can also be purchased with microtransactions. But the key is that the game is actually fun to play, so microtransactions are paying to not play the game, but players want to play the game. Whales will pay anyway. >Sonic is all about speed, about running, so the game encourages that. >As you walk, you collect the above mentioned materials. >Different factors determine what materials you collect. This includes not just location, but also distance and speed. Weather can also be a factor. >Location alters the ratio of the different types of animals/chaos drives >You collect x items/y distance. This inherently encourages speed. Running will cover distance faster and get you more items. >Running faster also increases the quality of items you get. >Moving a longer total distance also increases the quality of items you get. >Want to get a Swamp Monster instead of a Cucky? Go and run fast near a body of water, or walk a long distance in a day and pass by a body of water, or both. >Weather can also be taken into account. Rain increases odds of water animals. Heat increases odds of power animals. Etc. >It's semi-random, but you can increase your odds by doing these things. You can get animals without going to the exact locations, since some players might not have access to a body of water, for example, but the odds improve by being in the right location. >Additional items can include things to attract certain types of animals/help you find other items. >This isn't the only way to earn items. They can also be earned through special challenges. >Sonic characters appear as trainers who help you raise your Chao. >Their real function in-gameplay is actually just to impact your Chao's stats. >Part of this is like in Sonic Adventure 2, where different characters interacting with Chao cause the Chao to take on traits of those characters. In that game it was just making Hero/Dark Chao, and a few smaller things (like Chao would draw pictures of the characters they liked), but here perhaps it could be expanded. >Of course, the game features not just all the characters who could interact with Chao in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, but practically every character from throughout the series. Each additional available character will hook more fans. >Perhaps there can be additional factions beyond Hero and Dark. Different Teams. Different Teams can make your Chao look different. Hero and Dark make Angel and Devil Chao, and also unlock a Hero Garden and Dark Garden. But there can be many other potential types of Chao and Gardens, with many other themes. Let's list some. >Team Sonic: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles. These characters are the "Hero" characters in Sonic Adventure 2, and also named Team Sonic in Sonic Heroes. >Team Dark: Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Eggman. The first three of these characters were called Team Dark in Sonic Heroes. Eggman was a "Dark" character in Sonic Adventure 2, where he could interact with Chao. >Team Rose: Amy, Cream, Big. The first three characters are the team from Sonic Heroes. Amy and Big could already interact with Chao in Sonic Adventure. Cream has pet Chao, Cheese and Chocola, which should perhaps make her a special character that gets additional bonuses. These characters give you more feminine, "cute" Chao (even though they're all cute), along with a Garden that reflects that. >Team Chaotix: Espio, Vector, Charmy, Mighty, Heavy, Bomb, Ray. The first three were "Team Chaotix" in Sonic Heroes, but Mighty, Heavy, and Bomb were in the game "Knuckles Chaotix" and are commonly associated with the team. Ray is a character who appeared in only one obscure game, SegaSonic the Hedgehog, which also included Mighty, and has been associated with the team in other media, such as comic books. These characters can give you more bizarre looking Chao and a crazier looking Garden, reflecting the extra surreal look of the game the characters are originally from. >Team Blaze (or Team Silver): Silver, Blaze, Marine. Blaze (along with Amy) was part of Silver's team in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Marine is Blaze's sidekick. Blaze and Marine are from a pirate themed alternate universe, giving opportunity for fun theming. Silver and Blaze are also from the future, allowing for more fun theming. There are different options here. >The Babylon Rogues: Jet, Wave, Storm. Maybe can include other bird characters, like Speedy, Great Battle Kukku, and Dr. Fukurukov from Tails Adventure. The Babylon Rogues are sort of genie themed, sort of alien themed. Their Chao and Garden can reflect that. >Team Metal: Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 16-bit), Mecha Sonic (8-bit), Mecha Sonic (Sonic & Knuckles), Metal Knuckles, Mecha Knuckles, Tails Doll, Metal Tails, Amy Doll, Metal Amy, Metal Fang, Neo Metal Sonic (who is literally the same character as Metal Sonic, but can be sold as an alt-character anyway). All the robot versions of all the characters from throughout the series. There are many more, especially if we can get permission to use characters from spinoff media. Trust me, Mr. Exec. I know you think those four different robot versions of Sonic are the same thing, but fans will pay for each one separately. Robot Chao in a mechanical Chao Garden would be very cool.
>Dream Team: Lumina Flowlight, Void, NiGHTS, Reala, Ariem. These are characters from Sonic Shuffle, NiGHTS Into Dreams, and Sonic Dream Team, for that sweet cross promotion with a recently released game. They're all dream-themed games, and these are characters who only exist in dreams, and their Chao and Garden can have theming that reflects that. >Fang's Gang: Fang, Bean, Bark, Rough, Tumble. These characters have been associated with Fang in recent Sonic the Hedgehog comics. They're secondary antagonists. Hooligans. Their Chao and Gardens reflect their mischievous nature. >Diamond Cutters: Tangle, Whisper, Lanolin, Jewel, Belle. Characters who are a team in recent Sonic comics, some of whom have been featured in recent mobile games. Cross media synergy. >Team Hench-Bot: Dr. Starline, Orbot, Cubot. Eggman's sidekicks in recent games, and in recent comics. Starline is a comic exclusive character, but other characters from his series have been used in recent mobile games. >Team Echidna: Tikal, Chaos 0, Pachacmac >Team Nocturnus: Shade, Emerl, Gemerl (the last two are the same character but that doesn't matter. You could sell him twice even though it's just a different color palette). >Team Surge: Surge, Kit, Mimic. Recent characters from the comics. Other characters from their series are in recent mobile games. Surge and Kit are evil Sonic and Tails. Mimic doesn't have much to do with them, but whatever. >If we can convince Sega to allow use of more cross-media characters, much more money can be made, with teams (and Gardens that reflect their series of origin) such as... >SSSSS Squad: Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Snivley, Sleet, Dingo, Bocoe, Decoe >The Freedom Fighters: Sally, Rotor, Antoine, Bunnie, Nicole, Dulcy, Uncle Chuck. >The Sonic Underground: Manic, Sonia, Aleena, Bartleby. >The Warriors: Tom, Maddie, Wade, maybe Chris Thorndyke and Grampa Chuck >Team UK: Johnny Lightfoot, Porker Lewis, Shortfuse, Tekno >Teams from each of the different universes from Sonic Prime. Throw in Sticks since she doesn't belong anywhere else. >The Suppression Squad: Scourge, Miles, Alicia, Patch, Boomer. Sega might be nervous about this one, due to a certain litigious former employee. But they might also be in the mood to asset authority over characters who are literally just evil versions of their own characters. A certain segment of the internet would give lots of free advertising if this happened. >Other characters/teams can also be added to cross-promote other Sega games. For example: >Team Sega: Beat (Jet Set Radio), Kiryu (Like a Dragon), Axel (Crazy Taxi) >Or perhaps whole teams for individual Sega franchises, if that's what Sega prefers. >This is a very non-exhaustive list of characters. New characters can be added to previously existing Teams, but new Teams can just be made up whenever, and each can be a selling point. >In the original Chao Garden games, you could make Chao that look like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Chaos, and Nights. Here that can be expanded to more characters. >Getting a Chao to be of a certain Team can be one prerequisite to making a Chao that looks like a particular character, to encourage use of more characters. >More Trainers can be unlocked by completing challenges, such as Chao Races, visiting certain locations at certain times, breeding/training a certain type of chao, etc. >Of course, you can also pay a microtransaction if you want. >The effects of Trainers aren't just visual, but also statistical. >If Sonic is the assigned trainer, then Chao you interact with will get some extra Speed EXP when you give them items, but perhaps would receive less Swim EXP than usual, for example. Different trainers impact different stats differently. >But appeal to the fan dedication by being careful about it. For example, E-102 Gamma could interact with Chao in Sonic Adventure, but died at the end of the game (and became a bird). Gamma is in the game, but as a bird. The bird doesn't talk. Fans will talk positively about that on the internet and give you free marketing. >Be sure to give all the characters unique dialogue. Even if it's only text, fans love that. It will get the internet talking. >Characters who are "Small Animals" or are themselves Chao, aren't trainers, but are utilized differently. >This includes Gamma and Beta (who are birds now), Birdie (Sonic Adventure), Birdie (Boscage Maze, Sonic Prime), Froggy, Omochao, Cheese, Chocola, and perhaps more. >You can assign them to different Chao Gardens, and they supervise and train Chao when you aren't directly interacting with them. Leave Froggy in a Chao Garden and those Chao will get a passive gradual boost to their Swim stat, for example. Gamma boosts Fly and Pow (Fly moreso), while Beta boosts Pow and Fly (Pow moreso). >Everything builds up to Chao Races. >There are two types of Chao Races. The first is just the simple type from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, where you watch the creature you raised, but don't really interact very directly during the race. >The second type of Chao Race is actually the player racing. Players can face challenges which are essentially time trials, asking them to move a certain distance in a certain time. >Special races can be begun by going to certain locations, akin to Poke Stops in Pokemon Go. These locations tell you the best times of people who began races at that location, so you're essentially racing against them. Those races can give better bonuses. >To be clear, these are real races. Players are actually running and checking their best times. Different races can be set up for sprinting and long distance. >Players are asked their age at the beginning of the game, and this impacts their standards for races, so kids aren't just getting beaten by adults. >Perhaps other factors can be considered, with optional information given by the player, such as height and weight. This is marketed as a Fitness tracker function, tracking estimated burned calories, for example. >When you play a race, you choose a Chao to play as.The Chao's stats then impact your races. You get bonuses to your in-game speed depending on the Chao's stats and your location. >Equip a chao with a higher Swim stat and the game acts as if you're running faster when near a body of water, or in precipitation. >Higher speed stat only helps in completely neutral conditions and locations. >Climb stat helps on inclines. >Fly helps in areas with curved pathways, or offroad locations.
[Expand Post]>Stamina affects all Chao. Whenever you're doing a race with a Chao equipped, the stamina bar lowers. When it runs out the bonuses turn off until the Chao's stamina recovers. >All of these AR Races give significant rewards compared to Classic Chao Races and simple exploration, so as to encourage this otherwise more physically taxing challenge. Even if you get a very low rank compared to other players, you are rewarded relatively significantly just for trying. >Chao Karate can also be included. Fitting that in with the AR elements might be harder, but making it work exactly as in Sonic Adventure 2 would be fine. >It can be made multiplayer by having your Chao fight other Chao who can be left at special locations, again like Pokemon Gyms in Pokemon Go. >This does not preclude single-player Chao Karate against AI opponents, which can be done anywhere. >I can't yet think of how to include player movement more directly in Chao Karate, but we should consider how that may be accomplished. >Other Chao minigames akin to Racing and Karate can be incorporated. More can even be added to the game post-release. >Perhaps players can also challenge others to Chao Karate, and maybe even Chao Races, in the area in a proximity-based system. >This system can also be used to trade items. Fans have been clamoring for a Chao Garden for decades. Everything in it can be paid for with MTX. It's the perfect monkey's paw.
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>>983913 >>983914 Damn, I didn't expect someone to put this much effort into this.
>>983876 I think your ASCII is a bit fucked. >>983898 >>983908 I like both of these ideas.
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RTS set in the Descent universe. You play as the collective consciousness of the transmode virus where your goal is to take over all PTMC installations in each galaxy. The expansion has you play as Dravis, using the virus to eliminate other Material Defender's Dungeon Keeper style. The game starts out kind of like Paradroid, where you need to hack bigger bots until you can capture enough resources to maintain your own economy and eliminate the uninfected ones.
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>>983913 >>983914 We've got a mega sonic fan here
3rd person shooter pokemon There was a fangame like that years ago and it was pretty fun

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