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The Great Genre Convergence Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 08:09:21 Id: 075f36 No. 984096
Whatever happened to genre purity anons? It seems like games are becoming a grey goo amalgamated mess. Shooters and action games now have RPG elements, RPGs have shooter/action elements. Open world everything even when it doesn't suit. Is gaming moving toward a great genre convergence with some uber ultimate game that's an open-world battle royale action RPG with survival craft elements as a live service game hero shooter? I can't be the only one noticing everything blurring and melding together in the mainstream sphere. Some games, usually indie, stick to their genre and polish it until it shines, but most everything else is turning into the brown mess you get when you mix all the paint colours together as a kid thinking you'll get a rainbow but ending up with literal shit.
I think there's two reasons for this. The first is devs trying to be unique while not being able to create anything new so they just combine existing things in a slightly different way. The second is the same thing that happened to most other media: in the never-ending quest for wider audiences, they water down their product until it's just a bland mush palatable to anyone.
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>>984096 Yeah I agree it's a mess. In the past there tended to be hard limits that prevented this sort of thing. Nowadays you can cram a bunch of stuff together and it will technically work in that the hardware and software will allow it to function even if what's functioning isn't really very good. The other reason is that game development has become extremely corporatized so games get made by comity. So if battle royale is popular then corporate makes the devs turn their game into that. If an open world game sells well once then execs will demand every dev make their world open game. Minecraft made bank so now every game has to have survival and/or crafting mechanics. And so on so forth. There's always been a follow the leader mentality in game development, that's how we got so many animal mascot platformers in the early 90s, but it's got out of fucking hand.
When game devs realized they didn't need to balance and fine-tune their gameplay and could just shove in a half baked upgrade system instead, and people would praise it. But this isn't just an "RPG" merchanics thing, the same applies to open-world games (level design) and roguelikes (map design, item balance) too.
The whole RPG family has never truly been pure from the get go.
Normalniggers expect all media to be structured the same. Look at plays, cinema, books that are produced for the lowest common denominator. They all use the same shorthand language and shit, they all have "transferrable skills." Does this sound familiar? Dodgerolls with i-frames, Parries, Loot Tables, Exp, strong hatred for tank controls?
Has there ever been a case where merging genres actually werked?
>>984119 Many such cases, i'd think. Real Time + typical turn based genres for one thing
Welcome to my religion, we also disallow open-world, survival, crafting, sandbox, and base-building.
>>984119 Yeah, Action + RPG. Been a winning formula since Diablo 1.
>>984119 Quite a few, in fact. A surprising one was Tetris battle royale in Tetris 99. FPS and RPG work well together if done right, obvious examples being Deus Ex and New Vegas. Another surprising one is rhythm gameplay, that slides in to all sorts of action games like Hi-Fi Rush, Crypt of the Necrodancer and Metal: Hellsinger. >>984132 NO deckbuilding. NO procgen. NO random skills. NO tacked on farming mechanics. >indie devs in shambles
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>>984150 >NO deckbuilding
>>984096 Just devs copying what works in an effort to minimize risk by adhering to a proven set of features. Usually without really knowing why those things work the way they do. The end result is a bland, dilluted, and stale mess, but normalfags keep throwing money at that shit so it keeps on getting worse. >>984150 >procgen I actually like this when done in small or limited amounts. Over reliance or total reliance on it ruins it for me though.
>>984096 As usual the devs are uncreative bankrupt and wants the player to grind waste amount of unnecessary hours to show their games are success through the playtimes that's not new. Core gameplay mixing can be good but it's rare. >>984150 >A surprising one was Tetris battle royale in Tetris 99. No, that's core Tetris with different goal rules aka Last Man Standing We're talking about mixing core gameplays tetris related that'ld a Tetris platformer >FPS and RPG work well together if done right first person second person third person bird person frog person these're perspective they're not core gameplays
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>>984192 >first person second person third person bird person frog person what did he mean by this
I hate tedious contrarian shit like this thread Nobody complained about shit like Deus Ex back in the day but now "genre purity" is a fucking thing, what is this gay shit
Would it be better to call most "RPGS" these days just stat grinders at this point? Most attempts at trying to replicate Tabletop RPGs in video game form are few and far between such as DRPGs and Baldur's Gate 3.
>>984201 Both western and jrpgs seem to be converging towards that, yes. Even dark souls is more akin to swapping weapons in a devil may cry game than a ttrpg. Most games just make number go up or gatekeep a traversal obstacle rather than give new abilities.
>>984196 Deus Ex was pretty niche. People here are complaining about more mainstream shit, and the fact that it's so common among said mainstream shit. Things might be novel at first and then become annoying once they aren't novel anymore.
I don't mind genre blending. I just don't like lazy trend chasing and fake longevity padding. >>984192 >As usual the devs are uncreative bankrupt and wants the player to grind waste amount of unnecessary hours to show their games are success through the playtimes that's not new. That's practically very JRPG since the beginning. I like the classic 2D/2.5D JRPGs but I always use the turbo speed toggle button in the emulator to get past the minion-grinding.
>>984192 First person shooter is absolutely a genre, what are you talking about? Are you confusing FPS for first-person games in general? Please learn better English if you are going to be posting in an English language community. >>984196 >>984204 The only person who talked about Deus Ex was me, and I used it a cool example. I don't actually care about "genre purity", I was replying to somebody implying genre fusions rarely worked which is frankly silly. >>984201 >>984203 >these days Classic JRPGs were absolutely full of grinding, it's not something new to the genre. This is in their DNA from early CRPGs like Ultima and Wizardry, but while western RPGs did a lot of evolving and experimentation throughout the 90s, JRPGs were kind of stagnant for awhile. WRPGs/JRPGs kind of remind me of chess/shogi situation, where they both come from the same origin but one resembles an much earlier form of it.
>>984223 >First person shooter is absolutely a genre, what are you talking about? Are you confusing FPS for first-person games in general? He's saying that he doesn't think it being first person is what matters. He doesn't consider third person shooters to be a different genre. Not seemingly the mainstream opinion, but I agree.
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>>984216 Which is really weird in my opinion since japan is well known for making glorified COYA games you think it would be natural for them to have stat based COYA games like Disco Elysium would be a standard for them by now. Seems like a natural evolution really.
>>984103 We're we here fuck we're shit queer up?
>>984318 We're here We fuck We're shit Queer up

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