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Shoot em up/Bullet Hell thread: Go for broke! Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 19:06:58 Id: 6fd716 No. 984449
From classics like Ikaruga and Touhou to the most recently released Devil Blade Reboot. I just wanted to make a Shmup thread since I haven't seen one in a while, and I've been getting into the genre recently despite sucking ass at these games. Right now I've been focused on beating my high score in Devil Blade Reboot, but I wanted to make a thread for /v/ and see if we could collect and compare high scores and just talk about our favorite shmup games, be it Thunderforce, Gunbird 2, Cotton, Touhou, Devil Engine, Radiant Silvergun, etc. What are your favorite shumps /v/?
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>>984449 What do you think of Akiragoya's Shumps? He's got plenty of Ero-Guro-based ones like Hellbound, Galshell, Yakouga, and his more recent game Angel at Dusk. I just found out about them and they're pretty interesting. Considering getting at least Angel at dusk at some point especially considering it has a ship evolution mechanic and a ton of spread-out lore in the game based on a biopunk apocalyptic future.
>>984449 I never liked the direction shoot 'em ups went, a lot focus on route memorization of enemy placement and very precise movement. Autism stimulators, basically. No typo. I wish more were like Tyrian or Air Fortress. >>984508 I'm not very familiar with hentai terms but ero-guro is literally "erotic gore" in butchered English, what you're posting is body horror. I've never been a big fan of most Japanese BH for whatever reason. I have no idea how to describe it, a lot of it feels.. cheesy? There is great Japanese BH like the Tetsuo films and Uzumaki, but a lot of it can be uninspired and almost kitsch. The first and last ones look like cheap imitations of Giger's work by people too afraid to get abstract .
I liked Touhou, often referred to as babby's first shoot em up, specifically because I can theoretically beat it 1cc without needing to ever use a bomb. Are there any other shoot-em-ups which follow this philosophy? I tried some of the more popular ones like Ikaruga and Mushihimesama et. al, but I had a big problem with how clusterfucky it was, with so many moving parts in the background and other little blinking parts making it hard to tell what was gonna kill me and what was just there for aesthetics, not to mention how in some parts I could swear you aren't able to get through it without using a bomb or two.
Where do you fall on the CQ (Cave Question) /v/? Are they really the greatest of all time or are they just a meme developer?
The only one I've ever 1CC'd was Crimzon Clover EXplosion. I enjoyed being pretty powerful throughout, but I don't know enough about shoot em ups to really judge if it was a great game. I also played the Graze Counter games.
I never 1CC'd a gane since I'm bad at them. Please no bully
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>>984577 Meme dev with well made shmumps while they were active.
>>985177 I'm a small time scrub as well. But i admited that a long time ago and now i just enjoy this games at my own pace.
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Cotton! I just got the CE of Saturn Tribute, I know the ports are shit, but I just needed to get the high res versions of the art from 2 and Boomerang, not to mention the tiny Cotton figure is just the cutest! I hope we get to see gameplay of RnR2 eventually. High Tension seems promising but they've hardly shown off anything besides a few screenshots. >>984577 I think they're great even if I haven't cleared any of their games yet, Deathsmiles is really fun, I love the gothic horror elements that get contrasted with the cute girls, it feels like a homage to Cotton.

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