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Choices that are so stupid you wonder why they're in the game. Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 20:37:12 Id: df29b7 No. 985674
Why would you ever spare Loghain? Dude betrayed the king and left you for dead. Why would you ever let him live? just for teh lulz? I get bioware wanted to add more choices but this one just perplexes me. Like you as the MC knows full well his bullshit is completely fake. You would have to be actually retarded to even consider it. Skyrim does a similar thing. It gives you the choice of stormcloaks or imperial. You can choose between the people who were seconds away from beheading you, or the guys who didn't do that. Very hard decision.
Every play inFamous? The first one's moral choices are basically all "Save the disabled kitten | Launch the disabled kitten directly into the Sun" You'd only ever pick the evil options if you wanted to see them out of curiosity.
>>985674 Loghain was right though. Everyone who he was supposed to depend on to save his country had screwed them in the past. Loghain and company had only just won their independence from the despotic and rape-happy notfrance. Inviting them back was into the country would be retarded given recent history. The wardens had tried to overthrow the king at some point in the past, and weren't even allowed in the country until the events of the first game.
>>985692 I actually liked that game. Never completed it though. Now when you mention it though a lot of 7th gen games have these kinds of stupid "moral" choices. >>985694 Dude damn near started a civil war while a horde of rape monsters were charging towards them. All because the king wanted to ask for help against said rape monsters. He is at best, a man blinded by past conflicts. Allowing the worst kinds of evils to be perpetrated while everything falls apart around him. At worst, He is a traitor seizing power opportunistically without a single care for practicality or morality.
>>985696 No one knew it was actually a real darkspawn invasion. Even the grey wardens were skeptical. Does he do bad? Yeah, but when you recruit him and put out all the facts in front of him he's pretty repentant. Going so far as volunteering to be the sacrifice for killing the bad guy at the end.
All non-straight relationship options in any game.
Persona 5's bad ending, where you sacrifice your friends and humanity's freewill, so you can continue playing Phantom Thief for your own ego and personal pleasure. It would've actually made sense and fit thematically if they stuck to having Mephistopheles as your starting Persona, seeing as how Faust is about a rigged game between man and the divine beings pulling the strings, fate vs freewill, base desires vs the yearning for somerhing more, the dangers of power and wish fulfillment, maybe fleshed out the moral dilemma of forcing a change of heart on people. Instead they picked Arsene, who's never anything but the hero in his stories, and they gutted every moral decision to be straightforward babyface. Without any subtext or buildup, it's nothing more than a shitty memester NG+ dialogue option. The whole overarching narrative is a mess of wasted potential, all because something superficial as being a Lupin the 3rd/Kaito Kid hybrid and sucking LeBlanc's dick was more important to them.
>>985696 InFamous is fun, the moral choices are just stupid. The second game's morals are more nuanced, the ending especially.
>>985674 I actually never got the spare option because I always let Alistair duel him for thematic reasons. >>985694 He had good points about the state of the country, but he picked an absolutely retarded time to pull it and his rule afterward while using his daughter as a puppet was pretty much despotic. >>985674 While on the subject of Bioware, Jade Empire has an absolutely retarded ending where you let the villain kill you and win. Apparently some of the writers were obsessed with this ending and tried to write potential sequels off it despite how little sense it made. One of these was set in modern day and was going to be a gta-like apparently. I'm kinda glad the game never actually got a sequel.
I posted this in another thread >you're either a total unreasonable prick >a total push over boyscout cuckhold >a totally indecisive neutral just these three extremes
>>985674 The ending in Mass Effect 3, unless you've only played 3 then any ending other than "Destroy" makes no sense. Control is just doing what the Illusive Man wanted to do throughout 3, which the game showed was foolish on his part. Merge is just doing what Saren from the first game wanted to do, and that game did all it could to show you he was a deluded and misguided puppet of Sovereign who believed he was still holding the strings. Knowing both those things there's no reason a player would do anything but kill the synth fuckers. >"Oh, but the Geth, Seth Green's robo gf" The Geth lost any character when Legion died and (((Seth Green))) was on the Epstein logs, fuck them.
>You can choose between the people who were seconds away from beheading you, or the guys who didn't do that. Very hard decision. It's a choice between nationalism and colonial conquest. But it's a shitty bethesda game so fleshing out expanding an empire into wild snownigger territories is beyond their capabilities, so you side with the stormcloaks by default because absent the power fantasy of conquering, rebellion is much more appealing. The choice is only stupid because of bethesda's shitty games, but isn't necessarily stupid just because the imperials tried to kill you. Most people wouldn't give a fuck if some political faction tried to execute you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time if it meant some greater ability to climb rank and rule over nations.
>>985692 The only interesting choice in Infamous 1 was between saving your girlfriend and hostages. And this kind of choice has been done to death in other media.
>>985738 >You're either a total unreasonable prick There’s a whole thread asking for games like that.
Does it count if the option is clearly a joke? A bunch of Acquire games let you get early game overs by picking totally irrational dialog options. >Way of the Samurai lets you tell a gang member harrassing a girl to let you in on his gang rape (when he's actually genuinely in love with her and trying, but failing, to win her over), and he's so disgusted he and his goons tie you to the railroad tracks in response >Akiba's Trip 1 lets you perv on your interrogator mindlessly till the organization interrogating you doesn't consider your character worth recruiting and lets you fry in the sun >Akiba's Trip 2 starts with the player captured after falling for a rather obvious scam seller offering rare anime figures. If you keep demanding the figurines as you're tied up and about to be turned into a monster your captor will conclude you're totally whacko and start the process to make you a monster before you get saved The other Way of the Samurai games have some options to just totally ignore or chase away the opening vignette (guy finds you wounded and wants to help? Draw your sword on him!), but these actually have a point to them for playthroughs you just want to do non-story content (the series is NG+ focused, so devoting a playthrough purely to doing side quests so you can afford to improve your sword more is an entirely valid choice) Aside from that, there's selling the PDAs to Owl in Call of Pripyat. This locks off several quest lines and the official "neutral" bonus is actually obtained by selling half the PDAs to one faction and half to the other rather than selling any to the neutral Owl. The money Owl offers is also so low as to be pointless. This option exists purely as a trap for the sake of it. >>985742 There's also the fact that the Geth, via their official ambassador, have outright told the player they'd rather die than merge with the Reapers. It can't even justify itself by how it "saves" the Geth because it goes against their explicit wishes.
Having stupid choices is good as long as the game doesn't treat it like a sensible one.
>>985674 You worked with the empire in prior games. Hadvar is nice to you. They even show the empire isn't actually against Talos worship, their hands are just tied trying to appease the Thalmor. There's reasons why people would wanna side with them. Whereas something like Loghain is he's a manipulative traitor trying to mold the kingdom into his vision.
>>985674 >Very hard decision Your options are "snowniggers led by a LARPer who wants to genocide non-Nords (including you, if you aren't one) but will cause the Elf Occupational Government to sweat" and "distant successor to WE WUZ snownigger empire that has humanity's best interest in mind on paper but is led by the Elf Occupational Government". The game would have been better if you could initiate a duel with Ulfric and win the title of High King or prove yourself to be such a great asset to the Legion that they could give you the title of High King. However, these would require the player to be a Nord for them to make any sense, for no one in Skyrim would respect, for example, a Khajiit High King, even if he was the Dragonborn.
>>985818 > How to fuck the Thalmor in three easy steps! Climb Throat of the World. Sit. Eat sweetrolls while Alduin eats the world.
>>985818 It's been over a decade since I played Skyrim but why did the Mede Dynasty put up with the Altmer's shit? Not only are the Imperials not Altmer, they're not even Elves. Were the Septims really the only thing holding the empire together?
>>985841 >but why did the Mede Dynasty put up with the Altmer's shit? >Were the Septims really the only thing holding the empire together? Firstly, the Septim Dynasty were literally the avatars of Akatosh, The One, the Supreme Spirit - the most important god in Tamrielic pantheon. It's like if Medieval kingdoms' divinity claims were true. It's not remotely fair to compare the Mede Dynasty to the will a deity. Secondly, it's quite the opposite. Titus Mede was an Aurelian kind of figure who restored order to the empire and without him was doomed to collapse. The only reason there still is a Third Empire is because of them.
>>985841 Man breeds and reaches maturity much faster than Mer. From a practical prospective, a 20+ year truce lets you rebuild your entire army while they barely replenish their ranks. Had the Stormcloaks kept quiet and just waited a few more years, the Empire would be ready to take on the entire Dominion again. The problem of course is that, unknown to the Medes, the Dominion was planning to use divine metaphysics tier bullshit with the removal of Talos to remake the world and render their inferior military might irrelevant. I do think the idea of people worshipping Martin was a replacement for Talos was one of the few legitimately clever things Beyond Skyrim did. Too bad it barely did anything with it, keeping it as just background detail.
>>985851 Ulfric only rebelled against the Empire after he took back Markarth from the Reachmen occupying it. He did so UNDER ORDERS from the Empire. But because he killed them all, the Thalmor used it as an excuse to ban Talos worship just to spite Ulfric. Thus giving Ulfric cause to rebel. Ultimately the rebellion is caused by manipulation from the Thalmor to weaken the Empire further. But Ulfric has good reason to rebel.
>>985852 I always sided with the empire on the reasoning that a united front was better and the stormcloaks would get what they wanted with a restoration of Talos and a war against the dominion, that they could actually win.
>>985983 That's also a fair assessment. Realistically the Stormcloaks could not hold Skyrim alone if the Thalmor do start another war. They'd have no allies to aid them. Plus they're fighting with only a small battalion from the Imperial Legion. It's noted in the Legion route that they have forces stationed in the Bruma mountains waiting to come in. If the Empire used their full might they'd probably destroy the Stormcloaks. The Dragonborn is the one advantage they'd have against any invading armies.
>>985983 There's also the fact that the Thalmore are actually encouraged Ulfric's rebellion and want him to succeed because they know they can just crush the isolated Nords later.
>>985852 How did the Thalmor have the authority to "ban Talos worship" in any capacity? Were they occupying all or part of the Empire at that point? How does it make any sense otherwise?
>>985986 Right. Ulfric is explicitly considered a useful idiot by the Thalmor. They list him as an "asset" in their files, and mention that their presence in Helgen at the start of the game was an attempt to prevent the Imperials from executing him. Which is also why the Empire was so over-hasty in trying to execute the player, just headchopping everyone involved before the Thalmor had the chance to intervene. Obviously that doesn't fix the problem of him not being first on the block, but nothing can really resolve that plot contrivance.
>>986015 Condition of the peace treaty.
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>>985674 >Why would you ever spare Loghain? cuz I wanted Simon Templeman in my party
>>986126 Kain threw a vampiee otherkin into The Bog™, he's pretty metal.
>>985742 >tfw you accidentally pick the "reapers win" option on your first playthrough because you shot at the star kid
>>986015 They beat the Empire to a standstill in the Great War. The Emperor wimped out & signed a peace treaty. The Thalmor had the authority to demand the Empire ban Talos worship. Which at first was only public worship but then Ulfric's Markarth Incident happened.
>>986554 I wouldn't calling it wimping out when you strategically can't win and half your provinces are now under Altmer control.

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