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Based Dad? Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 15:25:34 No. 1104
>go to family reunion >meet people I haven't seen in years >see my parents again >Dad is busy talking to my uncle >Dad is talking to him about GamerGate >Go home because Im bored >"Realize" >"'MY DAD WAS TALKING ABOUT GAMERGATE"'
>>1104 What did he say about Gamergate?
>>1109 Apparently he's fully behind it. I had no idea he was even aware of its existence.
>>1104 Ask him about 8chan next time.
>>1111 first quads first quads wooooo
how does he know about it, was it on the news recently or he plays games and noticed how gay everything has become?
>>1114 I think he may have seen it on Facebook. The only games he plays anymore are Farming Simulator and Final Fantasy, even then he doesn't go near either fanbase so he couldn't have heard it from them
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skip to the part of the story where you dressed up as your mom and got fucked for five straight hours
God I've wanted to tell my parents about GG, they're both old school cons who've unironically said "Democrats want to take over the friggin world", hated reboots like Charmed/Ghostbusters 2016/Magnum PI, and are sympathetic to my gaming hobby even if they knew nothing about the scum and shit surrounding the industry.
>>1129 delusional, nurse! up his thorazine dose.
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>>1111 (checked) Tell your dad to check your trips
>>1135 *quads Fuck, I'm going to bed
>>1104 They were talking about GG Allin, don't lie.
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>>1111 >Fully behind it a whole decade after the fact Wonderful
>>1136 Technically they could be considered trips as well as quads.
>daddy is a rightard Why didn't GG start over the Gerstmann firing if it was about journalism or white males?
>>1129 You will never own slaves
>>1104 What is this "gate" for gamers? Is it like a trial that you have to pass to become a certified gamer?
>>3793 Because moot didn't ban discussion of that. Trying to censor it made it a much bigger deal. I didn't even go on /v/ at the time, but when moot suddenly went from total free speech to "not allowed to talk about this thing because I don't like the politics," I left 4chan and never went back.

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