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Gaming journos Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:19:26 No. 1341
What drives a gaming journo towards its faggotry?
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1. Not being bound by physical media which is expensive to print and sell on retail 2. Being hired not for their gayman skills but their "writing skills" 3. Not actually having any writing skills outside very basic shit and actually being hired due to having connection to certain groups or actual family inside the megaccorp that owns the journo venue 4. These are usually spoiled liberal millennials in their 30s and 40s with an ideological drive and very numerous since they're most of the workforce at these companies since 2013 5. Medium is mostly digital now so they can write, delete and "correct edit" anything they feel like with low to no costs 6. ESG/DEI/Bridge funding by investment companies means their employers push them to make these ideologically motivated articles 7. Pumping out content for ad revenue is the norm, so that means linear, easy and braindead games are promoted over games with actual depth, which is advantageous for the AAA companies that put less effort and time into their games, journo companies because they also get funded by AAA companies to shill their games and journos themselves who barely play games themselves 8. Seeing as more digital articles = More ad revenue, it incentivizes the already ideologically motivated completely out touch with their own audience glorified bloggers that work at these companies to write more and more clickbait They are slowly being replaced by Youtubers and A.I and that's a good thing!
Journalism wholesale is dead. Republicans want a thing that tells them what to think & what they want to hear, not facts. They now own CNN. MSNBC just says what the left already knows & they've become so desensitized to it because no matter what gets reported about Trump, he'll never actually go to prison. The trial is a public shitshow. No judge will sanction him no matter what he does & everyone is sick of the same few things repeated endlessly. Chris Hansen used to actually be good. Now he fakes some shit for views, sells stories without consent of the parties he interviews & none of the men he "busts" now see any jail time. He's also becoming grotesquely overweight. Your dicksucker Milo admitted he's a fraud that does whatever gets him cash & that he'd be a leftist if not for the fact the right-wing gets him more money. Michael Moore has always been banking off sensationalism & lies. You just know that guy jacked off on 9/11 thinking how he could monetize it for personal gain. And when was gaming journalism anything but "the company paid us to hype their shit"? But you didn't care until WOMAN LEFT KITCHEN.
>>1345 Republicans can't make good media >Cyberfrog! Kamen America! Doom 4! You basically prove my point.
>>2701 Repubs get real jobs and don't fart around in artschool. For every successful leftie doing games there are 1000 failures.
>>1341 I'm surprised Lindsay Dodgson, as a journalist, published an article about journalists' brains showing a lower-than-average level of executive functioning. That earnest introspection is rare for journalists.
>>2732 Maybe she fancies herself a "science journalist" and believes she has higher average executive functioning than her fellow journalists.
is she hot?
>>2733 Maybe, but she must know others won't make exceptions for her and the article contributes to the decline of her reputation.
A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, so half of all college undergraduates have an IQ under 102. Journalism majors are in that half so majoring in journalism marks a person as having a lower-than-average brain.
Easy, controversy gets engagement so they say dumb shit to get hits
>>2820 IQ is adjusted because 100 is average, so as intelligence tends to go up over time, 100 has to be readjusted to match the new average. What your numbers really reflect is degree inflation, where going to college no longer means anything. It used to be a special school for smart people, now it's a regular school for everyone, and not going at all is akin to what dropping out of high school was 50 years ago, or not going to high school at all was 100 years ago.
>>2869 Intelligence is now going down over time. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a43469569/american-iq-scores-decline-reverse-flynn-effect/ >The researchers recorded responses from 2006 and 2018, in order to examine if and how cognitive ability scores were changing over time within the country. The data showed drops in logic and vocabulary (known as verbal reasoning), visual problem solving and analogies (known as matrix reasoning), and computational and mathematical abilities (known as letter and number series).
>>2871 >Country gets dumber as it gets browner What a surprise!!!
>>2873 it is if you're brown
Woke bosses hire woke journalists
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>>2715 Plus the inevitable day when the somewhat competent liberal has to retire and must leave his legacy to his radicalized predecessors just to fuck it up big time and has to put down everything that was enjoyed by his now divided audience, a few examples have to be: >Mass Effect >Suicide Squad >Saints Row >Skullgirls <And very soon: GTA >>2820 Even their rasta-nigger teachers have admitted their students have gotten retarded. >>2873 And just treat them as overgrown toddlers who learned everything from tumblr, literally the fucking internet was the closest they had for a parental figure.
>>3320 >Even their rasta-nigger teachers have admitted their students have gotten retarded. They blame it on Covid when it's immigration
>>3320 >And just treat them as overgrown toddlers who learned everything from tumblr, literally the fucking internet was the closest they had for a parental figure. Rising divorce numbers devastated a generation of kids, many grow up without any other father figure. Divorcing is now easy, less stigmatized, and the state rewards women who do it.
More like what drives a faggot towards gaming journalism?
>>1341 The fact that it is not journalism at all and just a bunch of studio advertising that is couched as journalism. Duh.
Nintendo Power was a better age, it was studio advertising but the writers obviously loved games. Now gaming journalists fucking hate games and the gamers who play them and write out of activism, not passion.

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