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Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 16:48:46 No. 2218
What is the worst game with microtransactions? Which games fill each level?
>>2218 >Which games fill each level? Any game with the elements you've listed in the picture, no?
>>2218 theres no non-indie games without gaas or microtransactions in current year except elden ring and baldurs gate 3
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>>2223 Wouldn't have guessed it was AI without the fucked-up signature. The future is incredible
>>2224 The technology has gotten rather incredible, a lot of stuff you'd never guess was AI.
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>>2223 >>2224 >>2225 >AI takes off and becomes capable of near-human art generation >But the only thing it excels at is furry porn If I find the fucker who wished for this from the monkey's paw I'm gonna shove that primate limb up his ass.
>>2228 It's less only being good at furshit and more furries being the best at the technology. They're largely using the same stuff from 2022, they've just figured it out better.
>>2233 Well, furries are deeply autistic to the point of disability so I suppose that makes sense.
>>2218 shabbos goy tier is definitely >GTA online >battlefront 3 >genshin impact >escape from tarkov even before the insane new edition >>2220 people here hating on baldurs gate because pronouns and gay vampires but its actually the best rpg (realtime or turnbased) in decades with actual build variety and multiple speech options within dialogue itself
>>2240 I personally can't stand the combat RNG in it. It's like Divinity 2's melee RNG bullshit but cranked up to 11 and feels like half my attacks miss. Got so frustrated with it I put the game down once I got to the stupid petrifier encounter in the underground in act 1, or whatever that fucker was called with all the hypnotized statues. Also feel like the classes are a bit too imbalanced and the devs had a pretty bad melee-favoring bias. Or maybe I just suck at these kinds of games, IDK. Not a big fan of the writing either up to that point. Felt a bit too... porn-like? Tumblresque? I'm not sure the good word for it but while it had some good moments here and there a good bit of it was just off in a specific way that's hard to put into words. Didn't feel that way about Divinity 2 either so it's not just Larian's writing style, assuming the same writers. >>2218 Needs 2 or 3 more tiers to it. Gay tier is too far of a jump from the apex. Where do games like Monster Hunter World, MH Rise, other modern capcom titles, GBF Relink, Most tales games since Graces F, and such fall on this system with paid skins/recolors and item bonuses, but that are one time and can't be repurchased fall on it? Such games often don't have all the qualifiers of gay tier. What does no-pay-to-unlock-free-items mean as it contradicts the point earlier in GAY tier, or seems to? What about mini-dlc like content like Bethesda's Creation Club or the Sims DLCs as they're full 'content' but very numerous and don't fit under traditional MTX definitions as stated in these tiers. So on. Take it back to the drawing board a bit and clear up some definitions. Maybe add a tier above and below gay.
>>2251 >I personally can't stand the combat RNG in it. It's like Divinity 2's melee RNG bullshit but cranked up to 11 and feels like half my attacks miss. That is how attacks have always worked in D&D going back to Gary Gygax. Your guy has to gain at least a couple levels before his attacks start landing regularly. >Also feel like the classes are a bit too imbalanced and the devs had a pretty bad melee-favoring bias. That is a flaw inherent to 5th Edition D&D. They dumbed down the combat really badly, which had the effect of shifting the balance to the simplest methods of attack. >Not a big fan of the writing either up to that point. Felt a bit too... porn-like? Tumblresque? I'm not sure the good word for it but while it had some good moments here and there a good bit of it was just off in a specific way that's hard to put into words. 5th edition was created with attracting new players in mind, and, understandably, the new demographics that they targeted were people who like to pretend to be other things, which in the world of today includes a lot of gay furries.
>>2218 >microtes >When the term micro-transactions doesn't contain the letter E Nigger tier chart.
>>2251 Teh pyramid is more of a general guideline on how egregious microtransactions a specific game has. Like layers of shittyness kind of arrangement, where having 1 (major) strike drops you down the layer regardless of other stuff. Elden Ring can have a gacha roll added and it will automatically drop down to shabbos goy tier, even if nothing else is added. Ideal would be having no microtes, but Im thinking a layer above gay tier for no regular microtes, no pointless horse armor stuff, big content DLCs, expansion pack like the old days. >games like Monster Hunter World, MH Rise Im not familiar with those games but on quick glance they have lots of cosmetic fluff, decorative stuff, skins and dresses. So its gets under regular microtransactions gay tier (least offensive but still discouraged). Does it have any dlc weapons that are (somewhat) OP? How far do they push microtes down your throat? Any gameplay elements missing without paying extra? >What does no-pay-to-unlock-free-items it basically means the battlepass system, where you pay to become a "premium player" and only then you can have certain "free" items as drops or battlepass only items for in-game coins. The diagram will require more detailed expalanation.
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Fornite probably made the most microtransaction money.
>>2292 What is "gacha" anyway?
What would be a great game if not for microtransactions? I've heard good things about Genshin Impact.
I don't play microtransaction games on principle, so I can only go off hearsay.
I heard Microsoft put 30 second ads in the Solitaire game for Winblows and only a monthly subscription gets them gone. I don't use Winblows to verify but I know the older ones didn't have that faggotry
i use templeos, the ascended os of lord terry. god speaks to me through its circuits
>>2788 genshin is a full blown rpg to begin with. Its gameplay is very similar to Ni no kuni 2 with realtime attacks and using 3 skills Another I'd say arguably is nikke, even as rails shooter its somewhat decent.
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>>2218 This could be an interesting project. We can better define the tiers so as to clearly know how predatory the game is The topmost tier would be games that are fully functional at launch, has no microtransactions at all, has DLC with well-sized content as expansion packs, no preorder or 4 different editions with content removed, just like the good ol' days. This is above the pyramid. eg. Elden ring, baldur's gate, most indie games Below that will be minor infractions that needs to be discouraged but isn't as egregious - cosmetic only microtransactions, content that can be obtained by playing with minimal grinding(stuff which you already do in rpgs) so even if you don't pay you can get skins at a slower pace, every currency can be obtained in-game, maybe DLCs that eventually gets packed into special editions, and subscription-only games(though there is no game with subscription that doesnt have microtransactions as well). These games should be waited until this special edition that comes along a few years later. Eg helldiver 2 (im not familiar with how egregious their battlepass is) Below that would be where main offenders start cropping up. Microtransactions for both cosmetics and guns, locked items behind a paywall/battlepass that cannot be obtained otherwise, fast XP pass/ XP booster packs, special currency that can only be purchased and items behind that currency. Here I can add heavily pushing their daily challenges and monetizing the fuck out of game's main menu. Eg. Fortnite, halo infinite Tier 3 is pure greed + gambling, full microtransaction in a paid game, lootboxes and all kinds of crate random drop system, gambling basically, which you have to pay cash to unlock them. Doesn't matter if its cosmetic only or not. This is where most of the microtransaction games endup eg. Team Fortress 2, Overwatch 2, CoD warzone, moba garbage etc. And bottom most is all of the above plus zero gameplay so gacha shit
>>2292 TF2 and its competition would fall on the second slot, the main reason why most of them are dead or clogged up the ass with bots.
GTA Online.

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