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Turbo-normalfaggotry in the wild Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 04:14:38 No. 3613
>close friend's birthday party >start talking to this dude about vidya cause why not >show him the trailer of an upcoming horror "King's Field"-esque indie <woah bro that looks sick, it's kinda like Doom, remember Doom? y'know it has that old pixelated look <yeah Doom is awesome, it's like... it's the only game that runs on everything, it even runs on calculators! >this faggot hasn't played Doom >then he tells me Elden Ring is like a GTA with horses and shit >don't even bother replying
>I'm a high school teacher >I bought my laptop of a friend who is very into PC gaming (I'm more of a retro guy), so it looks like a "gaming rig" even though it's a bit old and I mostly use it for work >Students see it and ask if I play games >I say yes >They ask if I play Fortnite, then sometimes list mobile shit that I know know from seeing it shilled in Youtube ads. >I say no, so they ask what I play >One time the above cycle happened, the day before I was playing Super Monkey Ball, so I say that >They laugh about the name, basically mocking me, because they've somehow never heard of the series. They still bring it up and laugh like a year and a half later. >Another time they asked if I play Grand Theft Auto >I tell them yes. It was the biggest thing in the world when I was their age, but I prefer the PS2 and PSP entries over the modern ones. >They repeatedly ask, again, for like a year and a half, if I go to the strip club in the game. Evidently it's all they know about GTA. >I point out that there really isn't much to do in there, and GTA doesn't even have very good graphics, so it's not a location I find myself going to >They just keep asking the question because they think the question is funny >A few weeks ago the same kids are talking and one says he wants to move to Florida. >The other one says "yeah, you can go to that city from Grand Theft Auto!" >He turns to me and says "Hey, Mr. Anon! You play Grand Theft Auto, right?" >"Yeah, Vice City was awesome." >"Huh?" The idiot looks at me, dumbfounded. >Eventually I realize he has no idea what Vice City is, even though he talks about Grand Theft Auto all the fucking time. He explains to me that he's only ever played GTA Online (I assume he means with V and not IV). He says Vice City is "before his time." >I tell him that the NES is before my time, the classic arcade era is before my time, but I still know what Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros. are. >He just stares at me, mouth agape, like the brain-dead retard he is. There are many that do actually know video games and can have pretty good discussions about them, but these dumbasses, and others like them, who only know mobile shit, FIFA, Fortnite, etc. Many such cases. It's not like I'm talking about obscure games. I'd get it if he didn't know a series that isn't popular today, like Castlevania (a huge franchise I love, but I get if kids don't know it). But this faggot goes on and on about GTA yet doesn't know what Vice City is. And here I was this close to having an autistic conversation about the character intricacies of Claude Speed. Very disappointing.
>High school >talking to this one nerd-esque girl in my class (as close as a girl can get to being a nerd, anyway) >make some reference to Luigi from Super Mario. (I forget exactly why. Something like some guy being a lookalike sidekick for another guy.) >she has no fucking idea what Luigi is, and when I explain, she's like "oh, I don't really play video games." Like it's not that she didn't know which Luigi I was talking about. She legitimately had never heard of this character before. Okay, sure, I get not playing video games, but this is a pretty fucking famous character. It's not like she was foreign, either. She grew up here. She might as well have told me she never heard of Darth Vader, or Robin, or Merlin. Like yeah, sure, you don't need to be intricately familiar with the stories or whatever, but even if you've never read a King Arthur story, you must have a vague idea of who Merlin is, right? Just from living in our culture. How have you never even heard of Luigi? I mean even as a little kid, the same age as me? It's the only time in my life I've ever met anybody this normalfag. Even other girls, I've never met one anywhere close to my age that never played even one Mario game, let alone never heard of the main characters. Still baffles me to this day. >years later >other people ask if I play video games, and which >I was playing Sonic recently (I think Generations was pretty new at the time), so I say that >They immediately start making fun of me and saying I must be into the weird porn >we are all grown ass adults by this point, btw. And they also claim to play video games, but they only play normalfag Bethesda shit. Skyrim, etc. >Anyway I am massively autistic for Sonic, but that's not the point. They didn't know that. And it's not for the porn, either! I only play Sonic for the articles.
>>3616 >talk sonic and they assume it's for weird porn Those xbox friends are not normalfag adults anon, how the fuck would they know sonic has weird fandom back in 2012 unless through memes? They must be online ifunny fags who know through memes and play Skyrim because "it's the greatest game bro you can do everything in it bro". Like majority of CoD gamers back then. Even the nerd girl is not that normalfag for not knowing luigi (I wonder what Luigi sounds were you making). Lighten up
>>3655 >I wonder what Luigi sounds were you making No sounds. I'm much too easily embarassed for that. It's been a very long time, but I think it was more like one guy at school had a lackey that even dressed like him, so I called him his Luigi. Fine to not laugh, but what shocked me was having no idea what that character is. Like there are things that are just known through cultural osmosis.
>>3656 Oh then it really was nothing. Mario and Luigi in school huh. We had a fat kid and a thin kid together too teachers used to call them hardy and laurel but we just called them by their names

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