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FACT Anonymous 11/10/2021 (Wed) 00:39:44 No. 628 [Reply]
Kino No Tabi / Kino's journey was better with the grid lines. Any opinions contrary are automatically shit.

Re Zero Season 2 Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 20:51:50 No. 170 [Reply]
It's finally here. Anyone else gave it a watch?
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Of course! I don't watch much cuckime but this is one I couldn't BEAR to miss since everyone will be screaming about it anyways
So far it has some moments but really not as good as the first season. There was more build up to the struggle and death and overcoming the obstacles in the way to success. This feels like we're stuck in a side quest before the main quest starts.
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P/a/in Thread Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 23:00:51 No. 620 [Reply]
Let's watch money burn together. https://archive.md/fGk3d https://archive.ph/X5zE3
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>>624 Crazy how desperation doesn't lead them to actually trying to adapt or write well.
>>624 ok shizo >>620 >it is actually good Grass avoider on suicide watch >>622 >waaa anime doesn't whitewash their race whitefag join suicide watch

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SAGE SAGE 10/06/2021 (Wed) 10:26:27 No. 555 [Reply]
FACT: 8chan is just 4chan mixed with reddit.
Probably true, found this place cause someone was shilling for it in /r//kotakuinaction2 I went on 8chan when hotwheels ran things and it was good then now however its no longer supported so I cant connect to it. 4chan sucks dick and so does reddit, as long as you stay out of 98% of reddit it aint that bad. Until the Troons find your sub at least...
>>555 >reddit mixed with more reddit Ill still take these faggots over the other faggots, faggot

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Anonymous 07/24/2021 (Sat) 16:04:34 No. 499 [Reply]
Can't wait for when they both get gang raped by a pack of rutting US Marines on R&R
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>3 months kys The next anime will be a yuri SOL anime featuring Lambda and Bern being extremely gay and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Gochiusa Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 19:00:07 No. 538 [Reply]
Is cocoa good for you?
>>538 This board is fucking terrible.

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Anonymous 09/16/2021 (Thu) 21:08:59 No. 523 [Reply]
The annual independent SEL stream, American side. Tune in to https://cytu.be/r/thelainstream/ on September 21st 11:59 PM (2021-9-22 3:59 AM UTC) to watch Serial Experiments Lain with anons from all around the webring and beyond, English subtitles included. No sign-up required, just hop in!
Just 20 hours and 39 minutes to go.

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Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 05:55:07 No. 432 [Reply]
Best girl Laura finally became a Pretty Cure today
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>>432 If she's a mermaid wouldn't she be better off flying rather than acquiring legs? She's gonna be useless on her first fight.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
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If you want to discuss precure among Aikatsu >>>/ai/176

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Pokemon Journeys Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 06:36:04 No. 500 [Reply]
Memories of a Warming Kindness was pretty cool today. Too bad Americans need to wait until September to catch up on this stuff, we're getting the dubs up north on Teletoon right now.
>>500 Wanna join me my board ඞ?

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Merry Christmas Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 19:22:28 No. 294 [Reply]
Merry Christmas from /co/ you weebs!
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Grouper >>797146 >>797146 I'll probably try that then, just upscale one of my drawings.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active? https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204

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NEIN NEIN NEIN Anonymous 05/01/2020 (Fri) 09:15:33 No. 9 [Reply]
i claim this for uncle adolf
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HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204

Anzu Masaki Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 05:58:29 No. 423 [Reply]
You know sluttier anime girls then her? I didn't knew much of anzu since i lost contact with the series but after checking the series again well was a surprise how much of her canon was brushed aside for something else when dubbed. Most of this is after watching the episodes in japanese >Anzu loves black people >Anzu loves black music like hip hop and rap >Anzu loves to dance to black music >Anzu always mentioned the title of a doujin when refering to going to USA (in which she is gangbanged by BBC) >She got angry at Step Jhonny after he said to hang out with him at night and that she probably wanted that (some that was watching said "don't be eaten by Jhonny") but was only because Yugi was there,she didn't even listened to yugi when he said "don't pay atention to him let's go" but anzu just went to challenge Jhonny. >Anzu dream is to become a dancer (doesn't specify the type of "dancer")

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HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active ? https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
>>427 t. rukacuck Go back to 4chan
>>427 t. rukek

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What happens to adult magical girls in Madoka Magica after Godoka? Anonymous 07/19/2020 (Sun) 01:42:17 No. 177 [Reply]
The entire point of the change initiated by Godoka, is that no longer will magical girls get turned into witches via their soul gem getting corrupted into grief seed. Some new farming method is derived. This applies that now, the magical girls will no longer die, inherently for being magical girls. Maybe a few will get killed, but for the most part, magical girls will live natural lifespans. If this is the case. What happens to magical girls as they become adults? Do they stay magical girls? Do their outfits change as they grow older? Are they allowed to stop at anytime as long as they can morally get over the fact the thing they're hunting kills people? Do they keep turning into magical girls as grannies?
>>177 >What happens to magical girls as they become adults? Do they stay magical girls? Do their outfits change as they grow older? Are they allowed to stop at anytime as long as they can morally get over the fact the thing they're hunting kills people? Do they keep turning into magical girls as grannies? Scary. Nothing makes any sense anymore since Rebellion. It feels like they just wanted to continue the Madoka no matter what. So they come up with more and more stuff they can somehow shoehorn into the story. And to be honest, it even works on me, I kept watching because whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy the trippy visuals.
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Limestone >>997173 >>997173 Gura also said it was impossible. As I understand it's some nonsense with Capcom and a European voice actors union blocking their voice work being broadcast on Youtube.

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Anonymous 02/26/2021 (Fri) 22:50:24 No. 348 [Reply]
>the intro to Magic Knight Rayearth The 90s had so much soul.
>The 90s had so much soul I was watching some >cuckime from this era the other day, and noticed yet again more herky-jerky moving static images masquerading as "animation." I really should have put it into webm and thrown it into my 'retarded nostalgiacuck' folder to post at newfag animals like you. The 90's were a dogshit era of anime, and once you grow the fuck up and watch more than one hundred (100) anime you will realize this.
>>355 >if you like retro things you're too young I'm actually in my 30s and modern anime does still frame cheats, white non-detailed and or color devoid crowds around MC(s), post drawing age in the computer generated era.

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Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 15:36:56 No. 341 [Reply]
I'm watching Psycho-Pass and I am almost at the end of season 1 and holy shit, am I the only one who thinks that this fucking whore's decision to follow the Sybil system after finding out that it's just a bunch of brains and that it killed Kagari was absolutely retarded on her part? She proved herself to be nothing more than a dumb tool of the system who is too afraid to take any action against it when it's clearly destroying the lives of thousands of people. >Kou would have been better off if the system was destroyed >She could get revenge for Kagari and then chase after Makishima later on. >She could bring justice for the murder of Kagari as well as the murder and suffering of thousand of innocent people who were forced into this shitty situation by a bunch of sociopath brains >Let society actually reform instead of keeping it in this hellish Orwellian state. But she didn't, she only had her eyes set on Makishima and acted as if he was somewhat worse than the Sybil system, when arguably both of them are equally as bad and both of them killed and caused suffering of her friends, I love how she just fucking conveniently ignores the fact that Sybil killed Kagari as well as completely deriving people from the worth of their decisions. She should have a personal agenda against both Makishima and Sybil, but yet conveniently ignores her agenda against Sybil because she is that much of a tool. Sybil was completely right about her, she is no fucking risk because she is too much of an useful idiot.
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>>341 Kagari was diagnosed a latent criminal by age 5 and chimped out at her so he actually was a bad egg and totally deserved what he got. By the by past this first Psycho-Pass it turns to shit. About Makishima, he's only bad because he's above the system. If he weren't he'd not have misbehaved so much. It's objectively not his fault. Even if it were she obviously hates the Sybil system but going without it means overall more lawlessness, so it is the lesser of two evils. That's the point. Also, if Makishima and other asymptomatic criminals are such mavericks then they really are technically better than normalfaggots. Notice how they never call them sociopaths? They're a step in evolution. The queen bee. That's the point. We are a hive, humans are, without a real queen bee. Government is a joke, so we wish for a god, possibly an AI god, but that's like wishing for the philosopher's stone. Instead you get a new breed of men, that's the asymptomatic mavericks that are above the law and you. They think higher than you, they are above you, judge you, you dn't get to judge your god(s). If you were a good judge you'd not make it about x person. It's not about her, not about kou, not about any x person, not even about Makishima as he can be used to stop crime over all, of which pisses Akane off but she logically knows he's for the greater good. On season two, that over 700 'I want to paint it black' fucker is so faggy. He doens't act like someone with the highest crime coefficient. By three the whole show is different too without getting into why. so just stop watching
>>342 You can literally be diagnosed as a latent criminal by being too fucking passionate about something, so the idea that Kagari deserved it was bullshit. >Implying I don't think Makishima did nothing wrong I never said that Makishima did anything wrong, if anything, I just think that Akane was a stupid bitch for going for the objectively worse option of keeping Sybil around just because she was scared of lawlesness. Literally ANYTHING, even fucking anarchy is better than the Sybil system simply because life under Sybil cannot even be really called life. It's a constantly growing system that will push its power onto humanity and the only way to actually change it is with a drastic change. It's not something that can be "reformed", it's something that needs to be toppled and made anew. Akane is a coward and a normalfag tool because she choses slow death and keeps helping the obviously shitty system. Yes, the brains of the people who make up the Sybil system as well as Makishima are obviously supposed to be something akin to Nietzschesian Ubermensch. But even then, they have already failed their purpose by creating a world of complacency without danger or struggle. Makishima knew it and it is why he rejected Sybil. He was literally the only good guy out of the bunch. Akane was a retarded normalfaggot who would rather let humanity die a slow death and morph into a pathetic fucking species because that was more comfortable. Kou can at the very least be excused because he had a personal vendetta. Yet Akane had a personal vendetta against both Mikishima and Sybil, but chose to not go after Sybil due to simple cowardice. Her assesment that "Sybil is for the greater good" was nothing but stockholm syndrome. Hell even Sybil knows about it, it indirectly TAUNTS her about it. The show was great, I just think that her decision in-character was retarded. I'm still watching season 2 just out of curiosity, I know that it's apparently shit but I lowered my expectations and I'm having fun so far
>>343 Only if the passion will make you jaded enough or motivated in some way enough to break the law. Akane isn't against the law but with it. That's all. She's not stupid or her A's in everything would not have been a thing. She is the most prime citizen. She's not even a normalfaggot or she'd be more flawed. Do not go to three.

HorribleSubs has finally died because of Covid. Anonymous 10/02/2020 (Fri) 04:41:55 No. 247 [Reply]
https://archive.is/Xhuh5 Time to dance? It would be good if actual fansubbing returned.
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>>254 Love that CrunchyDick huh?
>>256 No, but I'd rather have some independent fansubbers (or legitimate translators) making proper translations, even though some group is probably just going to come along in the future and do the exact same thing, as per >>252. But I'd personally rather see CrunchyRoll torn down and some reasonable people that actually care about the product they're putting out. I think it's been made obvious over the past few years that, despite all the PR they do, CR has long since stopped caring about anime and just cares about corporate profits.
It was either HS ripping CR or dealing with Commie's bullshit. Might as well learn Japanese and watch raws.

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