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Banners welcome! Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 00:34:53 No. 804 [Reply] [Last]
Hi, I asked Codexx to apply this CSS that you can see in effort to bring our /a/ back to life. However, this board also needs banners of which we don't have none yet, so if you got any post 'em here so the BO can see them (or I can inform him about them) and add them. thoughts on the new CSS? Please help me with some activity, anything ¬¬
Edited last time by pururin on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:43:04.
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New WebM Thread Anonymous 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:01:04 No. 1436 [Reply] [Last]
Post webbums. Need help with making webms? Ask away
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Dub thread Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 05:19:54 No. 557 [Reply]
Are dub threads allowed? Doesn't have to be just English dubs. >What dubbed anime are you watching currently? >Favorite dub Voice Actor(s)? For me, I'm currently watching Demon Slayer and Fire Force, and I'm enjoying both. Also thinking about rewatching Inuyasha. As for my favorite VAs... Male: Yuri Lowenthal, Johny Y. Bosch, Liam O'Brien, Steve Blum, Crispan Freeman, Neil Kaplan. Female: Michelle Suzanne Ruff, Wendee Lee, Laura Bailey
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>>4067 Dubfanatics are objectively subhuman. You are a rat, to all non-dubretards.
GBC open gateway for "anime lover who hate 3DCG just because". I don't get casual autism. seem to me they HATE 3D because it look like string puppet. then look at comment here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-de9WMHlpLs suddenly they like it just because their 3D have higher frame rate >>4124 Same goes for people who hate dub >>4124 He isn't wrong, Subfanatic
>>4246 low frame rate cg looks terrible

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Moralfag Hate Thread Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 00:57:23 No. 3822 [Reply]
I am so fucking sick and tired of privileged, shit snorting, cock-sucking, fart inhaling retards bitching about "mUh SeXuAlIzAtIoN!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!" or "lOlI Is LICHERALLY Democrat activism!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!". Post your hatred for moralfags and their moralfaggotry here.
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>>3822 I hate them too but i hate the people who come into every argument going but why do you care and the like even more, at least the moralfag is honest about his hate.
>>3949 >Religion bad Don't you slants have like 2000 gods in your heathen pantheon?
>>4199 >religionfag triggered and blaming ‘believe groups’ thinking the point was major religion “2000 gods” are religion with less followers. Having 1000 or 1 gods is still shizopernia. Take your pill chrishitan caucasianpig >>4097 It is 2D. Yes they conflate

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Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 19:46:47 No. 95 [Reply] [Last]
Let's at least try to make this more active. Post an anime pic every time you visit!
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>>4221 Here, have another.

Oldfag thread Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:15:42 No. 1490 [Reply]
Anime used to be better before the Japan bubble popped and digital became the norm.
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>>1490 Anime was better when made by old people who would put either their personal lives' experiences or psychosis into the stories, making them memorable and objectively good. Nowadays, just like the rest of the world, Japanese media is produced by a bunch of young retards with no life, whose only life "experience" is browsing the internet.
>>1605 >you mean the same ones who are literally overworked to death? As they should. If you want a good life, go be a manager or some higher position in society. Workers = paid slaves. as it should always be. >I'm fine with being patient Blind consumerist. >He already was rich but still produced content people That blind consumerists 'love". He decayed, like all else who got good payment. >Mappa, Wit, Ufotable, Bones, and Trigger. And look at them now: some becoming greedy and lazy, and some becoming literal political activists. While producing actual good results stopped years ago. I would rather have them working to death and producing good results. >I'm pointing out that these very actions are cancerous They aren't. exploiting workers is how good results are achieved. Corporations are the ones capable of making things work and actually distribute everything properly. Take out a brand, and watch as 90% of customers lose interest in a product, even when it is the exact same product with the exact same quality. Corporations run the show. Workers are disposable tools. Get used to it. >the workers have flaws too They have the most and worst flaws, and they are completely incapable of producing actual successful material without companies controlling them.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

>>4238 Go back to the retirement home, Hayao Neglecting your son isn't valuable life experience

Tokusatsu General Thread Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 23:48:01 No. 1015 [Reply] [Last]
Since we have no /m/, this is the next best thing. Discuss all things tokusatsu past & present. The latest Kamen Rider entry, Kamen Rider Geats, has just started. Feel free to as how to get into the franchise as well as the best sub options available.
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>>4189 You're complaining about having the very same actors from the show come back to do a movie related to the show? >>4227 Some of these shows ruin their own lore, Ghost being the biggest contender in the Neo-Heisei era. Let's not forget some of these movies are written by the show writers themselves.
As expected, Toei is now pushing alcohol to children. Since that law was approved last year, the one that allows minors to consume alcohol now in Japan, I was predicting that children's shows would start pushing aslcohol at some point. And here it is. This week's Boom Boongerr had a in-your-face alcohol advertisement for children, with the so called 'heroes" all gathered in a bar/nightclub, each drinking different types of cocktails and shown to be enjoying it. Expect way more decadence like that in future shows.
>>4229 >You're complaining about having the very same actors from the show come back to do a movie related to the show? I'm complaining about the anniversary movies existing in the first place. The plot is always shit. The actors are old. The directors and writers don't care about making a good story. Those movies should not exist. See if you understand this simple concept, retard: those movies are all shit and it would be better if they were never made. >Let's not forget some of these movies are written by the show writers themselves. Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 05:46:28 No. 4240 And that doesn't change the fact that they are shit. Who cares if it is the same guy writing, when the writing is shit? "The origi9nal creator approved this/did this" is no excuse to allow them to be shit.

Post about a series that you just finished Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 17:37:30 No. 181 [Reply] [Last]
Time to make this thread again. Here's an archive of the last thread on 8kunt: https://archive.vn/EAtrt So, I decided to drop UFO Senshi Dai Apolon after 17 episodes. It's not a bad series, it's okay, but I just grew bored with the show. The premise is that Takeshi is the prince of a planet that was conquered by the Dazaan Army, and was sent to Earth as a baby in order to ensure his survival. He then grows up in an orphanage, and gains a passion for American football while living there. Then, on his 16th birthday, he is struck by a meteor that imbues him with the Key Energy power that his planet's people had developed as their "ultimate weapon". Takeshi and his friends are then abducted by his guardian, Rabi, who informs him of his origin and gives him and his friends a giant robot, Dai Apolon, and several UFOs in order to fight off the Dazaan Army and protect the Key Energy that now reside within Takeshi. The rest of the series then details the Dazaan Army's various attempts to gain the Key Energy along with trying to figure out the true identity Dai Apolon's pilot. The series boils down to three different episode were something effects the "UFO Boy Scouts" on a personal level, some outsider gets involved in the fights, or the leaders of the Dazaan Army are trying out one of their various "just created" super-weapons to defeat Dai Apolon. It's pretty formulaic, and it just feels like an attempt to sell toys. There are some moments in the series were it does decide to get a little bit more "mature" with it's premise as innocent people are dying during some of the episodes, but it feels like it's there just to be there and show how "evil" the villains are (As if mass genocide and enslavement across the galaxy wasn't reason enough). And, the show never really moves beyond that. There are a few times were the Dazaans do some espionage and end up kidnapping the wrong people thinking they have times to Dai Apolon, along with some general rivalries and tensions taking place within the various generals of the Dazaan Army, but it never really moves beyond that or does anything unique with it. As for the animation, the art is fine but the show feels very stilted and limited in it's animation. And, with the audio, there really isn't much music to speak of, the sound effects are great, but all the voices sound like the characters are always shouting no matter what they say. Overall, I wasn't really that impressed with UFO Senshi Dai Apolon. Like I said, it isn't a bad series, but I just grew too bored with it to the point that I didn't care about finishing it off.
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Just finished watching two seasons of Rent-a-Girlfriend. Like all these types of anime the mc is super gay, cuck, you name it. He has two perfect girls (both in personality and looks), who are mad in love with him but no he wants to ignore them and keep paying for the escort because he admires how passionate she is about becoming an actress. I knew what to expect from this type of anime so i'm not too disappointed. There is a third season and i like to finish what i start but i don't think i'll watch it.
>>4027 bitch
So I downloaded Tenku Senki Shurato back in November, tried watching it over the next few agonizing months, before eventually dropping it back in March because of just how bored of the show I was, and have been kicking myself since about actually posting about it before I move onto something else. The short of the series is that's it's an isekai about two martial artists, Shurato and Gai, being brought to the world of Tenkuukai. It's a parallel world to that of Earth, where the peace in Tenkuukai allows our world to exist. However, the lead guardian of that world, Hyuuga, turns Lady Vishnu, the goddess of Tenkuukai, into stone for the purposes of bringing about some sort of doomsday. and he puts the blame for the act upon Shurato. On the run and trying to save Lady Vishnu, Shurato tries to survive traveling across Tenkuukai while being hunted by other guardians and a brainwashed Gai. This half of the plot eventually resolves itself by episode 25, with the remaining 13 episodes being about some sort of demon goddess that Hyuuga was preparing the way for, but I couldn't be asked to watch the rest because I was just so thoroughly bored. And it doesn't help that episode 11 firmly establishes that this show could be best summed up as an "idiot plot", where half of the shit that happens is because half the cast are idiots. To give context about that episode, Guardian Renge is absolutely in love with Hyuuga and will do anything for him. However the other guardians helping Shurato have figured out that Hyuuga is no longer a good guy and finally convince Renge that the man that she loves is no longer the same man. And how does she react? She doesn't fucking care! She declares that she will do anything Hyuuga demands of her because he makes her pussy just that moist and ends up dying (Until Lady Vishnu revives everyone in episode 25). This isn't the only instance of this type of bullshit happening, but it was the one that really stood out the most for me. And there were a few other things about the show that angered me to the point of not caring, but I forget what since it's been so long since I watched this series. The animation is good and audio is good, but I just did not like the show because of how stupid the story got.

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Chibi Maruko-chan new voice Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:22:02 No. 4174 [Reply]
Not very new news, but I just found out: Kokoro Kikuchi is gonna be the new voice of Maruko-chan. Her voice is very sweet, but I wonder if she'll perform her own way, or if she's gonna imitate TARAKO (Rest In Ponpokorin). Hard to know what to expect, or even what to want. Maru-chan's voice is so iconic and classic! What would be better? A new voice and style, or an imitation?
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Vtuber Thread Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 01:50:02 No. 1294 [Reply] [Last]
Inaugural vtuber thread. Where is your oshi?!
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Tend to be more entertained by the models they use than the things they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm4ju4z6RbM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Fs3c48ezo Keep seeing tons of these "Live2D showcase" vids and dont know if these are even active vtubers, or just creators showcasing their stuff.
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i love my waif shondo!
>>4220 What a coincidence, I also love my wifey Shonshon!

Shugo Chara Fashion Anonymous 10/16/2020 (Fri) 22:12:43 No. 269 [Reply]
I just love some of Amu Hinamori's outfits, particularly the ones where a short skirt or dress is frilly. I also like her short shorts and tie outfit. It looks both smart and casual at the same time. Shugo Chara has the best fashion in all the anime I have seen.
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QTDDTOT Anonymous 05/11/2020 (Mon) 14:57:01 No. 56 [Reply] [Last]
Post all small questions here that do not warrant their own thread. I am reading Dagashi Kashi, but a complete torrent for all the chapters does not seem to exist; furthermore, Emblem scans has only stranslated up to c162 so far. Does anyone have an archive of the manga?
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>>3837 it's a pretty popular fetish ("i wish i was a baby again so mommy would love me instead of neglecting me and/or beating me for every little thing" <-- easy to see how child abuse victims could internalize this mindset as children) and there's no home for it on 4chan. /aco/ is just drawn shit, /b/ is inconsistent and only 3D, and it's very socially unacceptable to want to shit yourself so people want an anonymous space to talk about it
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Two questions in regards to Tachiyomi: >1. Which of the extensions do you considered to be the "essential" ones everyone should have downloaded? >2. Is there any extensions dedicated to cataloging series that exist, even if it's just the raws and not scanlation postings?
Does Heavanly Delusions have any trans themes by any chance? I'm interested in the manga but the whole brains-swapping gimmick makes me wonder if it's gonna be hard to keep track of the characters.

Fanservice Anime and Manga with Nipples Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 23:00:34 No. 3664 [Reply] [Last]
I need recommendations for fanservice anime and manga that show nipples. Bonus if it has incest themes. Series I've watched/read off the top of my head: Yunna and the Haunted Hot Springs Seikon No Qwaser Sekirei Triage X Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master World's End Harem Freezing Kandagawa Jet Girls
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>>3664 >Yunna and the Haunted Hot Springs Isnt this getting a game?
>>3666 >Seikon No Qwaser god i hate that anime >Triage X >freezing came here just to tell you that you're based. might check some of the animes you listed >>3908 >but from what I heard the manga does not (I never read it myself). seriously? i really hope you're wrong because i plan to read it after the anime is done.
Dance In The Vampire Bund sometimes has nipples and sometimes doesn't.

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Bang! Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 10:04:45 No. 4113 [Reply]
You are dead, now. I just killed you with a gun. Or not. Because it's not a real gun, actually. You fell for it. Now, you have to post anime characters with guns. I'll start with these.
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Screenshots Thread Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 10:28:54 No. 3961 [Reply] [Last]
When i watch an anime i like to take plenty of screenshots so i can look at them instead of rewatching episodes or clips online, so i'm making this thread for people who do the same to share their screenshots. I'll start with some i have from Cowboy Bebop.
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Skeleton Knight in Another World

Mind Game Anime Anonymous 11/13/2020 (Fri) 14:38:17 No. 275 [Reply]
I want some anime that have mind games as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
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I finished Spiral: The Bonds Of Reasoning manga less than a week ago and found it quite good. I am watching Summertime Rendering, I watched up to and including episode 11; there are not as many clever schemes as Sagrada Reset during that time but information crucial to the plot and starting a cat and mouse game was dropped so I will continue watching.
Gods' Games We Play's synopsis mentions it focuses on brain games so I will watch it. https://anidb.net/anime/17146
I heard that World Trigger has very strategic fights, so I intend to watch it; can anybody confirm or deny the strategic fighting? I will watch Gods' Games We Play (as I wrote in >>3930 ) when it is finished airing, so I haven't seen any of it and so can't comment on it.

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