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Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 22:16:18 No. 2069 [Reply]
Another work by the author of White Album 2. A shame its not as well developed, Megumi was the best part followed by heroine Utaha Kasumigaoka.

White Album 2 Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 22:06:13 No. 2016 [Reply]
Its winter so its the season of White Album! I started playing the visual novel after many years of wanting to do so. I'll share my thoughts here for those that want to discuss this amazing romance story. Also what's the policy on nude animegirls here?
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>policy on nude animegirls This /a/ is technically SFW so they would need to be spoiled, but I'll probably change that after taking over and I dunno how much the administration cares about such things
>>2020 >but I'll probably change that after taking over That'd be neat, would give this community a leg up over cuckchan. >>2017 Its really good, I really love the romance angle and how its building up. I hope to post some screenshots and discuss the novel. I'm a Setsunafag but I started liking Kazusa more now that I'm playing the game.
>>2030 So far I've started in the first part which isn't that different from the anime. Only thing is that Haruki doesn't chastise Setsuna for thinking too highly of herself (which leads me to believe the director had a bias against her in the anime) and also she's a lot more mischievous in the novel. Like we get to see her angry, and she displays it by plotting something on the fly where Haruki will have a fight with Kazusa and make her jealous. All this because Haruki lied to her and spoke too high of Kazusa, making Setsuna jealous. Also the fact Setsuna is in love with Haruki is more apparent in the novel since the beginning and we also learn she's a bit selfish. Like how she is invited to the karaoke by her friends, and she wants to sing 5 songs in a row and expect everyone to just sit there and wait, mind you not because she likes to be watched (she spends her weekends in the karaoke singing alone) but rather because she enjoys singing that much. I like how Setsuna is usually the one moving things along and pushing others, without her the story wouldn't have begun in the first place.

Anonymous 01/15/2023 (Sun) 06:19:18 No. 2024 [Reply]
Why is the brit dub of Urusei yatsura hated? Its way more entertaining than any other standard english dub
I will admit its better than most of your standard fare dubs, and indeed it reminds me of the Xenoblade games that have similar British dubs and they are generally well-liked. Regardless I would much rather listen to the original since the Japanese VAs put so much love into their work. I think the gold standard of english dubs is Dragonball Z.

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Killing Bites - Chapter 105 Anonymous 01/07/2023 (Sat) 17:59:13 No. 1873 [Reply]
The one with the sharpest fangs will win! >Synopsis In the not too distant future, Japan is ruled behind the scenes by four economic conglomerates who fight to maintain their control over the country using Therianthropes, humans who have been genetically enhanced with animal DNA, granting them superhuman strength, speed and durability. These relentless killing machines take part in a series of underworld fights called Killing Bites, where the winner brings fortune and honor to the company they represent.
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Westaboo material in manga/anime 01/07/2023 (Sat) 18:09:39 No. 1874 [Reply]
Just making a simple thread for pointing out all of the times you see Western references in something.

triniti 01/06/2023 (Fri) 17:44:29 No. 1855 [Reply]
quiero ver Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero la pelicula completa en español me pueden ayudar
Youtube is your friend, at least in the past all people could find were the spanish subs of anime on there lmfao unless you're referring to the spanish dub or something also, >>>/av/ might be able to help you out amigo >>>/av/7131

Happy 2023 degenerates! Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 07:47:26 No. 1791 [Reply]
Hope you enjoy a new year filled with anime and hentai.
Happy new year to you too anon.

Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka / Magical Girl Risuka Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 21:50:03 No. 1756 [Reply]
Volume 1 Chapter 1 "Easy Magic Cannot Be Used. - Subway Accident" A cool story about a chad protagonist who wants to conquer the world and his partner, a timetraveling magical girl. Lots of keikaku Synopsis: >The elementary schooler unlike any other, Kugi Kizutaka—who is searching for "useful pawns" in order to achieve his own ambitions—comes to learn of Mizukura Risuka, a magician with the title "The Red Witch of Time." Risuka had left the Kingdom of Magic through the Gate, chasing after her father, a great mage called both "a God" and "a Demon." An unpredictable and unchained magical tale!
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>>1770 Chapter End. I like the shota chad, he is quite obsessive with his goal and very ruthless.
>>1756 The synopsis seems kinda contrived. Is this more of a comedy or more serious?
>>1772 Quite serious, the shota is trying to gain weapons and pawns for his plan and often manipulates and lies to the girl for his ends, and they solve magical murders.

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PuiPui Molcar Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 12:49:47 No. 1728 [Reply]
Show about Guinea pigs, that are also cars. My choice for AOTY.
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>>1740 My guess is that your posting 2 of the same webm is what triggered it, otherwise if you post many posts in quick succession that's the other thing that might do it, but it usually takes a good amount of consecutive posts to trigger such a thing I'll have to ask the BO about it at some point t. vol
>>1743 It was occurring before that double post, which then somehow slipped through. It's whatever
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Seems like the script reset

Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 15:34:40 No. 1612 [Reply]
Ash is gettting retired after 25 years, the final episode was yesterday and the next 11 episodes will center around all of Ash's former companions telling his story throughout the years, a recap of the 25 years of his journey if you will. 2nd pic are the new protagonists for the next series, but it's mostly focusing on the girl How does this make you feel?
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>>1709 >>1709 i fucked your mom
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RWBY - I'm An Anime Now Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 18:46:12 No. 740 [Reply]
RWBY Ice Queendom is a new anime set for release in the summer of 2022 and produced by Studio SHAFT in Japan. A genuine RWBY anime. It's here, let it stay don't relegate to /co/ or elsewhere. Monty's dream has moved to Japan as an anime and will keep moving forward! https://youtu.be/tjmBDfulaGk
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The combination of the two styles of animations gives me headaches and makes my eyes blur. I could watch it or tolerate a little more if was just cgi or traditional animation.
>>740 Feminist garbage.
>>1584 The RWBY anime was ironically better than the canon volumes.

The Eminence in Shadow Anonymous 12/04/2022 (Sun) 00:20:57 No. 1352 [Reply]
First of all HOW IN THE FUCK was the protagonist able master 48 style of combat while in fucking high school? I could understand if it was some grizzled assassin or something like that but why on gods earth did the author make him a high school student? I think the idea of someone going insane from media to the point that they try to learn magic just because they want to have equal power to a nuke is kinda cool, but fuck me sideways if they didn't make him too young. Another thing that bothers me is his fucking harem and how he somehow guessed that there was a cult in society rather than just learning it from a young age. He's the biggest mary sue and it bothers me on spiritual level. I swear if I get reincarnated into an Isakai, I hope it's as the same world as Cid so I can poor water on him. Seriously, I fucking hate this manga but I also kinda like it as well. Like there's some interesting twists and turns, but I fucking hate the protagonist.
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>>1393 Honest to God I think the Nips were better off during the Edo period or even the Sengoku period.
>>1391 >>1393 >young retards who self insert into the fictional works That's the entire fucking reason, that's literally it. No need to overthink it, anytime when the mc is an adult he's usually fucking neet or closeted otaku with a job.
>>1519 It's media aimed squarely at this age demographic, look at literally every single piece of YA novels the protagonists are always teenagers.

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How do you deal with the existential dread that occurs after you finish an animu/mango? Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 21:28:56 No. 1549 [Reply]
Reaching the end of the story and knowing that there is nothing more to tell about the lives of the characters I had barely grown fond of creates an overwhelming emptiness that takes weeks to fade away. No more stories, no more funny or sad events, it's as if everyone died without actually dying. I hate this feeling. Is one of the reasons I don't read/watch media as much as before.
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>>1550 I used a translator for that part, sorry. I mean that the stories end just when I am enjoying the characters the most.
>>1552 Oh, okay then. Sometimes ya just gotta take a few weeks and just let yourself "breathe" from it. I haven't gone through what you're going through in a long time, its tough when it happens. the last time that happened to me was 8 years ago when I first saw my favorite anime, I kept rewatching it over and over, especially the ending parts I probably rewatched it 6-8 times or something, and just wept a lot because the pain wouldn't go away, it was an extremely bittersweet anime at the ending. It took a long time to recover from that, I haven't really gone through anything on that scale since then. These days something great more just "sticks" with me if it brings me to tears, but I can look back on it fondly generally and just like "thinking" about it, writing thoughts or opinions down, or trying to see if other people felt similarly about it. I usually talk with a sibling about the anime I watch so that's also a release valve for these kinds of things for me. Though maybe I "consume" anime more these days, and more quickly, rather than experiencing it more slowly and letting it really sink in, its hard to tell. One of the ways I try to "fill the void" is to just find something else to watch/do or grab my attention, until it kinda fades I guess? Though again, its kinda like someone who eats a good meal at the buffet, and tries to find another good dish or something; probably a difference in mindset.
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>>1549 >>1554 Its just something you learn to deal with, and move on. Sometimes you don't need external assistance and sometimes you do. Moving on is important, else you get stuck in thought alone. Kinda like in real life.

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Dororonpa Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 00:25:14 No. 1477 [Reply]
it is not Danganronpa. please tell me this is not my fever dream
Its an anime title from 1991, with 115 episodes, episodes lasted like 10 minutes. What about it? (seems theres no eng subs if that what you are looking for)
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>>1477 the worst characters from Dororonpa
>>1477 Thought this looked familiar.

Non-Seasonal Anime Thread Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 02:17:27 No. 1299 [Reply]
One thing I've noticed is that other /a/ boards tend to obsess over, and concentrate all their activity in threads for the latest seasonal shows. But can we have a thread for discussing less recent anime that was popular? For example, I missed the boat on Lyrical Nanoha some years back and only wound up watching it recently. I fell in love with it, but there's nowhere to talk about it with other fans. Similarly with Darling in the Franxx, which I really wish would get a sequel with a better planned ending.
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I tend to miss the boat on seasonal stuff pretty frequently, which is a shame because most of the discussion happens then, and then it craters off a cliff. >>1299 I hear very mediocre things about Darling in the Franxx whenever it gets talked about, it seems like its honeymoon/FOTM period wore off and so many people hate it now; I know next to nothing about it though besides what that one chick character looks like, and the fact that Trigger made it. >>1300 I mean, good writing from slice of life/comedy anime already sounds kind of like a weird thing to be expecting. If you want things that actually "try" to be well-written, shouldn't you look for more plot and continuity-focused anime? It sounds almost like you're expecting these things to be something they are not. Its also very hard to integrate highly specific knowledge into a show without being autistic and turning off much of the audience. In terms of something like that, I've only seen Yakitate!! pull it off successfully as of late, which I really liked a lot.
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I'm feeling pretty nostalgic to zero no tsukaima but thinking back on it there was a lot of things that sucked about it. I kinda wish I could for something like it but actually good. Also besides the first Macross what else is recommended in that series.
>>1301 So DITF is great if you're into character-driven stories. They nailed a unique take on tragic romance, and there were a couple scenes that nearly jerked tears out of me despite all the action and explosions. But then the last 4 episodes or so just go full Gurren Lagann out of nowhere, pulls new villains out of its ass, and feels like an ending made for a completely different show. That stunt soured a lot of people on it, and while I still love it, it took the series from a 9/10 to maybe a 5-6 real fast.

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 05:37:59 No. 1207 [Reply]
Since nips speak like weird cavemen I was wondering if subs where they are written in the order the actual words are being spoken. It's quite odd hearing words at the beginning of a sentence that are being written at the end of the sentence in the subtitle because they are depicting it how non-cavemen would structure a sentence.
Japanese is like mystic runes drawings and casting a magic spell.

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