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WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
>>459791 >>459793 >>459804 the pig died lol
>>459793 Because they have a Death cult to die for
>>459816 At least he died a hero!
>>459791 >A man stabbed several members of a group that describes itself as opposing “political Islam” Sounds like he deserves a medal.
>>459791 >all those cute femcops What am I going to do with all this boner?
>>459866 Your boner won't be a problem because all of your blood will be out your body
(17.06 MB 1280x720 IlxPw24tn3PU15aH.webm)

>>460118 I always hate it when this kind of shit is posted with zero context, so fuck you I'm posting backstory. This happened at a restaurant in Atlanta. Dude shot was named Nygil Cullins, despite looking older he's actually 22. Had mental issues. Cullins went into the restaurant and was acting "unruly", had a gun and went behind the bar to fuck around with the bottles. Previously worked there. You can see the gun in his belt at the beginning of the video. Staff tells him to leave and he refuses, they call 911, Reportedly his own mother also called 911 earlier that day because he was having a psychotic episode. It's not that obvious from the video but when he falls to the ground he tries to get his gun out. At first he's being tased, not shot, that weapon the officer holds at the start isn't a pistol. Only after he runs and shoots the person tackling him is when he's shot. Guy shot was actually a staff security guard, not a cop. Everything after that is what you'd expect, family saying it was unfair, calling for justice, filing a lawsuit and the cops saying they did nothing wrong. It's the same as every other police shooting from that point.
>>460135 That was an execution by a pissed off pig, every shot fired after he hesitated was wrong and he knew it, but he felt he could get away with it.
>>460141 Meh, was a nigger
>>460141 You can't "execute" or "murder" an animal, sorry anon. The proper term is "put down".
>>460135 >I always hate it when this kind of shit is posted with zero context, so fuck you I'm posting backstory. Who the fuck cares? Just enjoy the shitshow lmao
(8.54 MB 854x480 0x3F0mLaHHSvLAJx.webm)

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<racism caused your son's tumor lol
>>460280 Im tumor with a body a attached to it
(71.24 KB 528x384 spidercancer.jpg)

>>460280 >making an episode out of this but unironically
(756.77 KB 464x466 homer_laughs.webm)

Let's see what Stacy is up to...
>>460352 Onlyfans?
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>>460352 I've tried to type something witty and sarcastic five times and erased it five times. There's nothing funny about women living like this. We are in the End Times.
(2.14 MB 640x360 blk chinese railroads.webm)

>>460356 A end, not the end Unless whites die off
>>460373 >Unless whites die off Speaking of...
>>460382 Some jews just have a death wish. "Lol bring it whitey! Gas me again! Let's go! Race war part 2!"
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(3.82 MB 1280x720 PrincessPoot.webm)

>>460445 this is the best thing i've ever seen

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