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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 01:51:51.
>>457109 Ok what are some examples of what the universe is trying to manipulate you into doing?
>>457110 Nigger, fuck off.
nice sticky
imagine spending your days moderating an imageboard while you have cancer
That would be awful, thankfully I'm in perfect health.
I often forget how autistic some people are but then I'm reminded of this board.
The score is now 17-1 Winning.
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>>457500 Checked
Basic qol updates to rules, language in meta OP, board message, board name, and vol list curated. Boards fine but basically we are down to 2 rules. 1. No pedoshit 2. No niggers or Jews With 2 extra rules that boil down to I may ban you for being a cunt. On the spam news side we have this quarters winner being COMMIECAT poster, tea poster is slowly increasing his lead and has landed second place for his webring spam, after that the usual players are all tied for third. Keep at it guys and you can get remembered too. Fatass jewboy mark of /v/ and 13 gameovers in sonic game has made a competing board. At least I think that's what he tried. Seems like it's just gg nerds shit posting without his signature over moderation banning them. Looks fun. Makes me wonder why anyone would use the regular /v/ now. LCP is still around as are negropill and Luciano, but they seem somewhat listliss these days. Guys spamming an imageboard is a fun hobby but don't let it get you down, try prozac, or suicide. The old BO tried taking the site down with more cp spam but the global staff easily dealt with it, last I saw he ran off crying about how he wants his board back, lol, faggot. Chai has still yet to show his face since his trial and exile, perfect. Hopefully he may yet kill himself, the cowardly fuck. Head is still a vol, cuz he was here before me, and he's funny, and I can't be fucked to fire people. Re: CSS. Uh. I like it? Kaz made it for the board and so it's sentimental, but I'm open to new ideas I guess if anyone has them. That's all the news this quarter. So hope everyone enjoys another year free of the old guard, and happy posting. Love you crazy jackasses.
>>457508 Don't change it too much, I'm rather fond of the CSS.
>>457510 Me too tbh. Well if everyone's still happy then that can stay as is. So that's one more thing checked off the list.
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We are now at peace, because I forgot who we were at war with.
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What do we mean by no pedoshit? Like no posting images of real kids or talking about real kids directly, or no lolicon or expressing MAP identity in a harmless anti-contact and pro-recovery way?
>>410765 is the fucking .onion down again i cant connect to this shitholr via tor do your fucking job, jannies.
>>459039 No images of kids, no talking about kids. Do not try and find an edge case where it's cool, cause it ain't. We had a group of pedos and they burnt everyone out on their weasely bullshit. >No map pro recovery no contact? See they always promise they gonna do this and then don't, the thread always just gets used to dump cp. Sadly I do not trust you stranger. So no.
>>459040 I don't know, and I don't handle that. Go ask the admins on /site/ cuz they dont browse my board.
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>>459041 Yeah, pedos are annoying. It might not even be the anti-contact/pro-recovery ones, but the bad actors who use their thread as a dumping ground.
>>459043 Probably, but nonetheless. Here we are. I think they got offered the chance to make a text only board to prevent that, but they said fuck no. So that fucked em hard. And now they gone.
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>>459044 I guess I'll look for another board or come back to AllTheFallen. I'm not really looking for IRL pics of kids in any context, I mostly just like the discussion, discourse, and I guess MAP identity.
>>459039 >Equating lolicon with "expressing MAP identity in a harmless anti-contact and pro-recovery way" >>459043 >It might not even be the anti-contact/pro-recovery ones, but the bad actors who use their thread as a dumping ground. >>459066 >I mostly just like, I guess MAP identity. >>459043 <Pedos are annoying You are the pedo. And in any case without strictly monitored bannable and limited accounts can there be any discussion of pedoshit that doesn't lead to a CP problem. Every single time such discussion, in good faith or bad, will attract or be put forth in the first place by pedoniggers that want post and receive CP on the clearnet because they are retards. Fuck off.
>>459066 There's federated instances that allow the discussion, and nobody there posts illegal content and these places have been up for 3 years now. The site runners here have their rules and everyone should respect them, and those other places have their rules too, free speech will win in the end and the pantywaists will be remembered as scared guys by the history books.
Why the fuck do pedos come try coming to site? We're not even the original 8chan which actually did allow you fucks briefly eight years ago, we're an entirely different website. Go away.
>>459077 Well, also we allowed them on this site, specifically on this board, until I personally removed them. So on one hand your history is a bit off, on the other hand this is the worst place a pedo could ever possibly go.
No pedoshit. Absolutely fucking none at all. Do you fucking retarded braindead jackasses read english? Can you parse that simple sentence? Look I have a little patience on occasion. But not right now. Go away.
Korean war 2.0 time to finish what grandad started
>>459112 I have the location of all pedos. They live on the planet nibiru.

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/monarchy/ established an embassy for /b/.
>>459317 Ooo! Why thank you my liege! All hail Queen Grace!
BO of /comfy/ here. I linked /b/ back on my board, just letting you know
>>459732 Oh hey! Hasn't been an active comfy since /c/. Glad to add you to the boardring!
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>>459733 Thank you anon. May your board be filled with shitpost and banter.
Send more ponies.
>>460338 I can offer you FREEDOM BOOBS

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