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The mediocre patriotic war Vampyr Board owner 04/13/2024 (Sat) 03:47:34 No. 457634
As of 0400 yesterday evening, we are at war with /arepa/ We launched a surprise sneak attack and have successfully met them quip for quip. They never saw it coming. The shock and awe has left them confused dazed and disorderly, discipline has completely broken down, their morale shattered, now is the chance to drive the attack home and destroy them utterly! Let not one negrito escape our unwarranted and frankly cowardly and vicious sneak attack. We are Japan and this is pearl harbor. FOR THE LIVING SPACE AND THE GREATER /b/ REICH! ONWARD TO VICTORY! Now as your leader I cannot lie to you men, we need each and every patriotic /b/rigand to sign up and serve his board in it's time of need. I NEED YOU, FOR THE /b/ ARMY. YOUR ASS IS MINE CIVVIE. THAT MEANS YOU COMMIECAT (Lieutenant 2nd grade) AND YOU LCP (PFC) AND YOU HEAD ( cook) AND YOU RANDOM CRAZY SCHIZOS , asstd (Privates) AND (You) ANON. YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY DRAFTED. REPORT TO THE NEAREST DRAFT OFFICE IMMEDIATELY TO BE ASSIGNED A DUTY ~Your benevolent, cruel, kind, despotic, fascist, democratic, sane, and loving, hating, BO. High king Lord Vampyr "crazy eyes" Board owner esq. By appointment only.
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Reporting for duty sir!
>>457681 >>457682 Excellent work boys, first order of business. Steal gets. Steal every dub and trip in the name of /b/ until they learn to fear our WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
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firing cannons at /2dblacked/. >>457661 grace will send volunteers to fight /arepa/.
>>457693 Semper Fidelis.
Correspondent Bubbles here! We've struck the first blow with our outright vicious and utterly unprovoked sneak attack on /2dblacked/ in accordance with the Treaty of Thorns. If you can hear me over the hail of explosions and gunfire, this new front opened by our cowardly and unhinged despot, Vampyr, is going well! Coal Harbor will go down in the annals of history with /2dblacked/ reeling in perpetuity, eternally fuming over this alliance against the blacked menace and the brown hordes. The Blacked Axis will rue the day they... did whatever they did to upset the regal Grace! Even their mere existence is enough for a casus belli because, quite frankly, they're disgusting. So, actually, this definitely wasn't unprovoked! Have you seen that shit? It's an assault on all of our senses. Correspondent Bubbles signing off.
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We sent paratroopers to attack /arepa/'s meta thread. Their immediate surrender is anticipated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tds7Onwz2-U
Someone should ask /tkr/ in their meta if they will fight /arepa/.
>>457720 but, ""why?""
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We've taken some major losses but we still have the upper hand, what's the next step in your master plan sir?
>>457810 Idk. Something crazy though probably. First i must sleep. Feel free to do something totally nuts in the meantime. That will probably be fun too.
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WAR TURNS AGAINST /b/! >The great leader pauses and reflects on his failure, 2024, colorized, credit to correspondent bubbles, author photo included.
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Thread theme >>457832 Not this gay shit
You'll never beat /vb/. Just admit that Mark is better than you. All of you.
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>>457884 >board thats just a dumping ground because the kike is too flip-floppy to outright delete threads >constantly dips below /b/ when the old IDs from transferred threads expire >literally just kazu moistening the yid's dry, crusty bellend because nobody else will be friends with him OR fuck him
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>>457889 Mark won, the jew always wins!
who is kazu? seen the name
>>457953 A vol on /v/ during the early days of this site, as well as a regular on this board who was briefly voled to corral all the pedos into a single thread, under Head's (the BO at the time) at the time fairly controversial choice to limit them to a single thread. Now a days after 2 years with me I know the idea of them being tolerated at all is hard to believe. But thats how it was. So anyway he was also a fan of MLP, a little capricious, and a good personal friend. Later when I was given the board after Silvias ousting (A GR3 violation for allowing some permabanned pedo to continue posting vids of his own daughter) he was my first volunteer, and was instrumental in the purging of the pedo menace.
>>457954 >under Head's (the BO at the time) at the time fairly controversial choice to limit them to a single thread. >A pedo containment thread I did no such thing. You must be thinking of a different faggot. t. Head.
>>457955 That wasn't you? Hmm well it was before my time, if you say so then I guess it was just a Chai policy. And yeah it was a DISASTER
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>>457953 what other guy said, but also a shota-sniffing fag boy who, as far as i know, also trooned out and vol'd as Purin for a time; he's a close buttboi of mark and talked a lot of hot shit about /vb/ in the /v/ meta thread like a week ago >>457945 it yo-yos wildly so its not really that impressive but it warms my heart to see regardless
>>457957 Yeah he went under Pururin when he was a vol here, before he left the site. About 18 months ago now I think. Geez time flies. No, that was me in marks meta thread.
I dont get it Someone pls explain this autistic stuff
>>457973 its what happens when global rule 3 doesn't get applied because making the board unusable is the reason he was nepotistically given board owner status in the first place. and now that hes accomplished that and the board is in ruins hes engaging in navel gazing bullshit to pass the time because hes bored but still has to actively moderate /b/ on a daily basis to ensure nobody uses it.
>>457956 >Chai Thank you, I forgot his name. I knew it wasn't Vampyr or Kazu. It wasn't me, it was Chai.
>>457634 NIGGER
>>457945 Nope. But your kind will be hunted down like the animals you are.
Fucking stealth namefag circlejerk up in here. Nobody cares who you are or were.
Ready 4 doody.
>>457998 Yeah, except for the guy who asked, and I responded to. Lern 2 reed
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I saw marks manhole
>>458294 Was it steaming?

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