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Vegans Anonymous 02/19/2023 (Sun) 12:10:24 No. 439155
I love how they try to make out that Veganism makes you lot more healthier and helps you to look years younger when in actuality it makes you look like two decades older than what you actually are. btw she's about 34/35 here but she looks 50
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>>439155 Let's see your schizoid fat ass with a copy of your latest physical and metabolic disease printout.
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>>439155 The mentally ill will always try to say that their mental illnesses are good for normal people, as a cope for their bad choices in life. Eat meat every day, anon. It is healthy and makes your life better. And never live among grass eaters. Never date them. Never help them. Never work with them. Never work for them. Never hire them.
>>439168 t. impotent leftard being impotent.
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You'll never be able to wake them up from their delusions, but you can beat them up and rob them. If someone goes out of their way to not only make themselves a target but also make themselves basically physically incapable of self-defense then it is your civic duty to make them your bitch.
Patrik Baboumian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrik_Baboumian Vegan Strongman BLASTS Joe Rogan After Being Insulted In Podcast https://youtu.be/JgQhcKS3ES8 I guess that you are that stupid and always will be, apparently. Why are there so many morons on this board? >>439300 It's not even funny how stupid you are, the term meathead mean anything to you?
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>>439155 u couldve saved her
>>439306 Only weak men react like you. If you were confident in your lifestyle you wouldn't be histrionic.
>>439320 Nor you psychotic.
>>439323 No my mind is healthy because I get proper nutrition. Weak boys get beaten and robbed, it's how the world works, otherwise you wouldn't be powerlessly crying and trying to browbeat internet strangers.
>>439333 I'm a Shaolin Monk skilled in Kung Fu. I am the universe, and you are a booger eating pinhead, accept your fate.
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Used to work in a copy shop and we had a vegan dance instructor who would come in for copies. She was white but smelled like the worst kind of Pajeet. My boss said she went vegan to cure her MS, so, if it worked, fair enough, I'd rather eat celery than go through that. "Why does she smell like that?" I asked. "She uses a lot of spices to make it taste good" was his reply.
>>439394 It's actually the other way round, meat eaters smell like a McDonald's fast food restaurant, burnt grease. And that is what gives you heart disease and kills you 25 years early, look it up.
>>439416 >ackchuallly no u lel peak vegan intellect right there
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>>439416 >It's actually the other way round Since we don't smell like pajeets, you are incorrect. That is not "the other way" around at all. >goes on to explain that carnivores have a manlier scent I wasn't actually saying ALL of you carrot-fuckers smelled like that. I was referring to one person in particular. How soft are you?
>>439443 His feelings are as soft as the nutritionally lacking plant jelly he sucks down and his skin is as thin as a potato's. He is the physical embodiment of a helpless plant if plants could scream and cry in futility. He is a vegetable man and I will beat him up and rob him.
>>439443 Will your diet reverse heart disease and many other chronic illness?
>>439453 >Will your diet reverse heart disease and many other chronic illness? No. Why do you ask?
>>439454 Mine does and here's the proof. nutritionfacts.org and ornish.com The Only Program Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Now Delivered Online in the Comfort of Your Home Reimbursed by Medicare From Anywhere in the U.S. -enjoy your brain damage.
Example: Name: Dave's story Age: 57 needed a heart transplant https://www.ornish.com/zine/new-spark-new-hope-new-life/
Renowned Heart Surgeon and Longtime Vegan Ellsworth Wareham Dies at 104 https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/renowned-heart-surgeon-vegan-centenarian-ellsworth-wareham-dies/
>>439388 >"Helena Rose" is she hapa
>>439155 It can be healthier but the meat isn't the reason. What the common grass eater charts are showin is how going from drowning yourself in oily jew burgers to eating plants affects your health. Those people didn't have nutrients in their diet anyways so living on spinach is probably gonna make them feel better. It's still possible to not turn into a raisin if you keep your diet balanced but that's what the grass eaters won't tell you so go fuck yourself.I I'm a vegetarian for 7 years, was vegan for a while and would consider my health average or above. The thing about the eat-your-spinach industry is likely just money. Selling overpriced veggies and organic cardboard is profit. Then selling supplements for all the raisins to keep their hair. After a few years they'll all need drugs and extra healthcare so all the pharma giants are happy. Simply profiting of mentally unstable people.
>>439495 I agree. We all know that Vampire Ranchers with extortion machines run the world especially america. To be healthy you need to find ballanced nutrition based on scientific evidence that has been tested on a human to show it works. Don't be fooled by the marketing funded by the Vampires. An animal product diet is an addiction diet that will clog up your body and give you Metabolic Syndrome; the sooner you accept this the better off you'll be. A heart-healthy eating plan includes fruits, vegetables, and plant based whole food, grains and limits saturated fats and oils, sodium (salt), added sugars, and alcohol, low fat vegan is best to reverse this. If you keep your cholesterol below 140 or lower you will prevent heart disease, you can live to be 100 years old and not be sick, but prevention is much easier than trying to reverse chronic illness.
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>>439485 >hairy pits
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>>439464 >he thinks I want to live longer Nigger, I'm a chronic depressive. If eating steak will get me to the finish line quicker, I'm all for it.
Okay, I didn't want to have to do this, but all you meat-fuckers have finally pissed me off enough to use this. You brought this on yourselves, so no crying about it later while you're enjoying an eggplant.
>>439520 Warning: not for self-destructive, brain-damaged niggers.
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>>439547 That's what I've been trying to get across to your soy-fed ass. Veganism is for brain-damaged niggers who AREN'T self-destructive.
>>439519 Fag, I bet you're a vegancuck.
>>439557 Is that why you talk that way?
>>439595 >(14.06 MB 1280x720 Sanne Vloet_ Naive Girl Teaches Women How to Toxify Their Bodies.webm) wow so insightful, some kind of nu masculine poltard or whatever the fuck vs retarded hippie girl that only looks good because of her genes (and avoiding mcdonalds) (and yes, she looks good enough and normal in case your also a poltard and buying into the "no mcdonalds = anorexic" meme) i thought i was going to learn something itt you will never recover from your bottomless pit of cope
>>439605 >your
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>>439575 >Is that why you talk that way? That jab doesn't even make sense, anon. >>439563 >Fag, I bet you're a vegancuck. Vegans are usually the ones going down on hairy hippie women, anon. I'd be more suspect if I was turned on by her disgusting lack of grooming.
Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: Groatnola https://youtu.be/cFghI7YbNJM
>>439640 >>439657 lmao awful uppity today ain't we? Did you get beat up and robbed by me? Which one were you, I beat up and rob so many herd animals that they all just sorta blend together. btw hapas are inferior to niggers who are inferior to whites who are inferior to Americans who are inferior to Carnivores who beat up and rob herbivores
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>>439394 I have an acquaintance whose wife has MS and avoids meat for the same reason. It won't really cure MS, but it sure helps with the symptoms. But if you don't have a debilitating condition like MS that can be mollified with veggies, it's probably not doing you any good.
>>439155 They're half right, factory farmed meat is inferior to pasture raised meat because the animals are kept in a sunless warehouse and are forced to sleep and eat in their own shit which is why they constantly need to be pumped full of drugs to keep them from dying from a number of different diseases and why it's common to have mass die offs and intentional cullings and those hormone altering drugs get passed down to you the consumer which is why ''"men"' who frequent McDonald's often develop tits and can't maintain an erection in their mid 20's. One of the few things I agree with PETA on is that factory farming was a mistake. You don't get this problem with grass fed pasture beef or free range chickens, unfortunately federal law and food regulations has made it a pain in the ass to raise cattle like our ancestors did which is why organic meat in Amerilard land and Leaffag land is so fucking expensive. Grass fed beef taste better anyway. Is it any wonder why Americans are so fat, docile, more prone to developing certain cancers, and often times grow up to suffer heart attacks in their early 30's? Factory farming in general is nutrient deficient. Meat is fine just make sure it's from a real farm and not a shit smeared and diseased warehouse or better yet just go hunting or raise your own chickens. I also like to drive my down to Amish town and get myself some genuine fermented bread too rather than the fake shit you see in mainstream grocery stores, the kind made fresh by hand in a mortar bowl which as you could probably imagine also cost a pretty penny but it's worth it since it's some of the best bread I've ever had. >>439248 >Never date them. Never help them. Never work with them. Never work for them. Never hire them. That's just common sense, they'd be horrible employee's anyway since they're deprived of basic neutrients meaning their brains aren't working 100% or even 10% of the time.
>>440066 Thanks for the gossip and marketing.
>>440069 No problem anon-kun
>trolls vegans >even got a vegan to convert and be his girlfriend ngl thats pretty chad. but like a chad he has the IQ of a rock
>>440131 I can't wait to see Mr Rockhead drop-dead from a heart attack, stroke or colon cancer.
>>440133 He's more likely to drop dead under the weight of all the pussy and money he gets from beating up and robbing vegans.
>>440136 Is that why he walks around like there's a stick up his ass? The guy is obviously gay, his ass is burning.
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>>440048 >mao awful uppity today ain't we? Did you get beat up and robbed by me? Which one were you, I beat up and rob so many herd animals that they all just sorta blend together. This reads like a copypasta. >btw hapas are inferior to niggers I disagree with your placement, but you have a right to your opinion. >who are inferior to whites who are inferior to Americans who are inferior to Carnivores who beat up and rob herbivores Do you think I'M a hapa vegan? Because if you do, you've gotten me confused with someone else in this thread.
>>439155 The industrial revolution and their it's cheap pesticides is responsible for retarded shit like Veganism. Before that people didn't have long philosophical debates on whether they should eat a vegetable or a lamb chops, they just ate what was available and where thankful to not starve to death and like the other anon mentioned people actually got real nutrients from their meals to since that was before corn and soy was put into fucking everything.
>>440154 And then came science to test what causes chronic illness like heart disease. Why are there so many Vegan Cardiologists?
Podcast: Do You Need to Be Gluten-Free? https://youtu.be/UGUjl3nZBOc
>>439249 hehe lol yep
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>>440477 He's almost dead.
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>>440615 Podcast: Cholesterol and Diabetes Q&A There is no shortage of questions about these two increasingly common medical conditions: high cholesterol and diabetes. https://youtu.be/FJXRZIOzUDA
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Friday Favorites: Coconut Water for Athletic Performance vs. Sports Drinks Coconut water is tested head-to-head against plain water and sports drinks in athletes. https://youtu.be/Y6TRjsu3m4U
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>>440732 >went to Pampa last night with friend group >had soooo much meat >very delicious >today, around 3pm, my stomach let out an unholy gurgle and I ran to the john >a giant, messy turd came out >smelled foul >wiped, and went back out to sit down >gurgle, again >ran back just in time to unleash a torrent of boiling hot protein >cried out in pain and fury as I lost five or six pounds >nearly fainted Totally worth it. If I had the money, I'd eat at Pampa every single night.
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>>440642 >There is no shortage of questions about these two increasingly common medical conditions: high cholesterol and diabetes. <posts a vid with an obvious jew in child-molester glasses I'm going to go gorge myself on raw steak in the hopes that what happened to you doesn't happen to me.
I beat up and robbed a vegan today. Was disappointed, normally I get at least three, but I think some of the local ones have died from complications of being beaten up and robbed by my more vicious competitors.
>>440139 >>440140 Oh look, this must be the vegan hapa (who is inferior to niggers who are inferior to Whites who are inferior to Americans) that I beat up and robbed today. Thank you very much for the exercise and money, I will purchase a steak tonight.
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>>440734 Stuff one in your ass too so you aren't lonely. >>440750 >>440751 This happens when you eat too many boogers, hallucination.
More free yucky poo. COOKING OIL From Pork Fat, preliminary recipe. https://youtu.be/6lJYYlP7OgY
>>440480 yes because I don't agree with Veganism or their views clearly makes me a trumptard, you're a fucking retard.
>>440761 >trumptard BurgerKing What in retardation? You made yourself a retarded metabolic disease.
>>440753 Oh you seem to have forgotten. That's understandable, I hit your head pretty hard when I beat you up and robbed you. I will be more gentle next time, vegans sure are frail. >>440762 Give him some slack, us carnivores beat up and rob so many vegans it's easy to get you mixed up in conversations. You even all look the same, like niggers, who are superior to carnivore hapas, who are superior to vegan hapas.
>>440764 Keep dreaming fagbait because that's all you have, a pathetic dream, about the perfect dysfunctional life. All there is, is life and no one owns it. There are plenty of ways to die, you have to figure out a way to live.

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Doctors petition fda to add breast cancer warning on cheese - FDA Sued for Ignoring Petition Calling for Breast Cancer Warning Labels ...
>>440768 I seem to be doing just fine beating up and robbing vegans, I even bought a new car with your money. Thank you friend! I will beat you up and rob you a little more gently tomorrow.
Vegans: beaten Vegan Wallets: robbed Hmm it seems I've already completed my daily routine, I will now buy some live chickens and eat them raw in order to replenish my beatings and robbings gland so I may enjoy the rest of this beautiful day while the vegans replenish their wallets for me by working on a Sunday. I may even go oet some strawberries, they are safe around me.
>>440821 Slam it in a window buddy, that's all you can beat.
>>440829 Hmm, never thought of using a window to beat you up and rob you before. Tomorrow I will trap you in a window while my pescetarian friends (who are equal to carnivores, who are superior to Americans, who are superior to Whites, who are superior to niggers, who are superior to white vegans, who are superior to hapas, who are superior to vegan hapoas) give you noogies as I empty your wallet and rob your house then return so I may participate in beating you up.
>>440839 I hear a vacuum cleaner works too, you sure like to hear yourself talk.
>>440844 Vacuums are for cleaning not beating up and robbing vegans. Have I beat you up too often? Your brain seems to have been robbed of coherent thought. I apologize for the TBI, but I will not stop, my pockets must be lined with the money of vegans who I have beat up and robbed.
The Impacts of Plant-Based Diets on Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer https://youtu.be/Yp-L-f3IiCI
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Is Oatmeal Good for People with Diabetes? Before there was insulin, there was the “oatmeal cure.” The benefits of oatmeal for diabetics. https://youtu.be/H6aBDgmpBcw
>>441032 Im not watching your faggot ass food channel fuckface. Go away.
>>441034 But the oatmeal diet will cure your brain damage and farting mouth.
>>441058 >farting mouth What are you 12 years old?
>>441063 On this board, explaining anything is a wasted effort. Why? Because this is the psych-ward at the goon hospital.
>>441096 fuck off faggot.
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Friday Favorites: Benefits of Blueberries for Artery Function https://youtu.be/dzLCCucYlMk
Oatmeal Diet Put to the Test for Diabetes Treatment Oatmeal for diabetes treatment. What are the extraordinary, lasting benefits we may get from a few days of an oatmeal diet? This is the third and final video in this series on oatmeal for diabetes treatment. If you missed the others, see Is Oatmeal Good for People with Diabetes? If you are on insulin or blood sugar pills and want to give the oatmeal diet a try, make sure to talk with your medical professional first, so your medications can be closely monitored and adjusted as needed. https://youtu.be/_WCzg1Ca1Dw
Podcast: Coffee - Sip or Skip? https://youtu.be/9yT0DWe9xE4
Soul Food That’s Good for the Soul The best of soul food’s origins are tied to the plant-centric West African diet. https://youtu.be/EvcYy8_bCx0
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>How to look like you have GRID.
>>441563 hehehe
Friday Favorites: Lycopene Supplements and Tomato Sauce vs. Prostate Cancer High doses of lycopene—the red pigment in tomatoes—were put to the test to see if it could prevent precancerous prostate lesions from turning into full-blown cancer. What happened when cancer patients were given three quarters of a cup of canned tomato sauce every day for three weeks? https://youtu.be/Bnf8WTQyBkg
>>441862 >What happened when cancer patients were given three quarters of a cup of canned tomato sauce every day for three weeks? I imagine they eventually revolted and demanded spaghetti to go with it.
Update on Erythritol Sweetener Safety: Are There Side Effects? https://youtu.be/9QrUskpuhlk
Dietary Guidelines: “Eat as Little Dietary Cholesterol as Possible” https://youtu.be/Mn-w3HtAiIQ
>>441868 Hopefully they slaughtered the vegan scientists and sold their bodies to science for money. Hopefullly they used that money to go to Outback Steakhouse. >Sounds like a plan, Stan.
Podcast: Is This the End of the Cholesterol Controversy? https://youtu.be/he9mYMeihKc
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Friday Favorites: Benefits of Quinoa for Lowering Triglycerides https://youtu.be/wU4x_MEV2ig
>>442101 hey now that's an animal product and NOT vegan!
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Is Swimming Good for Weight Loss? (What happens when you exercise when it's cold?) https://youtu.be/3rcJy3rlqUY
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Are eggs healthy or harmful? (12 videos) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9lgvt0-8Oi9BIQ-jO2PBD3 Next time, provide an actual link to your source.
Kidney Disease and Diet (10 videos) Can diet play a role in the treatment and reversal of kidney disease? Let's see what the science says. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8aJsATiHn75s9Y9Vx2Qubx
Best Diet for Heart Disease (22 videos) Heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States. What is the best diet for preventing and reversing heart disease? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8FjyRK69fnvN3nX4TCvrez
>>442226 My dad is in his early 80s and eats at least one egg a day. No cholesterol problems, either.
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>>442249 This is your father writing this. I am VERY disappointed in you, son. Now go make Daddy some eggy weggies.
A Case of Stage 3 Cancer Reversal with Fasting I go over a case report of water-only fasting, followed by a whole food, plant-based diet for follicular lymphoma. https://youtu.be/lGDBFBfM1rU
>>442249 I'm glad that your father enjoys good health, how many prescriptions does he take?
Nice gut, doc.
Podcast: The Robin Hood of Science Hear the story of how one researcher made nearly every scientific paper ever published free to anyone, anywhere in the world. https://youtu.be/kpDtTxrfiKY Scihub https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sci-Hub Sci-Hub is the most controversial project in today's science. The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or book form. https://www.sci-hub.st/ https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ https://sci-hub.se/ https://sci.hubg.org/ Sci-Hub Mirror Links https://theopensci.com/sci-hub-mirrors/ This page is to collect the new alternative domain of sci-hub which is refreshed every 5 minutes. https://lovescihub.wordpress.com/
WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #1: Dr Michael Greger https://youtu.be/ajhX5jWmlL0 WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #2: Dr Neal Barnard https://youtu.be/qLeee0HRyHM WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #3: Dr John McDougall https://youtu.be/iuOa3avtdNA WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #4: Dr Alan Goldhamer https://youtu.be/9ef16V_6Vvo WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #5: Dr. Michael Klaper & Dr. Pam https://youtu.be/XTriuK3N3gg WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #6: Dr. Anthony Hadj https://youtu.be/LKWuyS3YZGY ...................... "WHY DOCTORS DON'T RECOMMEND VEGANISM" - POPULAR PLANT-BASED DOCTOR SERIES (6 videos) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxzJ6sKr_NWQ5zhrxMyuRTPgOtRy0aR-x
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Friday Favorites: Do Vitamin B12 Supplements Cause Acne, Bone Fractures, and Lung Cancer? https://youtu.be/nB6_9v7cl4k
>>442356 Do you think you could maybe find a doctor who isn't a jew with pedo glasses? I'm prepared to view your evidence but I'm not prepared to sit through "Oyyyyy, muh B6,000,000 sup-la-mints!"
>>442396 You like to deny science?
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Spontaneous Regression of Cancer with Fasting How can we naturally increase the activity of our cancer-fighting natural killer cells? https://youtu.be/UBXKYxCafvA
Friday Favorites: Win-Win Dietary Solutions to the Climate Crisis https://youtu.be/xZG9JnT3Pmo
Let's look at this from a 'Nephrons' (Kidney Doctor) point of view. Plant Based Diet in treating and preventing Chronic Kidney Disease. https://youtu.be/Q8cqS4CyCxc Let's talk about an evidence-based approach to preventing and treating chronic kidney disease with a whole food plant-based diet. What are the ideal foods to eat to slow down kidneys from getting worse? More importantly, what are foods to limit or avoid to help lower your risk of having the kidneys get worse or even getting kidney disease in the first place?
Let's look at this from an evolutionary anthropologist point of view, Duke University, Dr. Herman Pontzer. Weight loss, Exercise and Metabolism: The Ugly TRUTH | Dr. Herman Pontzer https://youtu.be/h_98Lux9bNw I also got his book for /b/
>>442737 Listen to interviews with leading experts in the field of health, nutrition, fitness, wellness, and more. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnpHCIEsSTnfFTD9WBH5xOfCA13ALG0FY
Plant-Based Diet for Treating and Reversing Stage 3 Kidney Disease https://youtu.be/VsJ0HTER9gI
>>442795 Burn, ketokike
>>442796 Quote: "Die in suffer."
Podcast: NutritionFacts Grab Bag 27 https://youtu.be/lhbTuSML7Mk
if that is true why do herbivores look young till the moment they die and if you want an example of what eating beef daily does to you all your life take a look at Donald Trump
>>439293 Look i think people trying to convince other people to join thier dealth cult is stupid too but no green leaves? I like romaine lettuce
NutritionFacts.org Lycopene Supplements and Tomato Sauce vs. Prostate Cancer Turmeric Pumkin seeds https://youtu.be/Bnf8WTQyBkg Lutein and zeaxanthin: Eye and vision benefits, Healthy Brain https://www.allaboutvision.com/en-gb/nutrition/lutein/ https://youtu.be/Gfo3R2rt9MA
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>>446078 Are you trying to say eggs aren't healthy? I eat eggs and kale, You're a dumb nigger. The food you eat isn't going to change what happens to the planet.
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>>446139 Cheese Niggers Cult
>>446139 SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD | Close Look at an Oyster Farm in NZ https://youtube.com/watch?v=cP7rufnXka0
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I just ate a vegan steak and egg sandiwich. \I mean, I assume the ungulate and avian were vegan. Maybe not. I don't actually care. It tasted better than any salad, cost less than quinoa, and didn't give me gas.
Are Beyond Meat Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthy? The SWAP-MEAT study puts Beyond Meat products to the test. https://youtu.be/hS_AQp4QiU4
What to Eat to Prevent Telomere Shortening The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of plant-based diets may explain why they can effectively reverse cellular aging by elongating telomeres. https://youtu.be/lw24HaN5nT4 Treating Multiple Sclerosis With the Swank MS Diet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-mvh23M3fU In the next video, I look into a few specific foods: Greens, Green Tea, and Nuts Put to the Test for Telomeres. You can research nutrition topics @ https://nutritionfacts.org/
Friday Favorites: Is Vegan Food Always Healthy? https://youtu.be/bWG9gwqbdEk
Is Soy Milk the Most Nutritious Non-Dairy Milk? Soy milk is compared to dairy milk and other plant-based milks. https://youtu.be/VCpGWVJBkag
Meat Consumption And Longevity For years we have heard that the secret to a long life is to cut back on meat consumption and increase our intake of carbs. Data was analyzed from 175 countries and territories and used various statistical methods to “explore and compare the correlations between newborn life expectancy, life expectancy at five years of life, and intakes of meat, and carbohydrate crops, respectively. The established risk factors to life expectancy—caloric intake, urbanization, obesity and education levels—were included as the potential confounders. The researchers found that worldwide, meat intake was associated with a longer life. “This relationship remained significant when influences of caloric intake, urbanization, obesity, education and carbohydrate crops were statistically controlled.” By contrast, consumption of carbohydrates had a weak but negative correlation with life expectancy. https://archive.ph/c6o1t
A vegan raw food influencer who lived on an 'extreme' diet of exotic fruit has reportedly died from starvation and exhaustion. Zhanna Samsonova had been on the raw plant-based diet for ten years that consisted of fruits, sunflower seed sprouts, fruit smoothies and juices. Ms Samsonova moved from veganism to a purely raw food diet consisting of vegetables and fruit, with the influencer sharing what she described as 'healthy ' recipes on her Instagram profile. The influencer appeared increasingly emaciated in her social media videos as time went on. Ms Samsonova's friend, who she met in Thailand, told a Russian news outlet : 'It was scary to look at her, to be honest, her hands were like those of my 12-year-old sister, thin.' Another friend said they saw Ms Samsonova a few months ago in Sri Lanka 'looking exhausted'. 'They sent her home to seek treatment. However, she ran away again. When I saw her in Phuket, I was horrified,' they said. https://archive.ph/BveNe
I Tried Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen for 60 Days. Here's What Happened. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZNjPt6LFiSw [Embed] What I Eat in a Day | Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen https://youtube.com/watch?v=7TUSWfrFw3Y [Embed]
Podcast: Research Roundup 2 The latest research on how to eat less meat, reversing kidney failure, and the connection between stress and our breath. https://youtu.be/g5HmVrmYrvA
>>447843 Looks like vitamin B12 deficiency. Friday Favorites: The Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Optimal Dosage for Adults https://youtu.be/_A-XYkidbiQ
>>439155 they gotta supplement the veggies with taurine and creatine at least humans evolved like chimps, omnivores, not herbivores like gorillaz dont get non essential amino acids from animal protein in our diets and they just wither away
>>454537 Sugonmakok
>>439155 Didn't she turn to veganism because she lives her life on the cusp of dying anyway? Doesn't she have some other strange illness, and Veganism is her prayers from Rasputin?
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>>439155 She looks 12 and 50 simultaneously

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