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Anders Behring Breivik Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 13:39:06 No. 446174
what's he upto these days not heard much from or about him in a few years hope he's doing okay
Isn't he busy being Sweden's QAnon Shaman?
>>446174 Don't quote me on any of this but last time I heard anything about him was a few years ago. He was complaining about only having ps2 games to play and his "cell", aka his comfy and clean Norwegian bed room that's better than most college dorms, being too cold. I think there was also something about an update to his sentence. Norway doesn't have life sentences so they have to keep renewing it. They hate him that much, obviously he deserves it so no sympathy here.
>>446216 < Norway's QAnon Shaman My apologies.
>>446174 are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
Some Russian looking dude had to try to kill all the democracy shooting at all the children of the Norwegian pols Too bad he was not in Texas when he pulled that stunt. Texas would have killed him in 2012 for that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik#2011_terror_attacks
ha send that ruzzian over to Putin to use for cannon fodder in Ukraine
>>446174 last i heard about him he converted to paganism.
>>446174 get that Russian in Ukraine killing khokols
He was last seen in 2022. There is a hearing every few years here he can appeal for early release. 2022 he advertised with a sign to stop white genocide. He also blamed everything on online radicalization. Stating that he will work for his case in a peaceful manner going forward. > https://youtu.be/7zRBrgaIGQY?t=19 He legally changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen. A sort of Norwegian sounding name that can be written looking like Adolf Hitler > https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB9lO2WXkAEMUFo?format=jpg&name=medium During his 2022 hearing he also got a few words in about abortions of white kids and birth rates, but i couldn't find that.
hopefully he's still a sweetie
>>453230 right in the feels
This is why I hate neo-nazis and europe.
>>446215 >>446221 >>446230 >>452326 >>453229 >>453900 We should stone you crackers
>>453230 >>455836 exactly this just melts the heart
>>447162 You sure you're not confusing him with Varg?
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>>455861 >This is why I hate neo-nazis and europe.

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