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Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 04:33:22 No. 448121
How do I get around using 4chan? That website is very helpful and useful but I get banned like every other day and I'm not even in the top 50 most controversial anons on that site. I'm getting really fed up of this nonsense. Is this site a good replacement? I'm a ban refugee from /biz/ and I'm noticing that no other imageboard site has a /biz/ board. Any ideas?
I grew out of the 4th chin ages ago. I just can't handle all the captchas and the aesthetic. The powermods were the last straw for me. GamerGate was the kick I needed to leave for good and move to 8chan. I have only been back a handful of times since and am reminded every time of why I left. I would rather post on Reddit than that place and Reddit is a cesspool of lgbt queers, trannies, and men who like to watch their wives get fucked by Nigger Joe. Don't use 4chan. There are better options.
>>448122 what is a better option for someone who used to browse /biz/?
>>448124 I don't know. All I ever did there was post pics of my dick and asshole on /b/.
>>448121 > That website is very helpful and useful but I get banned like every other day you can still lurk /biz/ although you're banned
>>448127 why does the moderation have to be such cancer, bros?
>>448121 > I'm a ban refugee from /biz/ and I'm noticing that no other imageboard site has a /biz/ board You see a golden opportunity that exists before you yet ignore it.
>>448121 If you want /biz/ you go to prolikewoah's /animu/ board and use their /biz/ thread, no joke.
>>448122 Any suggestions on alternatives. I too was there when the fallout of Zoe Queef and the whole gamergate thing. Then got sold to jap-moot and I dunno it never was the same. endchan and 8chan don't have nearly as much user. Where did everybody go?
>>448122 Same, I am literally unable to use 4chan rn, not only because of the dumbass captcha (fuck you cloudflare) but ALSO BECAUSE MY WHOLE COUNRTY GOT FUCKING IP RANGE BANNED so I am here with my dick in my hands can't use a vpn cuz duh they aren't allowed, tor doesn't work aswell and same for proxy servers, and as you said, Reddit (ever since covid) has turned into the ultimate tranny shitpit If anybody has a solution, please provide it
>>448375 >has turned into the ultimate tranny shitpit You have to purposely look for trans content on reddit to even catch a glimpse of it. 4chan is unironically more of a tranny shitpit than any other site online besides twitter. 4chan users fucking love trannies and fem boys,and it has always been that way, pre-2010 it was the only site online I had ever seen trans porn be posted to. Don't know why people even bother trying to deny it.
>>448377 the whole traps aren't gay thing started on 4chan
>>448375 nigga you know VPNs fucking exist? use Mullvad
>>448377 I've been on twitter for over 5 years and I've genuinely never seen tranny stuff, unless you include the people criticizing the whole thing. .It's overwhelming a ib, tiktok and discord trend
>>448404 every single mullvad server IP has been banned from posting on 4chan >ive tried every single one
>>448414 Twitter's algorithm is actually really good about not showing you women that are trans.I think maybe once or twice if suggested a trans woman to me but they were easily passing for female so makes sense why they slipped through. But yeah I was also talking about conversations surrounding the whole thing. Which you get plenty of on 4chan as well as the porn. I remember an anon making a thread saying they want to stop masturbating to tranny porn. And I'm like it's literally because you keep coming to 4chan, the site that posts the most trans porn out of any of the social media sites. Just go to any other site to beat off to and you won't see tranny porn.
Halfchanis infiltrated and sucks shitty ass now. Post here at infinty chan moe instead. > It's better here
why? 4chan has been dead for the better part of a decade, and some would argue longer than that. why even bother going back?
>>448121 Board creation is free.
>>448121 Yeah same, even mentioning trannies on ANY boars, either seriously, ironically or as an insult will get you an auto ban for 2 months. I remember you could say whatever you wanted at one point, just the tranny jannies nerf anyone who triggers them and their safe space, like wtf man its not zuckboom
On this board you can fart for all you're worth and the people respect it.
>>450281 you can have your butthole removed
>>448375 Residential proxy’s
>>448121 What did you do to get constantly banned?
>wasn't banned >get banned for 'ban evasion' >appeal >get permabanned ???
This board is not only fault tolerant, but fart tolerant. They are also accepting of people who poop a lot.
>>451037 Pretty much comports with my experience: >try to post on 4ch for the first time ever in my life <Your IP is permabanned >shrug >never even bother again
>>448121 >Any ideas? Yeah, kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit.
(999.91 KB 475x242 SOME.DAMNED.ASSHOLE.......gif)

>>448126 > All I ever did there was post pics of my dick and asshole Wow. Such talent.
>>456556 why is there no poo poo?
>>456577 they eat the poo poo
>>448375 You can bypass cloudflare with 4chan.org/index.php ;)
>>456686 Honestly though it's cucked. It's ran by glowniggers, all the cool shit gets deleted and the people who post that shit get deleted too, and it's swamped with bots posting inane shit. The only reason I go there is for the once in a while interesting thread but it's over. 4chan's time is over, there is no return to how things were on there.
You get banned on cuckchan for saying nigger and making fun of trannies. It's been like that for at least 5 years now. The more you lurk here the more you realize cuckchan just sucks even if you could say nigger. Their shitty captcha. Small image and video upload size. Can only upload one image or video in one post. Can't even have sound in your video on most boards. Jannies will instantly sweep you if you say nigger but let blacked spam slide for hours and when you call it out you get banned. That should tell you everything you need to know about cuckchan. Also you can make your own boards here.
Get proxies or a residential VPN. Just remember that if the residential VPN is free it is a botnet (Tuxler)

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