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Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 12:35:03 No. 448900
niggers are subhuman and a mistake in evolution
>>448900 Yeah Don't care about and trust whites just because they white, they ain't healthy enough for that
>>448912 No, YOU kill yourself. Filthy nigger lover, you are incapable of even spelling right.
cope and seethe while your flat assed women get TOPPED by black men.
you'll miss us, for the simple fact there will be no food
Niggers can't even feed themselves, see Zimbabwe.
>>448900 fucking idiotic hahaha like a yellow Labrador saying black Labrador dogs are subcanine and a mistake in evolution hahaha oh wait, some idiot on youtube did that! hahahaha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OWKlk7oOIU
>>454854 Get roped nigger lover
>>454854 >Sub-Saharan skin color is only skin deep >This random retard saying something stupid that has nothing to do with niggers proves it Lmao, what a dumb nigger.
when you have no idea what evolution is
>>454890 You don't? Gee whiz fella. I wouldn't brag about bring retarded if I was you.
>>448935 Is it really rape if you enjoy it?
>>454900 at you referring to the caption? no such race will ever be like the one depicted, to answer your question, females evolved to get off on being dominated thus you can't really rape them in the the sense of them of not enjoying it, so I would say you can't rape them, males are more veritable, but typically evolved to get off on doing the domination, so you can for sure rape them
>>454919 Regardless: God II wish that were me
>>454921 there there, we at least get to die, then we don't have to deal with wishing anymore
>>454931 Why did you spoiler these?
>>454932 forgot to unclick the button
>>454934 Makes sense I guess.
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>>454935 also becuse I know the mod here hates them, and thus he will have to open them to make sure nothing is suss
>>454936 >The BO hates spoilers >That's why the spoiler image is him laughing at you. Y-you aren't very bright.
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>>454937 better then being a midwit
>>454938 Nice comeback Sally. Hey btw I fuckt ur mom.
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>>454939 yea? your mom offered to fuck me, but she was ugly so I said no
>>454940 And that's why your a virgin.
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>>454941 that isn't the only reason
>>454942 Microcock? Or did you cut it off and troon out?
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>>454943 >caring about a woman's pleasure Lotta work for little reward wanting sex means I support the existence of this society, I don't, also I kind of want white people to die off super fast so there will be no remnant of the white genome and thus the leftover niggers will less of a chance of making it due to having to re-evolve the adaptations whites from nothing, and if you're not intending on reproducing, copulation is a waste of time
>>454944 Oh your a virgin. That's gay bro. Sex isn't about a woman's pleasure or kids. It's about being a man and getting off. Drink a sixer and blast some Metallica and maybe you'll get your balls up to fuck a whore. It's easy bro.
>>454944 >Fuck yt Kys nigger.
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>>454947 sex is about reproducing, that is it, males want to avoid investing in the offspring, but that don't change what sex is about >>454948 hey man, it is out of spite for niggers, if whites could isolate the genes that cause liberalism, maintain their phenotype, and wall off their civilization from unclean inferiors forever I would be happy, but as it stands now the only thing white genes are going to do is give the niggers a better chance of achieving permanent civilization, and I want them to have as little of a chance of that as possible
>>454949 Shut the fuck up, virgin.
>>454949 Bro. Stop being a pussy.
>>454951 Stopped being that when i learned that to die is the purpose of life
>>454952 Shut the fuck up, nihilistic virgin.
>>454952 Ooooo so edgy. Bro grow a pair.
>>454944 What zero pussy does to a mf kek you get NO BITCHES
>>448900 Bet nobody really wants to be around you OP
>>454956 We know everyone would better off without you or phenotype, nigger
>>454968 Your phenotype*
>>448900 who the fuck cares? only you because you are retard who needs to make stories about people who are "worse" than him so they feel better like a snot nosed baby. call me nigger lover or whatever doesnt change the fact that you are insecure retard who spends his time thinking about "others" to artificially increase your self worth.
>>455000 No. Niggers are inherently awful. They ruin society and hurt people. They can't help it. No one wants them to be so awful. We all wish they were human. But they aren't. It's tragic really.
>>455001 again, so retarded that you dont realise your own ways to inflate your worth. this level of retardation is so severe its more likely you're rage baiting
>>455006 Nice inability to speak on any level higher then the individual. Niggers are shit at everything regarding higher social organization and would die off on every continent outside of Africa if there were not better races there maintaining an artificial ecology
>>455014 >>455015 fucking cry about it lol
>>455000 >who cares The entire USA.
>>455025 KšŸ‘Œ
>>454953 Make me šŸµ >>454954 Also to live is to suffer
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>>455067 keep on putting more effort into jerking yourself off with "edits" and "the truth" while i couldnt care less fag
>>455090 I think you're a nigger that is retarded, but you just might a white mutant that is neurotic and doesn't like people talking bad about the death cult that white mutants use to control the discourse
>>455093 ok, enjoy thinking
>>448900 your description works well for platypus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus platypus subhuman? hmm well, different species than human, that's for sure any human can breed with any other human of the opposite sex capable of having children, no matter the color just like brown dogs can breed with white dogs and then they have slightly white dogs, or light brown dogs but humans breeding with platypus, sorry, that's not gonna work
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>>455094 Going with nigger, final answer
>>455000 Seems like you care. A lot.
>>455145 No, you're just mentally retarded.
Bumping no u bread
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The farm equipment becomes the kitchen equipment.
>>448900 they're bioweapons
>>459883 No, if whites were not really genetically unhealthy, Niggers are evolved to an easy yet unpredictable ecology, they wouldn't be able to live outside of Africa if they didn't have an a competent ethnic group that feels bad for "people" that are not okay
>>459884 Bioweapon like introducing an invasive species that destroys the ecology, not bioweapon like the monsters in Resident Evil. They're actually tools of the state, used to terrorize the population. Look up why California became a restrictive state in regards to firearms. It's because of niggers.
>>459924 Oh yea, i can agree that power hungry people in the government know that niggers are not made for an ecology that isn't Africa and use them as way to hurt people so they come running to the government for protection and don't question all the corruption stuff

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