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Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 00:53:19 No. 451341
In defence of slavery: 1) the blacks taken to america by slavers were already slaves in africa. frankly, they probably got a better life as slaves in america than in malaria infested africa 2) black slaves were responsible for continuing slavery by choosing to have kids, which they knew full well would themselves be slaves all their lives. no one is responsible for creating more slaves than the slaves themselves 3) slaves worked less and had more free time than almost everyone today. because once the cotton is picked, they're done working for the year and can mostly relax until spring 4) they got housing, clothes, and food in exchange for working. was slavery that much different from just employment? 5) never had to worry about money, employment, taxes, paperwork. spent all day around people who were like them I think slavery should be relegalized, it wasn't really that bad
>>451341 that was just slavery under white people, so they are gone, that type of nice slavery will never happen again the Muslims do slavery proper >not castrating them all that is what they should fucking apologize for I hate white people's retard manipulative morality
>>451341 All good points, but allow me to raise some counterpoints. In opposition to slavery: 1) It brought niggers to America.
>>451341 >no one is responsible for creating more slaves than the slaves themselves topkek >I think slavery should be relegalized, it wasn't really that bad I don't know about relegalization, but it should be marginalized for sure.
picking cotton is very easy it doesn't really count as work
>>451346 >In opposition to slavery: 1) It brought niggers to America Horrible idea and not a good trade off, indeed.
>>451341 Slavery, like immigration, is detrimental to workers.
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>>456139 the populations that do the enslaving only benefit from the enslaving, unless they are retarded like white people were, and don't do it properly
>>456140 Again, like immigration, only plutocrats benefit.
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>>456142 not really, slavery is the natural state of humans, it was around for as long as organize society was, ancient peoples couldn't have afforded the manipulative behaviors done today
>>451341 >I think slavery should be relegalized, it wasn't really that bad We need to enslave game developers
We need to enslave the children
>>456143 I had a whole post written out but the site ate it. I can't really condense it and I'm not going to write it again. I'm sorry. I did enjoy thinking about it and I hope you change your stance. I changed mine because slavery requires keeping undesirables in your society and also for economic reasons. Those two were the gist of my post.
>>456186 My slavery is castration standard, slavery is also a way for lower ethnic groups' genes to be incorporated into your genome in a way that your population losses nothing You fuck your female slaves if you want more slaves and you also cut the balls your sons. Whites have a hard time with that due higher empathy as a an ethnic group
>>456189 At what point of lower ethnic group admixture do slaves stop being considered a lower ethnicity only worthy of slavery? 1/32? One drop rule? If one-drop, what do you do when the slave population is indistinguishable from the free?
>>456190 Until they are indistinguishable from the Native ethnic group of course
>>456190 >If one-drop, what do you do when the slave population is indistinguishable from the free? Oh im okay with them being free at point of indistinguishability, although im open to augmentations that makes them a slave caste forever, like helmets that constrict their brain to develop in a certain way Always will need disposable people, also in this hypothetical world people take steps to ensure their offspring are cognitively better off than they are and mentally healthy on the genetic level so they have to worry about the decline and subsequently the Moses story arc happening again
>>456194 Will not have worry*
>>456192 Actual assimilation. An interesting idea. Unfortunately it is likely that part way through this uplifting process, bad actors will stir people up and put an end to this benevolent process. >>456194 >augmentations that makes them a slave caste forever One of the issues with enslaving your own population is that the only acceptable people to enslave are criminals. Then which crimes it is okay punish with slavery. Unless the slavery is state run AND the state is benevolent, there is incentive to create slaves. If there aren't enough criminals who've committed crimes punishable by slavery, the number of crimes punished with slavery will increase.
>>456197 Worked for the Arabs Yeah that makes sense, but im talking about slaves you take as spoils of Conquest and the offspring born from the slave women there after Tho im not opposed to the lobotomization of criminals in order to make them effective slaves but criminal being thrown around more and more will come to be being poor is a crime
>>456199 I was unaware that the Arabs bred the African slave women that they imported. Apparently up to 10% of Arab blood is negro. I don't really have anything more to contribute. Good talking to you though.
>>456202 They had a bunch of different ethnic groups as slaves, point is none of them are around them now and they stayed what they were Sure, always nice to talk to someone that doesn't argue against cutting off thier balls because they need high t for thier job or some dumb shit
>>451341 >1) the blacks taken to america by slavers were already slaves in africa. frankly, they probably got a better life as slaves in america than in malaria infested africa And then America had niggers in it. Sorry, pass.

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