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Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 07:04:54 No. 453579
When the fuck are these escooter fuckers going to go out of business? I'm so goddamned sick of these things piled up on the sidewalk getting in my goddamned way.
>>453579 get iron boots driven by pneumatic pumps. Stomp them gits inta dust.
This is like in games when you keep spawning in a bunch of the same object
Maybe a better question is: with these things littered around every major city, how can we exploit them?
>>453579 When kikes stop price gouging cars, an invention that has been around for over 123 years.
>>453606 uh, set them on fire? the lithium ion batteries burn hot as hell, and take a long time to burn out that pic you posted? thats an expensive melted sidewalk repair, or worse, building or car fires started by those firebombs waiting to happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OvkNbbHGnQ oh yeah, EV car fires are fun too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLtkTp4GVuE why they did not build them using LiFePO4? I think LiFePO4 took longer to develop and batteries built using it weigh a lot more due to the iron and phosphorus compared to lithium Ion batteries https://leaptrend.com/blogs/news/can-lifepo4-batteries-catch-fire like a Tesla built using LiFePO4 batteries would weigh nearly 3,000 kg, and there goes your 0-60 in 3 seconds and 500 km battery driving range but yeah, search for videos of EV buses or scooters, bikes, motorcycles, cars, etc erupting into infernos, they are fun to watch just do not keep one of those things in your house if the battery charger does not shut off once the battery is charged leaving those things charging on a system that does not disengage the charge circuit when the battery is charged (as used to be the case with really cheap scooters, bikes, motorcycles, and EVs made in China), which causes their batteries to overheat at night (most likely when you are sleeping, unless you are like me lol), and just wait for the fireworks to begin as the place erupts into flames lol
>>453579 Take them home. Take them apart. Sell the pieces.
>>453579 they go out of business, we might not be eating in 2030 https://www.dw.com/en/floods-in-germany/t-58300604 I see on this site a scooter with a carrying handle https://fluidfreeride.com/blogs/news/electric-scooters-journey-from-gadget-to-transport that looks better to me than all those Lime things littering the sidewalks those things are big, bulky, not built with carrying handles, just in the way when you walking around downtown but yeah, I would like to be able to eat food in another 6 years and if putting up with those scooters littering the sidewalks makes that happen, I can tolerate them
>>453579 They're all dying, just like the AI "driveless car" bullshit. It just takes a while for the companies to fold. 2024 will be horrific for all of these companies.
>>454788 Global warming doesn't real, and your a retarded cowardly faggot. Grow some balls pussy
uh, bad news https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/electric-scooters-market not going out of business any time soon

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