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I am a TikTok Spammer, Hello Everyone. Yakuza 12/17/2023 (Sun) 19:30:53 No. 453824
Emojitroon lost.
Nasty Nastassia Won.
>>453825 >the cop Shit infuriates me as a tax payer
>>454321 but as a Criminal I am emboldened
>/cow/ feels comfortable posting here now can finally write this board off as a success story.
>>454333 Why dont you bitch about it some more lcp. Again no one likes you.
>>453824 >>453824 I fuck blond bitches like that big ass mirror selfie bitch in the ass They best bent over doggy in front of you while you fucking em Make em cum in they pussy first then pull out n stick u cock in they ass and it feel good
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>>453824 >this thread I will never understand how women can be this stupid. It's out there forever, ladies. I know they have a hard time with the concept of accountability, but surely they understand consequences resulting from one's actions by now.
>>454495 what are the supposedly bad consequences for having nude photos online? They don't exist in the modern age, they didn't really exist in 2000 while the (user friendly) internet was in its infancy. You think this is going to stop her from getting a decent job? It won't. A husband? It won't. Into a decent school? Schools do not care, they just want the tuition. It'll embarrass her children or they'll be teased about it? They absolutely won't. People will send her nudes to her older family members? People don't do that and it's fucking weird that anyone would send nudes to people's family. These are not the first people in history to pose nude for photos or video, they lived consequence free lives as well. I was also one of those people that tried to police my younger cousins from putting risky content out with the threat that it lasts for ever. No one says anything to me about people I know online antics, and it's not true that it'll last forever because I encounter people looking for lost media frequently. Things can and do disappear online without being archived anywhere, not every titty pic is being saved.
>>454495 the solution to this problem will be raising the age of consent to 25 so women have more of a chance to mature and make better decisions.
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>>454507 that bait is so bad that THAT'S what made me rage
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>>454506 >You think this is going to stop her from getting a decent job? Not the one she wants. >A husband? Not the one she wants. >It'll embarrass her children or they'll be teased about it? They absolutely won't They absolutely are. I've read more than a few accounts of OF dumpsters getting outraged because their kids were made fun of or shunned for having a whore for a mother. I can't get archive.is to load, but here's just one link I found when I searched for "onlyfans child bullied" https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/lifestyle/family-kids/son-left-depressed-suicidal-after-24643350 >People will send her nudes to her older family members? People don't do that and it's fucking weird that anyone would send nudes to people's family. Heard of plenty of that going on, as well. >not every titty pic is being saved They don't HAVE to be; they're there for anyone to look up anytime they want to find them. Are you a female, by the way? Because that whole string of ignorance sounds like it came from the keyboard of some gal who thinks being a whore is "liberating"
>>454570 >sons jerking it to their moms Not bad not bad, i d pay one of these whores to fuck their kids tbh, after the kid was 18 of course
Wikieat is dead
>>453824 oh yeah, that fat ass blond taking the selfie that is prone bone material

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