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George R. R. Martin Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 22:18:22 No. 454388
is this guy ever going to finish those Game of Thrones books?
>>454388 Probably not, money is not a factor for him anymore, he isn't like Tolkien, he doesn't care about the world he made
>>454388 I thought he was dead. I'm sad to hear he is still alive.
>>454388 Theory: the end of the TV show was close enough to how he really wanted to end the series that he knows he will be murdered if he commits those narrative atrocities to print.
>>454388 We will get The Winds of Winter, but probably not the final book. GRRM never intended to be chained to his desk for the entirety of his life, and he started his career in television and seems to love that more than being a novelist. He will do another world wide press run for Winds, visit more conventions, late night talk shows, write yet another show for HBO, play around with his movie theater and his rail road company, maybe write another video game, edit more books or piece together anthologies of stories from his friends. A Dream of Spring will remain just that, a dream. >>454426 Nah, he's stated one fan has figured out the ending, General consensus seems to point to one online thread. And he's said he would never change the ending no matter what, which I actually do believe. I don't think the ending matters as much as how we, or the characters, get there. The directors ruined the journey by rushing to get to Starwars and Disney, but GRRM won't if he ever actually writes it.
>>454437 He hasnt written a story in 12 years. You are a fucking retard.
>>454440 I read A Song For Lya, and based on that I'm pretty sure he hasn't written a story in 40 years.
>>454440 Are you retarded? Just check his bibliography he's written plenty of recent works and I already mentioned Elden Ring and the TV shows. The problem is that people only care about asoiaf and nothing else and he cares about several different things.
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>>454388 He has categorically stated that he fucking hates everyone who loved that series and that he won't be finishing it. So the canon ending is the rush job those kikes did on the final season of the show.
>>454499 Checked. Oy vey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>454388 >ever caring about books written by jews
Vai Todo Mundo se Fuder

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