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Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 02:59:57 No. 454792
What causes girls to have huge labia like that?
>>454792 It means if they were guys they would a big pepe
Cheese Pussy caused this
>>454792 Those are balls, you fag.
That's not the labia, that's the Mons Pubis, commonly called the Mound of Venus. You're supposed to see it from the back like that. And maybe someday you will.
>>454834 yeah, that position always gets me going too fast, and I gotta pull out so I dont blow early but then stick it back in, give it a few thrusts, hold up for a second, reach around and give her clit a bunch of good rubs and get her insides bouncing around and let it go, and whoo hoo! hahaha
>>454845 >Using the phrase "little" sister implies she's underage somehow, and thus the post is pedoshit I have a "little" brother, and he's 23. You're being retarded, Vamp. t. Head
>>454874 Check deleted posts itt.
>>454876 I did. There's nothing even contestable before my post. The only vaguely potentially pedo thing said was "cheese pussy", which is still up, wasn't responded to, and was posted by someone else. I checked the history of that bypass of your alleged pedofag, and it has nothing but shitposting and questions about bestiality. What are you smoking? t. HEAD
>>454899 >Before my post Yeah. I know. That's why when I deleted a pedo post at 3 am last night I said "bro check deleted posts" So. Do that. Or honestly don't if you don't feel like it. Either way I'm happy tbh. Anyway how's your day going?
>>454792 pic looks weirdly familiar... is the sauce video a chick with curly hair smoking weed?
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>>454901 onii-chan why are you such a fucking faggot holy shit
>>454901 >So. Do that. Are you just going to pretend you can't read the first two words of my post? Are you seriously going to intentionally misinterpret "nothing contestable" as "no posts at all" so you can pretend I'm the one intentionally being retarded by not looking at the deleted posts when I clearly did? What, are, you, smoking?
>>454915 Also, stop feeding trolls. This is interwebs 101, Vamp. I can tell you know this was a mistake since you deleted this post, so you should very well know some random retard calling you a commie tranny niggerjew for no reason means abso-fucking-lutely nothing. You run /b/ for Christ's sake. Do not become Acid and start thinking that "calling out trolls makes then go away, I swear!".
>>454964 Goddamn dude. You are killing me. Okay lemme break this down for you. >Dude makes borderline post. Prolly fine. I kill it. You bitch. Lcp responds to your bitching with pedoshit because you can't just use the meta thread apparently so instead post what is essentially bait for lcp. I deleted it and tell you to check deleted posts to see it so you can understand why bitching here creates the exact problem we both don't want. And now you make three posts saying "nigger you crazy" bitch! You fucking crazy. Now either look or again fucking don't. But don't bitch to me about your inability to fucking use your goddamn eyes. Fucking hell. Goddamn. Head always looking to pick a fight for literally no goddamn reason other than he's a fuckwit. Ungrateful cocksucking fairy ass bastard motherfucker. Nigger you wanna do something helpful for me for once? Shut the fuck up and go find Chai for fucks sakes. Fucking asshole.
>>454965 >Don't feed the trolls ITS GODDAMN /B/ The board is a troll board. It exists to troll people. Me, you, lcp, random anons. It doesn't matter. That's the fucking point of the board bro. Get it through your thick fucking skull. What you call "feeding the trolls" I call doing my goddamn job and creating an environment where trolling occurs. If that means playing the straight man, or baiting trolls then that's what I do. Look man. Go get your dick sucked and stop being a faggot or something. Grab a beer and have fucking fun. Personally I'm having a ball. Why the fuck aren't you? WHY YOU MAKE ME SAY THIS SHIT FIRST THING IN THE FUCKING MORNING!?
>>454967 >>Dude makes borderline post That is the point of contention, that you have yet to properly address. The post was not anywhere near borderline. >Lcp responds to your bitching with pedoshit because you can't just use the meta thread apparently so instead post what is essentially bait for lcp. I deleted it and tell you to check deleted posts to see it so you can understand why bitching here creates the exact problem we both don't want. LCP shows up regardless, and would latch on to anything even remotely related. If you're going to get upset that people post things the pedonigger might respond to, you may as well ban loli. >And now you make three posts saying "nigger you crazy" bitch! You are. You deleted a post that had nothing to do with pedophilia for pedophilia. LCP may not have showed up if I hadn't responded, but I wouldn't have responded if you didn't bring up pedoshit in the first place when it was not present, so by your logic of blaming people for things that could lead to LCP posting, you're at fault. >Head always looking to pick a fight for literally no goddamn reason other than he's a fuckwit. I am Head, and I quit. Picking fights and trolling is fun and this is /b/. If that upsets you, you ought to run a different board. If you think think I'm just doing this to piss people off because I'm a fuckwit, congratulations, that's trolling which you just endorsed in your very next post. Based on how you ignored the point of my original complaint to instead bring up some tangential and illogical idea that no one should post anything that LCP could potentially respond to, which you think is entirely implied by the phrase "Check deleted posts itt.", you seem to be failing to communicate clearly in a way that leaves me to believe you may be suffering from one of those mental conditions where you think people know all the things you're thinking. I imagine that's why you fall for bait so easily when some retard calls you a schizo for no reason, because it hit the target. >>454969 >I fell for the bait on purpose, to encourage trolling >That's why I deleted my own post afterwords and the person trolling me You know what you did was retarded, but simply refuse to admit it, and are doubling down. I am speechless at this point.
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>>454969 >Personally I'm having a ball. Why the fuck aren't you? Yes, your redtexting and deleting your own responses to bait very much say you're having fun and are very not mad. I believe you now. This line convinced me.
>>454975 >I quit Great. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out asshole.
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>>454980 This is /b/. I'll ass slam any doors I want.
>>454981 Yeah you'd like having your ass slammed.
>>454982 Oh God, it's trying to ERP.
>>454983 You wish.
>>454984 No U.
>>454985 Not really. I already have a clingy gf.
>>454792 It's a roastie
thats a dude faggot
>>454792 That's a man
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>>454792 Those are balls.
>>455583 Stop trying to trick op if he actually believes you it could mess him up for life, ignore them anon these are femanons messing with you puffy pussies are hot and you're right to think about them
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You can see the labia You guys are faggots that. Can not stop seeing dick everywhere
>>455644 I need would need more if i were to fap Tho that tng scene made no sense how did his cells survive not getting blood to them for what it would have been days

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