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Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:40:54 No. 455167
This film is fucking strange. Who wrote it; Bill Maher?
>>455167 Probably a Jew
>>455168 You're literally a stupid retard. Like seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
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>>455230 everything from hollywoo is from a jew tho
>>455167 Maher's brain is too melted from decades of booze and marijuana. All he can imagine is a Middle East free of Palestine and an American Jew US president. This woman and her husband wrote Barbie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greta_Gerwig
>>455230 >written by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach >[Noah's] father, Jonathan Baumbach, was Jewish you absolute moron
>>455167 >strange How so. Strange is not a word I'd use to describe it. It is a film that shows how/why feminism is bad, but then doesn't have the self-awareness to realize that's what it has done. It shows that male values are superior, and then retreats to its cesspit of "moral superiority".
>>455241 It is all over the place like Bill Maher and exaggerates both matriarchy and patriarchy.
>whining about a girly film online Jesus Christ, losers. Get a life.
>>455241 spoken like a true incel
>>455327 Somebody's whiny today. What's the matter, lose your dilator?
>>455331 < I'm actually more of a fedora-tipping faggot, but with a real fedora and not a trilby. Ken's arc is a parable for second-wave feminism: Ken is a member of a class of kept men in his society, but he feels unfulfilled by his life of privilege. So, he goes to school and learns about this thing that will make his life better. He imposes this thing upon his world, and it destroys his society. That's the story of feminism, the creators are just idiots women. Now, I realize that I just said that "the patriarchy" that Ken creates represents feminism, but the creators wanted that to be patriarchy. And, in doing so, they show that patriarchy is a better system: Ken roflstomps the Barbie world within a day. In addition, it takes waterboarding to convince the barbies that they don't want to live under patriarchy: Barbie and her human feminazi kidnap the barbies individually and torture them into wanting a return to the prior system. The creators demonstrate the natural superiority of whatever this "patriarchy" thing that they oppose is. They are jews who want to shit on a canvas and call it art.
(1.23 MB 1280x714 I'M JUST KEN.webm)

Ken just got a nomination. Im not even joking!
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>>455167 Still haven't watched it

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