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Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 22:28:02 No. 455674
Fuck the modern internet. All places are either full with bots or with people that act and talk like bots or both.
>>455674 Even "alternative" sites and social media are run and they're full with tumblrinas and zoomers, same groups of people that ruined the internet
>>455674 Mainstream internet its turning edgier as time passes, imageboards will be replaced for something else eventually. Yeah, you cant write nigger but the intention is there.
>>455678 its just imageboards like this that will die off if they don't go back to filling the niche of being the edgiest place to be. 4chan isn't hurting for users because the desire for that kind of environment is more powerful than the efforts to suppress it there. the only reason 8moe turned into a platform for people to virtue signal over how holier than thou they are rather than a bastion of depravity is because mark in all his wisdom connected his love for lolicon with his real identity and now has to spend the rest of his life trying to walk it back. and since hes bankrolling this piece of shit it all exists in service of him instead of the actual users just like all the companies that are taking esg money are serving their investors rather than their customers.
>>455680 the niche of deeply mentally ill people with no regards to morality is largw, but is it large enough to sustain multiple mediocre imageboards with the negative attention it recieves from law enforcement and mainstream media?
>>455681 no which is why everyone is consolidating on the defacto mediocre imageboard while they wait for a better alternative.
>>455694 i just dont predict some altchan rising up and changing the world, what unique gimmick could you offer that would make it worth it
>>455680 >>455681 >>455694 >>455711 Holy samefag, this is pathetic.

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