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Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 00:43:05 No. 455909
Why ex coomers suddenly go full anti-porn to a schizo level, to the point that they see everything as porn? Especially since most of them are still in sexualized art and be fully denial about said art being sexualized?
>>455909 Probably because everything made by a population under dysgenics is porn
>>455909 >ex coomers suddenly go full anti-porn to a schizo level, to the point that they see everything as porn [citation needed]
>>455909 Because porn is just another theater for political spergery as a pretext for colouring your side the morally superior one in front of NPCs.
>>455909 >Why do people that realize degeneracy is bad for everyone suddenly take a hard stance against degeneracy It is a mystery.
>>455962 I want porn where antifa gets painal from bbcs and then maga chads come in and painal the bucks
>>456029 >"Waaaaaaah! Being sexually healthy is degeneracy!" We get it, you're gay.
>>456037 Do you happen to be Jewish or a Tranny? Because the same people who say jerking off is healthy are the same people who say transitioning is healthy and everyone knows this is not true unless they are lying to themselves because they don't want to admit that there is something flawed about them when they are unable to muster the restraint to not touch their cock
>>456042 I don't know dude. I hate women and don't want to be compelled to deal with them I don't think that is the same as being inculcated into a death cult that tests purity by mutilating yourself
>>456043 Yea this. Zoo is fine and even poly freaks are fine and sluts and stuff what's not fine is when people lie to eachother or don't ask for consent like when a slut pretends she loves a dork just for his money or when that dork finally snaps and rapes her. They're both bad people (the dork obviously more so).
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Well, some people seem to operate on the principle that nagging everybody like a faggy bitch makes you virtuous.
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>>455909 ok coomer
>>456037 >Jacking off to preggo toons is healthy Yeah, nah brah.
It's overcorrection and it's everywhere. >typical 2007 /b/tard becomes a wholesome uwu softboi (or even worse, a tranny) instead of just toning it down without losing his balls >coomer who beat his dick raw to shitting dick nipples starts acting like a 1700s puritan, rather than simply cutting back on porn >gamer suddenly abandons vidya altogether and starts trying way too hard to become a normalfag, as if you can't enjoy games and have a social life at the same time
>>455909 >ex-coomers people who are still cooming do the same shit. at this point when a man starts complaining about trannies i'm assuming he is ashamed of whatever it is he faps to, be it trannies or something else
Right-wingers are so lazy when it comes to IRL activism that they considerate no touching yourself some kind of resistance against the New world order
>>455909 They're in recovery and cannot moderate their impulses. Everything makes them aroused so they project this onto others. It's like former alcoholics who rail against bars and say everyone in them is a drunkard. They can't imagine some people have self control.

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